
Defines functions computeSingleMetaAnalysis sumMinCellCount computeGroupMetaAnalysis doMaEffectType doMetaAnalysis

Documented in doMetaAnalysis

# Copyright 2018 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of Legend
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' Create figures and tables for report
#' @details
#' This function generates tables and figures for the report on the study results.
#' @param exportFolders        Vector of names of local folders where the results were exported; make sure
#'                             to use forward slashes (/). D
#' @param maExportFolder       A local folder where the meta-anlysis results will be written.
#' @param maxCores             How many parallel cores should be used? If more cores are made available
#'                             this can speed up the analyses.
#' @export
doMetaAnalysis <- function(exportFolders, maExportFolder, maxCores) {
  if (!file.exists(maExportFolder)) {
    dir.create(maExportFolder, recursive = TRUE)
  ParallelLogger::addDefaultFileLogger(file.path(maExportFolder, "metaAnalysisLog.txt"))
  ParallelLogger::logInfo("Performing meta-analysis for main effects")
  doMaEffectType(exportFolders = exportFolders,
                 maExportFolder = maExportFolder,
                 maxCores = maxCores,
                 interactions = FALSE)
  # ParallelLogger::logInfo("Performing meta-analysis for interaction effects")
  # doMaEffectType(exportFolders = exportFolders,
  #                maExportFolder = maExportFolder,
  #                maxCores = maxCores,
  #                interactions = TRUE)
  ParallelLogger::logInfo("Creating database table")
  database <- data.frame(database_id = "Meta-analysis",
                         database_name = "Random effects meta-analysis",
                         description = "Random effects meta-analysis using the DerSimonian-Laird estimator.",
                         is_meta_analysis = 1)
  fileName <- file.path(maExportFolder, "database.csv")
  write.csv(database, fileName, row.names = FALSE)


doMaEffectType <- function(exportFolders,
                           interactions) {

  loadMainResults <- function(exportFolder) {
    ParallelLogger::logInfo("Loading main results from ", exportFolder, " for meta-analysis")
    zipFile <- list.files(exportFolder, "^Results.*.zip$", full.names = TRUE)[1]
    utils::unzip(zipfile = zipFile,
                 files = c("cohort_method_result.csv",
                 exdir = exportFolder)
    results <- read.csv(file.path(exportFolder, "cohort_method_result.csv"))
    colnames(results) <- SqlRender::snakeCaseToCamelCase(colnames(results))
    colnames(results)[colnames(results) == "ci95lb"] <- "ci95Lb"
    colnames(results)[colnames(results) == "ci95ub"] <- "ci95Ub"
    ncs <- read.csv(file.path(exportFolder, "negative_control_outcome.csv"))
    colnames(ncs) <- SqlRender::snakeCaseToCamelCase(colnames(ncs))
    pcs <- read.csv(file.path(exportFolder, "positive_control_outcome.csv"))
    colnames(pcs) <- SqlRender::snakeCaseToCamelCase(colnames(pcs))
    results$trueEffectSize <- NA
    idx <- results$outcomeId %in% ncs$outcomeId
    results$trueEffectSize[idx] <- 1
    idx <- results$outcomeId %in% pcs$outcomeId
    results$trueEffectSize[idx] <- pcs$effectSize[match(results$outcomeId[idx],
  loadInteractionResults <- function(exportFolder) {
    ParallelLogger::logInfo("Loading interaction results from ", exportFolder, " for meta-analysis")
    zipFile <- list.files(exportFolder, "^Results.*.zip$", full.names = TRUE)[1]
    utils::unzip(zipfile = zipFile,
                 files = c("cm_interaction_result.csv",
                 exdir = exportFolder)
    results <- read.csv(file.path(exportFolder, "cm_interaction_result.csv"))
    colnames(results) <- SqlRender::snakeCaseToCamelCase(colnames(results))
    ncs <- read.csv(file.path(exportFolder, "negative_control_outcome.csv"))
    colnames(ncs) <- SqlRender::snakeCaseToCamelCase(colnames(ncs))
    results$trueEffectSize <- NA
    idx <- results$outcomeId %in% ncs$outcomeId
    results$trueEffectSize[idx] <- 1
    results$rr <- results$rrr
    results$logRr <- results$logRrr
    results$seLogRr <- results$seLogRrr
  if (interactions) {
    allResults <- lapply(exportFolders, loadInteractionResults)
  } else {
    allResults <- lapply(exportFolders, loadMainResults)
  allResults <- do.call(rbind, allResults)
  groups <- split(allResults, paste(allResults$targetId, allResults$comparatorId, allResults$analysisId))
  cluster <- ParallelLogger::makeCluster(min(maxCores, 10))
  results <- ParallelLogger::clusterApply(cluster, groups, Legend:::computeGroupMetaAnalysis, interactions = interactions)
  # results <- plyr::compact(results)
  results <- do.call(rbind, results)
  results$trueEffectSize <- NULL
  if (interactions) {
    results$rrr <- results$rr
    results$logRrr <- results$logRr
    results$seLogRrr <- results$seLogRr
    results$rr <- NULL
    results$logRr <- NULL
    results$seLogRr <- NULL
    colnames(results) <- SqlRender::camelCaseToSnakeCase(colnames(results))
    fileName <-  file.path(maExportFolder, paste0("cm_interaction_result.csv"))
    write.csv(results, fileName, row.names = FALSE)
  } else {
    colnames(results) <- SqlRender::camelCaseToSnakeCase(colnames(results))
    fileName <-  file.path(maExportFolder, paste0("cohort_method_result.csv"))
    write.csv(results, fileName, row.names = FALSE)

computeGroupMetaAnalysis <- function(group, interactions) {
  # group <- groups[[1]]
  if (nrow(group) == 0) {
  analysisId <- group$analysisId[1]
  targetId <- group$targetId[1]
  comparatorId <- group$comparatorId[1]
  ParallelLogger::logTrace("Performing meta-analysis for target ", targetId, ", comparator ", comparatorId, ", analysis ", analysisId)
  outcomeGroups <- split(group, group$outcomeId)
  outcomeGroupResults <- lapply(outcomeGroups, computeSingleMetaAnalysis)
  groupResults <- do.call(rbind, outcomeGroupResults)
  ncs <- groupResults[groupResults$trueEffectSize == 1, ]
  validNcs <- ncs[!is.na(ncs$seLogRr), ]
  if (nrow(validNcs) >= 5) {
    null <- EmpiricalCalibration::fitMcmcNull(validNcs$logRr, validNcs$seLogRr)
    calibratedP <- EmpiricalCalibration::calibrateP(null = null,
                                                    logRr = groupResults$logRr,
                                                    seLogRr = groupResults$seLogRr)
    groupResults$calibratedP <- calibratedP$p
  } else {
    groupResults$calibratedP <- NA
  if (!interactions) {
    pcs <- groupResults[!is.na(groupResults$trueEffectSize) &
                          groupResults$trueEffectSize != 1, ]
    validPcs <- pcs[!is.na(pcs$seLogRr), ]
    if (nrow(validPcs) > 5) {
      model <- EmpiricalCalibration::fitSystematicErrorModel(logRr = c(validNcs$logRr, validPcs$logRr),
                                                             seLogRr = c(validNcs$seLogRr,
                                                             trueLogRr = c(rep(0, nrow(validNcs)),
                                                             estimateCovarianceMatrix = FALSE)
      calibratedCi <- EmpiricalCalibration::calibrateConfidenceInterval(logRr = groupResults$logRr,
                                                                        seLogRr = groupResults$seLogRr,
                                                                        model = model)
      groupResults$calibratedRr <- exp(calibratedCi$logRr)
      groupResults$calibratedCi95Lb <- exp(calibratedCi$logLb95Rr)
      groupResults$calibratedCi95Ub <- exp(calibratedCi$logUb95Rr)
      groupResults$calibratedLogRr <- calibratedCi$logRr
      groupResults$calibratedSeLogRr <- calibratedCi$seLogRr
    } else {
      groupResults$calibratedRr <- rep(NA, nrow(groupResults))
      groupResults$calibratedCi95Lb <- rep(NA, nrow(groupResults))
      groupResults$calibratedCi95Ub <- rep(NA, nrow(groupResults))
      groupResults$calibratedLogRr <- rep(NA, nrow(groupResults))
      groupResults$calibratedSeLogRr <- rep(NA, nrow(groupResults))

sumMinCellCount <- function(counts) {
  total <- sum(abs(counts))
  if (any(counts < 0)) {
    total <- -total

computeSingleMetaAnalysis <- function(outcomeGroup) {
  # outcomeGroup <- outcomeGroups[[1]]
  maRow <- outcomeGroup[1, ]
  outcomeGroup <- outcomeGroup[!is.na(outcomeGroup$seLogRr), ]
  if (nrow(outcomeGroup) == 0) {
    maRow$targetSubjects <- 0
    maRow$comparatorSubjects <- 0
    maRow$targetDays <- 0
    maRow$comparatorDays <- 0
    maRow$targetOutcomes <- 0
    maRow$comparatorOutcomes <- 0
    maRow$rr <- NA
    maRow$ci95Lb <- NA
    maRow$ci95Ub <- NA
    maRow$p <- NA
    maRow$logRr <- NA
    maRow$seLogRr <- NA
    maRow$i2 <- NA
  } else if (nrow(outcomeGroup) == 1) {
    maRow <- outcomeGroup[1, ]
    maRow$i2 <- 0
  } else {
    maRow$targetSubjects <- sumMinCellCount(outcomeGroup$targetSubjects)
    maRow$comparatorSubjects <- sumMinCellCount(outcomeGroup$comparatorSubjects)
    maRow$targetDays <- sum(outcomeGroup$targetDays)
    maRow$comparatorDays <- sum(outcomeGroup$comparatorDays)
    maRow$targetOutcomes <- sumMinCellCount(outcomeGroup$targetOutcomes)
    maRow$comparatorOutcomes <- sumMinCellCount(outcomeGroup$comparatorOutcomes)
    meta <- meta::metagen(TE = outcomeGroup$logRr,
                          seTE = outcomeGroup$seLogRr,
                          sm = "RR",
                          hakn = FALSE)
    s <- summary(meta)
    maRow$i2 <- s$I2$TE
    rnd <- s$random
    maRow$rr <- exp(rnd$TE)
    maRow$ci95Lb <- exp(rnd$lower)
    maRow$ci95Ub <- exp(rnd$upper)
    maRow$p <- rnd$p
    maRow$logRr <- rnd$TE
    maRow$seLogRr <- rnd$seTE
  maRow$databaseId <- "Meta-analysis"
OHDSI/Legend documentation built on Dec. 29, 2020, 3:52 a.m.