
Defines functions initMetaSliceSeries sliceSeries getSS putSS makeSlices anatomy overlay addtitle legend slice contours anatomySliceIndicator contourSliceIndicator setupSliceIndicatorVP sliceIndicatorDefaultDimensionAndSlice sliceIndicator assembleLegends grobifySliceSeries grobify grobifyByRow grobifyByColumn draw

Documented in addtitle anatomy anatomySliceIndicator contours contourSliceIndicator draw grobify legend overlay sliceSeries

initMetaSliceSeries <- function() {
  ssm <- new.env(parent = globalenv())

#' Initialize a slice series
#' Starts a new slices series, sets dimensions, slices to use, and rows and
#' columns.
#' @param ssm Provided as part of an ongoing pipe, not usually specified by user
#' @param slices A vector of integers representing which slices to use. Can be
#'   NULL, in which case nrow and ncol together with begin and end are used.
#' @param nrow Rows in the slice series. Set to 1 if NULL and ncol specified.
#' @param ncol Columns in the slice series. Set to 1 if NULL and nrow specified.
#' @param dimension Dimension as integer (1, 2, or 3) for slice series.
#' @param begin First slice. Can be NULL if slices explicitly specified.
#' @param end Last slice. Can be NULL if slices explicitly specified.
#' @return Returns the slices series info for passing along the pipe.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sliceSeries(nrow = 1, begin=200, end=300) %>%
#'   anatomy(anatVol, low=700, high=1400) %>%
#'   overlay(stats, low=2, high=6, symmetric = T) %>%
#'   legend("t-statistics") %>%
#'   draw()
#' }
sliceSeries <- function(ssm=NULL,
                        end=NULL) {

  # ssm (the first arg) is provided if this is part of an ongoing pipe, but should be
  # null if this is the first initialization
  if (is.null(ssm)) {
    ssm <- initMetaSliceSeries()
    # it is the first time sliceSeries was called in a pipe,
    # so check that necessary args are present
    if (is.null(nrow) & is.null(ncol)) stop("Must specify either nrow or ncol or both")

    # if only one of nrow or ncol is specified, set the other to 1
    if (is.null(nrow)) nrow <- 1
    if (is.null(ncol)) ncol <- 1

    # use a default dimension of 2
    if (is.null(dimension)) dimension <- 2

  else {
    ssm$seriesCounter = ssm$seriesCounter+1
  # add checking for slices vs nrow and ncol

  nrow <- ifelse(is.null(nrow), ssm$ssl[[ssm$seriesCounter-1]]$nrow, nrow)
  ncol <- ifelse(is.null(ncol), ssm$ssl[[ssm$seriesCounter-1]]$ncol, ncol)

  # initialize sliceSeries list; in all cases use the previous sliceSeries' values
  # if they were not specified here
  l <- list(nrow=nrow,
            dimension=ifelse(is.null(dimension), ssm$ssl[[ssm$seriesCounter-1]]$dimension, dimension),
            slices=slices, #if(is.null(slices) & (ssm$seriesCounter>1)) ssm$ssl[[ssm$seriesCounter-1]]$slices else slices,
            #slices=if (is.null(slices) & ssm$seriesCounter>1) {ssm$ssl[[ssm$seriesCounter-1]]} else slices,
            begin=if (is.null(begin) & ssm$seriesCounter>1) {ssm$ssl[[ssm$seriesCounter-1]]$begin} else {begin },
            end=if (is.null(end) & ssm$seriesCounter>1) {ssm$ssl[[ssm$seriesCounter-1]]$end} else {end},
            seriesVP=NULL, #seriesVP,
  class(l) <- c("sliceSeries", "list")
  ssm$ssl[[ssm$seriesCounter]] <- l


getSS <- function(ssm) {
putSS <- function(ssm, ss) {
  ssm$ssl[[ssm$seriesCounter]] <- ss

makeSlices <- function(ss, volume) {
  #message("seriesVP", ss$seriesVP)
  #message("slices", ss$slices)
  if (is.null(ss$seriesVP)) {
    sliceDims <- dim(volume)[-ss$dimension]
    gl <- grid.layout(nrow=ss$nrow, ncol=ss$ncol,
                      widths=rep(sliceDims[1], ss$ncol),
                      heights=rep(sliceDims[2], ss$nrow), respect = TRUE)
    ss$seriesVP <- viewport(layout = gl)
  if (is.null(ss$slices)) {
    d <- dim(volume)
    if (is.null(ss$begin)) ss$begin <- 1
    if (is.null(ss$end)) ss$end <- d[ss$dimension]
    nslices <- ss$nrow*ss$ncol
    ss$slices <- ceiling(seq(ss$begin, ss$end, length=nslices))

  if (length(ss$slices) != ss$ncol*ss$nrow)
    warning("Number of slices does not equal nrow*ncol, likely resulting in weird figures")


#' Add anatomy slices
#' Adds the anatomy slices, or anything that can serve as an underlay.
#' @param ssm The slice series info, usually passed along the pipe and specified
#'   by the user
#' @param volume 3D matrix representing the volume from which to obtain slices.
#'   Can be either numbers or hexadecimal colours
#' @param low Lower end of colour scale. Can be NULL if volume is a matrix of hexadecimals.
#' @param high Upper end of colour scale. Can be NULL if volume is a matrix of hexadecimals.
#' @param col The colour scale. Defaults to gray.
#' @param alpha Value between 0 and 1, 0 being full transparent and 1 fully opaque.
#' @param name Optional name.
#' @return The slices series for continuation down the pipe.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sliceSeries(nrow = 1, begin=200, end=300) %>%
#'   anatomy(anatVol, low=700, high=1400) %>%
#'   overlay(stats, low=2, high=6, symmetric = T) %>%
#'   legend("t-statistics") %>%
#'   draw()
#' }
anatomy <- function(ssm, volume=NULL, low=NULL, high=NULL,
                    col=gray.colors(255, start=0), alpha=NULL, name="anatomy") {
  # if there is no volume specified, then reuse the previous sliceSeries' anatomy
  if (is.null(volume)) {
    if (ssm$seriesCounter == 1) stop("A volume must be specified the first time anatomy is used")
    ss <- getSS(ssm)
    ss[[name]] <- ssm$ssl[[ssm$seriesCounter-1]][["anatomy"]]
    ss[["seriesVP"]] <- ssm$ssl[[ssm$seriesCounter-1]][["seriesVP"]]
    ss[["legendInfo"]][[name]] <-
    ss[["order"]][[length(ss$order)+1]] <- name
    putSS(ssm, ss)
  } else {
    slice(ssm, volume, low, high, col=col, alpha=alpha, name=name)

#' Add overlay slices
#' Adds overlay slices; usually used for statistics, but can be anything.
#' Differs from anatomy in that the background is transparent.
#' @param ssm The slice series info, usually passed along the pipe and specified
#'   by the user
#' @param volume 3D matrix representing the volume from which to obtain slices.
#'   Can be either numbers or hexadecimal colours
#' @param low Lower end of colour scale. Can be NULL if volume is a matrix of
#'   hexadecimals. If symmetric=TRUE, then treat this as an absolute value (i.e.
#'   2 would be >2 and < -2)
#' @param high Upper end of colour scale.
#' @param col The colour scale. See defaultCol for default.
#' @param symmetric Whether the colour scale is symmetric.
#' @param rCol The reverse colour scale. Used if symmetric=TRUE. See defaultRCol
#'   for default.
#' @param alpha Value between 0 and 1, 0 being full transparent and 1 fully opaque.
#' @param underTransparent Whether to make the under colour transparent. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param name Optional name.
#' @return The slices series for continuation down the pipe.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sliceSeries(nrow = 1, begin=200, end=300) %>%
#'   anatomy(anatVol, low=700, high=1400) %>%
#'   overlay(stats, low=2, high=6, symmetric = T) %>%
#'   legend("t-statistics") %>%
#'   draw()
#' }
overlay <- function(ssm, volume, low=NULL, high=NULL, col=defaultCol(),
                    symmetric=FALSE, rCol=defaultRCol(), alpha=NULL,
                    underTransparent = TRUE, name=NULL, box=FALSE) {

  if (is.null(name)) name <- paste0("overlay#", ssm$seriesCounter)
  slice(ssm, volume, low, high, col=col, name=name, underTransparent = underTransparent, symmetric = symmetric,
        rCol=rCol, alpha=alpha, box=box)

#' Add a title to a slice series
#' @param ssm The slice series info, usually passed along the pipe and specified
#'   by the user
#' @param title The text that will be used for the title.
#' @return The slices series for continuation down the pipe.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sliceSeries(nrow = 8, begin=100, end=350) %>%
#'   anatomy(anatVol, low=700, high=1400) %>%
#'   addtitle("Anatomy") %>%
#'   sliceSeries() %>%
#'   anatomy() %>%
#'   overlay(stats, low=2, high=6, symmetric = T) %>%
#'   addtitle("Stats") %>%
#'   legend("t-statistics") %>%
#'   draw()
#' }
addtitle <- function(ssm, title) {
  ss <- getSS(ssm)
  ss$title <- title
  putSS(ssm, ss)

#' Add a legend
#' Adds a legend based on the current slice series. Colour bars, contours, etc.,
#' are taken from the immediately preceding element.
#' @param ssm The slice series info, usually passed along the pipe and specified
#'   by the user
#' @param description The text that will be used to describe the legend. Can be
#'   NULL, in which case the colour bar is shown without a description.
#' @return The slices series for continuation down the pipe.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sliceSeries(nrow = 8, begin=100, end=350) %>%
#'   anatomy(anatVol, low=700, high=1400) %>%
#'   addtitle("Anatomy") %>%
#'   sliceSeries() %>%
#'   anatomy() %>%
#'   overlay(stats, low=2, high=6, symmetric = T) %>%
#'   addtitle("Stats") %>%
#'   legend("t-statistics") %>%
#'   draw()
#' }
legend <- function(ssm, description=NULL) {
  ss <- getSS(ssm)
  ss$legendOrder <- c(ss$legendOrder, ss$order[[length(ss$order)]])
  ss[["legendInfo"]][[length(ss$order)]]$description = description
  putSS(ssm, ss)

slice <- function(ssm, volume, low, high, col,reverse = FALSE, underTransparent = FALSE, symmetric=FALSE,
                  rCol=defaultRCol(), alpha=NULL,name=NULL, box=FALSE) {
  ss <- getSS(ssm)
  ss <- makeSlices(ss, volume)
  #message(paste(ss$slices, collapse = " "))
  sliceList <- list()
  counter <- 1
  sliceDims <- dim(volume)[-ss$dimension]
  for (i in 1:ss$nrow) {
    for (j in 1:ss$ncol) {
      sliceList[[counter]] <- sliceImage(volume, ss$dimension,low,high,col=col,
                                         underTransparent = underTransparent,
                                         symmetric = symmetric,
                                         rCol = rCol, alpha=alpha, box=box,
                                         vp=viewport(layout.pos.row = i,
                                                     layout.pos.col = j,
                                                     xscale=c(0, sliceDims[1]),
                                                     yscale=c(0, sliceDims[2])))
      counter <- counter+1
  ss[[name]] <- sliceList
  ss[["legendInfo"]][[name]] <- list(type="slice", low=low, high=high, col=col, rCol=rCol, symmetric=symmetric)
  ss[["order"]][[length(ss$order)+1]] <- name
  putSS(ssm, ss)

#' Add contours to a slice series
#' Adds contours to every slice in the series, with control over the contour
#' levels and attributes.
#' @param ssm The slice series info, usually passed along the pipe and specified
#'   by the user
#' @param volume 3D matrix representing the volume from which to obtain contours
#' @param levels A vector of levels at which to draw the contours.
#' @param col The colour for the contours. Can be a single value, in which case
#'   all levels will use the same colour, or a vector if different colours for
#'   different levels are desired. Default is red.
#' @param lty The line type for the contours. Can be a single value, in which case
#'   all levels will use the same line type, or a vector if different line types for
#'   different levels are desired. Default is 1.
#' @param lwd The line width for the contours. Can be a single value, in which case
#'   all levels will use the same line width, or a vector if different line widths for
#'   different levels are desired. Default is 1.
#' @param name An optional name.
#' @return The slices series for continuation down the pipe.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sliceSeries(nrow = 1, begin=200, end=300) %>%
#'   anatomy(anatVol, low=700, high=1400) %>%
#'   overlay(stats, low=2, high=6, symmetric = T) %>%
#'   legend("t-statistics") %>%
#'   contours(abs(stats), levels=c(3,5), lwd=2, lty=c(3,1), col="green") %>%
#'   draw()
#' }
contours <- function(ssm, volume, levels, col="red", lty=1, lwd=1, name="contours") {
  ss <- getSS(ssm)
  ss <- makeSlices(ss, volume)
  sliceList <- list()
  counter <- 1
  sliceDims <- dim(volume)[-ss$dimension]
  for (i in 1:ss$nrow) {
    for (j in 1:ss$ncol) {
      sliceList[[counter]] <- sliceContours(volume, ss$dimension,levels = levels, col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd,
                                         vp=viewport(layout.pos.row = i,
                                                     layout.pos.col = j,
                                                     xscale=c(0, sliceDims[1]),
                                                     yscale=c(0, sliceDims[2])))
      counter <- counter+1
  ss[[name]] <- sliceList
  #ss[["legendInfo"]][[name]] <- list(low=low, high=high, col=col, rCol=rCol, symmetric=symmetric)
  ss[["order"]][[length(ss$order)+1]] <- name
  ss[["legendInfo"]][[name]] <- list(type="contour", levels=levels, col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd)
  putSS(ssm, ss)

#' Add a slice indicator
#' Adds an indicator of the slices used in the slice series, displayed on top of
#' an anatomy slice.
#' @param ssm The slice series info, usually passed along the pipe and specified
#'   by the user
#' @param volume 3D matrix representing the volume from which to draw the
#'   background slice.
#' @param low Low end of colour for background slice.
#' @param high High end of colour for background slice.
#' @param dimension Dimension to use for background slice. Will pick sensible
#'   default if NULL.
#' @param slice Slice number to use for background slice. Will pick sensible
#'   default if NULL.
#' @param col Colour of the background slice. Defaults to gray.
#' @param lineColour The colour of the slice indicator lines. Defaults to green.
#' @return The ssm object augmented with a sliceIndicator
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sliceSeries(nrow=5, begin=150, end=250) %>%
#'   anatomy(anatVol, low=700, high=1400) %>%
#'   overlay(stats, 2, 6, symmetric = T, alpha=0.1) %>%
#'   legend("t-statistics") %>%
#'   anatomySliceIndicator(anatVol, 700, 1400) %>%
#'   draw()
#' }
anatomySliceIndicator <- function(ssm, volume, low, high, dimension=NULL,
                                  slice=NULL, col=gray.colors(255, start=0),
                                  lineColour="green") {
  defDS <- sliceIndicatorDefaultDimensionAndSlice(ssm, volume)
  if (is.null(dimension)) dimension <- defDS[[1]]
  if (is.null(slice)) slice <- defDS[[2]]

  indVP <- setupSliceIndicatorVP(volume, dimension)
  indSlice <- sliceImage(volume, dimension,slice, low, high, col=col, vp=indVP)
  return(sliceIndicator(ssm, volume, dimension, indSlice, indVP))

#' Add a slice indicator
#' Adds an indicator of the slices used in the slice series, displayed on top of
#' one or more contours.
#' @param ssm The slice series info, usually passed along the pipe and specified
#'   by the user
#' @param volume 3D matrix representing the volume from which to draw the
#'   contours.
#' @param levels Levels at which to draw contours - a single number or a vector.
#' @param dimension Dimension to use for contours. Will pick sensible
#'   default if NULL.
#' @param slice Slice number to use for contours. Will pick sensible
#'   default if NULL.
#' @param col The colour(s) for the contour(s). Defaults to red.
#' @param lty The line type(s) for the contour(s). Defaults to 1.
#' @param lwd The line width(s) for the contour(s). Defaults to 1.
#' @param lineColour The colour for the slice indicator lines. Defaults to black.
#' @return The ssm augmented with a contour slice indication
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sliceSeries(nrow=5, begin=150, end=250) %>%
#'   anatomy(anatVol, low=700, high=1400) %>%
#'   overlay(stats, 2, 6, symmetric = T, alpha=0.1) %>%
#'   legend("t-statistics") %>%
#'   contourSliceIndicator(anatVol, c(700, 1400)) %>%
#'   draw()
#' }
contourSliceIndicator <- function(ssm, volume, levels, dimension=NULL, slice=NULL, col="red", lty=1, lwd=1, lineColour="black") {
  defDS <- sliceIndicatorDefaultDimensionAndSlice(ssm, volume)
  if (is.null(dimension)) dimension <- defDS[[1]]
  if (is.null(slice)) slice <- defDS[[2]]

  indVP <- setupSliceIndicatorVP(volume, dimension)
  indContour <- sliceContours(volume, dimension,levels = levels, col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd,
                              slice=slice, vp=indVP)
  return(sliceIndicator(ssm, volume, dimension, indContour, indVP, "black"))

setupSliceIndicatorVP <- function(volume, dimension) {
  sliceDims <- dim(volume)[-dimension]
  indVP <- viewport(layout.pos.row = 1,
                    layout.pos.col = 1,
                    xscale = c(0, sliceDims[1]),
                    yscale = c(0, sliceDims[2]))

sliceIndicatorDefaultDimensionAndSlice <- function(ssm, volume) {
  ss <- getSS(ssm)
  if (ss$dimension %in% c(2,3)) {
    d <- 1
  } else {
    d <- 2

  dims <- dim(volume)
  s <- ceiling(dims[d]/2)


sliceIndicator <- function(ssm, volume, dimension, bgGrob, indVP, lineColour="green") {
  ss <- getSS(ssm)
  if (dimension == ss$dimension) {
    stop("sliceIndicator dimension cannot be equal to sliceSeries dimension")
  sliceDims <- dim(volume)[-dimension]
  overVP <- viewport(layout = grid.layout(1, 1, widths = sliceDims[1],
                                          heights = sliceDims[2],
                                          respect = T))
  #indSlice <- sliceImage(volume, dimension,slice, low, high, col=col, vp=indVP)
  lineList <- list()
  counter <- 1
  for (i in 1:ss$nrow) {
    for (j in 1:ss$ncol) {
      if ( (ss$dimension == 2 & dimension == 1) |
           (ss$dimension == 1) ) {
        xd <- c(rep(ss$slices[counter], 2))
        yd <- c(0,sliceDims[2])
      } else {
        xd <- c(0, sliceDims[1])
        yd <- c(rep(ss$slices[counter], 2))
      lineList[[counter]] <- linesGrob(x = xd,
                                       y = yd,
                                       default.units = "native",
                                       vp=indVP, gp=gpar(col=lineColour))
      counter <- counter+1
  ss[["sliceIndicator"]] <- gTree(vp=overVP, children=do.call(gList, c(bgGrob, lineList)))
  putSS(ssm, ss)

assembleLegends <- function(ss, gp = gpar()) {

  # some weirdness for the layout; I want alternating legends and small spacers, so that's
  # what these next few lines do.
  nrows <- (length(ss$legendOrder)*2)-1
  widthSize <- c(rbind(rep(1, length(ss$legendOrder)),
                       rep(0.2, length(ss$legendOrder))))

  widthUnits <- c(rbind(rep("null", length(ss$legendOrder)),
                        rep("lines", length(ss$legendOrder))))

  widthSize <- widthSize[1:(length(widthSize)-1)]
  widthUnits <- widthUnits[1:(length(widthUnits)-1)]

  legendViewport <- viewport(layout=grid.layout(nrow=nrows,
                                                ncol=1, heights=unit(widthSize, widthUnits)))
  legendGrobs <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(ss$legendOrder)) {
    li <- ss$legendInfo[[ss$legendOrder[[i]]]]
    if (li$type == "slice")
      gl <- gList(sliceLegendGrob(li$low, li$high, li$col,
                                  li$rCol, li$symmetric,
                                  colWidth = unit(1, "lines"),
                                  description = li$description, gp = gp))
    else if (li$type == "contour")
      gl <- gList(contourLegendGrob(levels=li$levels, col=li$col, lty=li$lty, lwd=li$lwd,
                                    description=li$description, gp = gp))

    legendGrobs[[i]] <- gTree(vp=viewport(layout.pos.row = (i*2)-1, x=1),

  ll <- gTree(vp=legendViewport, children=do.call(gList, legendGrobs))

  # the legend widths depend on the number of digits in high and low. This causes misalignment. So set all to be the
  # max of the widths of the inner legend viewport
  # this should be doable through just parameters somewhere to a grob or viewport, but I could not quite make that work,
  # hence this workaround on overwriting widths
  #mwidth <- max(sapply(ll$children, function(x) x$children[[1]]$childrenvp$parent$layout$widths[2]))
  #for (i in 1:length(ll$children)) {
  #  ll$children[[i]]$children[[1]]$childrenvp$parent$layout$widths[2] <- unit(mwidth, "lines")

  if (is.null(ss$sliceIndicator)) {
  } else {
    vpWithIndicator <- viewport(layout=grid.layout(nrow=2, ncol=1,
                                                   heights=unit(c(0.15,0.85), c("null", "null"))))
    ind <- gTree(vp=viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, layout.pos.col = 1),
    rest <- gTree(vp=viewport(layout.pos.row = 2, layout.pos.col = 1),
      gTree(vp=vpWithIndicator, children=gList(ind, rest))
    #  gTree(vp=viewport(layout = grid.layout()), children=gList(rest))


grobifySliceSeries <- function(ss) {
  grobList <- list(rectGrob(gp=gpar(fill="black"))) # need to make the black rectangle optional or controlable

  for (i in 1:length(ss$order)) {
    grobList <- c(grobList, ss[[ss$order[[i]]]])

  gT <- gTree(children=do.call(gList, grobList), vp=ss$seriesVP)
  #gT <- gTree(children=do.call(gList, grobList), vp=ss$seriesVP, childrenvp=ss$anatomy[[1]][[1]]$vp)
  #gT <- gTree(children=do.call(gList, grobList), childrenvp=ss$seriesVP)
  #gT <- gTree(do.call(gList, grobList), vp=ss$seriesVP)
  #gT <- gList(grobList, vp=ss$seriesVP)

  # if (length(ss$legendOrder) >0) {
  #   vO <- viewport(layout = grid.layout(1,2,
  #                                       widths=unit(c(1,4), c("null", "lines"))))
  #   legend <- assembleLegends(ss)
  #   g1 <- gTree(vp=viewport(layout.pos.col = 1), children=gList(gT))
  #   g2 <- gTree(vp=viewport(layout.pos.col = 2), children=gList(legend))
  #   return(gTree(children=gList(g1, g2), vp=vO))
  # } else {

#' Turn the slice series into grobs.
#' Takes the slice series, creates grobs where necessary, and returns a gTree.
#' Can then be incorporated into other grid functions.
#' @param ssm The slice series
#' @param layout Whether to lay out by column (the default) or by row.
#' @param titlePars A `gpar` list configuring text grobs when generating titles.
#' useful for setting e.g. `fontsize` and `col`
#' @param legendPars A `gpar` list configuring text grobs when generating legends
#' useful for setting e.g. `fontsize` and `col`
#' @param bgCol Either NULL or a string indicating what colour the figure background
#' should be.
#' @return A gTree object with the figure, to be drawn with [grid.draw]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sliceSeriesGridTree <- sliceSeries(nrow=5, begin=150, end=250) %>%
#'   anatomy(anatVol, low=700, high=1400) %>%
#'   overlay(stats, 2, 6, symmetric = T, alpha=0.1) %>%
#'   legend("t-statistics") %>%
#'   anatomySliceIndicator(anatVol, 700, 1400) %>%
#'   grobify()
#' }
grobify <- function(ssm, layout="column", titlePars = gpar(), legendPars = gpar(), bgCol = NULL) {
  if (layout=="column") grobifyByColumn(ssm, titlePars, legendPars, bgCol)
  else grobifyByRow(ssm, titlePars, legendPars, bgCol)

grobifyByRow <- function(ssm, titlePars = gpar(), legendPars = gpar(), bgCol = NULL) {
  nseries <- length(ssm$ssl)
  haveTitles <- any(sapply(ssm$ssl, function(x) length(x$title))>0)
  haveLegends <- any(sapply(ssm$ssl, function(x) length(x$legendOrder))>0)

  nrow <- nseries
  ncol <- 1 + haveTitles + haveLegends

  gs <- list()
  column <- haveTitles+1

  for (i in 1:nseries) {
    column <- 1
    gs[[length(gs)+1]] <- gTree(vp=viewport(layout.pos.row = i,
                                            layout.pos.col = column),
    if (length(ssm$ssl[[i]]$title)>0) {
      column <- column + 1
      gs[[length(gs)+1]] <- gTree(vp=viewport(layout.pos.row = i,
                                              layout.pos.col = column),
                                  children=gList(textGrob(ssm$ssl[[i]]$title, rot=90, gp = titlePars)))
    if (length(ssm$ssl[[i]]$legendOrder)>0) {
      column <- column + 1
      gs[[length(gs)+1]] <- gTree(vp=viewport(layout.pos.col = column, layout.pos.row = i),
                                  children=gList(assembleLegends(ssm$ssl[[i]], gp = legendPars)))

    gs <- c(list(rectGrob(gp = gpar(col = NA, fill = bgCol))), gs)

  if(haveTitles && haveLegends){
    widths <- c(0.7, 0.1, 0.2)
  } else if(haveTitles) {
    widths <- c(0.9, 0.1)
  } else if(haveLegends){
    widths <- c(0.8, 0.2)
  } else {
    widths <- 1
  vA <- viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow, ncol, width = widths)) #, widths = do.call(unit.c, widths)))

  return(gTree(children=do.call(gList, gs), vp=vA))

grobifyByColumn <- function(ssm, titlePars = gpar(), legendPars = gpar(), bgCol = NULL) {
  nseries <- length(ssm$ssl)

  gs <- list()
  widths = list()

  # allow for an extra row if there are any titles present
  haveTitles <- any(sapply(ssm$ssl, function(x) length(x$title))>0)
  row <- 1
  heights <- unit(1, "null")
  if (haveTitles) {
    row <- 2
    heights <- unit.c(unit(1, "lines"), heights)

  # go through all sliceSeries
  j <- 1 # counter of which column is being worked on
  for (i in 1:nseries) {
    # add a title as a textGrob if title is present
    if (length(ssm$ssl[[i]]$title) > 0) {
      gs[[length(gs)+1]] <- gTree(vp=viewport(layout.pos.col = j, layout.pos.row = 1),
                                  children=gList(textGrob(ssm$ssl[[i]]$title, gp = titlePars)))
    # add the slices
    gs[[length(gs)+1]] <- gTree(vp=viewport(layout.pos.col = j, layout.pos.row = row),
    widths[[j]] <- unit(1, "null")
    j <- j+1
    # add the legend(s) if present
    if (length(ssm$ssl[[i]]$legendOrder) > 0) {
      gs[[length(gs)+1]] <- gTree(vp=viewport(layout.pos.col = j, layout.pos.row = row),
                       children=gList(assembleLegends(ssm$ssl[[i]], gp = legendPars)))
      widths[[j]] <- unit(4, "lines")
      j <- j+1

      gs <- c(list(rectGrob(gp = gpar(col = NA, fill = bgCol))), gs)
  # create the viewport and assemble the list of grobs
  vA <- viewport(layout = grid.layout(row, j-1,
                                      widths = do.call(unit.c, widths),
  return(gTree(children=do.call(gList, gs), vp=vA))


#' Title
#' @param ssm The slice series info, usually passed along the pipe and specified
#'   by the user
#' @param layout either "column" or "row" for how to layout the figure
#' @return invisible NULL
#' @export
draw <- function(ssm, layout="column") {
  l <- grobify(ssm, layout=layout)
Mouse-Imaging-Centre/MRIcrotome documentation built on Feb. 27, 2020, 1:31 p.m.