
#' Request Student's Ticket Threads
#' @param handle An active session established with \link{composeNexusHandle}
#' @param student_netid Student's netId
#' @param page Default \code{1}, the page of results to request
#' @return A JSON list
#' @export
getTicketList <- function(handle, student_netid, page = 1) {
  conversations <- netmathtools2::getRequest(
    handle        = handle,
    route         = "cerb/tickets",
    page          = page,
    status        = "All",
    student_netId = student_netid


#' Request a Specific Student Ticket
#' @param handle An active session established with \link{composeNexusHandle}
#' @param ticket_id The unique ticket_id of the
#' @return A JSON list
#' @export
getTicketMessages <- function(handle, ticket_id) {
  ticket <- netmathtools2::getRequest(
    handle = handle,
    route  = file.path("cerb/tickets", ticket_id, "messages")


#' Get Students' Progress
#' @param handle An active session established with \link{composeNexusHandle}
#' @param students A \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}} returned by \link{getStudents}
#' @return A \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}} with the same columns and some
#'     progress metrics appended
#' @export
#' @import data.table
getStudentsProgress <- function(handle, students) {

  if (!requireNamespace("data.table", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("`data.table` needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)

  students_dt <- data.table::as.data.table(students)

  # get all the grades and then limit to only the homeworks
  all_grades    <- sapply(students$id, netmathtools2::getGrades, handle = handle, simplify = FALSE)
  all_notebooks <- sapply(all_grades, `[[`, "homeworks", simplify = FALSE)
  all_exams     <- sapply(all_grades, function(student_rec) {

    # make a list of all the exams, including the final
    exams <- c(student_rec$exams, list(student_rec$finalExam))

    # if the list is all nulls, this indicates its probably an EGR student
    # which doesn't have that field initialized, we fake it
    if (length(Filter(Negate(is.null), exams)) == 0L) {
      exams[[1]] <- list(name = "Final Exam")

    # examine each record and attach either the score or an indicator that
    # it hasn't been taken
    exam_records <- sapply(exams, function(exam_rec) {
      score <- ifelse(is.null(exam_rec$score), "Not Taken", exam_rec$score)
      exam  <- paste0(exam_rec$name, ": ", score)

    # collapse with a break tag so that we can  use a single column for all exams
    # but they will all display on one line in the browser, wrap in a span that
    # disables line breaks
    break_exam <- paste0(exam_records, collapse = "<br>")
    html_exam  <- sprintf("<span style='white-space:nowrap'>%s<span>", break_exam)

    # convert to a data table for easier stacking in the next step
    html_exam_recs <- data.table::data.table(exams = html_exam)

  }, simplify = FALSE)


  # combine the exams into a data.table for merge later downstream
  exams_dt <- data.table::rbindlist(all_exams, idcol = "id")

  # filter out only homeworks (throw out "Reading") and limit to the current course
  progress_ls <- list()
  student_ids <- names(all_notebooks)
  if (all(sapply(all_notebooks, length) == 0)) {

  } else {
    for (k in seq_along(all_notebooks)) {
      student_id <- student_ids[k]
      student    <- students_dt[student_id == id]
      notebooks  <- all_notebooks[[student_id]]

      if (length(notebooks) == 0) {

      progress_ls[[student_id]] <- netmathtools2::extractStudentProgress(
        notebooks      = notebooks,
        course_id      = student$mathable_course_id,
        days_left      = student$end_days

  # merge in the exams
  student_exam_dt <- merge(students_dt, exams_dt, by = "id", all.x = TRUE)

  # merge in the student progress
  progress <- data.table::rbindlist(progress_ls, idcol = "id")
  if (nrow(progress) > 0L) {
    student_progress <- merge(progress, student_exam_dt, by = "id", all.y = TRUE)
  } else {
    student_progress <- student_exam_dt

  # calculate the comparisons to where they should be
  student_progress[!is.na(mathable_course_id), `:=`(
    tryits_behind  = expected_complete - completed_assignments,
    lessons_behind = should_lesson - at_lesson,
    current_pace   = completed_assignments / start_days

  # produce a plain-english interpretation of what their current pace is
  student_progress[!is.na(mathable_course_id), current_pace_interp := sapply(current_pace, currentPaceCompose)]

  # calculate what their needed pace to finish on time is
  student_progress[end_days > 0L & !is.na(mathable_course_id), `:=`(
    needed_pace = (total_assignments - completed_assignments) / end_days

  # produce a plain-english interpretation of what their needed pace is
  student_progress[end_days > 0L & !is.na(mathable_course_id), `:=`(
    needed_pace_interp = needPaceCompose(needed_pace)


currentPaceCompose <- function(current_pace, interval = 0.5) {
  cp_long <- round(1 / current_pace / interval) * interval
  cp_short <- round(current_pace / interval) * interval
  short_plural <- sapply(cp_short, function(x) ifelse(x != 1, "s", ""), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  pace_interp <- sapply(current_pace, function(x) {
    if (is.null(x) || is.nan(x) || is.na(x)) {
      msg <- "Not Applicable"
    } else if (round(x, 4) == 0) {
      msg <- "have not submitted any Try Its"
    } else if (x < 1) {
      msg <- paste("have been submitting a Try It every", cp_long, "days")
    } else {
      msg <- paste0("have been submitting ", cp_short, " Try It", short_plural, " a day")

needPaceCompose <- function(needed_pace, interval = 0.5) {
  np <- ceiling(needed_pace / interval) * interval
  np_plural <- sapply(np, function(x) ifelse(x != 1, "s", ""), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

  msg <- mapply(function(np, np_plural) {
    if (is.null(np) || is.nan(np) || is.na(np)) {
      msg <- "Not Applicable"
    } else {
      msg <- paste0("need to submit an average of ", np, " Try It", np_plural, " a day")

  }, np, np_plural)


#' Get a Student's Grades
#' @param handle An active session established with \link{composeNexusHandle}
#' @param student_id A character string
#' @return A JSON list
#' @export
getGrades <- function(handle, student_id) {

  req <- file.path("students", student_id, "grades")
  res <- netmathtools2::getRequest(handle, req)


#' Get a Mentor's Students
#' @param handle An active session established with \link{composeNexusHandle}
#' @param net_id A character string
#' @return A \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}}
#' @export
#' @import data.table
getStudents <- function(handle, net_id) {

  if (!requireNamespace("data.table", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("`data.table` needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)

  students_ls <- netmathtools2::getRequest(
    handle       = handle,
    route        = "students",
    mentor.netId = net_id

  # use a custom extractor to pull out specific information from the list
  students_detail_ls <- lapply(students_ls, netmathtools2::extractStudent, handle = handle)
  students_detail    <- data.table::rbindlist(students_detail_ls, fill = TRUE)

  orientation_dates_utc <- as.POSIXct(
    x      = students_detail$orientation_date,
    tz     = "UTC",
    format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OSZ"

  students_detail$orientation_date <- as.Date(as.POSIXlt(
    x  = orientation_dates_utc,
    tz = "America/Chicago"


#' Execute a GET request
#' @param handle An active session established with \link{composeNexusHandle}
#' @param route A character string
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed in the url
#' @return A JSON list
#' @export
getRequest <- function(handle, route, where = "nexus", ...) {

  if (!requireNamespace("curl", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("`curl` needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)

  if (!requireNamespace("jsonlite", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("`jsonlite` needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)

  # compose the request url, get the arguments and convert to named list
  args    <- unlist(list(...))
  if (missing(...)) {
    arg_str <- ""
  } else {
    arg_str <- paste0(paste0(names(args), "=", purrr::map_chr(args, URLencode, reserved = TRUE)), collapse = "&")

  if (where == "nexus") {
    endpoint <- netmathtools2:::api_endpoint
  } else if (where == "mathable") {
    endpoint <- netmathtools2:::mathable_endpoint
  req_url <- sprintf("%s/%s?%s", endpoint, route, arg_str)

  # perform the request
  res <- curl::curl_fetch_memory(req_url, handle = handle)

  # check the status code

  # extract the content
  # don't try to flatten the list, but convert arrays to atomic vectors
  content <- jsonlite::fromJSON(
    txt               = rawToChar(res$content),
    flatten           = FALSE,
    simplifyDataFrame = FALSE,
    simplifyVector    = TRUE


#' Get the specifics of a notebook
#' @param handle Valid Mathable curl handle
#' @param student_netid Student's Id
#' @param notebook_id Mathable Notebook Id
#' @return
#' @export
getMathableNotebook <- function(handle, student_netid, notebook_id) {

  prefix <- ifelse(grepl("_HS_", notebook_id, ignore.case = TRUE), "NetmathPHS", "UIUC")

  if (student_netid %in% c("rant2")) {
    prefix <- "UIUC"

  res <- netmathtools2::getRequest(
      handle   = handle
    , where    = "mathable"
    , route    = "GetGradebookNotebook"
    , notebook = paste0('"', notebook_id, '"')
    , student  = paste0('"Users/', prefix, '_', student_netid, '"')

  if (is.null(res$d$Results)) {
    warning(sprintf("Notebook %s for %s doesn't exist", notebook_id, student_netid))

  if (length(res$d$Results) == 0) {


#' Get Mathable Course Information
#' @param netid Mentor NetID
#' @param student_courseid Student's Mathable Course ID
#' @return
#' @export
getMathableCourse <- function(netid, student_courseid) {
  h <- composeMathableHandle(netid)

  res <- netmathtools2::getRequest(
      handle   = h
    , where    = "mathable"
    , route    = "GetCourse"
    , courseId = paste0('"', student_courseid, '"')


getAllMathable <- function(netid, students) {
McClellandLegge/netmathtools2 documentation built on May 21, 2019, 2:31 a.m.