
Defines functions fanPlot

 Fanplot = fanPlot=function(Datavector,Names,Labels,MaxNumberOfSlices,main='',
#    fanPlot(Datavector,Names,Labels,main='',col,MaxPercentage=FALSE,ShrinkPies=0.05,Rline=1.1)
#      An better alternative to the pie chart represents amount of values given in data.
#      \item{Datavector   [1:n] a vector of n non unique values
#      \item{Names   names to search for in Datavector, if not set \code{unique} of Datavector is calculated.
#      Labels   [1:k] Labels if they are specially named, if not Names are used.
#      MaxNumberOfSlices    integer, how many slices should be presented at maximum?
#      \item{main}{
#        title below the fan pie, see \code{plot}
#      }
#      \item{col}{default as other colors in this packages, else the same as in \code{plot}
#      }
#      \item{MaxPercentage}{
#        default FALSE; if true the biggest slice is 100 percent instead of the biggest procentual count
#      }
#      \item{ShrinkPies}{
#        distrance between biggest and smalles slice of the pie
#      }
#      \item{Rline}{ The distance between text and pie is defined here as the length of the line in numerical numbers
#      }
#      A normal pie plot is dificult to interpret for a human observer, because humans are not trained well to observe angles [Gohil, 2015, p. 102]. Therefore, the fan plot is used. As proposed in [Gohil 2015] the \code{fan.plot}() of the \code{plotrix} package is used to solve this problem.
#    silent output by calling \code{invisible} of a list with
#      \item{Percentages}{
#        [1:k] percent values visualized in fanplot
#      }
#      \item{Labels}{
#        [1:k] see input \code{Labels}, only relevant ones

#      [Gohil, 2015]  Gohil, Atmajitsinh. R data Visualization cookbook. Packt Publishing Ltd, 2015.
    if (!requireNamespace('plotrix',quietly = TRUE)){
       message('Subordinate package (plotrix) is missing. No computations are performed.
Please install the package which is defined in "Suggests".')
       return('Subordinate package (plotrix) is missing. No computations are performed.
Please install the package which is defined in "Suggests".')
  #corrected and adapted plotrix function
   fan_plot_intern=function (x, edges = 200, radius = 1, col = NULL, align.at = NULL, 
                             max.span = NULL, labels = NULL, labelpos = NULL, label.radius = 1.2, 
                             align = "left", shrink = 0.02, main = "", ticks = NULL,LabelCol="black", include.sumx = FALSE, 
     if (!is.numeric(x) || any(is.na(x) | x <= 0)) 
       stop("fan.plot: x values must be positive numbers.")
     nticks <- ifelse(ticks == 1, sum(x), ticks)
     if (include.sumx) 
       x <- c(x, sum(x))
     xorder <- order(x, decreasing = TRUE)
     oldmar <- par("mar")
     if (align == "center") 
       x <- pi * x/sum(x)
     else x <- 2 * pi * x/sum(x)
     if (!is.null(max.span)) 
       x <- x * max.span/max(x)
     if (is.null(align.at)) {
       if (align == "center") 
         align.at <- pi/2
       if (align == "right") 
         align.at <- (pi - x[xorder[1]])/2
       if (align == "left") 
         align.at <- (pi + x[xorder[1]])/2
     nx <- length(x)
     tempradius <- radius
     if (is.null(col)) 
       col <- rainbow(nx)
     else if (length(col) < nx) 
       col <- rep(col, length = nx)
     if (align == "left") 
       lowpoint <- min(sin(align.at - x))
     else lowpoint <- min(sin(align.at + x))
     if (lowpoint > 0) 
       lowpoint <- 0
     par(mar = c(5, 2, 1, 2), xpd = TRUE)
     xspan <- max(label.radius + 0.012 * max(nchar(labels)))
     plot(0, xlim = c(-xspan, xspan), ylim = c(lowpoint, xspan), 
          xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "n", axes = FALSE)
     xy <- par("usr")
     pinxy <- par("pin")
     ymult <- (xy[4] - xy[3])/(xy[2] - xy[1]) * (pinxy[1]/pinxy[2])
     if (nchar(main)) 
       text(0, (max(label.radius) + 0.2) * ymult, main, cex = 1.5, 
            adj = c(0.5, 1))
     for (i in 1:nx) {
       n <- edges * x[xorder[i]]/pi
       if (align == "center") 
         t2p <- seq(align.at - x[xorder[i]], align.at + x[xorder[i]], 
                    length = n)
       if (align == "right") 
         t2p <- seq(align.at, align.at + x[xorder[i]], length = n)
       if (align == "left") 
         t2p <- seq(align.at - x[xorder[i]], align.at, length = n)
       xc <- c(cos(t2p) * tempradius, 0)
       yc <- c(sin(t2p) * tempradius * ymult, 0)
       polygon(xc, yc, col = col[i], ...)
       tempradius <- tempradius - shrink
     if (!is.null(ticks)) {
       if (align == "left") 
         tickles <- seq(align.at, align.at - x[xorder[1]], 
                        by = -sum(x)/ticks)
       if (align == "right") 
         tickles <- seq(align.at, align.at + x[xorder[1]], 
                        by = sum(x)/ticks)
       if (align == "center") 
         tickles <- c(seq(align.at, align.at + x[xorder[1]], 
                          by = sum(x)/(2 * ticks)), seq(align.at, align.at - 
                                                          x[xorder[1]], by = -sum(x)/(2 * ticks)))
       stickout <- rep(c(0.04, rep(0.02, 4), 0.03, rep(0.02, 
                                                       4)), length.out = length(tickles))
       xpos1 <- cos(tickles) * (radius + stickout)
       ypos1 <- sin(tickles) * ymult * (radius + stickout)
       xpos2 <- cos(tickles) * radius
       ypos2 <- sin(tickles) * ymult * radius
       segments(xpos1, ypos1, xpos2, ypos2)
     if (!is.null(labels)) {
       par(xpd = TRUE)
       if (align == "center") {
         labelside <- rep(c(1, -1), length.out = nx - 1)
         lpos <- c(align.at + labelside * (x[xorder[1:(nx - 
                                                         1)]] + (x[xorder[2:nx]] - x[xorder[1:(nx - 1)]])/2), 
       if (align == "right") {
         lpos <- align.at + (x[xorder] - c((x[xorder[1:(nx - 
                                                          1)]] - x[xorder[2:nx]])/2, x[xorder[nx]]/2))
         labelside <- rep(1, nx)
       if (align == "left") {
         lpos <- align.at - (x[xorder] - c((x[xorder[1:(nx - 
                                                          1)]] - x[xorder[2:nx]])/2, x[xorder[nx]]/2))
         labelside <- rep(-1, nx)
       if (is.null(labelpos)) {
         labelpos <- lpos
         ldiff <- abs(diff(labelpos))
         squeezers <- which(ldiff < 0.15)
         if (length(squeezers)) {
           for (squeeze in squeezers) {
             labelpos[1:squeeze] <- labelpos[1:squeeze] + 
               (0.15 - ldiff[squeeze]) * labelside[1:squeeze]
             labelpos[(squeeze + 1):nx] <- labelpos[(squeeze + 
                                                       1):nx] - (0.15 - ldiff[squeeze]) * labelside[(squeeze + 
       innerend <- seq(0.98, by = -shrink, length = nx)
       endpos <- lpos
       if (length(label.radius) < nx) 
         label.radius <- rep(label.radius, length.out = nx)
       xpos1 <- cos(labelpos) * label.radius[xorder]
       ypos1 <- sin(labelpos) * ymult * label.radius[xorder]
       for (i in 1:nx) plotrix::boxed.labels(xpos1[i], ypos1[i], labels[xorder[i]], 
                                             border = FALSE, xpad = 0, ypad = 0.1, adj = c(0.5 - 
                                                                                             cos(labelpos[i])/2.5, 0.5),col=LabelCol[i])
       xpos1 <- cos(labelpos) * (label.radius[xorder] + radius)/2
       ypos1 <- sin(labelpos) * ymult * (label.radius[xorder] + 
       xpos2 <- cos(endpos) * radius * innerend
       ypos2 <- sin(endpos) * ymult * radius * innerend
       segments(xpos1, ypos1, xpos2, ypos2)
     par(mar = oldmar, xpd = FALSE)


  fan_plot_intern(pct,labels=Labels,col=colors,max.span=pi,align="left",main='',include.sumx=MaxPercentage,shrink=ShrinkPies,label.radius = Rline,lwd=2,LabelCol = colors,...)
   xy <- par("usr")

   #text(0, xy[3], main, cex = 1.5, adj = c(0.5, 1))
   mtext(main,side = 1,cex = 1.5)
Mthrun/DataVisualizations documentation built on Jan. 16, 2024, 1:01 a.m.