
Defines functions matchEctdColNames setEctdPossibleColNames getEctdPossibleColNames resetEctdColNames setEctdColName getEctdColName setEctdExternalPath getEctdExternalPath setEctdDataMethod getEctdDataMethod setEctdDateFormat getEctdDateFormat setEctdVerbose getEctdVerbose setEctdLogFile getEctdLogFile

Documented in getEctdColName getEctdDataMethod getEctdDateFormat getEctdExternalPath getEctdLogFile getEctdPossibleColNames getEctdVerbose matchEctdColNames resetEctdColNames setEctdColName setEctdDataMethod setEctdDateFormat setEctdExternalPath setEctdLogFile setEctdPossibleColNames setEctdVerbose


## Set the Environment - this code executes on build to ensure it exists in the MSToolkit library!

# This line sets the initial (empty) environment
.ectdEnv <- new.env( )

# This line sets the default "logging" file to "ectd.log"
assign( "logfile", "ectd.log", envir = .ectdEnv )

# This line sets the default "verbose" behaviour, which determines the amount of logging performed
# This is used, in particular, when errors are generated
assign( "verbose", FALSE, envir = .ectdEnv )

# This line sets the default data format (used for the format of data in the logging)
assign( "dateFormat","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS4" , envir = .ectdEnv )

# This sets the current data storage method
assign("dataStoreMethod", "CSV", envir = .ectdEnv)

# This sets the default column names
    Subject = list(
      Name = "SUBJ",
      Other = "ID",
      Default = "SUBJ"
    Time = list(
      Name = "TIME",
      Other = c("DAY", "WEEK"),
      Default = "TIME"
    Dose = list(
      Name = "DOSE",
      Other = "",
      Default = "DOSE"
    Interim = list(
      Name = "INTERIM",
      Other = "",
      Default = "INTERIM"
    ParOmit = list(
      Name = "PAROMIT",
      Other = "",
      Default = "PAROMIT"
    RespOmit = list(
      Name = "RESPOMIT",
      Other = "",
      Default = "RESPOMIT"
    Response = list(
      Name = "RESP",
      Other = "DV",
      Default = "RESP"
    Trt = list(
      Name = "TRT",
      Other = "",
      Default = "TRT"
    Missing = list(
      Name = "MISSING",
      Other = "",
      Default = "MISSING"
    Replicate = list(
      Name = "Replicate",
      Other = "TRIAL",
      Default = "Replicate"
    DrugName = list(
      Name = "DRUGNAME",
      Other = "",
      Default = "DRUGNAME"
    Drug = list(
      Name = "DRUG",
      Other = "",
      Default = "DRUG"
  envir = .ectdEnv


# This sets the paths of external system
## Read the paths of external system
external_path <- ini::read.ini(here::here("inst/ECTD.ini"))

## Convert the original format to dataframe
external_path <- tibble::rownames_to_column(data.frame(unlist(external_path)))

## Correct the name of paths and the format of the paths
n <- nrow(external_path)
for (i in 1:n){
  if(i <= n) {
    external_path[i,1] <- gsub("\\..*","",external_path[i,1])
    se_remove <- gsub(",$","",external_path[i,2])
    external_path[i,2] <- gsub("([[:print:]])\\1+","\\1",se_remove)

ectdIni <- tidyr::pivot_wider(external_path,
                              names_from = names(external_path[1]),
                              values_from = names(external_path[2]))

## Assign the external paths
assign("externalPaths", ectdIni, envir = .ectdEnv)

## The rest of this script sets the access functions for the meta layer

# get or set the logfile
getEctdLogFile <- function()
  get("logfile", envir = .ectdEnv)

setEctdLogFile <- function(file) {
  if (missing(file))
    ectdStop("Must provide log file")
  assign("logfile", file, envir = .ectdEnv)

# get or set the verbose
getEctdVerbose <- function()
  get("verbose", envir = .ectdEnv)

#' MSToolkit package options
#' Options used by the MSToolkit package to control the logfile, the amount of
#' messages that are written in the logfile, and the format of the date.
#' The three function write and read information from the (not exported)
#' environment \code{.ectdEnv}.  These settings are mainly used by the (not
#' exported) \code{.log} function.
#' @aliases setEctdVerbose setEctdLogFile setEctdDateFormat getEctdVerbose
#' getEctdLogFile getEctdDateFormat
#' @param verbose (Required) A logical value.  If set to TRUE, messages are
#' sent to the logfile during the process of generating the data and analyzing
#' it. Set to \code{TRUE} when attaching the package.
#' @return The function (invisibly) returns the previous value of the
#' arguments.
#' @seealso \code{\link{options}} provides a similar mechanism for R options.
#' @keywords IO
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   oldverb <- setEctdVerbose( TRUE )
#'   olddf   <- setEctdDateFormat("%Y")
#'   oldlf   <- setEctdLogFile("mstoolkit.log")
#'   for( i in 1:100 ) {
#'     MSToolkit:::.log( paste("some message:", i) )
#'   }
#'   file.show( getEctdLogFile() )
#'   setEctdVerbose   (oldverb)
#'   setEctdDateFormat(olddf  )
#'   setEctdLogFile   (oldlf  )
#' }
#' @export
setEctdVerbose <- function(verbose) {
  if (missing(verbose))
    ectdStop("Must provide verbose flag")
  assign("verbose", verbose, envir = .ectdEnv)

# get or set the dateFormat
getEctdDateFormat <- function()
  get("dateFormat", envir = .ectdEnv)

setEctdDateFormat <- function(format) {
  if (missing(format))
    ectdStop("Date format must be provided")
  assign("dateFormat", format, envir = .ectdEnv)

# Get or set the data storage method
getEctdDataMethod <-
    get("dataStoreMethod", envir = .ectdEnv)

#' Current data storage method
#' Gets and sets the current "data storage" method, used for the storage of
#' simulated trial data
#' Gets (getEctdDataMethod) and sets (setEctdDataMethod) the current "data
#' storage" method, used for the storage of simulated trial data. The choices
#' of storage method are: * CSV - Replicate data stored in seperate CSV files
#' outside of R * RData - Replicate data stored in seperate RData files outside
#' of R * Internal - Replicate data stored as a list of data frames in an
#' internal environment (.ectdEnv$DataStore)
#' Note: The data storage only impacts replicate data - micro and macro
#' evaluation data is always held as CSV files
#' @aliases setEctdDataMethod getEctdDataMethod
#' @param method (Required) The data storage method to use (either 'CSV',
#' 'RData' or 'Internal'
#' @return The "getEctdDataMethod" function returns the current data method
#' ("CSV", "RData" or "Internal") The "setEctdDataMethod" function invisibly
#' returns the method that has just been set as the default
#' @keywords IO
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' 	nowMethod <- getEctdDataMethod()
#' 	setEctdDataMethod("CSV")
#' 	getEctdDataMethod()
#' 	setEctdDataMethod("RData")
#' 	getEctdDataMethod()
#' 	setEctdDataMethod("Internal")
#' 	getEctdDataMethod()
#' 	setEctdDataMethod(nowMethod)
#' }
#' @export
setEctdDataMethod <- function(method) {
  if (missing(method))
    ectdStop("Must provide a data storage method: 'CSV', 'RData' or 'Internal'")
  method <- match.arg(method, c("CSV", "RData", "Internal"))
  assign("dataStoreMethod", method, envir = .ectdEnv)

#' @export
# Get & Set external execution path
getEctdExternalPath <- function(pathName) {
  getPaths <- get("externalPaths", envir = .ectdEnv)
  if (missing(pathName)) {
  else {
    if (!is.character(pathName) ||
        length(pathName) != 1)
      ectdStop("Single character value should be provided as the 'pathName' input")
    if (any(pathName %in% names(getPaths))){
      return(noquote(strsplit(getPaths[pathName][[1]], "\\s*=\\s*")[[1]]))}
      ectdStop(paste("Could not find external path '", pathName, "'", sep = ""))}

#' Controls paths to a set of external execution paths
#' Gets and sets paths to external
#' getEctdExternalPath gets the execution path for a specific application on a
#' particular environment setEctdExternalPath sets an execution path for an
#' application
#' More permanent changes can be made by modifying the "ECTD.ini" file in the
#' library root
#' @aliases setEctdExternalPath getEctdExternalPath
#' @param pathName Name of the path to return or set.  When using
#' getEctdExternalPath, leave pathName blank to return a vector of available
#' path names
#' @param Value New value for the path
#' @return The "getEctdExternalPath" function returns the current execution
#' path for a given "pathName" The "setEctdExternalPath" function invisibly
#' returns the updated path list
#' @keywords IO
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' 	getEctdExternalPath()		# Look at available paths
#' 	getEctdExternalPath("SASPATH_WIN")		# Get the "SAS Execution on Windows" path
#' }
#' @export
setEctdExternalPath <- function(pathName, Value) {
  if (missing(pathName) ||
      !is.character(pathName) ||
      length(pathName) != 1)
    ectdStop("Single character value should be provided as the 'pathName' input")
  if (missing(Value) ||
      !is.character(Value) ||
      length(Value) != 1)
    ectdStop("Single character value should be provided as the 'Value' input")
  getPaths <- get("externalPaths", envir = .ectdEnv)
  getPaths <- getPaths [setdiff(names(getPaths), pathName)]
  remaining_name <- names(getPaths[setdiff(names(getPaths), pathName)]) # Extract the remaining name of the paths
  getPaths <- c(getPaths, Value)
  # Correct the format of the remaining path(s)
  n = length(remaining_name)
  for(i in 1:n){
    if(i <=n){
      getPaths[remaining_name][[i]] <- noquote(strsplit(getPaths[remaining_name][[i]], "\\s*=\\s*")[[1]])
  names(getPaths)[length(getPaths)] <- pathName
  assign("externalPaths", getPaths, envir = .ectdEnv)

# Get, set and reset default column names

#' Control of default column names
#' Functions that allow control over the default column names for simulated
#' data
#' The functions provide the following capabilities:
#'   * getEctdColName - Gets the current default column name given a column
#'   type
#'   * setEctdColName - Sets the current default column name for a column
#'   type
#'   * resetEctdColNames - Resets the current default column names to their
#'    initial state
#'    * getEctdPossibleColNames - Gets the set of possible column names given a
#' column type
#'   * setEctdPossibleColNames - Sets the set of possible column names
#' given a column type
#'   * matchEctdColNames - Selects a column name from a set of
#' names that best matches the possible column type names
#' The set of possible "column types" are:
#'   * Subject - Subject column
#'   * Dose - Dose column
#'   * Time - Time column
#'   * Replicate - Replicate column names
#'   * Interim - Interim allocation column name
#'   * ParOmit - Parameter "omit" flag column name
#'   * RespOmit - Response "omit" flag column name
#'   * Response - Response column name
#'   * Trt - Treatment column name
#'   * Missing - Parameter "omit" flag column name
#'   * DrugName - Name of column containing the "Drug Name" (used in typical
#'   value simulations)
#'   * Drug - Name of column containing the "Drug Value" (used in typical
#'   value simulations)
#' @param colName (Required) The "column type" of the variable name of interest
#' (one of 'Subject', 'Time', 'Dose', 'Interim', 'ParOmit', 'RespOmit',
#' 'Response', 'Trt', 'Missing', 'Replicate', 'DrugName' and 'Drug')
#' @return
#' The "getEctdColName" function returns a single character, giving the current
#' column name
#' The "getEctdPossibleColNames" function returns a character vector, giving a
#' set of possible columns
#' The "matchEctdColNames" function returns a single character identifying the
#' variable in "dataNames" that should be used as the "colName" column
#' The other functions to not explicitly return anything
#' @keywords IO
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' 	getEctdColName("Subject")
#' 	setEctdColName("Subject", "ID")
#' 	getEctdColName("Subject")
#' 	resetEctdColNames()
#' 	getEctdPossibleColNames("Subject")
#' 	matchEctdColNames ("Subject", c("A", "SUBJ", "B"))
#' }
#' @export
getEctdColName <- function(colName) {
  if (missing(colName) ||
      !is.character(colName) ||
      length(colName) != 1)
    ectdStop("Single character value should be provided as the 'colName' input")
  getNames <- get("colNames", envir = .ectdEnv)
  if (colName %in% names(getNames))
    ectdStop(paste("Provided column name '",
                   colName, "' cannot be found",
                   sep = ""))

#' @describeIn getEctdColName
#' @param colName (Required) The "column type" of the variable name of interest
#' (one of 'Subject', 'Time', 'Dose', 'Interim', 'ParOmit', 'RespOmit',
#' 'Response', 'Trt', 'Missing', 'Replicate', 'DrugName' and 'Drug')
#' @param Value (Required) Value to which to set the default column name
#' @export
setEctdColName <- function(colName, Value) {
  if (missing(colName) ||
      !is.character(colName) ||
      length(colName) != 1)
    ectdStop("Single character value should be provided as the 'colName' input")
  if (missing(Value) ||
      !is.character(Value) ||
      length(Value) != 1)
    ectdStop("Single character value should be provided as the 'Value' input")
  getNames <- get("colNames", envir = .ectdEnv)
  if (colName %in% names(getNames))
    getNames[[colName]]$Name <- Value
      "Provided column name '",
      "' not a valid column to set",
      sep = ""
  assign("colNames", getNames, envir = .ectdEnv)

#' @describeIn getEctdColName
#' @param whichNames Column types for which to reset the default name (default
#' all)
#' @export
resetEctdColNames <- function(whichNames = names(getNames)) {
  getNames <- get("colNames", envir = .ectdEnv)
  if (!is.character(whichNames))
    ectdStop("Character vector should be provided as the 'whichNames' input")
  whichNames <- whichNames [whichNames %in% names(getNames)]
  if (length(whichNames)) {
    for (i in whichNames)
      getNames[[i]]$Name <- getNames[[i]]$Default
  assign("colNames", getNames, envir = .ectdEnv)

#' @describeIn getEctdColName
#' @param colName (Required) The "column type" of the variable name of interest
#' (one of 'Subject', 'Time', 'Dose', 'Interim', 'ParOmit', 'RespOmit',
#' 'Response', 'Trt', 'Missing', 'Replicate', 'DrugName' and 'Drug')
#' @export
getEctdPossibleColNames <- function(colName) {
  if (missing(colName) ||
      !is.character(colName) ||
      length(colName) != 1)
    ectdStop("Single character value should be provided as the 'colName' input")
  getNames <- get("colNames", envir = .ectdEnv)
  if (colName %in% names(getNames)) {
    outVec <-
      unique(c(getNames[[colName]]$Name, getNames[[colName]]$Other))
    return(setdiff(unique(outVec), ""))
    ectdStop(paste("Provided column '",
                   colName, "' cannot be found",
                   sep = ""))

#' @describeIn getEctdColName
#' @param colName (Required) The "column type" of the variable name of interest
#' (one of 'Subject', 'Time', 'Dose', 'Interim', 'ParOmit', 'RespOmit',
#' 'Response', 'Trt', 'Missing', 'Replicate', 'DrugName' and 'Drug')
#' @param Value (Required) Value to which to set the default column name
#' @export
setEctdPossibleColNames <- function(colName, Value) {
  if (missing(colName) ||
      !is.character(colName) ||
      length(colName) != 1)
    ectdStop("Single character value should be provided as the 'colName' input")
  if (missing(Value) ||
      !is.character(Value) ||
    ectdStop("A character vector of possible names must be provided")
  getNames <- get("colNames", envir = .ectdEnv)
  if (colName %in% names(getNames)) {
    getNames[[colName]]$Other <- unique(Value)
    assign("colNames", getNames, envir = .ectdEnv)
    ectdStop(paste("Provided column '",
                   colName, "' cannot be found",
                   sep = ""))

#' @describeIn getEctdColName
#' @param colName (Required) The "column type" of the variable name of interest
#' (one of 'Subject', 'Time', 'Dose', 'Interim', 'ParOmit', 'RespOmit',
#' 'Response', 'Trt', 'Missing', 'Replicate', 'DrugName' and 'Drug')
#' @param dataNames (Required) Column names against which to match the possible
#' set of column names
#' @export
matchEctdColNames <- function(colName, dataNames) {
  colList <- getEctdPossibleColNames(colName)
  if (!any(myTest <- colList %in% dataNames))
MikeKSmith/MSToolkit documentation built on Feb. 15, 2024, 5:32 p.m.