Defines functions NNS.VAR

Documented in NNS.VAR

#' Nonparametric vector autoregressive model incorporating \link{NNS.ARMA} estimates of variables into \link{NNS.reg} for a multi-variate time-series forecast.
#' @param variables a numeric matrix or data.frame of contemporaneous time-series to forecast.
#' @param h integer; 1 (default) Number of periods to forecast. \code{(h = 0)} will return just the interpolated and extrapolated values.
#' @param tau positive integer [ > 0]; 1 (default) Number of lagged observations to consider for the time-series data.  Vector for single lag for each respective variable or list for multiple lags per each variable.
#' @param dim.red.method options: ("cor", "NNS.dep", "NNS.caus", "all") method for reducing regressors via \link{NNS.stack}.  \code{(dim.red.method = "cor")} (default) uses standard linear correlation for dimension reduction in the lagged variable matrix.  \code{(dim.red.method = "NNS.dep")} uses \link{NNS.dep} for nonlinear dependence weights, while \code{(dim.red.method = "NNS.caus")} uses \link{NNS.caus} for causal weights.  \code{(dim.red.method = "all")} averages all methods for further feature engineering.
#' @param naive.weights logical; \code{TRUE} (default) Equal weights applied to univariate and multivariate outputs in ensemble.  \code{FALSE} will apply weights based on the number of relevant variables detected. 
#' @param obj.fn expression;
#' \code{expression(mean((predicted - actual)^2)) / (Sum of NNS Co-partial moments)} (default) MSE / co-movements is the default objective function.  Any \code{expression(...)} using the specific terms \code{predicted} and \code{actual} can be used.
#' @param objective options: ("min", "max") \code{"min"} (default) Select whether to minimize or maximize the objective function \code{obj.fn}.
#' @param status logical; \code{TRUE} (default) Prints status update message in console.
#' @param ncores integer; value specifying the number of cores to be used in the parallelized subroutine \link{NNS.ARMA.optim}. If NULL (default), the number of cores to be used is equal to the number of cores of the machine - 1.
#' @param nowcast logical; \code{FALSE} (default) internal call for \link{NNS.nowcast}.
#' @return Returns the following matrices of forecasted variables:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\code{"interpolated_and_extrapolated"}} Returns a \code{data.frame} of the linear interpolated and \link{NNS.ARMA} extrapolated values to replace \code{NA} values in the original \code{variables} argument.  This is required for working with variables containing different frequencies, e.g. where \code{NA} would be reported for intra-quarterly data when indexed with monthly periods.
#'  \item{\code{"relevant_variables"}} Returns the relevant variables from the dimension reduction step.
#'  \item{\code{"univariate"}} Returns the univariate \link{NNS.ARMA} forecasts.
#'  \item{\code{"multivariate"}} Returns the multi-variate \link{NNS.reg} forecasts.
#'  \item{\code{"ensemble"}} Returns the ensemble of both \code{"univariate"} and \code{"multivariate"} forecasts.
#'  }
#' @note
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"Error in { : task xx failed -}"} should be re-run with \code{NNS.VAR(..., ncores = 1)}.
#' \item Not recommended for factor variables, even after transformed to numeric.  \link{NNS.reg} is better suited for factor or binary regressor extrapolation.
#' }
#' @author Fred Viole, OVVO Financial Systems
#' @references Viole, F. and Nawrocki, D. (2013) "Nonlinear Nonparametric Statistics: Using Partial Moments" (ISBN: 1490523995)
#' Viole, F. (2019) "Multi-variate Time-Series Forecasting: Nonparametric Vector Autoregression Using NNS"  \doi{10.2139/ssrn.3489550}
#' Viole, F. (2020) "NOWCASTING with NNS"  \doi{10.2139/ssrn.3589816}
#' Viole, F. (2019) "Forecasting Using NNS"  \doi{10.2139/ssrn.3382300}
#' Vinod, H. and Viole, F. (2017) "Nonparametric Regression Using Clusters"  \doi{10.1007/s10614-017-9713-5}
#' Vinod, H. and Viole, F. (2018) "Clustering and Curve Fitting by Line Segments"  \doi{10.20944/preprints201801.0090.v1}
#' @examples
#'  \dontrun{
#'  ####################################################
#'  ### Standard Nonparametric Vector Autoregression ###
#'  ####################################################
#'  set.seed(123)
#'  x <- rnorm(100) ; y <- rnorm(100) ; z <- rnorm(100)
#'  A <- cbind(x = x, y = y, z = z)
#'  ### Using lags 1:4 for each variable
#'  NNS.VAR(A, h = 12, tau = 4, status = TRUE)
#'  ### Using lag 1 for variable 1, lag 3 for variable 2 and lag 3 for variable 3
#'  NNS.VAR(A, h = 12, tau = c(1,3,3), status = TRUE)
#'  ### Using lags c(1,2,3) for variables 1 and 3, while using lags c(4,5,6) for variable 2
#'  NNS.VAR(A, h = 12, tau = list(c(1,2,3), c(4,5,6), c(1,2,3)), status = TRUE)
#'  # Store NNS.VAR output
#'  nns_estimate <- NNS.VAR(A, h = 12, tau = 4, status = TRUE)
#'  # Create bootstrap replicates using NNS.meboot
#'  replicates <- NNS.meboot(nns_estimate$ensemble[,1], rho = seq(-1,1,.25))["replicates",]
#'  replicates <- do.call(cbind, replicates)
#'  # Apply UPM.VaR and LPM.VaR for desired prediction interval...95 percent illustrated
#'  # Tail percentage used in first argument per {LPM.VaR} and {UPM.VaR} functions
#'  lower_CIs <- apply(replicates, 1, function(z) LPM.VaR(0.025, 0, z))
#'  upper_CIs <- apply(replicates, 1, function(z) UPM.VaR(0.025, 0, z))
#'  # View results
#'  cbind(nns_estimate$ensemble[,1], lower_CIs, upper_CIs)
#'  #########################################
#'  ### NOWCASTING with Mixed Frequencies ###
#'  #########################################
#'  library(Quandl)
#'  econ_variables <- Quandl(c("FRED/GDPC1", "FRED/UNRATE", "FRED/CPIAUCSL"),type = 'ts',
#'                           order = "asc", collapse = "monthly", start_date = "2000-01-01")
#'  ### Note the missing values that need to be imputed
#'  head(econ_variables)
#'  tail(econ_variables)
#'  NNS.VAR(econ_variables, h = 12, tau = 12, status = TRUE)
#'  }
#' @export

NNS.VAR <- function(variables,
                    tau = 1,
                    dim.red.method = "cor",
                    naive.weights = TRUE,
                    obj.fn = expression( mean((predicted - actual)^2) / (NNS::Co.LPM(1, predicted, actual, target_x = mean(predicted), target_y = mean(actual)) + NNS::Co.UPM(1, predicted, actual, target_x = mean(predicted), target_y = mean(actual)) )  ),
                    objective = "min",
                    status = TRUE,
                    ncores = NULL,
                    nowcast = FALSE){
  oldw <- getOption("warn")
  options(warn = -1)
  dates <- NULL

    year_mon <- zoo::as.yearmon(format(zoo::index(variables), '%Y-%m'))
    dates <- c(year_mon, tail(year_mon, h) + h/12)
  if(any(class(variables)%in%c("tbl","data.table"))) variables <- as.data.frame(variables)
  dim.red.method <- tolower(dim.red.method)
  if(sum(dim.red.method%in%c("cor","nns.dep","nns.caus","all"))==0){ stop('Please ensure the dimension reduction method is set to one of "cor", "nns.dep", "nns.caus" or "all".')}
    colnames.list <- lapply(1 : ncol(variables), function(i) paste0("x", i))
    colnames(variables) <- as.character(colnames.list)
    var_names <- character()
    for(i in 1:length(which(colnames(variables)==""))){
      var_names[i] <- paste0("x",i)
    colnames(variables)[which(colnames(variables)=="")] <- var_names
  colnames(variables) <- gsub(" - ", "...", colnames(variables))
  # Parallel process...
  if (is.null(ncores)) {
    num_cores <- as.integer(max(2L, parallel::detectCores(), na.rm = TRUE)) - 1
  } else {
    num_cores <- ncores
  if(num_cores > 1){
  } else {
    invisible(data.table::setDTthreads(0, throttle = NULL))
  if(status) message("Currently generating univariate estimates...","\r", appendLF=TRUE)
  nns_IVs <- variable_interpolation <- variable_interpolation_and_extrapolation <- list(ncol(variables))

  nns_IVs <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(variables), .packages = c("NNS", "data.table"))%dopar%{
    n <- nrow(variables)
    index <- seq_len(n)
    last_point <- n
    a <- cbind.data.frame("index" = index, variables)
    # For Interpolation / Extrapolation of all missing values
    selected_variable <- a[, c(1,(i+1))]
    interpolation_start <- which(!is.na(selected_variable[,2]))[1]
    interpolation_point <- tail(which(!is.na(selected_variable[,2])), 1)
    missing_index <- which(is.na(selected_variable[,2]))
    selected_variable <- selected_variable[complete.cases(selected_variable),]
    h_int <- tail(index, 1) - interpolation_point
    variable_interpolation <- variables[,i]

    if(h_int > 0){
      multi <- NNS.stack(cbind(selected_variable[,1], selected_variable[,1]), selected_variable[,2], order = NULL, ncores = 1, status = FALSE, folds = 5,
                         IVs.test = cbind(missing_index, missing_index), method = 1)$stack
      variable_interpolation[missing_index] <- multi
    } else {
      variable_interpolation <- NNS.reg(selected_variable[,1], selected_variable[,2], order = "max", ncores = 1,
                                        point.est = index, plot = FALSE, point.only = TRUE)$Point.est
    if(h > 0){
      periods <- NNS.seas(variable_interpolation, modulo = min(tau[[min(i, length(tau))]]),
                          mod.only = FALSE, plot = FALSE)$periods
      b <- NNS.ARMA.optim(variable_interpolation, seasonal.factor = periods,
                          obj.fn = obj.fn,
                          objective = objective,
                          print.trace = FALSE,
                          negative.values = min(variable_interpolation)<0, h = h)
      variable_extrapolation <- b$results
    } else variable_extrapolation <- NULL
    return(list(variable_interpolation, variable_extrapolation))
  interpolation_results <- lapply(nns_IVs, `[[`, 1)
  nns_IVs_interpolated_extrapolated <- data.frame(do.call(cbind, interpolation_results))
  colnames(nns_IVs_interpolated_extrapolated) <- colnames(variables)
  positive_values <- apply(variables, 2, function(x) min(x, na.rm = TRUE)>0)
  for(i in 1:length(positive_values)){
    if(positive_values[i]) nns_IVs_interpolated_extrapolated[,i] <- pmax(0, nns_IVs_interpolated_extrapolated[,i])
  rownames(nns_IVs_interpolated_extrapolated) <- head(dates, nrow(variables))
  colnames(nns_IVs_interpolated_extrapolated) <- colnames(variables)

  if(h == 0) return(nns_IVs_interpolated_extrapolated)
  extrapolation_results <- lapply(nns_IVs, `[[`, 2)
  nns_IVs_results <- data.frame(do.call(cbind, extrapolation_results))
  colnames(nns_IVs_results) <- colnames(variables)
  # Combine interpolated / extrapolated / forecasted IVs onto training data.frame
  new_values <- lapply(1:ncol(variables), function(i) c(nns_IVs_interpolated_extrapolated[,i], nns_IVs_results[,i]))
  new_values <- data.frame(do.call(cbind, new_values))
  colnames(new_values) <- as.character(colnames(variables))
  nns_IVs_interpolated_extrapolated <- head(new_values, nrow(variables))
  # Now lag new forecasted data.frame
  lagged_new_values <- lag.mtx(new_values, tau = tau)
  # Keep original variables as training set
  lagged_new_values_train <- head(lagged_new_values, nrow(lagged_new_values) - h)
  if(status) message("Currently generating multi-variate estimates...", "\r", appendLF = TRUE)
  if(num_cores > 1){
    if(status) message("Parallel process running, status unavailable... \n","\r",appendLF=FALSE)
    status <- FALSE

  lists <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(variables), .packages = c("NNS", "data.table"))%dopar%{                   
                     if(status) message("Variable ", i, " of ", ncol(variables), appendLF = TRUE)
                     IV <- lagged_new_values_train[, -i]
                     DV <- lagged_new_values_train[, i]
                     ts <- 2*h
                     ts <- max(ts, .2*length(DV))
                     # Dimension reduction NNS.reg to reduce variables
                     cor_threshold <- NNS.stack(IVs.train = IV,
                                                DV.train = DV,
                                                IVs.test = tail(IV, h),
                                                ts.test = ts, 
                                                folds = 1,
                                                obj.fn = obj.fn,
                                                objective = objective,
                                                method = c(1,2),
                                                dim.red.method = dim.red.method,
                                                order = NULL, ncores = 1, stack = TRUE)
                     if(any(dim.red.method == "cor" | dim.red.method == "all")){
                       rel.1 <- abs(cor(cbind(DV, IV), method = "spearman"))
                     if(any(dim.red.method == "nns.dep" | dim.red.method == "all")){
                       rel.2 <- NNS.dep(cbind(DV, IV))$Dependence
                     if(any(dim.red.method == "nns.caus" | dim.red.method == "all")){
                       rel.3 <- NNS.caus(cbind(DV, IV))
                     if(dim.red.method == "cor") rel_vars <- rel.1[-1,1]
                     if(dim.red.method == "nns.dep") rel_vars <- rel.2[-1,1]
                     if(dim.red.method == "nns.caus") rel_vars <- rel.3[1,-1]
                     if(dim.red.method == "all") rel_vars <- ((rel.1+rel.2+rel.3)/3)[1, -1]
                     rel_vars <- names(rel_vars[rel_vars > cor_threshold$NNS.dim.red.threshold])
                     rel_vars <- rel_vars[rel_vars!=i]
                     rel_vars <- na.omit(rel_vars)
                     if(any(length(rel_vars)==0 | is.null(rel_vars))){
                       rel_vars <- colnames(lagged_new_values_train)
                     nns_DVs <- cor_threshold$stack
                     nns_DVs[is.na(nns_DVs)] <- nns_IVs_results[is.na(nns_DVs),i]
                     list(nns_DVs, rel_vars)

  if(num_cores > 1) {
    invisible(data.table::setDTthreads(0, throttle = NULL))
    invisible(gc(verbose = FALSE))
  nns_DVs <- lapply(lists, `[[`, 1)
  relevant_vars <- lapply(lists, `[[`, 2)

  nns_DVs <- data.frame(do.call(cbind, nns_DVs))
  nns_DVs <- head(nns_DVs, h)
  RV <- lapply(relevant_vars, function(x) if(length(x)==0){NA} else {x})
  colnames(nns_DVs) <- colnames(variables)
  RV <- do.call(cbind, lapply(RV, `length<-`, max(lengths(RV))))
  colnames(RV) <- as.character(colnames(variables))
  multi <- uni <- numeric(length(colnames(RV)))
  for(i in 1:length(colnames(RV))){
    if(length(na.omit(RV[,i]) > 0)){
      given_var <- unlist(strsplit(colnames(RV)[i], split = "_tau"))[1]
      observed_var <- do.call(rbind,(strsplit(na.omit(RV[,i]), split = "_tau")))[,1]
      equal_tau <- sum(given_var==observed_var)
      unequal_tau <- sum(given_var!=observed_var)
      if(naive.weights) uni[i] <- 0.5 else uni[i] <- equal_tau/(equal_tau + unequal_tau)
      multi[i] <- 1 - uni[i]
    } else {
      uni[i] <- 0.5
      multi[i] <- 0.5
  forecasts <- data.frame(Reduce(`+`,list(t(t(nns_IVs_results)*uni) , t(t(nns_DVs)*multi))))
  colnames(forecasts) <- colnames(variables)
  colnames(nns_IVs_results) <- colnames(variables)
  rownames(nns_IVs_results) <- tail(dates, h)
  colnames(nns_DVs) <- colnames(variables)
  rownames(nns_DVs) <- tail(dates, h)
  colnames(forecasts) <- colnames(variables)
  rownames(forecasts) <- tail(dates, h)
  rownames(nns_IVs_interpolated_extrapolated) <- head(dates, nrow(nns_IVs_interpolated_extrapolated))
  options(warn = oldw)
  return( list("interpolated_and_extrapolated" = nns_IVs_interpolated_extrapolated,
               "relevant_variables" = data.frame(RV),
               univariate = nns_IVs_results,
               multivariate = nns_DVs,
               ensemble = forecasts) )
OVVO-Financial/NNS documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 6:40 a.m.