
Defines functions GetGhcn2 GetGhcn SelectGhcnGauges

Documented in GetGhcn GetGhcn2 SelectGhcnGauges

#' Read the daily GHCN-D metadata and select gauges based on the user criteria.
#' \code{SelectGhcnGauges} is designed to create a dataframe of the selected 
#' gauges based on the user's criteria. The dataframe stores important 
#' information about each gauge such as country, network type, stationID, 
#' lat/lon, elevation, state, description, GSN flag, HCN/CRN flag, WMO ID and 
#' siteIds=[country,ntework,stationID]
#' @section Selection criteria : Selection can be based on the following 
#'   criteria: \enumerate{ \item A list of countries. For the full list of 
#'   countries refer to 
#'   \url{http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/ghcnd-countries.txt}, 
#'   example: countryCode=c("US","UK")
#'   \item A list of states (in this case the country will be automatically set 
#'   to US). For the full list of states refer to 
#'   \url{http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/ghcnd-states.txt}, 
#'   example: states=c("OK","TX")
#'   \item A specific type of the network. For a list of network codes, please 
#'   refer to \url{http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/readme.txt} The
#'   options are as follows: \itemize{ \item  0 = unspecified (station 
#'   identified by up to eight alphanumeric characters) \item  1 = Community 
#'   Collaborative Rain, Hail,and Snow (CoCoRaHS) based identification number. 
#'   To ensure consistency with GHCN Daily, all numbers in the original CoCoRaHS
#'   IDs have been left-filled to make them all four digits long. In addition, 
#'   the characters "-" and "_" have been removed to ensure that the IDs do not 
#'   exceed 11 characters when preceded by "US1". For example, the CoCoRaHS ID 
#'   "AZ-MR-156" becomes "US1AZMR0156" in GHCN-Daily \item  C = U.S. Cooperative
#'   Network identification number (last six characters of the GHCN-Daily ID) 
#'   \item  E = Identification number used in the ECA&D non-blended dataset 
#'   \item  M = World Meteorological Organization ID (last five characters of 
#'   the GHCN-Daily ID) \item  N = Identification number used in data supplied 
#'   by a National Meteorological or Hydrological Center \item R = U.S. 
#'   Interagency Remote Automatic Weather Station (RAWS) identifier \item S = 
#'   U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service SNOwpack TELemtry (SNOTEL) 
#'   station identifier \item  W = WBAN identification number (last five 
#'   characters of the GHCN-Daily ID) \item example: networkCode=c("C","1") } 
#'   \item Based on a domain. If domain is true, then you need min and max 
#'   latitude and logitude for the enclosing rectangle. }
#' @param countryCode A vector of desired countries, e.g., 
#'   countryCode=c("US","UK").
#' @param networkCode A vector of desired network types, e.g., for COOP and 
#'   CoCoRaHS use networkCode=c("C","1").
#' @param states A vector of desired states if country is US, e.g., 
#'   states=c("OK","TX").
#' @param domain Logical. Set to TRUE if you want to cut over a rectangle 
#'   domain. (DEFAULT=FALSE)
#' @param minLat,maxLat,minLon,maxLon Numerics defining the boundary of the 
#'   rectangle if domain=TRUE.
#' @param fileAdd Provide the address to the daily GHCN ghcnd-states.txt. 
#'   Default is 
#'   "ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/ghcnd-stations.txt".
#' @return A dataframe of the selected gauges based on the user's criteria 
#'   containing the following fields: country, network type, stationID, lat/lon,
#'   elevation, state, description, GSN flag, HCN/CRN flag, WMO ID and 
#'   siteIds=[country,ntework,stationID]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' countryCodeList=c("US")
#' networkCodeList=c("1")
#' statesList=c("WY")
#' selectedGauges<-SelectGhcnGauges(countryCode=countryCodeList,
#'                                  networkCode=networkCodeList,
#'                                  states=statesList)
#' }
#' @keywords IO
#' @concept GHCN
#' @family GHCN
#' @export

SelectGhcnGauges <- function(countryCode = NULL,networkCode = NULL,
                             states = NULL, domain = FALSE,
                             minLat = NULL, maxLat = NULL,
                             minLon = NULL, maxLon = NULL,
                             fileAdd = NULL) {
  # Setup
  if (is.null(fileAdd)){
    fileAdd <- "ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/ghcnd-stations.txt"
  selectedGauges <- utils::read.fwf(fileAdd,
                             widths = c(2,1,8,-1,8,-1,9,-1,6,-1,2,-1,30,-1,3,-1,3,-1,4),
                             colClasses = c(rep("character",3),rep("numeric",3),
                             comment.char = "")
  names(selectedGauges) <- c('country','network','stationID','latitude','longitude',
  if (!is.null(countryCode)) {
    selectedGauges <- subset(selectedGauges, country %in% as.list(countryCode))
  if (!is.null(networkCode)){
    selectedGauges <- subset(selectedGauges,network %in% as.list(networkCode))
  if (!is.null(states)) {
    selectedGauges <- subset(selectedGauges,state %in% as.list(states))
  if (isTRUE(domain)) {
    selectedGauges <- subset(selectedGauges,latitude > minLat &
                               latitude < maxLat &
                               longitude > minLon &
                               longitude < maxLon)
  selectedGauges$siteIds <- paste0(selectedGauges$country,

#' Get GHCN-D data for specified siteIds.
#' \code{\link{GetGhcn}} downloads the daily GHCN (Global Historic Climatology
#' Network) data for each site in siteIds and creates a dataframe containing
#' five fields: siteIds, date, daily GHCN value, the qFlag and the element. Data
#' has become available in two formats either categorized by gauge station (use
#' \code{\link{GetGhcn}}) or categorized by year (use \code{\link{GetGhcn2}}). 
#' If there are many gauges, then \code{\link{GetGhcn2}} would be much faster.
#' @param siteIds A single siteId or vector of siteIds. SiteIds should match the
#'   standardized GHCN-D IDs (for example : ACW00011604). See
#'   \url{http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/ghcnd-stations.txt} for
#'   a list of siteIds.
#' @param elements A character vector defining what type of observation you are
#'   interested in. There are five core elements as well as a number of 
#'   additional elements. The five core elements are: \describe{ \item{PRCP}{ =
#'   Precipitation (tenths of mm), the precipitation will be converted to mm
#'   when calling \code{\link{GetGhcn}} or \code{\link{GetGhcn2}} } \item{SNOW}{
#'   = Snowfall (mm)} \item{SNWD}{ = Snow depth (mm)} \item{TMAX}{ = Maximum
#'   temperature (tenths of degrees C)} \item{TMIN}{ = Minimum temperature
#'   (tenths of degrees C)} } For the full list of elemenst refer to 
#'   \url{ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/readme.txt}
#' @param startDate,endDate Date.
#' @param parallel Logical (DEFAULT=FALSE)
#' @param fileAdd Address to the url containg all the daily GHCN data, default
#'   is \url{http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/all/}
#' @return A dataframe containing the date, corresponding daily GHCN-D value, 
#'   the qFlag and the element.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' siteIds=c("ACW00011604","AJ000037579","AJ000037883","ASN00005095")
#' startDate="1949/02/01"
#' endDate="1949/10/01"
#' element="PRCP"
#' obsPrcp<-GetGhcn(siteIds,element,startDate,endDate,parallel=FALSE)
#' }
#' # Or you could use the results of SelectGhcnGauges:
#' \dontrun{
#' countryCodeList=c("US")
#' networkCodeList=c("1")
#' statesList=c("WY")
#' selectedGauges<-SelectGhcnGauges(countryCode=countryCodeList,
#'                                  networkCode=networkCodeList,
#'                                  states=statesList)
#' obsPrcp<-GetGhcn(selectedGauges$siteIds,element,startDate,endDate,parallel=FALSE)
#' }
#' @keywords IO
#' @concept GHCN
#' @family GHCN
#' @export

GetGhcn <- function(siteIds,elements,startDate=NULL,endDate=NULL,parallel=FALSE,
                    fileAdd=NULL) {
  # Setup
  if (is.null(fileAdd)) fileAdd="http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/all/"
  getSite <- function(siteId) {
    if (is.element('readr', utils::installed.packages()[,1])){
      # We are using readr::read_fwf which is quite faster than base read.fwf if readr is available
      tmp <- tryCatch(readr::read_fwf(urlAdd, 
                                      col_positions = readr::fwf_widths(c(11,4,2,4,rep(c(5,1,1,1),31))),
                                      col_types = paste0("ciic",paste(rep("iccc",31), collapse = ""))), 
                      error=function(cond) {message(cond); return(NA)})
      warning("This function would be faster if package \"readr\" is installed")
      tmp <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(utils::read.fwf(urlAdd,widths=c(11,4,2,4,rep(c(5,1,1,1),31)),
                      error=function(cond) {message(cond); return(NA)})
    tmp <- as.data.frame(tmp)
    dayflag <- c('day','mFlag','qFlag','sFlag')
    dayflag <- paste0(dayflag,rep(1:31,each=4))
    names(tmp) <- c('siteId','year','month','element',dayflag)
    # Subset based on the elements
    tmp <- subset(tmp, element %in% elements) 
    if (nrow(tmp) > 0){
      whDay <- grep("day", names(tmp))
      whqFlag <- grep("qFlag", names(tmp))
      dayMeltDf <- reshape2::melt(tmp[,c(1:4,whDay)], id=c(names(tmp)[1:4]))
      dayMeltDf$qFlag <- reshape2::melt(tmp[,c(1:4,whqFlag)], id=c(names(tmp)[1:4]))$value
      changeDayName <- c(1:31)
      names(changeDayName) <- paste0('day',1:31)
      dayMeltDf$dayOfMonth <- changeDayName[dayMeltDf$dayOfMonth]
      dayMeltDf$datetime <- as.Date(paste0(dayMeltDf$year,'/', dayMeltDf$month,'/', dayMeltDf$dayOfMonth)) # add a date class column to the datafarme
      dayMeltDf<-dayMeltDf[stats::complete.cases(dayMeltDf$datetime),] #Removes the null dates like 31 day of feb does not exist
      #Subset based on the provided date here to avoid reading lengthy observation into memory
      if ((!is.null(startDate)) & (!is.null(endDate))) {
        dayMeltDf<-subset(dayMeltDf, datetime >= as.Date(startDate) & datetime <= as.Date(endDate))
  siteIdsList <- as.list(siteIds)
  names(siteIdsList) <- siteIds
  dataOut <- plyr::ldply( siteIdsList, getSite, .parallel = parallel)
  if (nrow(dataOut)== 0) {
    return("warning: there is no available observation for the specified period")
    if ("PRCP" %in% elements) {
      dataOut$value <- ifelse(dataOut$element == "PRCP", dataOut$value/10, dataOut$value)

#' Get GHCN-D data for specified siteIds.
#' \code{\link{GetGhcn2}} downloads the daily GHCN (Global Historic Climatology
#' Network) data for each site in siteIds and creates a dataframe containing the
#' fields: siteIds, date, element, daily GHCN value, mFlag, qFlag, sFlag and
#' reportTime. This is a faster function compared to \code{\link{GetGhcn}} if
#' you have many sites.
#' @param siteIDs A single siteId or vector of siteIds. SiteIds should match the
#'   standardized GHCN-D IDs (for example : ACW00011604). See
#'   \url{http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/ghcnd-stations.txt} for
#'   a list of siteIds.
#' @param elements A character vector defining what type of observation you are
#'   interested in. There are five core elements as well as a number of 
#'   additional elements. The five core elements are: \describe{ \item{PRCP}{ =
#'   Precipitation (tenths of mm), the precipitation will be converted to mm
#'   when calling \code{\link{GetGhcn}} or \code{\link{GetGhcn2}} } \item{SNOW}{
#'   = Snowfall (mm)} \item{SNWD}{ = Snow depth (mm)} \item{TMAX}{ = Maximum
#'   temperature (tenths of degrees C)} \item{TMIN}{ = Minimum temperature
#'   (tenths of degrees C)} } For the full list of elemenst refer to 
#'   \url{ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/readme.txt}
#' @param startDate,endDate Date.
#' @param parallel Logical (DEFAULT=FALSE)
#' @param fileAdd Address to the url containg the csv files of daily GHCN by
#'   year. default is
#'   \url{http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/by_year/}
#' @return A dataframe containing the siteIds, date, daily GHCN-D, element,
#'   sFlag, qFlag, mFlag and reportTime. If the element is PRCP, then divide the
#'   numbers by 10 to convert to mm. For more information on possible outcomes
#'   of flags and their meaning, refer to 
#'   \url{http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/by_year/readme.txt}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' siteIds=c("ACW00011604","AJ000037579","AJ000037883","ASN00005095")
#' startDate="2015/02/01"
#' endDate="2015/10/01"
#' element="PRCP"
#' obsPrcp<-GetGhcn2(siteIds,element,startDate,endDate,parallel=FALSE)
#' }
#' # Or you could use the results of SelectGhcnGauges:
#' \dontrun{
#' countryCodeList=c("US")
#' networkCodeList=c("1")
#' statesList=c("WY")
#' selectedGauges<-SelectGhcnGauges(countryCode=countryCodeList,
#'                                  networkCode=networkCodeList,
#'                                  states=statesList)
#' obsPrcp<-GetGhcn2(selectedGauges$siteIds,element,startDate,endDate,parallel=FALSE)
#' }
#' @keywords IO
#' @concept GHCN
#' @family GHCN
#' @export

GetGhcn2 <- function(siteIDs, elements, startDate, endDate, parallel = FALSE,
                     fileAdd=NULL) {
  if (is.null(fileAdd)) {
  # get all the years in the time period
  dataOut <- plyr::ldply(years, function(year) {
    if (is.element('readr', utils::installed.packages()[,1])){
    # we are using readr::read_csv which is quite faster of read.csv
    dat <- tryCatch(readr::read_csv(paste0(fileAdd,year,".csv.gz"),
                                    col_types = "cccdcccc",
                                    col_names = c("siteIds","date","element","value","mFlag",
                    error=function(cond) {message(cond); return(NA)})
      warning("This function would be faster if package \"readr\" is installed")
      temp <- tempfile()
      utils::download.file(paste0(fileAdd,year,".csv.gz"),temp, mode="wb")
      dat <- tryCatch(utils::read.csv(gzfile(temp), header = FALSE,
                      col.names = c("siteIds","date","element","value","mFlag","qFlag","sFlag","reportTime"),
                      colClasses = c(rep("character",3),"numeric",rep("character",4))),
                      error=function(cond) {message(cond); return(NA)})
    # subset based on siteIds, element, date
    dat <- as.data.frame(dat)
    dat <- subset(dat,siteIds %in% siteIDs)
    dat <- subset(dat,element %in% elements)
    dat$date <- as.Date(as.character(dat$date),"%Y%m%d")
    dat <- subset(dat,date >= as.Date(startDate) & 
                    date <= as.Date(endDate))
  if ("PRCP" %in% elements) {
    dataOut$value <- ifelse(dataOut$element == "PRCP", 
                            dataOut$value/10, dataOut$value)
NCAR/rwrfhydro documentation built on Feb. 28, 2021, 12:47 p.m.