
Defines functions updateAliasedModel GoodnessOfFitPlot.Regression Accuracy addBackNamesIfNecessary diagnosticTestFromCar infIndexPlot.Regression influencePlot.Regression hatvalues.Regression influenceIndexPlot.Regression allEffects.Regression issvyglm residualPlots.Regression ncvTest.Regression checkAcceptableModel UnusualObservations outlierTest.Regression OutlierTest HatValues CooksDistance df.residual.multinom df.residual.Regression cooks.distance.Regression print.DurbinWatson DurbinWatson numberObservations numberParameters GrandMean

Documented in Accuracy CooksDistance cooks.distance.Regression DurbinWatson GoodnessOfFitPlot.Regression GrandMean HatValues infIndexPlot.Regression ncvTest.Regression OutlierTest print.DurbinWatson residualPlots.Regression UnusualObservations

#' \code{GrandMean}
#' @param model A 'Regression'  model.
#' @details Computes the mean of the dependent variable, taking missing values, weights,
#' and the need to transform into numeric variables into account.
#' #' @importFrom flipTransformations AsNumeric
#' @importFrom flipStatistics Mean
#' @importFrom flipData Observed
#' @importFrom flipTransformations AsNumeric
#' @export
GrandMean <- function(model)
    if (inherits(model, "FitRegression"))
        y <- Observed.FitRegression(model)
        w <- model$weights
        if (model$type != "Linear")
            warning("GrandMean function has not been checked for non-Linear models.")
        subset <- model$subset
        y <- AsNumeric(Observed(model)[subset])
        w <- model$weights[subset]
    Mean(y, w)

numberParameters <- function(x)
  if("Regression" %in% class(x))
    return(x$n.predictors + 1)

numberObservations <- function(x)
  if("Regression" %in% class(x))
  attr(logLik(x), "nobs")

#' \code{DurbinWatson}
#' @param model A 'Regression'  model.
#' @param n.permutations Number of permutations used in computing the p-value.
#' @param seed The random nmber seed.
#' @details Computes the Durbin-Watson statistic. A permutation test is used for
#' computing the p-value. Tests to a lag of 1 (two-sided).
#' Durbin, J., Watson, G. S. (1950). 'Testing for Serial Correlation in Least Squares
#' Regression, I'. Biometrika 37, (pp. 3 - 4.
#' @importFrom verbs Sum
#' @export
DurbinWatson <- function(model, n.permutations = 1000, seed = 123)
  notValidForCrosstabInteraction(model, "DurbinWatson")
  residuals <- resid(model)
  if("Regression" %in% class(model))
    residuals <- residuals[model$subset]
  r <- residuals[!is.na(residuals)]
  n <- length(residuals)
  if (n <= 2)
    d = NA
    p = NA

    .dW <- function(x)
      Sum((x[-n] - x[-1]) ^ 2, remove.missing = FALSE) / Sum(x^2, remove.missing = FALSE)
    .permute <- function(x) { .dW(sample(x)) }
    d <- .dW(r)
    replicates <- replicate(n.permutations, .permute(r))
    p = Sum(if (d < 2) d > replicates else d < replicates, remove.missing = FALSE) / n.permutations * 2
    result <- list(data.name = paste(deparse(model$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), statistic = c("d" = d), p.value = p, method = "Durbin-Watson statistic")
    class(result) <- "htest"

#' \code{print.DurbinWatson}
#' @param x Results from the DurbinWatson test.
#' @param ... Other arugments.
#' @method print DurbinWatson
#' @export
print.DurbinWatson <- function(x, ...)
  cat(paste0("Durbin-Watson statistic: ", x$d, "\n"))
  cat(paste0("p-value: ", x$p, "\n"))

#' \code{cooks.distance.Regression}
#' @param model Regression model.
#' @param ... Other arugments.
#' @importFrom stats cooks.distance
#' @method cooks.distance Regression
#' @export
cooks.distance.Regression <- function(model, ...)
  checkAcceptableModel(model, c("lm", "glm"),"'cooks.distance'")

#' @importFrom stats df.residual
#' @export
df.residual.Regression <- function(object, ...)

#' @export
df.residual.multinom <- function(object, ...)
  sum(!is.na(object$fitted.values[, 1])) - length(object$coefnames)

#' \code{CooksDistance}
#' @param model A 'Regression' model.
#' @details Computes Cook's distance and a threshold value.

#' @importFrom stats quantile qf cooks.distance
#' @importFrom flipFormat FormatAsReal
#' @export
CooksDistance <- function(model)
  cat("Cook's distance:\n")
  d <- cooks.distance(model)
  print(structure(zapsmall(quantile(d, na.rm = TRUE), 3), names = c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max")), digits = 3)
  k <- numberParameters(model)
  n <- numberObservations(model)
  cutoff <- qf(0.5, k, n - k)
  max.d <- max(d, na.rm = TRUE)
  max.is.high <- max.d > cutoff
  description = paste0("The largest Cook's distance is ",
                       FormatAsReal(max.d, 3), ", which is ",
                       if(max.is.high) "" else "not ",
                       "higher than the threshhold of ",
                       FormatAsReal(cutoff, 3), " (the median of the F(k=",
                       k,",n-k=", n - k, ") distribution).\n")
  invisible(list(max.is.high = max.is.high, d = d, cutoff = cutoff, description = description))

#' \code{HatValues}
#' @param model A 'Regression' model.
#' @details Computes hat values and a threshold value.
#' @importFrom stats hatvalues
#' @importFrom flipFormat FormatAsReal
#' @export
HatValues <- function(model)
  cat("Hat values:\n")
  d <- hatvalues(model)
  print(structure(zapsmall(quantile(d, na.rm = TRUE), 3), names = c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max")), digits = 3)
  k <- numberParameters(model)
  n <- numberObservations(model)
  cutoff <- 2 * (k + 1) / n
  max.d <- max(d, na.rm = TRUE)
  max.is.high <- max.d > cutoff
  description = paste0("The largest hat value is ",
                       FormatAsReal(max.d, 3), ", which is ",
                       if(max.is.high) "" else "not ",
                       "higher than the threshhold of ",
                       FormatAsReal(cutoff, 3), " = 2 * (k + 1) / n.\n")
  invisible(list(max.is.high = max.is.high, d = d, cutoff = cutoff, description = description))

#' \code{OutlierTest}
#' @param model A 'Regression' model.
#' @details Computes studentized residuals.
#' @importFrom car outlierTest
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom flipFormat FormatAsReal FormatAsPValue

#' @export
OutlierTest <- function(model)
  cat("Studentized residuals:\n")
  st <- suppressWarnings(outlierTest(model, cutoff = Inf, n.max = Inf))
  if (length(st$rstudent) > 0 && !all(is.na(st$rstudent))) # length will be 0 when the fit is perfect
      qs <- quantile(st$rstudent)
      print(structure(zapsmall(qs, 3), names = c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max")), digits = 3)
      min.p <- min(st$bonf.p)
      max.is.high <- min.p <= 0.05
      mx <- if(abs(qs[1]) < qs[5]) qs[5] else qs[1]
      description = paste0("The largest studentized residual is ",
                           FormatAsReal(mx, 3), ", which is ",
                           if(max.is.high) "" else "not ",
                           "significant, with a Bonferroni-corrected p-value of ",
                           FormatAsPValue(min.p), ".\n")
      invisible(list(max.is.high = max.is.high, outlierTest = st, description = description))
      invisible(list(max.is.high = FALSE, outlierTest = st))

#' @export
outlierTest.Regression <- function(model, ...)
  checkAcceptableModel(model, c("glm","lm"), "'outlierTest'")
  diagnosticTestFromCar(model, "outlierTest", ...)

#' \code{UnusualObservations}
#' @param model A 'Regression'  model.
#' @details Computes studentized residuals, Cook's distance, and hat values, and reports if any are above the threshhold values.
#' @export
UnusualObservations <- function(model)
  message <- "";
  # Bonferroni adjusted residual outlier check
  o <- OutlierTest(model)
  if (o$max.is.high)
    message <- o$description
  # Hat values.
  h <- HatValues(model)
  if (h$max.is.high)
    message <- paste0(message, (if(message == "") "" else "\n"), h$description)
  # Cook's distance
  d <- CooksDistance(model)
  if (d$max.is.high)
    message <- paste0(message, (if(message == "") "" else "\n"), d$description)
  if (message == ""){
    cat("No outliers have been identified.\n")
  # If user has unusual observations, consider prompts about automated outlier removal
  if (any(c(o$max.is.high, h$max.is.high, d$max.is.high)))
    # Suggest they use the automated outlier tool if they haven't or re-examine the model and amend if they have.
    if (all(model$non.outlier.data))
      message <- paste("Consider re-running the analysis using automated outlier removal with a non-zero setting to",
                       "automatically remove unusual observations that can affect the final Regression model.", message)
      message <- paste("After removing a proportion of the data from the analysis, unusual observations exist in the",
                       "data. Recommend inspecting the model diagnostics and possibly increasing the automatic outlier",
                       "removal if necessary.", message)

  paste("Unusual observations detected.", message)

checkAcceptableModel <- function(x, classes, diagnostic, exclude.partial.data = TRUE)
    diagnostic <- paste0("'", diagnostic, "'")
    if (exclude.partial.data && x$missing == "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)")
        stop(diagnostic, " is not computed for model that are computed ",
             "using 'Use partial data (pairwise correlations)'")
    if (!any(classes %in% class(x$original)))
        stop(diagnostic, " is not computed for models of this type or class.")

#' @export
vif.Regression <- function (mod, ...)
    # Can't produce VIF if there are aliased variables in the model
    aliased.polr <- getModelType(mod) == "Ordered Logit" && any(mod[["summary"]][["aliased"]])
    if (aliased.polr)
        stop("Cannot compute VIF when there are aliased predictors in the model")
    # Check model acceptable for car::vif
    checkAcceptableModel(mod, c("lm", "glm", "polr", "svyolr"), "vif")
    res <- as.matrix(diagnosticTestFromCar(mod, "vif", ...))
    class(res) <- c(class(res), "visualization-selector")

#' @importFrom car Anova
#' @importFrom flipFormat ExtractCommonPrefix
#' @importFrom flipData RemoveBackticks
#' @export
Anova.Regression <- function (mod, white.adjust = FALSE, ...)
    if(inherits(mod$original, "svyolr"))
        stop("'Anova' can not be computed for a 'Ordered Logit' model with weights. To compute the Anova, remove the ",
             "weights or select a different regression type such as 'Linear'")
    anova <- diagnosticTestFromCar(mod, "Anova", white.adjust = white.adjust, ...)
    # Updating labels
    if (mod$show.labels)
        row.names <- RemoveBackticks(attr(anova, "row.names"))
        labels <- Labels(mod$model)
        not.residuals <- row.names != "Residuals"
        extracted <- ExtractCommonPrefix(labels[match(row.names[not.residuals], names(labels))])
        row.names[not.residuals] <- extracted$shortened.labels
        attr(anova, "row.names") <- row.names
        if (!is.na(extracted$common.prefix))
            attr(anova, "by.label") <- paste0(" by ", extracted$common.prefix)
    attr(anova, "type") <- mod$type
    attr(anova, "footer") <- mod$footer
    attr(anova, "outcome.label") <- mod$outcome.label
    class(anova) <- c("Anova", class(anova))

#' #' @importMethodsFrom car Anova
#' #' @export
#' setMethod("Anova", "missing", function "<No Object>")

#' ncvTest.Regression
#' @param model A \code{\link{Regression}} model.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to \code{\link{ncvTest}}
#' @export
ncvTest.Regression <- function(model, ...)
  if (!any("lm" %in% class(model$original)))
    stop(paste0("'ncvTest is not applicable for this model (it is only appropriate for a model with type of 'Linear' and no sampling weights)."))
  checkAcceptableModel(model, "lm", "'ncvTest'")
  diagnosticTestFromCar(model, "ncvTest", ...)

#' residualPlots.Regression
#' @param model A \code{\link{Regression}} model.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to \code{\link{residualPlots}}
#' @export
residualPlots.Regression <- function(model, ...)
        stop("'residualPlots' does not work with weights. Instead, run the model without weights but including the weight variable as a predictor.")
    checkAcceptableModel(model, c("glm","lm"), "'residualPlots'")
    assign(".estimation.data", model$estimation.data, envir=.GlobalEnv)
    assign(".formula", model$formula, envir=.GlobalEnv)
    t <- residualPlots(model$original)
    remove(".formula", envir=.GlobalEnv)
    remove(".estimation.data", envir=.GlobalEnv)

issvyglm <- function(model)
    if (!is.null(model$original))
        model <- model$original
    inherits(model, "svyglm")

#' @importFrom effects allEffects
#' @export
allEffects.Regression <- function(mod, ...)
    has.aliased <- any(mod$summary$aliased)

    .estimation.data <-  mod$estimation.data
    assign(".estimation.data", .estimation.data, envir = .GlobalEnv)

    if (has.aliased)
        mod <- updateAliasedModel(mod)
    frml <- mod$formula

    assign(".formula", frml, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    assign(".design", mod$design, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    attach(.estimation.data, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
    mod$original$data <- .estimation.data
    effects <- allEffects(mod$original, ...)  # BreuschPagan(x$original)

        if (".estimation.data" %in% search())
        if (exists(".formula", envir = .GlobalEnv))
            remove(".formula", envir = .GlobalEnv)
        if (exists(".estimation.data", envir = .GlobalEnv))
            remove(".estimation.data", envir = .GlobalEnv)
        if (exists("design", envir = .GlobalEnv))
            remove(".design", envir = .GlobalEnv)

#' @export
influenceIndexPlot.Regression <- function(model, ...)
  checkAcceptableModel(model, c("glm","lm"), "'influenceIndexPlot'")
  diagnosticTestFromCar(model, "influenceIndexPlot", ...)

#' @importFrom stats hatvalues
#' @export
hatvalues.Regression <- function(model, ...)

#' @export
influencePlot.Regression <- function(model, ...)
  checkAcceptableModel(model, c("glm","lm"), "'influencePlot'")
  diagnosticTestFromCar(model, "influencePlot", ...)

#' \code{infIndexPlot.Regression}
#' @param model A 'Regression'  model.
#' @param ... Other parameters for \code{infIndexPlot}.
#' @importFrom car infIndexPlot
#' @export
infIndexPlot.Regression <- function(model, ...)
  checkAcceptableModel(model, c("glm","lm"), "'influenceIndexPlot'")
  model <- model$original
  model <- addBackNamesIfNecessary(model)
  infIndexPlot(model, ...)

#' @import car
#' @importFrom stats update formula
diagnosticTestFromCar<- function(x, diagnostic, ...)
    model <- x$original
    model <- addBackNamesIfNecessary(model)
    assign(".estimation.data", x$estimation.data, envir=.GlobalEnv)
    ## drop aliased/colinear variables
    ## if (any(x$summary$aliased))
    ##     model <- updateAliasedModel(x)
    frml <- formula(model)
    assign(".design", model$design, envir=.GlobalEnv)
    assign(".formula", frml, envir=.GlobalEnv)
        if (exists(".formula", envir = .GlobalEnv))
            remove(".formula", envir = .GlobalEnv)
        if (exists(".estimation.data", envir = .GlobalEnv))
            remove(".estimation.data", envir = .GlobalEnv)
        if (exists(".design", envir = .GlobalEnv))
            remove(".design", envir = .GlobalEnv)
    txt <- paste0(diagnostic, "(model, ...)")
    eval(parse(text = txt))

#' Names may have been stripped from some vector elements
#' from the original model fit to reduce Regression
#' output size in reduceOutputSize(). This
#' function adds back the names to avoid errors
#' when calling diagnostics from the car package
#' @noRd
addBackNamesIfNecessary <- function(model)
  if (!is.null(model$residuals) && is.null(names(model$residuals)))
      names(model$residuals) <- seq_along(model$residuals)
  if (is.vector(model$y) && is.null(names(model$y)))
      names(model$y) <- seq_along(model$residuals)

#' \code{Accuracy}
#' @param obj A model with an outcome variable.
#' @param subset An optional vector specifying a subset of observations.
#' @param weights An optional vector of sampling weights.
#' @details The proportion of observed values that take the same values as the predicted values.
#' Where the outcome variable in the model is not a factor and not a count, predicted values are
#' assigned to buckets as per \code{\link{ConfusionMatrix}}.
#' @importFrom verbs Sum
#' @export
Accuracy <- function(obj, subset = NULL, weights = obj$weights)
  cm <- ConfusionMatrix(obj, subset, weights)
  n <- Sum(cm, remove.missing = FALSE)
  correct <- Sum(diag(cm), remove.missing = FALSE)
  correct / n

#' @importFrom flipStatistics GoodnessOfFitPlot
#' @export

#' Goodness-of-fit plot for a Regression object
#' @param object An object for which a summary is desired.
#' @param max.points The maximum numner of points to plot.
#' @param ... Additional arguments affecting the goodness-of-fit displayed.
#' @importFrom flipData Observed
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases predict
#' @importFrom flipStandardCharts Chart
#' @export
GoodnessOfFitPlot.Regression = function(object, max.points = 1000, ...) {

    y <- cbind(Observed(object), predict(object))
    y <- y[object$subset & complete.cases(y), ]

    correlation <- cor(y, method = "spearman")

    # Sample randomly if too many rows
    if (nrow(y) > max.points)
        y <- y[sample(nrow(y), max.points), ]

    title <- paste0(object$type, " Regression - Shepard Diagram - Rank correlation: ", sprintf("%1.2f%%", 100 * correlation[2, 1]))
    chart <- Chart(y = y,
                   type = "Scatterplot",
                   title = title,
                   x.title = "Observed",
                   y.title = "Fitted")
    class(chart) <- c(class(chart), "visualization-selector")

#' for categorical vars, need to take care to get formula term from the
#' regr. coef. names
#' @importFrom stats update formula
#' @noRd
updateAliasedModel <- function(x)
    aliased.var <- x$summary$aliased
    fterms <- attr(x$terms, "term.labels")
    ## continuous variable name will match exactly, categorical variable has names
    ## "varname levelname1", "varname levelname2", ...
    patt <- paste0("^", fterms, "$|^", fterms, " ")
    aliased.names <- names(aliased.var)[aliased.var]
    matches <- vapply(patt, grepl, logical(length(aliased.names)), x = aliased.names)
    if (is.matrix(matches))
        matches <- apply(matches, 2, any)

    aterms <- fterms[matches]
    upd.frml <- paste0("~.-`", paste(aterms, collapse = "`-`"), "`")
    frml <- update(formula(x), upd.frml)
    .estimation.data <- x$estimation.data
    attach(.estimation.data, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
    x$anova <- x$anova[c(fterms[!matches], "Residuals"), ]
    x$formula <- frml
    x$summary$aliased <- aliased.var[!aliased.var]
    x$original <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(update(x$original, frml)))

NumbersInternational/flipRegression documentation built on March 2, 2024, 10:42 a.m.