
Defines functions checkInputsSplit subjectSplitter timeSplitter randomSplitter dataSummary splitData createDefaultSplitSetting

Documented in createDefaultSplitSetting splitData

# @file DataSplitting.R
# Copyright 2021 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of PatientLevelPrediction
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' Create the settings for defining how the plpData are split into test/validation/train sets using 
#' default splitting functions (either random stratified by outcome, time or subject splitting).
#' @details
#' Returns an object of class \code{splitSettings} that specifies the splitting function that will be called and the settings
#' @param testFraction         (numeric) A real number between 0 and 1 indicating the test set fraction of the data
#' @param trainFraction        (numeric) A real number between 0 and 1 indicating the train set fraction of the data.
#'                             If not set train is equal to 1 - test
#' @param nfold             (numeric) An integer > 1 specifying the number of folds used in cross validation
#' @param splitSeed         (numeric) A seed to use when splitting the data for reproducibility (if not set a random number will be generated)
#' @param type              (character) Choice of:  \itemize{
#'                                         \item{'stratified'}{ Each data point is randomly assigned into the test or a train fold set but this is done stratified such that the outcome rate is consistent in each partition }
#'                                         \item{'time')}{ Older data are assigned into the training set and newer data are assigned into the test set}
#'                                         \item{'subject'}{ Data are partitioned by subject, if a subject is in the data more than once, all the data points for the subject are assigned either into the test data or into the train data (not both).}
#'                                         } 
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{splitSettings}
#' @export
createDefaultSplitSetting <- function(testFraction=0.25, 
                                  trainFraction = 0.75, 
                               type = 'stratified'){
  checkIsClass(testFraction, c('numeric','integer'))
  checkIsClass(trainFraction, c('numeric','integer'))
  checkIsClass(nfold, c('numeric','integer'))
  checkHigher(nfold, 1)
  checkIsClass(splitSeed, c('numeric','integer'))
  # add type check
  checkIsClass(type, c("character"))
  if(!type %in% c('stratified','time','subject')){
    ParallelLogger::logError("Invalid type setting.  Pick from: 'stratified','time','subject'")
    stop('Incorrect Type')
  splitSettings <- list(test = testFraction,
                       train = trainFraction,
                       seed = splitSeed,
                       nfold =  nfold)
  if(type == 'stratified'){
    attr(splitSettings, "fun") <- "randomSplitter"
  if(type == 'time'){
    attr(splitSettings, "fun") <- "timeSplitter"
  if(type == 'subject'){
    attr(splitSettings, "fun") <- "subjectSplitter"
  class(splitSettings) <- "splitSettings"

# may want to remove 94 -126 as this makes it less flexible

#' Split the plpData into test/train sets using a splitting settings of class \code{splitSettings}
#' @details
#' Returns a list containing the training data (Train) and optionally the test data (Test).  Train is an Andromeda object containing
#' \itemize{\item{covariates}{ a table (rowId, covariateId, covariateValue) containing the covariates for each data point in the train data }
#'          \item{covariateRef}{ a table with the covariate information}
#'          \item{labels)}{ a table (rowId, outcomeCount, ...) for each data point in the train data (outcomeCount is the class label) }
#'          \item{folds}{ a table (rowId, index) specifying which training fold each data point is in.}
#'          } 
#' Test is an Andromeda object containing
#' \itemize{\item{covariates}{ a table (rowId, covariateId, covariateValue) containing the covariates for each data point in the test data }
#'          \item{covariateRef}{ a table with the covariate information}
#'          \item{labels)}{ a table (rowId, outcomeCount, ...) for each data point in the test data (outcomeCount is the class label) }
#'          } 
#' @param plpData                          An object of type \code{plpData} - the patient level prediction
#'                                         data extracted from the CDM.
#' @param population                       The population created using \code{createStudyPopulation} that define who will be used to develop the model
#' @param splitSettings                    An object of type \code{splitSettings} specifying the split - the default can be created using \code{createDefaultSplitSetting}
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{splitSettings}
#' @export
splitData <- function(plpData = plpData,
                      population = population,
                      splitSettings = splitSettings){
  fun <- attr(splitSettings, "fun")
  args <- list(population = population,
               splitSettings = splitSettings)
  splitId <- do.call(eval(parse(text = fun)), args)

  # now separate the data:
    trainId <- splitId[splitId$index>0,]
    trainData <- list()
    class(trainData) <- 'plpData'
    trainData$labels <- population %>% dplyr::filter(.data$rowId %in% trainId$rowId)
    trainData$folds <- trainId
    #restrict to trainIds
      trainData$covariateData <- limitCovariatesToPopulation(
    } else{
      trainData$covariateData <- batchRestrict(
        data.frame(rowId = trainId$rowId), 
        sizeN = 10000000
    #trainData$covariateData <- Andromeda::andromeda()
    #trainData$covariateData$covariates <- plpData$covariateData$covariates %>% dplyr::filter(.data$rowId %in% trainId$rowId)
    #trainData$covariateData$covariateRef <- plpData$covariateRef
    attr(trainData, "metaData") <- list(
      outcomeId = attr(population, "metaData")$outcomeId,
      targetId = attr(population, "metaData")$targetId,
      cdmDatabaseSchema = plpData$metaData$databaseDetails$cdmDatabaseSchema,
      cdmDatabaseName = plpData$metaData$databaseDetails$cdmDatabaseName,
      cdmDatabaseId = plpData$metaData$databaseDetails$cdmDatabaseId,
      restrictPlpDataSettings = attr(population, "metaData")$restrictPlpDataSettings,
      covariateSettings = plpData$metaData$covariateSettings,
      populationSettings = attr(population, "metaData")$populationSettings,
      attrition = attr(population, "metaData")$attrition,
      splitSettings = splitSettings,
      populationSize = nrow(trainData$labels)
    # add pop size to covariateData as used in tidyCovariates
    attr(trainData$covariateData, "metaData") <- list(populationSize = nrow(trainData$labels))
    class(trainData$covariateData) <- "CovariateData"
    result <- list(Train =  trainData)
    trainId <- splitId[splitId$index>0,]
    trainData <- list()
    class(trainData) <- 'plpData'
    trainData$labels <- population %>% dplyr::filter(.data$rowId %in% trainId$rowId)
    trainData$folds <- trainId
    #restrict to trainIds
      trainData$covariateData <- limitCovariatesToPopulation(
    } else{
      trainData$covariateData <- batchRestrict(
        data.frame(rowId = trainId$rowId), 
        sizeN = 10000000
    attr(trainData, "metaData") <- list(
      outcomeId = attr(population, "metaData")$outcomeId,
      targetId = attr(population, "metaData")$targetId,
      cdmDatabaseSchema = plpData$metaData$databaseDetails$cdmDatabaseSchema,
      cdmDatabaseName = plpData$metaData$databaseDetails$cdmDatabaseName,
      cdmDatabaseId = plpData$metaData$databaseDetails$cdmDatabaseId,
      restrictPlpDataSettings = attr(population, "metaData")$restrictPlpDataSettings,
      covariateSettings = plpData$metaData$covariateSettings,
      populationSettings = attr(population, "metaData")$populationSettings,
      attrition = attr(population, "metaData")$attrition,
      splitSettings = splitSettings,
      populationSize = nrow(trainData$labels)
    testId <- splitId[splitId$index<0,]
    testData <- list()
    class(testData) <- 'plpData'
    testData$labels <- population %>% dplyr::filter(.data$rowId %in% testId$rowId)
      testData$covariateData <- limitCovariatesToPopulation(
    } else{
      testData$covariateData <- batchRestrict(plpData$covariateData, 
        data.frame(rowId = testId$rowId), 
        sizeN = 10000000)
    result <- list(
      Train =  trainData,
      Test = testData
  class(result) <- 'splitData'

dataSummary <- function(data){
  #Test/Train: lsit(covariates,covariateRef, label, folds)
  ParallelLogger::logInfo('Train Set:')
  result <- data$Train$labels %>% 
    dplyr::inner_join(data$Train$folds, by = 'rowId') %>% 
    dplyr::group_by(.data$index) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(N = length(.data$outcomeCount),
      outcomes = sum(.data$outcomeCount)) %>% 
  ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste('Fold ', result$index ,' ', result$N, ' patients with ', result$outcomes, ' outcomes', sep ='', collapse = ' - '))
  result <- data$Train$covariateData$covariates %>% 
    dplyr::group_by(.data$covariateId) %>% 
    dplyr::summarise(N = length(.data$covariateValue)) %>% 
  ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste0(nrow(result), ' covariates in train data'))
  if('Test' %in% names(data)){
    ParallelLogger::logInfo('Test Set:')
    result <- data$Test$label %>% 
    ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste0(nrow(result), ' patients with ', sum(result$outcomeCount>0), ' outcomes'))

randomSplitter <- function(population, splitSettings) {
  test <- splitSettings$test
  train <- splitSettings$train 
  nfold <- splitSettings$nfold
  seed <- splitSettings$seed
  checkInputsSplit(test, train, nfold, seed)

  # parameter checking
  if (!is.null(seed))

  if (length(table(population$outcomeCount)) <= 1 | sum(population$outcomeCount > 0) < 10) {
    stop("Outcome only occurs in fewer than 10 people or only one class")

  if (floor(sum(population$outcomeCount > 0) * train/nfold) < 5) {
    stop(paste0("Insufficient (",sum(population$outcomeCount > 0),") outcomes for choosen nfold value, please reduce"))

  ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste0("Creating a ",
                   test * 100,
                   "% test and ",
                   train * 100,
                   "% train (into ",
                   " folds) random stratified split by class"))
  outPpl <- population$rowId[population$outcomeCount == 1]
  nonPpl <- population$rowId[population$outcomeCount == 0]

  # give random number to all and shuffle then assign to test/train/cv if using set.seed() then use
  # permutation <- stats::runif(length(nonPpl)+length(outPpl)) and nonPpl <-
  # nonPpl[order(permutation[1:length(nonPpl)])] and outPpl <-
  # outPpl[order(permutation[(1+length(nonPpl)):length(permutation)])]
  nonPpl <- nonPpl[order(stats::runif(length(nonPpl)))]
  outPpl <- outPpl[order(stats::runif(length(outPpl)))]

  # reset all to not included (index=0)
  nonPpl.group <- rep(0, length(nonPpl))
  # set test set (index=-1)
    test.ind <- 1:floor(length(nonPpl) * test)
    nonPpl.group[test.ind] <- -1
  # set train set (index>0)
  train.ind <- (floor(length(nonPpl) * test) + round(length(nonPpl) * (1-train-test)) + 1):length(nonPpl) 
  reps <- floor(length(train.ind)/nfold)
  leftOver <- length(train.ind)%%nfold
  if (leftOver > 0)
    nonPpl.group[train.ind] <- c(rep(1:nfold, each = reps), 1:leftOver)
  if (leftOver == 0)
    nonPpl.group[train.ind] <- rep(1:nfold, each = reps)
  # same for outcome = 1
  outPpl.group <- rep(0, length(outPpl))
    test.ind <- 1:floor(length(outPpl) * test)
    outPpl.group[test.ind] <- -1
  train.ind <- (floor(length(outPpl) * test) + round(length(outPpl) * (1-train-test)) + 1):length(outPpl)
  reps <- floor(length(train.ind)/nfold)
  leftOver <- length(train.ind)%%nfold
  if (leftOver > 0)
    outPpl.group[train.ind] <- c(rep(1:nfold, each = reps), 1:leftOver)
  if (leftOver == 0)
    outPpl.group[train.ind] <- rep(1:nfold, each = reps)

  split <- data.frame(rowId = c(nonPpl, outPpl), index = c(nonPpl.group, outPpl.group))
  split <- split[order(-split$rowId), ]

  foldSizesTrain <- utils::tail(table(split$index), nfold)
  ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste0("Data split into ", sum(split$index < 0), " test cases and ", sum(split$index >
    0), " train cases", " (", toString(foldSizesTrain), ")"))
  if (test+train<1)
    ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste0(sum(split$index == 0), " were not used for training or testing"))
  # return index vector

timeSplitter <- function(population, splitSettings) {
  test <- splitSettings$test
  train <- splitSettings$train 
  nfold <- splitSettings$nfold
  seed <- splitSettings$seed
  checkInputsSplit(test, train, nfold, seed)
  # parameter checking
  if (!is.null(seed))
  dates <- as.Date(population$cohortStartDate, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
  # find date that test frac have greater than - set dates older than this to this date
  dates.ord <- dates[order(dates)]
    testDate <- dates.ord[round(length(dates.ord) * (1 - test))]
  } else{
    testDate <- dates.ord[length(dates.ord)] # if no test use all for train

  outPpl <- data.frame(rowId = population$rowId[population$outcomeCount == 1],
                       date = dates[population$outcomeCount ==
  nonPpl <- data.frame(rowId = population$rowId[population$outcomeCount == 0],
                       date = dates[population$outcomeCount ==

  ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste0("Creating ",
                   test * 100,
                   "% test and ",
                   train * 100,
                   "% train (into ",
                   " folds) stratified split at ",
  # shuffle the data
  nonPpl <- nonPpl[order(stats::runif(nrow(nonPpl))), ]
  outPpl <- outPpl[order(stats::runif(nrow(outPpl))), ]

  nonPpl.group <- rep(-1, nrow(nonPpl))
  nonPpl.group[nonPpl$date <= testDate] <- rep(1:nfold,
                                               each = ceiling(sum(nonPpl$date <= testDate)*(train/(1-test))/nfold))[1:sum(nonPpl$date <=
  # Fill NA values with 0 
  nonPpl.group[is.na(nonPpl.group)] <- 0
  outPpl.group <- rep(-1, nrow(outPpl))
  outPpl.group[outPpl$date <= testDate] <- rep(1:nfold,
                                               each = ceiling(sum(outPpl$date <= testDate)*(train/(1-test))/nfold))[1:sum(outPpl$date <=
  # Fill NA values with 0 
  outPpl.group[is.na(outPpl.group)] <- 0

  split <- data.frame(rowId = c(nonPpl$rowId, outPpl$rowId), index = c(nonPpl.group, outPpl.group))
  split <- split[order(split$rowId), ]

  foldSizesTrain <- utils::tail(table(split$index), nfold)
  ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste0("Data split into ", sum(split$index < 0), " test cases and ", sum(split$index >
    0), " train samples", " (", toString(foldSizesTrain), ")"))
  if (test+train<1)
    ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste0(sum(split$index == 0), " were not used for training or testing"))
  # return index vector

subjectSplitter <- function(population, splitSettings) {
  test <- splitSettings$test
  train <- splitSettings$train 
  nfold <- splitSettings$nfold
  seed <- splitSettings$seed
  checkInputsSplit(test, train, nfold, seed)
  # parameter checking
  if (!is.null(seed))
  if (length(table(population$outcomeCount)) <= 1 | sum(population$outcomeCount > 0) < 10) {
    stop("Outcome only occurs in fewer than 10 people or only one class")
  if (floor(sum(population$outcomeCount > 0) * train/nfold) < 5) {
    stop("Insufficient outcomes for choosen nfold value, please reduce")
  ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste0("Creating a ",
                                 test * 100,
                                 "% test and ",
                                 train * 100,
                                 "% train (into ",
                                 " folds) stratified split by subject"))
  # get subejct ids for outcome and split them up
  outPpl <- unique(population$subjectId[population$outcomeCount == 1])
  # get subject id for non outcome and split them up 
  nonPpl <- setdiff(unique(population$subjectId), outPpl)
  # give random number to all and shuffle then assign to test/train/cv if using set.seed() then use
  nonPpl <- nonPpl[order(stats::runif(length(nonPpl)))]
  outPpl <- outPpl[order(stats::runif(length(outPpl)))]
  # default all to not included (index=0)
  nonPplGroup <- rep(0, length(nonPpl))
  # set test set (index=-1)
  # use floor(x + 0.5) to get rounding to nearest integer 
  # instead of to nearest even number when x is .5
    testInd <- 1:floor(length(nonPpl) * test + 0.5) 
    nonPplGroup[testInd] <- -1
  # set train set (index>0)
  trainInd <- floor(length(nonPpl) * test + length(nonPpl) * (1-train-test) + 1.5):length(nonPpl) 
  reps <- floor(length(trainInd)/nfold)
  leftOver <- length(trainInd)%%nfold
  if (leftOver > 0){
    nonPplGroup[trainInd] <- c(rep(1:nfold, each = reps), 1:leftOver)
  if (leftOver == 0){
    nonPplGroup[trainInd] <- rep(1:nfold, each = reps)
  # same for outcome = 1
  outPplGroup <- rep(0, length(outPpl))
    testInd <- 1:floor(length(outPpl) * test + 0.5)
    outPplGroup[testInd] <- -1
  trainInd <- floor(length(outPpl) * test + length(outPpl) * (1-train-test) + 1.5):length(outPpl)
  reps <- floor(length(trainInd)/nfold)
  leftOver <- length(trainInd)%%nfold
  if (leftOver > 0){
    outPplGroup[trainInd] <- c(rep(1:nfold, each = reps), 1:leftOver)
  if (leftOver == 0){
    outPplGroup[trainInd] <- rep(1:nfold, each = reps)
  split <- data.frame(subjectId = c(nonPpl, outPpl), index = c(nonPplGroup, outPplGroup))
  split <- merge(population[, c('rowId','subjectId')], split, by = 'subjectId')
  split <- split[, c('rowId', 'index')]
  split <- split[order(-split$rowId), ]
  foldSizesTrain <- utils::tail(table(split$index), nfold)
  ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste0("Data split into ", sum(split$index < 0), " test cases and ", sum(split$index >
                                                                                                     0), " train cases", " (", toString(foldSizesTrain), ")"))
  if (test+train<1)
    ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste0(sum(split$index == 0), " were not used for training or testing"))
  # return index vector

# this is not needed for each function - just the setting where is it not used? (fix in future)
checkInputsSplit <- function(test, train, nfold, seed){
  ParallelLogger::logDebug(paste0('test: ', test))
  checkIsClass(test, c('numeric','integer'))
  ParallelLogger::logDebug(paste0('train: ', train))
  checkIsClass(train, c('numeric','integer'))
  ParallelLogger::logDebug(paste0('nfold: ', nfold))
  checkIsClass(nfold, c('numeric','integer'))
  checkHigher(nfold, 1)
  ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste0('seed: ', seed))
  checkIsClass(seed, c('numeric','integer'))
OHDSI/PatientLevelPrediction documentation built on April 6, 2024, 11:50 p.m.