
Defines functions custom_context markdown_context console_context rstudio_context clipboard_context guess_output_context dp_set_max_rows dp_set_decimal_mark guess_sep render_type_pad_to render_type pad_to nslash_str nquote_str nchar_type column_width deparse_as tribble_construct tribble_format tribble_paste

Documented in clipboard_context console_context custom_context dp_set_decimal_mark dp_set_max_rows guess_output_context guess_sep markdown_context nchar_type nquote_str pad_to render_type render_type_pad_to rstudio_context tribble_construct tribble_format tribble_paste

.global_datapasta_env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.global_datapasta_env$decimal_mark <- "."
.global_datapasta_env$max_rows <- 200
.global_datapasta_env$no_clip_msg <- "Clipboard is not available. Is xsel or xclip installed? Is DISPLAY set?"

#' tribble_paste
#' @description Parse the current clipboard as a table, or use the table argument supplied, and paste in at the cursor location in tribble format.
#' @param input_table an optional input `data.frame`. If `input_table` is supplied, then nothing is read from the clipboard.
#' @param output_context an optional output context that defines the target and indentation. Default is to guess between rstudio and console.
#' Table is output as `tribble()` call. Useful for creating reproducible examples.
#' @return Nothing.
#' @export
tribble_paste <- function(input_table, output_context = guess_output_context()){
  output <- tribble_construct(input_table, oc = output_context)

         rstudioapi = rstudioapi::insertText(output),
         console = cat(output))

#' tribble_format
#' @description Parse the current clipboard as a table, or use the table argument supplied, and paste to the clipboard in tribble format.
#' @param input_table an optional input `data.frame`. If `input_table` is supplied, then nothing is read from the clipboard.
#' @param output_context an optional output context that defines the target and indentation. Default is console.
#' Table is output as `tribble()` call. Useful for creating reproducible examples.
#' @return Nothing.
#' @export
tribble_format <- function(input_table, output_context = console_context()){
  if(!interactive()) stop("Cannot write to clipboard in non-interactive sessions.")
  output <- tribble_construct(input_table, oc = output_context)

#' tribble_construct
#' @description Parse the current clipboard as a table, or use the table argument supplied, and return as a character string.
#' @param input_table an optional input `data.frame`. If `input_table` is supplied, then nothing is read from the clipboard.
#' @param oc an optional output context that defines the target and indentation. Default is console.
#' Table is output as `tribble()` call. Useful for creating reproducible examples.
#' @return The parsed table text.
#' @export
tribble_construct <- function(input_table, oc = console_context()){
  # Determine input. Either clipboard or supplied table.
    input_table <- read_clip_tbl_guess()

      message("Could not paste clipboard as tibble. Text could not be parsed as table.")
    # Parse data types from string using readr::guess_parser
    input_table_types <- attr(input_table, "col_types")
    if(!is.data.frame(input_table) && !is_tibble(input_table)){
      message("Could not format input_table as table. Unexpected class.")
    if(nrow(input_table) >= .global_datapasta_env$max_rows){
      message(paste0("Supplied large input_table (>= ",.global_datapasta_env$max_rows," rows). Was this a mistake? Use dp_set_max_rows(n) to increase the limit."))
    input_table_types <- lapply(input_table, class)
    #Store types as characters so the char lengths can be computed
    input_table <- as.data.frame(lapply(input_table, as.character), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)
  # Warn if there is any factors, they will be converted to strings.
  factor_cols <- which(input_table_types == "factor")
  if( length(factor_cols > 0) ){
    warning("Column(s) ", paste0(factor_cols, collapse = ","), " have been converted from factor to character in tribble output.")

  # Find the max length of data as string in each column
  col_widths <- mapply(input_table,
                       FUN = column_width,
                       column_type = input_table_types

  # Create the vector of names, surrounded by `` if it does not start with a latin character
  input_names <- names(input_table)
  input_names_valid <- ifelse(make.names(input_names) == input_names, input_names, paste0("`", input_names, "`"))

  # Set the column width depending on the max length of data as string or the header, whichever is longer.
  col_widths <- mapply(max,
                       nchar(input_names_valid)+1) #+1 for "~"

  # if col_widths contains NAs these represent completely blank columns. Drop these.
  NA_cols <- which(is.na(col_widths))
  if (length(NA_cols) != 0){
    input_table <- input_table[-NA_cols]
    input_names_valid <- input_names_valid[-NA_cols]
    input_table_types <- input_table_types[-NA_cols]
    col_widths <- col_widths[-NA_cols]

  if(nrow(input_table) > 0) {
    ## Header
    header <- paste0(ifelse(oc$indent_head, yes = strrep(" ", oc$indent_context), no = ""), "tibble::tribble(\n")

    ## Column names
    names_row <- paste0(
      paste0(strrep(" ",oc$indent_context+oc$nspc),
               collapse = " "
             ), "\n"

    body_rows <- lapply(X = as.data.frame(t(input_table), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                        FUN =
                            paste0(strrep(" ",oc$indent_context+oc$nspc),
                                     collapse = " "
                                   collapse = ""

    # Need to remove the final comma that will break everything.
    body_rows <- paste0(as.vector(body_rows),collapse = "")
    body_rows <- gsub(pattern = ",\n$", replacement = "\n", x = body_rows)
  } else {
    header <- paste0(ifelse(oc$indent_head, yes = strrep(" ", oc$indent_context), no = ""), "tibble::tibble(\n")

    names_row <- ""

    body_rows <-
        strrep(" ",oc$indent_context+oc$nspc),
        " = ",
        collapse = ",\n"

  # Footer
  footer <- paste0(strrep(" ",oc$indent_context+oc$nspc),")\n")
  output <- paste0(header, names_row, body_rows, footer)


deparse_as <- function(column, column_type) {
  deparse(methods::as(column, column_type))

column_width <- function(column, column_type) {

  if (length(column) == 0)
        max(vapply(X = column,
                   FUN = nchar_type,
                   FUN.VALUE = numeric(1),
                   df_col_type = column_type
            na.rm = TRUE
            ) # blank cols will be all NA

#' nchar_type
#' @param df_col_row a character string
#' @param df_col_type the type the string will be converted to.
#' @return The number of characters wide this data would be in when rendered in text
nchar_type <- function(df_col_row, df_col_type){
  n_chars <- nchar(df_col_row)

  if(length(df_col_type) > 1) df_col_type <- "complex" # We can't really handle it.

  stringish_length <- function(df_col_row) 2 + nquote_str(df_col_row) + nslash_str(df_col_row) #2 for outer quotes +1 "\" for each quote and slash in string

  add_chars <- switch(df_col_type,
                      "integer" = 1, #for the "L",
                      "character" = stringish_length(df_col_row),
                      "date" = stringish_length(df_col_row),
                      "Date" = stringish_length(df_col_row),
                      "datetime" = stringish_length(df_col_row),
                      "factor" = stringish_length(df_col_row),
                      "complex" = stringish_length(df_col_row),
                      0) #0 for other types
  return(n_chars + add_chars)


#' Count the number of quotes in a string
#' @param char_vec the string to count quotes in
#' @return a number, possibly 0.
nquote_str <- function(char_vec){
  sum(gregexpr(pattern = "(\"|\')", text = char_vec)[[1]] > 0)

nslash_str <- function(char_vec){
  sum(gregexpr(pattern = "\\\\", text = char_vec)[[1]] > 0)
#' pad_to
#' @description Left pad string to a certain size. A helper function for getting spacing in table correct.
#' @param char_vec character vector.
#' @param char_length length to pad to.
#' @return char_vec left-padded with spaces to char_length.
pad_to <-function(char_vec, char_length){
  paste0(strrep(" ",char_length - nchar(char_vec)),char_vec)

#' render_type
#' @description Renders a character vector as R types for pasting into Rstudio.
#' Strings are quoted. Numbers, NA, logicals etc are not.
#' @param char_vec a character vector containing text to be rendered as the type indicated by type_str
#' @param char_type a string describing the type of char_vec
#' @return A vector parsed from the clipboard as ether a character string or a
#' character vector. The type attribute contains the type guessed by `readr`.
render_type <- function(char_vec, char_type){

  if(length(char_type) > 1) char_type <- "complex"
  # We can't handle special classes. Just fall through defaults.

    output <- switch(char_type,
                     "integer" = "NA",
                     "double" = "NA",
                     "logical" = "NA",
                     "numeric" = "NA",
                     "character" = "NA",
    output <- switch(char_type,
                     "integer" = paste0(as.integer(char_vec),"L"),
                     "double" = as.double(char_vec),
                     "number" = readr::parse_number(char_vec, locale = readr::locale(decimal_mark = .global_datapasta_env$decimal_mark)),
                     "numeric" = as.double(char_vec),
                     "logical" = as.logical(char_vec),
                     "factor" = ifelse(nchar(char_vec)!=0, deparse(char_vec), "NA"),
                     "character" = ifelse(nchar(char_vec)!=0, deparse(char_vec), "NA"),
                     "list" = char_vec,

#' render_type_pad_to
#' @description Based on a type and length, render a character string as the type in text.
#' Pad to the desired length.
#' @param char_vec a character vector
#' @param char_type a string type from readr::guess_parser
#' @param char_length a string length to pad to.
#' @return a string containing the representation of char_vec as char_type in the RStudio source editor,
#' left-padded with spaces to char_length.
render_type_pad_to <- function(char_vec, char_type, char_length){
    pad_to(render_type(char_vec, char_type), char_length)

#' guess_sep
#' @param char_vec a table from the clipboard in character vector form.
#' @description Guesses the separator based on a simple heuristic over the first 10 or less rows:
#' The separator chosen is the one that leads to the most columns, whilst parsing the same number of columns for each line (var=0).
#' The guessing algorithm ignores blank lines - which are lines that contain only the separator.
#' Options are in `c(",","\\t","\\|",";")`
#' @return the separator selected to parse char_vec as a table
guess_sep <- function(char_vec){
  candidate_seps <- c(",","\t","\\|",";")
  candidate_seps_pattern <- paste0("([", paste0(candidate_seps, collapse = ""),"])$", collapse = "")
  table_sample <- char_vec[1:min(length(char_vec),10)]

  #handle seps at end of line. A sep at the end of line is effectively an NA in the last column.
  table_sample <- gsub(candidate_seps_pattern, "\\1 ", table_sample)

 splits <-
           function(sep, table_sample){
            blank_lines <- grepl(paste0("^",sep,"*$"), table_sample)
            filtered_sample <- table_sample[!blank_lines]
            line_splits <- strsplit(filtered_sample, split = sep)
            split_lengths <- lapply(X = line_splits, FUN = length)
 sep_scores <- ( !as.logical( unlist( lapply(splits, stats::var) ) ) ) * unlist( lapply(splits, max) )
 #Seps that have cols with any variance get score 0.
 sep <- candidate_seps[which.max(sep_scores)]
 if(sep == "\\|") sep <- "|"

#' read_clip_table_guess
#' @param x contents of the clipboard
#' @param ... arguments passed to read.table
#' @description Similar to read_clip_tbl from clipr,
#' however it will error if there are less than 2 rows
#' and it tries to guess the separator.
#' @return a parsed table from the clipboard. Separator is guessed.
read_clip_tbl_guess <- function (x = NULL, ...)
  if (is.null(x)) {
    # if no text is provided, look in clipboard or RStudio editor
    x <- read_clip_or_editor()
  if (is.null(x))
  if(length(x) < 2)  #You're just a header row, get outta here!
  .dots <- list(...)
  .dots$file <- textConnection(x)
  if (is.null(.dots$header))
    .dots$header <- FALSE
  if (is.null(.dots$sep)){
    .dots$sep <- guess_sep(x)
  if (is.null(.dots$colClasses))
    .dots$colClasses <- "character"
  if (is.null(.dots$stringsAsFactors))
    .dots$stringsAsFactors <- FALSE
  if (is.null(.dots$na.strings))
    .dots$na.strings <- c("NA", "")
  if (is.null(.dots$strip.white))
    .dots$strip.white <- TRUE
    .dots$quote <-  ""
  x_table <- do.call(utils::read.table, args = .dots)

  # Determine if row 1 a header
  types_header <- lapply(x_table[1, , drop = FALSE], readr::guess_parser, guess_integer = TRUE)
  types_body <- lapply(x_table[-1, , drop = FALSE], readr::guess_parser, guess_integer = TRUE)
  if( !identical(types_header, types_body) ){
    # Row 1 is a header
    x_table <- first_row_to_header(x_table)
  } else {
    if( all(c(types_body, types_header) == "character") ){
      # Row 1 is again a header
      x_table <- first_row_to_header(x_table)
      # Row 1 is data
      # Nothing to do.
  attr(x_table, "col_types") <- types_body

#' dp_set_decimal_mark
#' @param mark The decimal mark to use when parsing "number" type data, as guessed by readr::guess_parser.
#' @description A function to optionally set the decimal mark if in a locale where it is not `.`. Will allow "3,14" to be parsed as 3.14, normally would be parsed as 314.
#' Will also handle spaces in numbers.
#' @return NULL.
#' @export
dp_set_decimal_mark <- function(mark){
  .global_datapasta_env$decimal_mark <- mark

#' dp_set_max_rows
#' @param num_rows The number of rows of an input at which any of tribble_construct() or df_construct() will abort parsing. Datapasta is untested on large tables. Use at own risk.
#' @return NULL
#' @export
dp_set_max_rows <- function(num_rows){
  .global_datapasta_env$max_rows <- num_rows

#' guess_output_context
#' @description Return the a list containing the guessed output target context, either rstudio or the console.
#' @return a list containing the output target, space size of indent, and number of indents at context.
guess_output_context <- function(){
  if(requireNamespace("rstudioapi", quietly = TRUE) && rstudioapi::isAvailable()){
    output_context <- rstudio_context()
    # rstudioapi unavailable. fallback to console
    output_context <- console_context()

#' @rdname custom_context
#' @export
clipboard_context <- function(){
  output_context <- list(output_mode = "clipboard", nspc = 2, indent_context = 0, indent_head = FALSE)

#' @rdname custom_context
#' @export
rstudio_context <- function(){
  output_context <- list()
  output_context$indent_head <- FALSE #head already at cursor
  output_context$output_mode <- "rstudioapi"
  output_context$nspc <- 
    rstudioapi::readRStudioPreference("num_spaces_for_tab", 4)
  context <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
  context_row <- context$selection[[1]]$range$start["row"]
  if(all(context$selection[[1]]$range$start == context$selection[[1]]$range$end)){
    output_context$indent_context <- nchar(context$contents[context_row])
  } else{
    output_context$indent_context <- attr(regexpr("^\\s+", context$contents[context_row]),"match.length")+1 #first pos = 1 not 0

#' @rdname custom_context
#' @export
console_context <- function(){
  output_context <- list(output_mode = "console", nspc = 2, indent_context = 0, indent_head = FALSE)

#' @rdname custom_context
#' @export
markdown_context <- function(){
  output_context <- list(output_mode = "console", nspc = 2, indent_context = 4, indent_head = TRUE)

#' custom_context
#' @description the _context functions define lists of parameters for text formatting.
#' The specific contexts return hard-coded values appropriate to the context they describe, while custom_context allows definition of new contexts for custom formatting.
#' @param output_mode A named output mode, controls the target of the _paste functions options are "rstudioapi" or "console"
#' @param nspc The number of spaces for each indent level in the output context
#' @param indent_context The number of spaces applied initially to all lines in the output context
#' @param indent_head Logical. Apply the indent_context to the to the header row? Use FALSE if targeting cursor location.
#' @return an output context. An input to _paste, _format, _construct functions used to format whitespace.
#' @export
custom_context <- function(output_mode = "console", nspc = 2, indent_context = 0, indent_head = TRUE){
  output_context <- list(output_mode = output_mode, nspc = nspc, indent_context = indent_context, indent_head = indent_head)
MilesMcBain/datapasta documentation built on May 5, 2022, 8:56 a.m.