
Defines functions launch_shinyRMINC

Documented in launch_shinyRMINC

#' launch a shiny based inspector
#' This uses shiny to inspect the output of mincLm or mincAnova. Produces
#' various views, the ability to plot individual voxels, and get the output of
#' the stats model at that voxel.
#' @param statsoutput the output of mincLm, mincAnova, or mincLmer. Alternatively
#' a single statistic volume. Must be compatible with \link{mincArray}
#' @param anatVol the anatomical volume on which to display the statistics. Can
#'   be passed a filename, a MINC volume (from mincGetVol), or a mincArray.
#' @param volumes a matrix or data frame of volumes for plotting
#' @param keepBetas whether to include the beta coefficients
#' @param plotcolumns extra data to be used for plotting
#' @param modelfunc optional modelling function
#' @param singleStatType if passing a single statistic volume to \code{statsoutput}
#' what statistic type is it. Stat-types "b", "t", and "tlmer" will get symmetric
#' colour scales. All others will get one sided colour scales.
#' @param fdr An optional mincFDR object for choosing thresholds.
#' @param anatLow The lower threshold value for displaying the underlying anatomy
#' @param anatHigh The upper threshold value for displaying the underlying anatomy
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' vs <- mincLm(reljacobians02 ~ sex*treatment, subset(gfs, treatment != "None"))
#' anatVol <- mincArray(mincGetVolume("anatomyfile.mnc"))
#' launch_shinyRMINC(vs, anatVol, volumes=gfs$vols, 
#'                   plotcolumns=gfs[,c("sex", "Neonatal")], keepBetas=F)
#' }
#' @export
launch_shinyRMINC <- function(statsoutput, anatVol, volumes=NULL
                            , keepBetas=FALSE, plotcolumns=NULL, modelfunc=NULL
                            , singleStatType = NULL, fdr = NULL
                            , anatLow = 700, anatHigh = 1400) {
  gfs <- data.frame(filenames = attributes(statsoutput)$filenames)
  if (!is.null(plotcolumns)) {
    gfs <- cbind(gfs, plotcolumns)

  # if anatVol is a filename, read it in now.
  if (is.character(anatVol)) {
    anatVol <- mincArray(mincGetVolume(anatVol))

  # hokey check for whether anatVol is a mincArray or not
  if (is.null(dim(anatVol))) {
    anatVol <- mincArray(anatVol)
  if (!is.null(volumes)) {
    gfs$vols <- volumes
  statsList <- list()

  if(!inherits(statsoutput, "mincMultiDim")){
    input_name <- deparse(substitute(statsoutput))
    dim(statsoutput) <- c(length(statsoutput), 1)
    class(statsoutput) <- c("mincMultiDim", "matrix")
    attr(statsoutput, "stat-type") <- singleStatType
    colnames(statsoutput) <- input_name
  sType <- attributes(statsoutput)$`stat-type`
  cNames <- colnames(statsoutput)

  cat("Converting to mincArray - might take a second or two\n")
  for (i in 1:length(cNames)) {
    if (keepBetas || sType[i] != "beta") {
      # make symmetric for betas and tvalues
      if (sType[i] %in% c("beta", "t", "tlmer")) {
        symmetric <- TRUE
      else {
        symmetric <- FALSE
      statsList[[cNames[i]]] <- list(data=mincArray(statsoutput, cNames[i]),
                                     legendTitle=paste(sType[i], "value"))
  d <- dim(anatVol)
  m <- attributes(statsoutput)$model
  if (is.null(modelfunc)) {
    if (any(sType == "t")) {
      modelfunc <- function(x) { summary(lm(x ~ m -1)) }
    else {
      modelfunc <- function(x) { anova(lm(x ~ m -1)) }
  cat("Launching shiny\n")
  shiny::runApp(system.file("shinyRMINC/", package="RMINC"))
Mouse-Imaging-Centre/RMINC documentation built on Nov. 12, 2022, 1:50 p.m.