
#' @rdname applyPredCode
#' @param model File containing analysis code (for R or SAS) or an R function
#' for analysis (R only)
#' MSToolkit:::parsePredCode(c(
#' 	"X = 1",
#' 	"IF (X.EQ.1.OR.Y.GT.0) STUD = 1",
#'  	"NEWVAR = THETA(1) + EXP(ETA(2))**LOG(EPS(1))"
#' )) 

"parsePredCode" <- function(
  respCol = getEctdColName("Response")
  # Mango Solutions, Chippenham SN15 1BN 2009
  # parsePredCode.R 23NOV09
  # Author: Rich
  # DESCRIPTION: Converts NONMEM Modelling code to executable S code, returning
  # either a list of commands or a vector of commands

  # Basic parsing
  model <- .stripBlanks(model)				# Remove leading and trailing spaces from the model vector
  model <- .stripComments(model)  			# Strip comments
  model <- .stripExitAbort(model)				# Remove EXIT and ABORT statments
  model <- gsub(" *\\(", "(", model)			# Replace space bracket with bracket
  model <- gsub("=", " = ", model)			# Replace space bracket with bracket
  model <- model[model != ""]					# Remove empty elements
  model <- .parseIfElseStatements(model)		# If/Else statements
  model <- .stripBlanks(model)				# Remove leading and trailing spaces from the model vector
  model <- .convertNmFunctions (model)		# EXP( -> exp(, ...
  model <- .convertNmArithmetic(model)		# ** -> ^, ...
  model <- .convertNmOperators (model)		# .AND. -> & ...
  model <- .convertNmParameters(model) 		# THETA(1) -> TH1 ...
  model <- model[ grep("<-", model) ]			# Only include
  model <- .stripBlanks(model)				# Remove leading and trailing spaces from the model vector
  model <- .changeVarNames(model, respCol)	# F -> FX, etc

".stripExitAbort" <- function(txt) {
  if (length(xRows <- grep("EXIT", txt))) txt <- txt[ - xRows]
  if (length(xRows <- grep("ABORT", txt))) txt <- txt[ - xRows]

".convertNmFunctions" <- function(model)
  lowerThese <- c("log10", "log", "exp", "sqrt", "abs", "asin", "acos", "atan", "sin", "cos", "tan")
  for (i in lowerThese) {
    findMe <- paste(casefold(i, upper = TRUE), "(", sep="\\")
    replaceMe <- paste(i, "( ", sep="")
    model <- gsub(findMe, replaceMe, model)

## MKS - 24Jun11
## Changed second arguments below to include decimal place
## to handle cases where operator is numeric but non integer.
## Following Klaas Prins suggestion

".convertNmOperators" <- function(model) {
  model <- gsub(" = ", " <- ", model)
  model <- gsub("([A-Za-z0-9]+)\\.EQ\\.([A-Za-z0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+)", "(\\1 == \\2)", model)
  model <- gsub("([A-Za-z0-9]+)\\.NE\\.([A-Za-z0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+)", "(\\1 != \\2)", model)
  model <- gsub("([A-Za-z0-9]+)\\.NQ\\.([A-Za-z0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+)", "(\\1 != \\2)", model)
  model <- gsub("([A-Za-z0-9]+)\\.LT\\.([A-Za-z0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+)", "(\\1 < \\2)", model)
  model <- gsub("([A-Za-z0-9]+)\\.GT\\.([A-Za-z0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+)", "(\\1 > \\2)", model)
  model <- gsub("([A-Za-z0-9]+)\\.GE\\.([A-Za-z0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+)", "(\\1 >= \\2)", model)
  model <- gsub("([A-Za-z0-9]+)\\.LE\\.([A-Za-z0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+)", "(\\1 <= \\2)", model)
  model <- gsub("\\.OR\\.", " | ", model)
  model <- gsub("\\.AND\\.", " & ", model)

".convertNmArithmetic" <- function(model) {
  model <- gsub("\\*\\*", " ^ ", model)
  model <- gsub("\\*", " * ", model)
  model <- gsub("/", " / ", model)
  model <- gsub("-", " - ", model)
  model <- gsub("\\+", " + ", model)

".convertNmParameters" <- function(model) {
  # Search Strings
  thetaFind <- "THETA\\(([0-9]+)\\)"; thetaReplace <- "TH\\1"
  etaFind <- "ETA\\(([0-9]+)\\)"; etaReplace <- "ETA\\1"
  epsFind <- "EPS\\(([0-9]+)\\)"; epsReplace <- "EPS\\1"
  model <- gsub(thetaFind, thetaReplace, model)
  model <- gsub(etaFind, etaReplace, model)
  model <- gsub(epsFind, epsReplace, model)

".stripBlanks" <- function(txt) {
  txt <- gsub("^ *", "", txt)
  txt <- gsub(" *$", "", txt)

".stripComments" <- function(txt) {
  if (length(xRows <- grep("^ *[\";]", txt) )) txt <- txt[ - xRows ]	# Remove Fortran coding
  txt <- gsub(";.*$", "", txt)

".applyIfStatement" <- function( txt, ifClause, notIf = FALSE) {
  splitText <- strsplit(txt, "=")[[1]]
  if (length(splitText) != 2) ectdStop("Problem with parsing target from 'IF' clause")
  theAnswer <- .stripBlanks(splitText[2])
  if (notIf) ifClause <- paste("!", ifClause, sep="")
  if (length(grep("[a-zA-Z]+", theAnswer))) theAnswer <- paste("(", theAnswer, ") [", ifClause, "]")
  paste(.stripBlanks(splitText[1]), "[", ifClause, "] =", theAnswer)

".getIfClause" <- function(txt) {
  if (length(txt) != 1) ectdStop("Multiple statements passed to 'IF statement' extraction function")
  firstOpen <- gregexpr("\\(", txt)[[1]]
  lastClose <- gregexpr("\\)", txt)[[1]]
  if (!length(firstOpen) | !length(lastClose)) ectdStop("Brackets not matching in 'IF' statement")
  ifStatement <- .stripBlanks(substring(txt, min(firstOpen) + 1, max(lastClose) - 1))
  if (!length(ifStatement)) ectdStop("Could not extract clause from single 'IF' statement")

".parseIfElseStatements" <- function(txt) {

  # Deal with stray THENs
  strayThen <- grep("^ *THEN *$", txt)
  if (length(strayThen)) {
    txt [ strayThen - 1 ] <- paste(txt [ strayThen - 1 ], "THEN")
    txt <- txt [ -strayThen ]

  # Deal with single IF statements first
  isThen <- grep(" THEN *$", txt)
  isElseIf <- grep("ELSEIF\\(", txt)
  isIf <- setdiff(grep("IF\\(", txt), isElseIf)
  singleTest <- length(isIf) && length(singleIf <- setdiff(isIf, c(isThen, isElseIf)))
  if (singleTest) {
    txt[singleIf] <- sapply(txt[singleIf] , .convertSingleIf )

  # Now deal with multiple IF/ELSE statements
  isThen <- grep(" THEN *$", txt)
  isElseIf <- grep("ELSEIF\\(", txt)
  isIf <- setdiff(grep("IF\\(", txt), isElseIf)
  isEndIf <- grep("ENDIF", txt)
  isElse <- grep("ELSE", txt)
  if (!length(isEndIf)) return(txt)

  # Check we have correct structure (test THEN placement, and IF/ENDIF matching)
  testIfs <- sort(c(isIf, isElseIf))
  testThens <- sort(isThen)
  isThenTest <- length(testIfs) == length(testThens) && all(testIfs == testThens)
  if (!isThenTest) ectdStop("The placement of 'THEN' statements is not correct in 'IF/ELSE' block")
  if (length(isIf) != length(isEndIf)) ectdStop("'IF' and 'ENDIF' not matching")

  # Split into IF/ENDIF blocks
  nBlocks <- length(isIf)
  for (i in nBlocks:1) {
    getBlock <- txt[isIf[i]:isEndIf[i]]
    replaceBlock <- .parseIfElseBlock(.stripBlanks(getBlock))
    if (length(replaceBlock)) {
      txt <- replace(txt, isIf[i]:isEndIf[i], "")
      txt <- append(txt, replaceBlock, isIf[i])
      txt <- txt [ txt != "" ]

  # Return updated code

".parseIfElseBlock" <- function(txt) {

  # Check input
  if (txt[length(txt)] != "ENDIF") ectdStop("Incorrect element passed to IfElse block parser")
  if (!length(grep("^IF\\(", txt[1]))) ectdStop("Incorrect element passed to IfElse block parser")

  # Find blocks
  isElseIf <- grep("ELSEIF\\(", txt)
  isIf <- setdiff(grep("IF\\(", txt), isElseIf)
  isElse <- setdiff(grep("ELSE", txt), isElseIf)
  isEndIf <- grep("ENDIF", txt)
  if (length(isElse) != 1 | length(isEndIf) != 1) ectdStop("Incorrect format in IF/ELSE block'")

  if (length(grep("ELSEIF\\(", txt))) {

    whereClauses <- sort(c(isIf, isElseIf))
    getClauses <- sapply(txt[whereClauses], .getIfClause)
    breakStatements <- c(isIf, isElseIf, isElse, isEndIf)
    breakGroups <- cumsum((1:length(txt)) %in% breakStatements)
    splitCommands <- split( txt [ - breakStatements ], breakGroups [ - breakStatements ] )
    if (length(splitCommands) != length(getClauses) + 1) ectdStop("Could not match nested ifelse statements")

    # Extend if/else clauses
    addClause <- paste("!", getClauses, "", sep="", collapse=".AND.")
    for (i in length(getClauses):2) {
      getClauses[i] <- paste( paste("!", getClauses[1:(i-1)], "", sep="", collapse=".AND."), getClauses[i], sep=".AND.")
    getClauses <- c(getClauses, addClause)
    if (length(splitCommands) != length(getClauses) ) ectdStop("Could not match nested ifelse statements")

    # Put together final statements
    outText <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(splitCommands)) {
      outText <- c(outText, sapply(splitCommands[[i]], .applyIfStatement, ifClause = getClauses[i]))
  else {
    ifClause <- .getIfClause(txt[1])
    isStatements <- .stripBlanks(txt[2:(isElse-1)])
    notStatements <- .stripBlanks(txt[(isElse+1):(isEndIf-1)])
    isStatements <- sapply(isStatements, .applyIfStatement, ifClause = ifClause)
    notStatements <- sapply(notStatements, .applyIfStatement, ifClause = ifClause, notIf = TRUE)
    outText <- as.vector(c(isStatements, notStatements))

".changeVarNames" <- function(txt, respCol = getEctdColName("Response")) {

  # Change the "F" variable
  findF <- grep("^F +<-", txt)
  if (length(findF) && findF[1] != length(txt)) {
    txt[findF] <- paste("X", txt[findF], sep= "")
    targetRange <- findF[1]:length(txt)
    txt[targetRange] <- gsub(" +F +", " XF ", txt[targetRange])
    txt[targetRange] <- gsub("^F +", "XF ", txt[targetRange])
    txt[targetRange] <- gsub(" +F$", " XF", txt[targetRange])

  # Add "Y > Response" statement
  findY <- grep("^Y +<-", txt)
  if (length(findY)) txt <- c(txt, paste(respCol, "<- Y  # Additional Command Added"))


".convertSingleIf" <- function(txt) {
  if (length(txt) > 1) ectdStop("More than 1 statement passed into a 'single IF' parsing routine")
  txt <- .stripBlanks(txt)
  if (!length(grep("^IF", txt))) ectdStop("Invalid single 'IF' statement")
  if (!length(grep("=", txt))) ectdStop("No assignment in single 'IF' statement")
  if (length(grep("THEN", txt))) ectdStop("'THEN' exists in single 'IF' statement")

  # Get IF clause
  firstOpen <- gregexpr("\\(", txt)[[1]]
  lastClose <- gregexpr("\\)", txt)[[1]]
  if (!length(firstOpen) | !length(lastClose)) ectdStop("Brackets not matching in 'IF' statement")
  ifStatement <- .stripBlanks(substring(txt, min(firstOpen) + 1, max(lastClose) - 1))
  if (!length(ifStatement)) ectdStop("Could not extract clause from single 'IF' statement")

  # Parse the rest
  .applyIfStatement(substring(txt, lastClose+1), ifStatement)
MikeKSmith/MSToolkit documentation built on Feb. 15, 2024, 5:32 p.m.