
Defines functions calculateSpike

Documented in calculateSpike

# TODO: Allow to use Data.Point

# CHANGE LOG (last 20 changes)
# 24.08.2018: Removed unused variables.
# 07.08.2017: Added audit trail.
# 27.06.2016: Added: @importFrom stats dist
# 19.05.2016: Implemented more accurat method and parameter 'quick'.
# 18.05.2016: Now removes false positives (multiple peaks in same dye).
# 12.10.2015: First version.

#' @title Detect Spike
#' @description
#' Detect samples with possible spikes in the DNA profile.
#' @details Creates a list of possible spikes by searching for peaks aligned
#' vertically (i.e. nearly identical size). There are two methods to search.
#' The default method (quick=FALSE) method that calculates the distance between
#' each peak in a sample, and the quick and dirty method (quick=TRUE) that
#' rounds the size and then group peaks with identical size. The rounding
#' method is faster because it uses the data.table package. The accurate method
#' is slower because it uses nested loops - the first through each sample to
#' calculate the distance between all peaks, and the second loops through the
#' distance matrix to identify which peaks lies within the tolerance.
#' NB! The quick method may not catch all spikes since two peaks can be
#' separated by rounding e.g. 200.5 and 200.6 becomes 200 and 201 respectively.
#' @param data data.frame with including columns 'Sample.Name', 'Marker', 'Size'.
#' @param threshold numeric number of peaks of similar size in different dye
#' channels to pass as a possible spike (NULL = number of dye channels
#' minus one to allow for one unlabeled peak).
#' @param tolerance numeric tolerance for Size. For the quick and dirty
#' rounding method e.g. 1.5 rounds Size to +/- 0.75 bp. For the slower but
#' more accurate method the value is the maximum allowed difference between
#' peaks in a spike.
#' @param kit string or numeric for the STR-kit used (NULL = auto detect).
#' @param quick logical TRUE for the quick and dirty method. Default is FALSE
#' which use a slower but more accurate method.
#' @param debug logical indicating printing debug information.
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table data.table := .N
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @return data.frame
#' @seealso \code{\link{data.table}}

calculateSpike <- function(data, threshold = NULL, tolerance = 2, kit = NULL,
                           quick = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
  # Parameters that are changed by the function must be saved first.
  attr_kit <- substitute(kit)

  if (debug) {
    print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))

  # Check data ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Columns.
  if (is.null(data$Sample.Name)) {
    stop("'Sample.Name' does not exist!")
  if (is.null(data$Marker)) {
    stop("'Marker' does not exist!")
  if (is.null(data$Size)) {
    stop("'Size' does not exist!")

  # Check if slim format.
  if (sum(grepl("Size", names(data))) > 1) {
    stop("'data' must be in 'slim' format",
      call. = TRUE

  # Check data type.
  if (!is.numeric(data$Size)) {
    data$Size <- as.numeric(data$Size)
    warning("'Size' not numeric! 'data' converted.")

  # Prepare -------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Convert to data.table.
  DT <- data.table::data.table(data)

  if (is.null(kit)) {
    # Detect kit.
    kit <- detectKit(data = DT, index = FALSE, debug = debug)
    kit <- kit[1]
    message(paste("Using kit:", kit))

  # Getdye channels.
  kitColors <- unique(getKit(kit = kit, what = "Color", debug = debug)$Color)
  kitDyes <- addColor(data = kitColors, have = "Color", need = "Dye")

  if (is.null(threshold)) {
    # Default to number of dyes minus one to allow for one unlabeled spike.
    threshold <- length(kitDyes) - 1
    message(paste("Using default spike threshold:", threshold))
  } else if (threshold > length(kitDyes)) {
    # Threshold cannot be larger than the number of dyes in the kit.
    threshold <- length(kitDyes) - 1
    message(paste("'threshold' cannot be larger than the number of dyes in the kit"))
    message(paste("Using default spike threshold:", threshold))

  # Remove NA's.
  if (any(is.na(DT$Size))) {
    DT <- DT[!is.na(DT$Size), ]

  # Add Dye if not present.
  if (!"Dye" %in% names(DT)) {
    DT <- addColor(data = DT, kit = kit, need = "Dye")

  # Add Id if not present.
  if (!"Id" %in% names(DT)) {
    DT$Id <- paste(DT$Sample.Name, DT$File.Name)

  # Analyse -------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Define column names (to avoid notes.)
  col1 <- "File.Name"
  col2 <- "Sample.Name"
  col3 <- "Peaks"
  col4 <- "Size"
  col5 <- "Dyes"

  if (quick) {
      "Calculating spikes using the quick and dirty method based on ",
      "rounded 'Size' and the package data.table."
      "NB! This method may not catch all spikes since two peaks can ",
      "be separated by rounding e.g. 200.5 and 200.6 -> 200 and 201."

    # Round to nearest base pair
    DT$Round <- tolerance * round(DT$Size / tolerance)

    # Count number of peaks of same size per sample.
    res <- DT[, "Peaks" := .N, by = c("Id", "Round")]

    # Count number of dyes of same size per sample.
    res <- res[, "Dyes" := length(unique(Dye)), by = c("Id", "Round")]

    # Extract samples with at least 'threshold' peaks of the same size.
    res <- res[get(col3) >= threshold, ]
  } else {
      "Calculating spikes using the accurate method based on calculating ",
      "the distance between each peak in a sample."

    # Add column for number of peaks within accepted distance.
    DT$Peaks <- as.numeric(NA)

    # Add column for index of peaks within accepted distance.
    DT$Dist <- as.character(NA)

    # Get unique Id's.
    id <- unique(DT$Id)

    # Initiate progress indicator.
    m <- 1

    # Loop through each sample.
    for (i in seq(along = id)) {
      # Show progress every 10% percent.
      if ((i / length(id)) >= (m / 10)) {
        message(100 * m / 10, "% of ", length(id), " samples analysed.")
        m <- m + 1

      # Select current sample.
      selected <- DT$Id == id[i]

      # Calculate distance.
      currentDist <- dist(DT[selected, ]$Size)

      # Check if result.
      if (length(currentDist) != 0) {
        currentMat <- as.matrix(currentDist)

        # Get length of current matrix.
        lenMat <- length(row.names(currentMat))

        # Allocate vectors.
        currentDist <- rep(as.character(NA), lenMat)
        currentPeaks <- rep(as.numeric(NA), lenMat)

        for (r in seq(from = 1, to = lenMat)) {
          # Extract peaks whose difference is tolerated.
          closePeaks <- which(currentMat[r, ] <= tolerance)
          currentDist[r] <- paste(closePeaks, collapse = ",")
          currentPeaks[r] <- length(closePeaks)

        # Write result.
        DT[selected, ]$Dist <- currentDist
        DT[selected, ]$Peaks <- currentPeaks

    # Count number of dyes of same size per sample.
    res <- DT[, "Dyes" := length(unique(Dye)), by = c("Id", "Dist")]

    # Extract samples with at least 'threshold' peaks of the same size.
    res <- res["Dist" >= threshold, ]

  # Remove 'false' spikes (multiple peaks in same dye).
  res <- res[get(col5) >= threshold, ]

  # Sort table.
  res <- res[order(get(col1), get(col2), -get(col3), get(col4))]

  # Convert to data.frame.
  res <- as.data.frame(res)

  # Add attributes to result.
  attr(res, which = "kit") <- attr_kit

  # Update audit trail.
  res <- auditTrail(obj = res, f.call = match.call(), package = "strvalidator")

  if (debug) {
    print(paste("EXIT:", match.call()[[1]]))

OskarHansson/strvalidator documentation built on July 22, 2023, 12:04 p.m.