
Defines functions MacroAlgaeIndicator Macroalgae_process_data

Documented in MacroAlgaeIndicator

#' Macroalgae indicators
#' @param indicator Name of the indicator to be calculated. Possible values are
#'   "CumulativeCover", "PropOpportunist", and "NPerennials"
#' @param Indicator_pred_pct Probability for predicting the percentile in the simulated distribution. Default is 0.5 for the median.
#' @param df A dataframe with monitoring data for macroalgae according to the 
#'   Danish National Marine Monitoring Program. The dataframe should contain the
#'   following variables: 
#'   \describe{ 
#'   \item{kildestationnavn}{An identifier for the monitoring
#'   transect name.}
#'   \item{dato}{Date of the sampling.}
#'   \item{dybde}{Depth of
#'   the observation in meter.}
#'   \item{hardbund_daekpct}{Percentage cover of
#'   suitable substrate for macroalgae.}
#'   \item{totcover_daekpct}{Total cover of
#'   macroalgae relative to the suitable substrate.}
#'   \item{proevetager}{Identifier of the person carrying out the monitoring
#'   transect.}
#'   \item{steneck}{The Steneck number of the species.}
#'   \item{growth_strategy}{Either "P" for perennial, "O" for opportunist or "C"
#'   for crustforming algae.} }
#' @param boundaries A vector of length 4 giving the status class boundary values
#'   of the standardized indicator. The boundary values should be
#'   given in the order high-good, good-moderate, moderate-poor, poor-bad.
#' @param depth_cutoff The cut-off depth for physical exposure. Observations 
#'   whith depths shallower than this value are not used in the indicator
#'   calculation.
#' @param std_depth The depth for which  the indication is calculated. Default
#'   is 7 meters.
#' @param std_haardsub The suitable substrate percentage for which the indicator
#'   if calculated. Default it 0.5.
#' @param n_iter Maximum number of iteration for Montecarlo simulation.

#' @importFrom haven read_sas
#' @importFrom stats optim quantile rnorm sd vcov
#' @importFrom tidyr drop_na_ drop_na
#' @import dplyr
#' @import lme4
#' @importFrom lubridate month year parse_date_time2
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @return TODO
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("alsfjord_2013_2016")
#' indicator <- MacroAlgaeIndicator("CumulativeCover", alsfjord_2013_2016, boundaries = c(74.4, 40.8, 20.4, 13.8), depth_cutoff = 1)
MacroAlgaeIndicator <-
  function(indicator=c("CumulativeCover", "PropOpportunist" ,"NPerennials"),
           std_depth = 7,
           std_haardsub = 50,
           n_iter = 10000,
           Indicator_pred_pct = 0.5) {

    # Check that there is only one indicator listed from the list
              c("CumulativeCover", "PropOpportunist" , "NPerennials"),
              several.ok = FALSE)
    # Check if indicator is in the list of accepted indicators
    if (length(boundaries) != 4) {
      stop("Der skal angives 4 graensevaerdier i funktionskaldet!")
    # Add the lowest/highest value the indicator can take, corresponding to EQR=0. Reverse boundaries for those with decreasing numerical quality
    boundaries <- switch(
      CumulativeCover = rev(c(1000, boundaries, 0)),
      PropOpportunist = c(0.0, boundaries, 1.0),
      NPerennials = rev(c(100, boundaries, 0))
    if (!(all(diff(boundaries) > 0) |
          all(diff(boundaries) < 0))) {
      stop("Graensevaerdierne er ikke angivet korrekt!")
    # *************************************************************************
    # Step 1: Process the "raw" data.
    # *************************************************************************
    df <- Macroalgae_process_data(indicator,df,depth_cutoff)
    # Check if there are any observations remaining after preprocessing    
    if (length(df$residual) == 0) {
      stop("Antallet af observationer i datasaettet er 0!")
    # *************************************************************************
    # Step 2: Do the GLMM on the processed data.
    # *************************************************************************
    glmm_parmest <- modified_lmer(indicator,df)
    # *************************************************************************
    # Step 3: Read Jacob's data and replace values with those from the GLMMM
    # *************************************************************************
    ## Open Jacob's vector and replace the first element at position [1]
    b_vector <- switch(
      CumulativeCover = as.vector(CumulativeCover$Estimate),
      PropOpportunist = as.vector(PropOpportunist$Estimate),
      NPerennials = as.vector(NPerennials$Estimate)
    b_vector[1] <- glmm_parmest$estimate_glmm
    ## Open Jacob's matrix and replace 1 value at [1,1] with the estimate from the GLMM
    v_b_matrix <- switch(indicator,
                         CumulativeCover = covb_cumcover_in,
                         PropOpportunist = covb_filaandel_in,
                         NPerennials = covb_narter_perennial_in)
    v_b_matrix[1, 1] <- glmm_parmest$variance_glmm
    l_vector <- switch(
      CumulativeCover = c(1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, std_depth, 50, 0),
      PropOpportunist = c(1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1 /
                            7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7, 50, 0),
      NPerennials     = c(1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1 /
                            7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7, 50, 0)
    estimate <- l_vector %*% b_vector
    variance <- l_vector %*% v_b_matrix %*% l_vector
    #different ranking of classes when going from low to high
      CumulativeCover = labels <-
        c("bad", "poor", "moderate", "good", "high"),
      PropOpportunist = labels <-
        c("high", "good", "moderate", "poor", "bad"),
      NPerennials     = labels <-
        c("bad", "poor", "moderate", "good", "high")
    # *************************************************************************
    # Step 4: Do the simulations.
    # *************************************************************************
    simulvector <- mat.or.vec(n_iter, 1)
      CumulativeCover = for (i in 1:n_iter) {
        simulvector[i] <- exp(estimate + rnorm(1) * sqrt(variance)) - 1
      PropOpportunist = for (i in 1:n_iter) {
        simulvector[i] <-
          sin(estimate + rnorm(1) * sqrt(variance)) * sin(estimate + rnorm(1) * sqrt(variance))
      NPerennials     = for (i in 1:n_iter) {
        simulvector[i] <- exp(estimate + rnorm(1) * sqrt(variance)) - 1
    simulations <- data_frame(
      simulvector = simulvector,
      status = cut(simulvector, breaks = boundaries, labels = labels)
    # *************************************************************************
    # Step 5: Proportion of each class (between 0 and 1).
    # *************************************************************************
    #Organise table so that it always starts with "High", "Good", etc.
      CumulativeCover = proportions <-
          table(simulations$status) / nrow(simulations)
      PropOpportunist = proportions <-
        data.frame(table(simulations$status) / nrow(simulations)),
      NPerennials     = proportions <-
          table(simulations$status) / nrow(simulations)
    names(proportions) <- c("class", "proportion")
    # *************************************************************************
    # Step 6: Calculate the requested percentil number and standard error
    # *************************************************************************
    pred_indicator <- quantile(simulations$simulvector, Indicator_pred_pct)
    stderr_indicator <- sd(simulations$simulvector)
    # *************************************************************************
    # Step 7: Wrap-up results
    # *************************************************************************
    res <- list(proportions, pred_indicator, stderr_indicator)

Macroalgae_process_data <- function(indicator,df,depth_cutoff) {
  # How to break the depth into "classes"
  mybreaks <- c(seq(1, 21, by = 2), 100)
  res <- df %>%
    mutate_(dato = ~lubridate::parse_date_time2(as.character(dato), orders = "Ymd")) %>% 
    ) %>%
      cumcov = ~sum(art_daekpct[Steneck < 7]),
      opportunist = ~sum(art_daekpct[Steneck <= 3]),
      n_perenial = ~sum(Steneck < 7 & art_daekpct >= 1 & Growth_strategy == "P")
    ) %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
    mutate_(hardbund_daekpct = ~ifelse(hardbund_daekpct < 0, NA, hardbund_daekpct)) %>% 
    mutate_(opportunist = ~ifelse(cumcov > 0 & is.na(opportunist), 0, opportunist)) %>% 
    mutate_(n_perenial = ~ifelse(is.na(cumcov) & is.na(n_perenial), 0, n_perenial)) %>% 
    mutate_(prop_opportunist = ~ifelse(cumcov>0,opportunist / cumcov,NA)) %>% 
    mutate_(arsin_prop_opportunist = ~asin(sqrt(prop_opportunist))) %>% 
    mutate_(log_n_perenial = ~log(n_perenial + 1)) %>% 
    mutate_(log_cumcov = ~log(cumcov + 1)) %>% 
    mutate_(log_cumcov = ~ifelse(cumcov < (totcover_daekpct - 20), NA, log_cumcov)) %>% 
    mutate_(depth_class = ~cut(dybde, mybreaks, right = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)) %>% 
    mutate_(haard_ind1 = ~ifelse(hardbund_daekpct < 50, hardbund_daekpct, 50)) %>% 
    mutate_(haard_ind2 = ~ifelse(hardbund_daekpct < 50, 0, hardbund_daekpct - 50)) %>% 
    mutate_(month = ~lubridate::month(dato)) %>% 
    mutate_(year = ~lubridate::year(dato)) %>% 
    filter_("UndersoegelseTypeKode %in% c(1,5)") %>%  # use only transects with macroalgae data
    filter_("month %in% 5:9") %>%   # use only months with regular monitoring data
    filter_("dybde < 15") %>%       # include only depths less than 15 m
    filter_("dybde > depth_cutoff") # include depths below the limit of physical exposure
  # ***************************************************************************
  # At this point we have the data correctly processed at the first level.
  # Now, lets calculate macroalgae observations adjusted for depth, hard substrate and month effects
  # ***************************************************************************
  params <- switch(indicator,CumulativeCover = read_params()[[2]] %>%  select_(~Effect, ~month, ~Estimate),
                   PropOpportunist = read_params()[[4]] %>% select_(~Effect, ~month, ~interval, ~Estimate),
                   NPerennials = read_params()[[6]] %>% select_(~Effect, ~month, ~interval, ~Estimate))
  parm_depth <- params$Estimate[params$Effect == "depth"]
  parm_H1 <- params$Estimate[params$Effect == "haard_ind1"]
  parm_H2 <- params$Estimate[params$Effect == "haard_ind2"]
  parm_month <- params$Estimate[params$Effect == "month"]
  parm_interval <- params$Estimate[params$Effect == "interval"]
  res <- switch(
    CumulativeCover  = mutate_(
      residual = ~log_cumcov - parm_month[res$month - 4] - parm_depth * dybde - haard_ind1 * parm_H1 - haard_ind2 * parm_H2
    PropOpportunist  = mutate_(
      residual = ~arsin_prop_opportunist - parm_month[res$month - 4] - parm_interval[depth_class] - haard_ind1 * parm_H1 - haard_ind2 * parm_H2
    NPerennials      = mutate_(
      residual = ~log_n_perenial - parm_month[res$month - 4] - parm_interval[depth_class] - haard_ind1 * parm_H1 - haard_ind2 * parm_H2
  res <- drop_na_(res, "residual")  
PMassicotte/makroalgaeindicators documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:19 p.m.