
Defines functions calculateAT

Documented in calculateAT

# NOTE: Column names used for calculations with data.table is declared
# in globals.R to avoid NOTES in R CMD CHECK.

# CHANGE LOG (last 20 changes)
# 09.07.2022: Fixed "...URLs which should use \doi (with the DOI name only)".
# 24.08.2018: Removed unused variables.
# 06.08.2017: Added audit trail.
# 23.05.2016: Changed name on some result columns.
# 22.05.2016: Added masked data to result for manual investigation.
# 20.05.2016: 'Blocked' changed to 'masked' throughout.
# 20.05.2016: Implemented method 7 (assumes log-normal distribution).
# 28.02.2016: Added check for ILS dye.
# 09.01.2016: Added more attributes to result.
# 21.10.2015: Added attributes.
# 06.10.2015: Added importFrom for data.table
# 28.08.2015: Added importFrom
# 26.06.2015: Added global AT per dye.
# 26.06.2015: Fixed hard-coded kit/dye set.
# 03.05.2015: First version.

#' @title Calculate Analytical Threshold
#' @description
#' Calculate analytical thresholds estimates.
#' @details
#' Calculate the analytical threshold (AT) according to method 1, 2, and 4 as
#' recommended in the reference by analyzing the background signal (noise).
#' In addition method 7, a log-normal version of method 1 has been implemented.
#' Method 1: The average signal + 'k' * the standard deviation.
#' Method 2: The percentile rank method. The percentage of noise peaks below 'rank.t'.
#' Method 4: Utilize the mean and standard deviation and the critical value obtained
#' from the t-distribution for confidence interval 'alpha' (one-sided) and observed
#' peaks analyzed (i.e. not masked) minus one as degrees of freedom, and the number
#' of samples.
#' Method 7: The average natural logarithm of the signal + k * the standard deviation.
#' If samples containing DNA are used, a range around the allelic peaks can be masked
#' from the analysis to discard peaks higher than the noise. Masking can be within
#' each dye or across all dye channels.
#' Similarly a range around the peaks of the internal lane standard (ILS) can be
#' masked across all dye channels. Which can bleed-through in week samples
#' (i.e. negative controls)
#' The mean, standard deviation, and number of peaks are calculated per dye per sample,
#' per sample, globally across all samples, and globally across all samples per dye,
#' for each method to estimate AT. Also the complete percentile rank list is calculated.
#' @param data a data frame containing at least 'Dye.Sample.Peak',
#'  'Sample.File.Name', 'Marker', 'Allele', 'Height', and 'Data.Point'.
#' @param ref a data frame containing at least
#'  'Sample.Name', 'Marker', 'Allele'.
#' @param mask.height logical to indicate if high peaks should be masked.
#' @param height integer for global lower peak height threshold for peaks
#' to be excluded from the analysis. Active if 'mask.peak=TRUE.
#' @param mask.sample logical to indicate if sample allelic peaks should be masked.
#' @param per.dye logical TRUE if sample peaks should be masked per dye channel.
#' FALSE if sample peaks should be masked globally across dye channels.
#' @param range.sample integer to specify the masking range in (+/-) data points.
#' Active if mask.sample=TRUE.
#' @param mask.ils logical to indicate if internal lane standard peaks should be masked.
#' @param range.ils integer to specify the masking range in (+/-) data points.
#' Active if mask.ils=TRUE.
#' @param k numeric factor for the desired confidence level (method AT1).
#' @param alpha numeric one-sided confidence interval to obtain the
#' critical value from the t-distribution (method AT4).
#' @param rank.t numeric percentile rank threshold (method AT2).
#' @param ignore.case logical to indicate if sample matching should ignore case.
#' @param word logical to indicate if word boundaries should be added before sample matching.
#' @param debug logical to indicate if debug information should be printed.
#' @return list of three data frames. The first with result per dye per sample,
#'  per sample, globally across all samples, and globally across all samples
#'  per dye, for each method. The second is the complete percentile rank list.
#'  The third is the masked raw data used for calculation to enable manual
#'  check of the result.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats sd qt
#' @importFrom utils str head tail
#' @importFrom data.table data.table setnames
#' @seealso \code{\link{maskAT}}, \code{\link{checkSubset}}
#' @references
#'  J. Bregu et.al.,
#'   Analytical thresholds and sensitivity: establishing RFU thresholds for
#'   forensic DNA analysis, J. Forensic Sci. 58 (1) (2013) 120-129,
#'   ISSN 1556-4029, DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.12008.
#' \doi{10.1111/1556-4029.12008}

calculateAT <- function(data, ref = NULL, mask.height = TRUE, height = 500,
                        mask.sample = TRUE, per.dye = TRUE, range.sample = 20,
                        mask.ils = TRUE, range.ils = 10,
                        k = 3, rank.t = 0.99, alpha = 0.01,
                        ignore.case = TRUE, word = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
  if (debug) {
    print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))

  # Check data ----------------------------------------------------------------

  if (is.null(data$Dye.Sample.Peak)) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Dye.Sample.Peak'")

  if (is.null(data$Sample.File.Name)) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Sample.File.Name'")

  if (is.null(data$Marker)) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Marker'")

  if (is.null(data$Allele)) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Allele'")

  if (is.null(data$Height)) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Height'")

  if (is.null(data$Data.Point)) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Data.Point'")

  # Check if slim format.
  if (sum(grepl("Allele", names(data))) > 1) {
    stop("'data' must be in 'slim' format",
      call. = TRUE

  if (sum(grepl("Height", names(data))) > 1) {
    stop("'data' must be in 'slim' format",
      call. = TRUE

  if (sum(grepl("Data.Point", names(data))) > 1) {
    stop("'data' must be in 'slim' format",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.null(ref)) {
    if (is.null(ref$Sample.Name)) {
      stop("'ref' must contain a column 'Sample.Name'")

    if (is.null(ref$Marker)) {
      stop("'ref' must contain a column 'Marker'")

    if (is.null(ref$Allele)) {
      stop("'ref' must contain a column 'Allele'")

    # Check if slim format.
    if (sum(grepl("Allele", names(ref))) > 1) {
      stop("'ref' must be in 'slim' format",
        call. = TRUE

  # Check parameters.
  if (!is.logical(mask.height)) {
    stop("'mask.height' must be logical",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.numeric(height)) {
    stop("'height' must be numeric",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.logical(mask.sample)) {
    stop("'mask.sample' must be logical",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.logical(per.dye)) {
    stop("'per.dye' must be logical",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.numeric(range.sample)) {
    stop("'range.sample' must be numeric",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.logical(mask.ils)) {
    stop("'mask.ils' must be logical",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.numeric(range.ils)) {
    stop("'range.ils' must be numeric",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.numeric(k)) {
    stop("'k' must be numeric",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.numeric(rank.t)) {
    stop("'rank.t' must be numeric",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.numeric(alpha)) {
    stop("'alpha' must be numeric",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.logical(ignore.case)) {
    stop("'ignore.case' must be logical",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.logical(word)) {
    stop("'word' must be logical",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.logical(debug)) {
    stop("'debug' must be logical",
      call. = TRUE

  # Prepare -------------------------------------------------------------------

  if (!all(c("Masked", "Dye") %in% names(data))) {
    # Mask data for AT calculation
    # (need to be separate function to enable control plots in GUI).
    data <- maskAT(
      data = data, ref = ref, mask.height = mask.height, height = height,
      mask.sample = mask.sample, per.dye = per.dye, range.sample = range.sample,
      mask.ils = mask.ils, range.ils = range.ils,
      ignore.case = ignore.case, word = word, debug = debug

  # Get all dyes.
  dyes <- as.character(unique(data$Dye))
  dyeILS <- unique(data$Dye[data$ILS])
  dyesKit <- setdiff(dyes, dyeILS)

  # Get number of samples.
  nSamples <- length(unique(data$Sample.File.Name))

  # Internal functions --------------------------------------------------------

  # Function to calculate the percentile rank .
  percentileRank <- function(x) trunc(rank(x)) / length(x)

  # Function to get height above a percentile.
  rankThreshold <- function(x, t) min(x[percentileRank(x) > t])

  # Convert -------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check ILS dye.
  if (length(dyeILS) == 0) {
    message("No ILS dye found!")
    message("Identified dyes: ", paste(dyes, collapse = ", "))

    # Strip masked data.
    dt <- data[data$Masked == FALSE, ]
  } else {
    # Strip masked data, and ILS channel.
    dt <- data[data$Masked == FALSE & data$Dye != dyeILS, ]

  # Convert to data.table for performance.
  dt <- data.table::data.table(dt)

  # Analyse1 ------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Calculate for sample per dye.
  at.sample.dye <- dt[, list(
    Dye.Mean = mean(Height, na.rm = TRUE),
    Dye.Sd = sd(Height, na.rm = TRUE),
    Dye.Mean.ln = mean(log(Height), na.rm = TRUE),
    Dye.Sd.ln = sd(log(Height), na.rm = TRUE),
    Dye.Peaks = sum(Masked == FALSE),
    Dye.AT2 = rankThreshold(Height, rank.t)
  by = list(Sample.File.Name, Dye)

  # Extract AT2 and remove from dataset to get final row order correct.
  at.sample.dye.AT2 <- at.sample.dye$Dye.AT2
  at.sample.dye$Dye.AT2 <- NULL

  # Calculate globally for each dye.
  at.dye <- dt[, list(
    Mean = mean(Height, na.rm = TRUE),
    Sd = sd(Height, na.rm = TRUE),
    Mean.ln = mean(log(Height), na.rm = TRUE),
    Sd.ln = sd(log(Height), na.rm = TRUE),
    Peaks = sum(Masked == FALSE),
    AT2 = rankThreshold(Height, rank.t)
  by = list(Dye)

  # Calculate for sample.
  at.sample <- dt[, list(
    Mean = mean(Height, na.rm = TRUE),
    Sd = sd(Height, na.rm = TRUE),
    Mean.ln = mean(log(Height), na.rm = TRUE),
    Sd.ln = sd(log(Height), na.rm = TRUE),
    Peaks = sum(Masked == FALSE),
    AT2 = rankThreshold(Height, rank.t)
  by = list(Sample.File.Name)

  # Extract AT2 and remove from dataset to get final row order correct.
  at.sample.AT2 <- at.sample$AT2
  at.sample$AT2 <- NULL

  # Join the result.
  at.sample.dye$Sample.Mean <- rep(at.sample$Mean, each = length(dyesKit))
  at.sample.dye$Sample.Sd <- rep(at.sample$Sd, each = length(dyesKit))
  at.sample.dye$Sample.Mean.ln <- rep(at.sample$Mean.ln, each = length(dyesKit))
  at.sample.dye$Sample.Sd.ln <- rep(at.sample$Sd.ln, each = length(dyesKit))
  at.sample.dye$Sample.Peaks <- rep(at.sample$Peaks, each = length(dyesKit))

  # Calculate globally for all data.
  at.global <- dt[, list(
    Mean = mean(Height, na.rm = TRUE),
    Sd = sd(Height, na.rm = TRUE),
    Peaks = sum(Masked == FALSE),
    Mean.ln = mean(log(Height), na.rm = TRUE),
    Sd.ln = sd(log(Height), na.rm = TRUE),
    AT2 = rankThreshold(Height, rank.t)

  # Join the result.
  at.sample.dye$Global.Mean <- rep(at.global$Mean, nrow(at.sample.dye))
  at.sample.dye$Global.Sd <- rep(at.global$Sd, nrow(at.sample.dye))
  at.sample.dye$Global.Mean.ln <- rep(at.global$Mean.ln, nrow(at.sample.dye))
  at.sample.dye$Global.Sd.ln <- rep(at.global$Sd.ln, nrow(at.sample.dye))
  at.sample.dye$Global.Peaks <- rep(at.global$Peaks, nrow(at.sample.dye))

  # Calculate AT1.
  at.sample.dye$Dye.AT1 <- at.sample.dye$Dye.Mean + k * at.sample.dye$Dye.Sd
  at.sample.dye$Sample.AT1 <- at.sample.dye$Sample.Mean + k * at.sample.dye$Sample.Sd
  at.sample.dye$Global.AT1 <- at.sample.dye$Global.Mean + k * at.sample.dye$Global.Sd

  # Calculate AT1 per dye.
  at.dye$AT1 <- at.dye$Mean + k * at.dye$Sd
  for (d in seq(along = dyesKit)) {
    colName <- paste("Global", dyesKit[d], "AT1", sep = ".")
    colVal <- rep(at.dye$AT1[d], nrow(at.sample.dye))
    colCnt <- length(colVal)
    dtNew <- data.table::data.table(col = colVal)
    data.table::setnames(dtNew, colName)
    at.sample.dye <- data.table::data.table(at.sample.dye, dtNew)

  # Add AT2 results.
  at.sample.dye$Dye.AT2 <- at.sample.dye.AT2
  at.sample.dye$Sample.AT2 <- rep(at.sample.AT2, each = length(dyesKit))
  at.sample.dye$Global.AT2 <- rep(at.global$AT2, nrow(at.sample.dye))

  # Add AT2 per dye.
  for (d in seq(along = dyesKit)) {
    colName <- paste("Global", dyesKit[d], "AT2", sep = ".")
    colVal <- rep(at.dye$AT2[d], nrow(at.sample.dye))
    colCnt <- length(colVal)
    dtNew <- data.table::data.table(col = colVal)
    data.table::setnames(dtNew, colName)
    at.sample.dye <- data.table::data.table(at.sample.dye, dtNew)

  # Calculate AT4.
  # Note: Actually no point using t-distribution since degrees of freedom
  # (number of observations - 1) are large (>100).
  at.sample.dye$Dye.AT4 <- at.sample.dye$Dye.Mean + abs(qt(alpha, at.sample.dye$Dye.Peaks - 1)) * (1 + 1 / 1)^0.5 * at.sample.dye$Dye.Sd
  at.sample.dye$Sample.AT4 <- at.sample.dye$Sample.Mean + abs(qt(alpha, at.sample.dye$Sample.Peaks - 1)) * (1 + 1 / 1)^0.5 * at.sample.dye$Sample.Sd
  at.sample.dye$Global.AT4 <- at.sample.dye$Global.Mean + abs(qt(alpha, at.sample.dye$Global.Peaks - 1)) * (1 + 1 / nSamples)^0.5 * at.sample.dye$Global.Sd

  # Calculate AT4 per dye.
  at.dye$AT4 <- at.dye$Mean + abs(qt(alpha, at.dye$Peaks - 1)) * (1 + 1 / 1)^0.5 * at.dye$Sd
  for (d in seq(along = dyesKit)) {
    colName <- paste("Global", dyesKit[d], "AT4", sep = ".")
    colVal <- rep(at.dye$AT4[d], nrow(at.sample.dye))
    colCnt <- length(colVal)
    dtNew <- data.table::data.table(col = colVal)
    data.table::setnames(dtNew, colName)
    at.sample.dye <- data.table::data.table(at.sample.dye, dtNew)

  # Calculate AT7.
  at.sample.dye$Dye.AT7 <- exp(at.sample.dye$Dye.Mean.ln + k * at.sample.dye$Dye.Sd.ln)
  at.sample.dye$Sample.AT7 <- exp(at.sample.dye$Sample.Mean.ln + k * at.sample.dye$Sample.Sd.ln)
  at.sample.dye$Global.AT7 <- exp(at.sample.dye$Global.Mean.ln + k * at.sample.dye$Global.Sd.ln)

  # Calculate AT7 per dye.
  at.dye$AT7 <- exp(at.dye$Mean.ln + k * at.dye$Sd.ln)
  for (d in seq(along = dyesKit)) {
    colName <- paste("Global", dyesKit[d], "AT7", sep = ".")
    colVal <- rep(at.dye$AT7[d], nrow(at.sample.dye))
    colCnt <- length(colVal)
    dtNew <- data.table::data.table(col = colVal)
    data.table::setnames(dtNew, colName)
    at.sample.dye <- data.table::data.table(at.sample.dye, dtNew)

  # Finally -------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Add number of samples.
  at.sample.dye$Total.Samples <- nSamples

  # Update audit trail.
  at.sample.dye <- auditTrail(
    obj = at.sample.dye, f.call = match.call(),
    package = "strvalidator"

  # Convert back to data.frame.
  res1 <- data.frame(at.sample.dye)

  # Analyse2 ------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Calculate complete percentile rank list.
  at.rank <- data.frame(
    Height = unique(sort(dt$Height)),
    Rank = unique(percentileRank(sort(dt$Height))),
    Observations = as.numeric(table(dt$Height))

  # Update audit trail.
  at.rank <- auditTrail(
    obj = at.rank, f.call = match.call(),
    package = "strvalidator"

  # Convert back to data frame.
  res2 <- data.frame(at.rank)

  # Masked data ---------------------------------------------------------------

  # Update audit trail.
  data <- auditTrail(
    obj = data, f.call = match.call(),
    package = "strvalidator"

  # Convert back to data.frame.
  res3 <- data.frame(data)

  if (debug) {

  if (debug) {
    print(paste("EXIT:", match.call()[[1]]))

  # Return list of the two dataframes.
  res <- list(res1, res2, res3)

  # Return result.
OskarHansson/strvalidator documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 7:13 a.m.