#' Load and merge GBIF and NCBI taxonomic data
#' @param GBIF_path Path to the GBIF backbone taxonomy (compressed or uncompressed).
#' @param NCBI_path Path to the NCBI taxonomy (compressed or uncompressed).
#' @return A tibble containing merged GBIF and NCBI taxonomic data.
#' @details
#' This method merges a GBIF `Taxon.tsv` file (see `download_gbif()`) and
#' a Taxonkit (\url{https://bioinf.shenwei.me/taxonkit/download/}) output file (see `download_ncbi()`).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{load_taxonomies("path/to/GBIF/Taxon.tsv","path/to/NCBI-Taxonkit/All.lineages.tsv.gz")}
#' \dontrun{load_taxonomies(download_gbif(), download_ncbi(taxonkitpath = "/path/to/taxonkit"))}
load_taxonomies <- function(GBIF_path, NCBI_path) {
#Load NCBI data:
NCBI <- vroom::vroom(NCBI_path, na = "", col_names = FALSE, col_types = vroom::cols(.default = "c"))
NCBI_col7 <- do.call(rbind, stringr::str_split(NCBI$X7, ";"))
NCBI <- cbind(NCBI[,1:6], NCBI_col7)
NCBI <- dplyr::mutate_all(NCBI, list(~dplyr::na_if(.,"")))
colnames(NCBI) <- c("ncbi_id","ncbi_lineage_names", "ncbi_lineage_ids", "canonicalName",
"ncbi_rank", "ncbi_lineage_ranks", "ncbi_kingdom", "ncbi_phylum",
"ncbi_class", "ncbi_order", "ncbi_family", "ncbi_genus", "ncbi_species")
NCBI_all_rows <- nrow(NCBI)
NCBI_data <- NCBI[!is.na(NCBI$canonicalName),]
NCBI_data$from_NCBI <- as.character(1)
NCBI_filtered_rows <- nrow(NCBI_data)
#Load GBIF data:
GBIF <- vroom::vroom(GBIF_path, col_types = vroom::cols(.default = "c"), quote = "")
GBIF <- GBIF[,c(1, 8, 12, 3:5, 15, 18:22, 9:11)]
GBIF_all_rows <- nrow(GBIF)
GBIF_data <- GBIF[!is.na(GBIF$canonicalName),]
GBIF_data$from_GBIF <- as.character(1)
GBIF_filtered_rows <- nrow(GBIF_data)
#Merge GBIF and NCBI on “canonicalName" having a value
merged_set <- dplyr::full_join(GBIF_data, NCBI_data)
merged_rows <- nrow(merged_set)
matched_rows <- nrow(merged_set[which(!is.na(merged_set$from_NCBI) & !is.na(merged_set$from_GBIF)),])
message(toString(GBIF_filtered_rows), " of ", toString(GBIF_all_rows)," GBIF entries contained scientific names")
message(toString(NCBI_filtered_rows), " of ", toString(NCBI_all_rows)," NCBI entries contained scientific names")
message(toString(matched_rows), " matches on scientific names were made")
attr(merged_set, "GBIF_all_rows") <- GBIF_all_rows
attr(merged_set, "GBIF_filtered_rows") <- GBIF_filtered_rows
attr(merged_set, "NCBI_all_rows") <- NCBI_all_rows
attr(merged_set, "NCBI_filtered_rows") <- NCBI_filtered_rows
attr(merged_set, "matched_rows") <- matched_rows
#' Load previously merged GBIF and NCBI taxonomies
#' @param x Path to a text file containing previously merged NCBI and GBIF taxonomies (compressed or uncompressed).
#' @return A tibble containing merged GBIF and NCBI taxonomic data.
#' @export
#' @details
#' This method imports a previously merged taxonomy from your file system. An
#' example of a previously merged taxonomy can be downloaded
#' from \url{https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gpvm9QKdOcuGo_cIXPkAgGlB-qfKZZU6/view?usp=sharing}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{load_population("path/to/merged_taxonomies")}
load_population <- function(x) {
vroom::vroom(x, show_col_types = FALSE, col_types = vroom::cols(.default = "c"))
#' Load an example of previously merged GBIF and NCBI taxonomies
#' @return A tibble containing a sample of merged GBIF and NCBI taxonomic data.
#' @details
#' This method returns a small subset of previously merged GBIF and NCBI taxonomies. The
#' subset is an example dataset that is only meant to be used to familiarize yourself
#' with `taxonbridge` methods.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' load_sample()
load_sample <- function() {
sample_data <- system.file("extdata", "sample.tsv.gz", package = "taxonbridge", mustWork = TRUE)
x <- vroom::vroom(sample_data, na = "", col_types = vroom::cols(.default = "c"))
message("\n##### ## # # ### # # #### #### ##### #### ##### #####")
message(" # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # ")
message(" # #### # # # # # # ##### ##### # # # # ## #####")
message(" # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ")
message(" # # # # # ### # # #### # # ##### #### ##### #####\n")
message("A sample containing 2000 rows by 29 columns has been loaded.")
message("Visit the following links to learn more about Taxonbridge:")
#' Download the NCBI taxonomy
#' @param taxonkitpath A string containing the full path to where `Taxonkit` is installed (optional).
#' @return A character vector containing paths to the relevant downloaded and unzipped NCBI data dump files, or
#' if the `taxonkitpath` parameter was set, the path to `All.lineages.tsv.gz`.
#' This method downloads a NCBI taxonomy archive file to a temporary directory,
#' extracts four files (`nodes.dmp`, `names.dmp`, `merged.dmp` and `delnodes.dmp`)
#' from the downloaded archive file, and then removes the archive file. Further parsing of
#' these four files must be carried out with Taxonkit (\url{https://bioinf.shenwei.me/taxonkit/download/}),
#' either automatically or manually. If the path to a Taxonkit installation is supplied, Taxonkit is
#' called and the location of the four files is passed to Taxonkit as an argument for automatic parsing.
#' Taxonkit output is saved in the same temporary folder in a file called `All.lineages.tsv.gz`.
#' If the path to Taxonkit is not supplied, parsing should be carried out manually using the command:
#' `taxonkit list --data-dir=path/to/downloaded/files --ids 1 | taxonkit lineage --show-lineage-taxids
#' --show-lineage-ranks --show-rank --show-name --data-dir=path/to/downloaded/files | taxonkit reformat
#' --taxid-field 1 --data-dir=path/to/downloaded/files -o All.lineages.tsv.gz`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{download_ncbi()}
#' \dontrun{download_ncbi(taxonkitpath = "/home/usr/bin/taxonkit")}
download_ncbi <- function(taxonkitpath = NA) {
if (!is.na(taxonkitpath)) {
if (!grepl("taxonkit", tolower(taxonkitpath), fixed=TRUE)) {
stop("The path must include both the directory name and filename 'taxonkit'")
expr = {
system(paste0(taxonkitpath, " version"), ignore.stdout = TRUE)
version <- gsub("taxonkit v", "", system(paste0(taxonkitpath, " version"), intern = TRUE))
if (numeric_version(version) < numeric_version("0.8.0")) {
stop("Taxonkit v0.8.0 or greater is required. Download a more recent version of Taxonkit and try again.")
else if (numeric_version(version) >= numeric_version("0.8.0")) {
message("Taxonkit v", version ," detected!")
warning = function(e){
stop(paste("Taxonkit not detected. Is this the correct path to Taxonkit:", taxonkitpath, "?"))
current_t <- getOption("timeout")
message("Your current download timeout is set to ",toString(current_t)," seconds.")
withr::local_options(list(timeout = 600))
new_t <- getOption("timeout")
message("Temporarily setting the download timeout to ",toString(new_t)," seconds.")
tf <- tempfile()
td <- tempdir()
url1 <- "https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/taxdmp.zip"
if (file.exists(tf)) {
message("NCBI taxonomic data has been downloaded.")
files <- utils::unzip(tf, files = c("names.dmp","nodes.dmp","delnodes.dmp", "merged.dmp"), exdir = td )
if (!is.na(taxonkitpath)) { tryCatch(
expr = {
system(paste0("cd ", td,";",taxonkitpath," --data-dir=",
file.path(td) ," list --ids 1 | ",taxonkitpath ,
" lineage --show-lineage-taxids --show-lineage-ranks --show-rank --show-name --data-dir=",
file.path(td) ," | ",taxonkitpath ," reformat --taxid-field 1 --data-dir=",
file.path(td) ," -o All.lineages.tsv.gz"), ignore.stderr = TRUE)
message("NCBI files parsed and result saved.")
location <- file.path(td, "All.lineages.tsv.gz")
if (file.exists(location)&file.size(location)!=0) {
message("NOTE: All.lineages.tsv.gz is stored at ", td)
else if (!file.exists(location)) {
stop("Error saving All.lineages.tsv.gz. Consider raising an issue on Github.")
else if (file.size(location)==0) {
stop("All.lineages.tsv.gz is empty. Consider raising an issue on Github.")
warning = function(e){
message("Double check the directory name you supplied and/or your write permissions!")
else {
message("NOTE: NCBI .dmp files saved at ", td)
#' Download the GBIF backbone taxonomy
#' @return A string containing the path to `Taxon.tsv`.
#' @details
#' This method downloads the GBIF backbone taxonomy archive file to a temporary directory,
#' extracts `Taxon.tsv` from the downloaded archive file, and then removes the archive file.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{download_gbif()}
download_gbif <- function() {
current_t <- getOption("timeout")
message("Your current download timeout is set to ",toString(current_t)," seconds.")
withr::local_options(list(timeout = 1800))
new_t <- getOption("timeout")
message("Temporarily setting the download timeout to ",toString(new_t)," seconds.")
tf <- tempfile()
td <- tempdir()
url1 <- "https://hosted-datasets.gbif.org/datasets/backbone/current/backbone.zip"
if (file.exists(tf)) {
message("GBIF backbone taxonomy has been downloaded.")
files <- utils::unzip(tf, files = "Taxon.tsv", exdir = td)
if (file.exists(file.path(td, "backbone","Taxon.tsv"))) {
message("Taxon.tsv has been extracted.")
message("NOTE: Taxon.tsv is stored at ", files)
else if (!file.exists(file.path(td, "backbone","Taxon.tsv"))) {
stop("Error saving Taxon.tsv. Consider raising an issue on Github.")
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