
Defines functions rt_user_agent rt_version_string parse_rt_properties print.rt_api rt_POST rt_GET construct_newline_pairs compact rt_url

Documented in compact construct_newline_pairs parse_rt_properties print.rt_api rt_GET rt_POST rt_url rt_user_agent rt_version_string

#' Generate an RT API URL
#' Create an RT API URL based on the server URL and any arguments provided
#' @param ... Parts of the URL to be joined by "/"
#' @param query_params (list) A named list of query parameters where the names
#' of the list map to the query parameter names and the values of the list map
#' to the query parameter values. e.g., \code{list(a=1)} maps to \code{"?a=1"}.
#' @param base_url (character) The base URL that hosts RT for your organization
rt_url <- function(...,
                   base_url = Sys.getenv("RT_BASE_URL")) {
  if (!is.character(base_url) || nchar(base_url) <= 0) {
    stop("Invalid RT base URL: ",
         "See ?rt for information on how to get started. ",
         call. = FALSE)

  # Form the first part of the URL
  url <- paste(gsub("\\/$", "", base_url), # Removes trailing slash from base
                                           # URL just in case
                 function(x) { trimws(format(x, scientific = FALSE)) },
          collapse = "/"),
        sep = "/")

  # Add in query parameters
  query_params_clean <- compact(query_params)

  # Create a string of query params
  # Converts to char and URL encode values along the way
  query_params_string <- paste(
        reserved = TRUE),
      sep = "="),
    collapse = "&")

  if (nchar(query_params_string) > 0) {
    url <- paste(url, query_params_string, sep = "?")


#' Compact list.
#' Remove all NULL entries from a list. From \code{plyr::compact()}.
#' @param l list
compact <- function(l) Filter(Negate(is.null), l)

#' Construct a string for params suitable for passing into an RT request
#' RT's API, in a few cases, takes a body of key value pairs that are colon
#' separated and each key value pair is newline separated. Each pair is also
#' run through \code{\link{compact}} to remove \code{NULL} elements.
#' @param params (list) One or more key value pairs
#' @return (character)
construct_newline_pairs <- function(params) {
  params_clean <- compact(params)
  paste(names(params_clean), params_clean, sep = ": ", collapse = "\n")

#' Get an RT response
#' Get an RT response and format it into an S3 object
#' @param url (character) The full RT URL
#' @param raw (logical) Whether or not to return the raw response from \
#' code{\link[httr]{GET}} (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE})
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{\link[httr]{GET}}
#' @return (rt_api) The parsed response from RT
rt_GET <- function(url, raw = FALSE, ...) {
  response <- httr::GET(url, ...,  httr::user_agent(rt_user_agent()))

  if (raw) {


#' POST an RT request
#' @param url (character) The full RT URL
#' @param raw (logical) Whether or not to return the raw response from \
#' code{\link[httr]{POST}} (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE})
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{\link[httr]{POST}}
#' @return (rt_api) The parsed response from RT
rt_POST <- function(url, raw = FALSE, ...) {
  response <- httr::POST(url, ..., httr::user_agent(rt_user_agent()))

  if (raw) {


#' Print an `rt_api` object
#' @param x object of class `rt_api`
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{\link[utils]{head}}
#' @export
print.rt_api <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("<RT ", x$path, ">\n", sep = "")
  cat("  Status: ", x$status, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("  Message: ", x$message, "\n", sep = "")
    utils::head(strsplit(x$body, "\n")[[1]], ...),
    collapse = "\n"))


#' Parse typical RT properties as contained in an RT response body
#' The code gives a basic idea of the format but it's basically
#' newline-separated key-value pairs with a ': ' between them. e.g.,
#'   id: queue/1
#'   Name: General
#' @param body (character) Response body from an \code{rt_response}
#' @return List of properties
parse_rt_properties <- function(body) {
  lines <- strsplit(body, "\\n")[[1]]
  lines <- Filter(function(line) nchar(line) > 0, lines)

  properties <- list()
  last_key <- NA

  for (line in lines) {
    if (!grepl("^ ", line)) {
      parts <- stringr::str_split(line, "(: ?)", 2)[[1]]

      if (length(parts) == 1) {
        properties <- c(properties, list(parts))
      } else {
        properties[parts[1]] <- parts[2]
        last_key <- parts[1]
    } else {
      properties[last_key] <- paste(properties[[last_key]], line, sep = "\n")

  # Replace empty values with NA
  properties <- lapply(properties, function(property) {
    if (nchar(property) == 0) {
    } else {


#' Get the version of the currently installed version of this package as a
#' character vector
#' @return (character) The version is a character vector, e.g. "1.2.3"
rt_version_string <- function() {
  path <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = "rt")

  if (!file.exists(path)) {

  description <- readLines(path)
  index <- grep("Version", description)

  if (length(index) != 1) {

  version_string <- gsub("Version: ", "", description[index])

  if (nchar(version_string) <= 0) {


#' Get the user agent for the package.
#' This is used by \code{\link{rt_GET}} and \code{\link{rt_POST}} to provide
#' HTTP requests with an appropriate user agent.
#' @return (character) The user agent string for the package
rt_user_agent <- function() {
  paste0("https://github.com/nceas/rt (v", rt_version_string(), ")")
NCEAS/rt documentation built on June 7, 2021, 11 a.m.