
Defines functions inv_update inv_add_parent_package_column inv_add_extra_columns inv_load_identifiers inv_load_dois inv_load_checksums inv_load_sizes inv_load_files inv_init

# Functions relating to keeping up an inventory of files that exist on the KNB
# and may or may not be copied to another computer and untarred

#' Create an empty inventory data.frame
#' @return (data.frame) An empty data.frame.
#' @noRd
inv_init <- function() {
  inventory <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


#' Load files into the inventory from a text file
#' Load files into the inventory from a text file.
#' Files should be the output of the command:
#'   you@server:/path/to/acadis$ find . -type f
#' @param path (character) Path to a file containing a file listing.
#' @param inventory (character) A data.frame.
#' @param filter (logical) Whether or not to filter out versioned datasets.
#' @return (data.frame) An inventory.
#' @noRd
inv_load_files <- function(inventory, path, filter=TRUE) {
  stopifnot("inventory" %in% ls(),

  # Read the filenames from disk
  files <- read.delim(path,
                      col.names = c("file"),
                      header = FALSE,
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Filter out files not under with 'acadis-field-projects' or 'acadis-gateway'
  # subfolders
  size_before <- nrow(files)

  files <- files[stringi::stri_startswith_fixed(files$file, "./acadis-field-projects/") |
                   stringi::stri_startswith_fixed(files$file, "./acadis-gateway/"), "file", drop = FALSE]

  size_diff <- size_before - nrow(files)
  if (size_diff > 0) { cat("Removed", size_diff, "file(s) that weren't inside acadis-gateway or acadis-field-projects subfolders.\n") }

  # Filter out versioned datasets
  if (filter) {
    size_before <- nrow(files)
    files <- files[grep("v_\\d\\.\\d", files$file, invert = TRUE), "file", drop = FALSE]

    size_diff <- size_before - nrow(files)
    if (size_diff > 0) { cat("Removed", size_diff, "file(s) that were part of versioned datasets.\n") }

  # If inventory is empty, just make the inventory the same as filenames
  if (nrow(inventory) == 0) {

  # Only append rows with new filenames
  # Merging algorithm:
  #   Add colums we need to `filenames`
  #   Remove rows from `filenames` that exist in `inventory`
  #   Merge the two

  # Make `filenames` the same shape as `inventory` by appending columns
  for (col_name in names(inventory)) {
    if (col_name %in% names(files)) { next }
    files[,col_name] <- NA

  stopifnot(identical(names(inventory), names(files)))

  # Remove intersections if we had any
  inter_vals <- intersect(inventory$file, files$file)

  if (length(inter_vals) > 0 ) {
    files <- subset(files, match(file, inter_vals, nomatch = 0) == 0)

  inventory <- rbind(inventory,


#' Load file sizes into an inventory from a text file
#' Removes the column 'size_bytes' from inventory before doing a left join.
#' @param path (character) Path to a file containing sizes.
#' @param inventory (data.frame) A data.frame.
#' @return (data.frame) An inventory.
#' @noRd
inv_load_sizes <- function(inventory, path) {
  stopifnot("inventory" %in% ls(),
            "file" %in% names(inventory))

  # Read the sizes from disk
  sizes <- read.delim(path,
                      col.names = c("size_bytes", "file"),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                      header = FALSE)


  if (nrow(inventory) != nrow(sizes)) {
    warning(paste("Inventory and incoming 'sizes' data.frame not of the same number of rows.", nrow(inventory), "vs", nrow(sizes)))

  # Join the sizes onto existing filenames in the inventory
  # First drop the existing sizes
  inventory <- inventory[,!(names(inventory) %in% "size_bytes"), drop = FALSE]
  inventory <- dplyr::left_join(inventory, sizes, by = "file")

  # Check the result
  if (any(is.na(inventory$file))) { message("Some values in the 'filename' column were NA.")}
  if (any(is.na(inventory$size_bytes))) { message("Some values in the 'size_bytes' column were NA.")}


#' Load checksums into the inventory file from a text file
#' This function removes the column 'checksum_sha256' from inventory before doing a
#' left join.
#' @param path (character) Path to a file containing sizes.
#' @param inventory (data.frame) An inventory.
#' @return (data.frame) An inventory.
#' @noRd
inv_load_checksums <- function(inventory, path) {
  stopifnot("inventory" %in% ls(),
            "file" %in% names(inventory))

  # Convert the text file to a TSV before reading and joining
  in_file <- readLines(path)
  in_file_withtabs <- gsub("  ", "\t", in_file)
  out_file <- tempfile()
  writeLines(in_file_withtabs, out_file)

  # Read in the file we made above
  checksums <- read.delim(out_file,
                          header = FALSE,
                          col.names = c("checksum_sha256", "file"),
                          sep = "\t",
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


  if (nrow(inventory) != nrow(checksums)) {
    warning(paste("Inventory and incoming 'checksums' data.frame not of the same number of rows.", nrow(inventory), "vs", nrow(checksums)))

  # Join the checksums onto existing filenames in the inventory
  # First drop the existing checksums
  inventory <- inventory[,!(names(inventory) %in% "checksum_sha256"), drop = FALSE]
  inventory <- dplyr::left_join(inventory, checksums, by = "file")

  # Check the result
  if (any(is.na(inventory$file))) { message("Some values in the 'file' column were NA.")}
  if (any(is.na(inventory$checksum_sha256))) { message("Some values in the 'checksum_sha256' column were NA.")}


#' Load DOIs from a text file into the inventory
#' Load DOIs from a text file into the inventory.
#' @param path (character) Location of a text file with DOIs and file paths.
#' @param inventory (data.frame) An inventory.
#' @return (data.frame) The modified inventory.
#' @noRd
inv_load_dois <- function(inventory, path) {
            "file" %in% names(inventory))

  dois <- read.delim(path,
                     header = FALSE,
                     col.names = c("file", "pid"),
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

            nrow(dois) > 0,

  # Join the identifiers onto existing filenames in the inventory
  # First drop the existing identifiers
  inventory <- inventory[,!(names(inventory) %in% "pid"), drop = FALSE]
  inventory <- dplyr::left_join(inventory, dois, by = "file")


#' Load identifiers into the inventory file(s) from a text file
#' This function removes the column 'identifier' from inventory before doing a
#' left join.
#' @param paths (character) Path(s) to files containing identifiers.
#' @param inventory (data.frame) An inventory.
#' @return (data.frame) An inventory.
#' @noRd
inv_load_identifiers <- function(inventory, paths) {
            "file" %in% names(inventory))

  identifiers <- data.frame()

  for (path in paths) {
    # Read the identifiers from disk
    filename_identifiers <- read.csv(path,
                                     col.names = c("file", "identifier"),
                                     header = TRUE,
                                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # rbind them
    identifiers <- rbind(identifiers,


  # Join the identifiers onto existing filenames in the inventory
  # First drop the existing identifiers
  inventory <- inventory[,!(names(inventory) %in% "identifier"), drop = FALSE]
  inventory <- dplyr::left_join(inventory, identifiers, by = "file")


#' Add a set of extra columns to the inventory
#' Add a set of extra columns to the inventory that are useful for working
#' with them.
#' @param inventory (data.frame) An inventory.
#' @return (data.frame) An inventory.
#' @noRd
inv_add_extra_columns <- function(inventory) {
  stopifnot(is(inventory, "data.frame"), "file" %in% names(inventory))

  # Mark metadata files
  cat("Adding 'is_metadata' column.\n")
  inventory$is_metadata <- stringi::stri_endswith_fixed(inventory$file, "ISO.xml") |
    stringi::stri_endswith_fixed(inventory$file, "iso19139.xml")

  # Mark which root subfolder each file is under
  # cat("Adding 'subfolder' column.\n")
  # inventory$subfolder[stringi::stri_startswith_fixed(inventory$file, "./acadis-field-projects")] <- "FP"
  # inventory$subfolder[stringi::stri_startswith_fixed(inventory$file, "./acadis-gateway")] <- "G"

  # Add a column with filename and folder paths
  cat("Adding 'folder' and 'filename' columns.\n")

  inventory$folder <- unlist(
      stringr::str_split(inventory$file, "/"),
      function(x) {
        paste(x[1:(length(x) - 1)], collapse = "/")

  inventory$filename <- unlist(
      stringr::str_split(inventory$file, "/"),
      function(x) {

  # Add depth column
  cat("Adding 'depth' column.\n")
  inventory$depth <- unlist(
      stringr::str_split(inventory$file, "/"), length))

  # Add column for whether or not a file is an archive
  # cat("Adding 'is_archive' column.\n")
  # archive_regex <- ".*\\.(tar|gz|bz2|zip|tgz)$"
  # inventory$is_archive <- grepl(archive_regex, inventory$filename)

  # Add a column for the format ID
  cat("Adding 'format_id' column.\n")
  inventory$format_id <- guess_format_id(inventory$filename)
  # Mark metadata as ISO, .xml files will just be application/xml after this
  # but we can assume all of our metadata is ISO
  inventory[inventory$is_metadata,"format_id"] <- "http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd"

  # Add a column for packages
  cat("Adding 'package' column.\n")
  inventory$package <- NA
  inventory <- as.data.frame(inventory) # Conver to data.frame in case it's a tbl_df

  stopifnot("depth" %in% names(inventory))

  # Traverse depth-first
  for (d in seq(max(inventory$depth), min(inventory$depth))) {
    cat(paste0(d, "."))

    inv_atdepth_metadata <- which(inventory$depth == d & inventory$is_metadata == TRUE)
    folders <- unique(inventory[inv_atdepth_metadata,"folder"])

    for (folder in folders) {
      # Find all files under this folder's hierarchy that haven't already been
      # packaged

      # Note we add a trailing slash to the folder name so that matches aren't
      # made on partial strings, e.g. ./46.10/ vs ./46.100/
      files_in_package <- stringi::stri_startswith_fixed(inventory$file, paste0(folder, "/")) &
      inventory[files_in_package,"package"] <- digest::digest(folder, algo="sha1")


  # Calculate statistics related to packages
  cat("Adding 'package_nfiles', 'package_size_mb', and 'package_has_archives' columns.\n")
  inventory <- dplyr::group_by(inventory, package)
  inventory <- dplyr::mutate(inventory, package_nfiles = length(package))


#' Add a column for parent packages
#' @param inventory (data.frame) An inventory.
#' @return (data.frame) An inventory.
#' @noRd
inv_add_parent_package_column <- function(inventory) {
  stopifnot(all(c("file", "package", "is_metadata", "depth") %in% names(inventory)))

  packages <- unique(inventory$package)

            length(packages) > 0)

  if (!("parent_package" %in% names(inventory))) {
    inventory$parent_package <- ""

  metadata_files <- inventory[inventory$is_metadata == TRUE,]

  for (package in packages) {
    if (is.na(package)) {

    metadata_file <- metadata_files[metadata_files$package == package,]
    stopifnot(nrow(metadata_file) == 1)

    metadata_file_path <- metadata_file[,"file"]
    metadata_file_depth <- metadata_file[,"depth"]


    path_parts <- stringr::str_split(metadata_file_path, "/")[[1]]
    path_parts <- path_parts[1:(length(path_parts) - 1)]

    # Three is the cutoff here because no package is higher than...
    # ./acadis-X-X/some_folder/something (length four)
    while (length(path_parts) > 2) {
      joined_path <- paste(path_parts, collapse = "/")

      # Note use of X == TRUE, this is to cast each part of the chained &
      # statements to bools. This is probably a bug somewhere else in my code
      # that I'm working around.
      parent_files <- metadata_files[(stringi::stri_startswith_fixed(metadata_files$file, joined_path) == TRUE) &
                                       ((metadata_files$depth < metadata_file_depth) == TRUE),]

      if (nrow(parent_files) == 1) {
        inventory[!is.na(inventory$package) &
                    !is.na(inventory$parent_package) &
                    inventory$package == package,"parent_package"] <- parent_files[1,"package"]

        # Halt execution of the while() loop
        path_parts <- c()
      } else if (nrow(parent_files) > 1) {
        # warning(paste0("Number of direct parent datasets in package ", package, " was greater than one."))
        path_parts <- path_parts[1:(length(path_parts) - 1)]
      } else {
        # Pluck one level off of path_parts
        path_parts <- path_parts[1:(length(path_parts) - 1)]


#' Update an inventory with a new inventory
#' @param inventory (data.frame) The old inventory.
#' @param new_state (data.frame) The new inventory.
#' @noRd
inv_update <- function(inventory, new_state) {
            nrow(inventory) > 0,
            nrow(new_state) > 0)
  stopifnot(all(c("file", "pid", "created") %in% names(inventory)))

  # Temporary: Filter NA files from new_state
  # Need to fix this elsewhere
  new_state <- new_state[!is.na(new_state$file),]

  for (row_num in seq_len(nrow(new_state))) {
    file <- new_state[row_num,"file"]
    pid <- new_state[row_num,"pid"]
    created <- new_state[row_num,"created"]

    stopifnot(file %in% inventory$file)

    inventory[which(inventory$file == file),"pid"] <- pid
    inventory[which(inventory$file == file),"created"] <- created

NCEAS/arcticdatautils documentation built on Aug. 28, 2023, 12:10 p.m.