
Defines functions group_regressors get_correlation

Documented in get_correlation group_regressors

#' Get correlation
#' @param pair character of two gene IDs sepearte by a white space
#' @param normalized.count normalized expression matrix containing
#' the IDs of the pair
#' @return spearman correlation bewteen the two expression vectors
get_correlation <- function(pair, normalized.count) {
  tf1 <- stringr::str_split_fixed(pair, ' ', 2)[1]
  tf2 <- stringr::str_split_fixed(pair, ' ', 2)[2]
  if (tf1 %in% rownames(normalized.count) &
      tf2 %in% rownames(normalized.count))
      as.numeric(normalized.count[tf1, ]),
      as.numeric(normalized.count[tf2, ]),
      method = "spearman"

#' Group correlated regulators
#' @description During network inference, the importance of regressors is assessed for aech target gene.
#' But regression methods are very sensitive to correlation between predictive variables, that should be 
#' dealt with for stability reasons.
#' To account for this, this function summarizes the expression of the regulators being correlated above
#' a certain threshold as new variables, being the mean of several correlated profiles.
#' To do so, a graph of all regressors correlated (spearman) above the threshold id built, and groups
#' are formed with a community detection algorithm. Each group is then averaged in a single variable.
#' Strongly negatively correlated regressors are added to the group it is correlated to, but their expression
#' is not taken into account in the summary mean profile.
#' @param normalized.count normalized expression matrix containing genes and regressors.
#' @param genes target genes that want to be used in the inference process
#' @param regressors regressor genes to be used in the inference process.
#' @param corr_thr correlation threshold to be used for regressors grouping.
#' @return a named list.
#' counts : the normalized expression data containing the new summarized variables, in
#' the format mean_geneID1-geneID2... The individual genes that were grouped are removed.
#' correlated_regressors_graph : visNetwork data
#'  of the correlated regulators
#' grouped_genes : new vector of target genes, with individual correlated genes replaced by groups
#' grouped_regressors : new vector of regressors, with individual correlated genes replaced by groups
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(abiotic_stresses)
#' aggregated_data <- aggregate_splice_variants(abiotic_stresses$normalized_counts)
#' genes <- get_locus(abiotic_stresses$heat_DEGs)
#' regressors <- intersect(genes, regulators_per_organism[["Arabidopsis thaliana"]])
#' grouping <- DIANE::group_regressors(aggregated_data, genes, regressors)
#' print(names(grouping))
group_regressors <-
           corr_thr = 0.9) {
    if(length(regressors) <= 2){
      stop("More than 2 regressors are required for grouping")
    #calculating correlations for each TF pairs
    pairs <- data.frame(t(combn(regressors, 2)))
    pairs$cor <- sapply(paste(pairs[, 1], pairs[, 2]), get_correlation,
                        normalized.count = normalized.count)
    top <- pairs[pairs$cor > corr_thr, ]
    if (nrow(top) == 0) {
      warning("No grouping was performed as no regulators pair 
              was correlated over the threshold.")
          counts = normalized.count,
          correlated_regressors_graph = NULL,
          grouped_genes = genes,
          grouped_regressors = regressors
    # graph and communities detection of highly correlated TFs
    net_un <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(top, directed = FALSE)
    louvain <- igraph::cluster_louvain(net_un)
    groups <- igraph::membership(louvain)
    # graph plot creation
    d <- visNetwork::toVisNetworkData(net_un)
    d$edges$value <- d$edges$cor
    d$edges$label <- round(d$edges$cor, 3)
    d$nodes$group <- groups[match(d$nodes$id, names(groups))]
    graph_plot <- d
    other_tfs <- regressors[!regressors %in% names(groups)]
    # Builiding the new consensus variables
    new_reg <- c()
    grouped_regs <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(unique(groups)),
                                      ncol = length(colnames(normalized.count))))
    colnames(grouped_regs) <- colnames(normalized.count)
    rownames(grouped_regs) <- unique(groups)
    grouped_tfs <- c()
    for (group in unique(groups)) {
      tfs <- names(groups)[groups == group]
      mean_tf <- colMeans(normalized.count[tfs, ])
      grouped_regs[group, ] <- mean_tf
      # find the negatively correlated regulators to that group, and add them, without
      # using their expression un the mean group expression
      for (tf in other_tfs) {
        if (cor(as.numeric(normalized.count[tf, ]), mean_tf, method = "spearman") < -corr_thr) {
              "adding tf ",
              " to group ",
              "because correlation of",
              cor(as.numeric(normalized.count[tf, ]), mean_tf, method = "spearman"),
              "to mean"
          tfs <- c(tfs, tf)
          # remove this tf from the list so it is not assigned to another group later
          other_tfs <- other_tfs[other_tfs != tf]
      new_reg <-
        c(new_reg, paste0("mean_", paste(tfs, collapse = "-")))
      grouped_tfs <- c(grouped_tfs, tfs)
    rownames(grouped_regs) <- new_reg
    normalized.count <-
      rbind.data.frame(normalized.count, grouped_regs)
    #remove regressors that are grouped from the data
    normalized.count <-
      normalized.count[!rownames(normalized.count) %in% grouped_tfs, ]
        counts = normalized.count,
        correlated_regressors_graph = graph_plot,
        grouped_genes = c(intersect(genes, rownames(normalized.count)),
                          rownames(normalized.count)[grepl("mean_", rownames(normalized.count))]),
        grouped_regressors = c(new_reg, regressors[!regressors %in% grouped_tfs])
OceaneCsn/DIANE documentation built on Jan. 10, 2024, 6:43 p.m.