## This file contains all functions for building and uploading FHIR resources##
## Exported functions are on top, internal functions below ##
#' Build a single FHIR resource
#' This function takes a single row from a wide table as produced by [fhir_crack()] and builds a [fhir_resource_xml-class] object from it. The column names of the table
#' must represent the XPath expression of the respective element with indices for repeating items. A table like this is produced when FHIR resources have
#' been cracked with [fhir_crack()] without assigning explicit column names in the [fhir_design-class]/[fhir_table_description-class] and with `format` set to `"wide"`.
#' @param row Single row from a wide table as produced by [fhir_crack()] with `format="wide"`
#' @param brackets A character vector of length one. The brackets used for cracking.
#' @param resource_type A character vector of length one or [fhir_resource_type-class] object
#' indicating which resource type the table is build from.
#' @return A [fhir_resource_xml-class] object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #unserialize example
#' bundles <- fhir_unserialize(bundles = example_bundles1)
#' #crack fhir resources
#' Pat <- fhir_table_description(
#' resource = "Patient",
#' brackets = c("[", "]"),
#' sep = " ",
#' format = "wide"
#' )
#' df <- fhir_crack(bundles = bundles, design = Pat)
#' #build resource
#' resource <- fhir_build_resource(
#' row = df[1,],
#' brackets = c('[', ']'),
#' resource_type = "Patient"
#' )
#' #print to console
#' resource
#' @export
#' @seealso [fhir_cast()], [fhir_crack()], [fhir_build_bundle()], [fhir_post()], [fhir_put()]
fhir_build_resource <- function(row, brackets, resource_type) {
tree <- fhir_tree.new(table = row,
brackets = brackets,
root = resource_type)
tree <- fhir_tree.rm_ids(tree)
xml <- xml2::read_xml(x = fhir_tree.as_xml(tree = tree))
fhir_resource_xml(resource = xml)
#' Build a FHIR bundle
#' This function takes a table as produced by [fhir_crack()] with `format="wide"` and builds a [fhir_bundle_xml-class] object from it. It is primarily used
#' to create transaction/batch bundles to POST back to a FHIR server. The column names of the table must represent the XPath expression of the
#' respective element with indices for repeating items. A table like this is produced when FHIR resources have been cracked with [fhir_crack()] without
#' assigning explicit column names in the [fhir_design-class]/[fhir_table_description-class] and the format has been set to `"wide"`.
#' The typical use case would look like this:
#' 1) Download resources from a server with [fhir_search()]
#' 2) Crack to wide format them with [fhir_crack()]
#' 3) Do something to values (e.g. some kind of anonymization)
#' 4) Translate the data back into FHIR resources with [fhir_build_bundle()]
#' 5) Post the resources to a server
#' A FHIR bundle that can be POSTed to a server is usually of type `transaction` or `batch`. Each entry of these bundles consists of the resource itself
#' as well as an instruction for the server of what to to with the resource. A very simple example looks like this:
#' ```
#' <Bundle>
#' <type value="transaction"/>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Patient>
#' <id value="id1"/>
#' <address>
#' <city value="Amsterdam"/>
#' <country value="Netherlands"/>
#' </address>
#' <name>
#' <given value="Marie"/>
#' </name>
#' </Patient>
#' </resource>
#' <request>
#' <method value="POST"/>
#' <url value="Patient"/>
#' </request>
#' </entry>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Patient>
#' <id value="id2"/>
#' <address>
#' <city value="Paris"/>
#' <country value="France"/>
#' </address>
#' <name>
#' <given value="Anne"/>
#' </name>
#' </Patient>
#' </resource>
#' <request>
#' <method value="POST"/>
#' <url value="Patient"/>
#' </request>
#' </entry>
#' </Bundle>
#' ```
#' In this example the bundle contains two Patient resources that are sent to server with a POST. For more information the structure of transaction/batch bundles,
#' please see the FHIR documentation at https://www.hl7.org/fhir/http.html and https://www.hl7.org/fhir/bundle.html.
#' In the table, each row corresponds to one resource that is created. To add the information for the `request` element of the bundle,
#' this table has to be augmented with two columns named `request.method` and `request.url`, which contain the respective HTTP verb and URL for the resource.
#' If these columns are not added to the table, [fhir_build_bundle()] still builds bundles from it, but those bundles will not be POSTable to a server. See examples.
#' @param table A wide table as produced by [fhir_crack()], possibly modified (see details) or a named list
#' of wide tables, if different resource types have to be included in the same bundle. In this case the names of
#' the list elements must correspond to the resource type represented in the table!
#' @param brackets A character vector of length one. The brackets used for cracking.
#' @param resource_type A character vector of length one or [fhir_resource_type-class] object
#' indicating which resource type is represented in the table, if a single table is provided. This argument is
#' ignored when `table` is a named list of tables.
#' @param bundle_type A character vector of length one defining the bundle type. Will usually be
#' either `"transaction"` (the default) or `"batch"`.
#' @param verbose An integer vector of length one. If 0, nothing is printed, if > 0 progress message is printed. Defaults to 1.
#' @return A [fhir_bundle_xml-class] object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #unserialize example
#' bundles <- fhir_unserialize(bundles = example_bundles1)
#' #crack fhir resources
#' table_desc_pat <- fhir_table_description(
#' resource = "Patient",
#' brackets = c("[", "]"),
#' sep = " ",
#' format = "wide"
#' )
#' df <- fhir_crack(bundles = bundles, design = table_desc_pat)
#' #add request info to table
#' request <- data.frame(
#' request.method = c("POST", "PUT"),
#' request.url = c("Patient", "Patient/id3")
#' )
#' request_df <- cbind(df, request)
#' #build bundle
#' bundle <- fhir_build_bundle(table = request_df,
#' brackets = table_desc_pat@brackets,
#' resource_type = "Patient",
#' bundle_type = "transaction")
#' #print to console
#' cat(toString(bundle))
#' @rdname fhir_build_bundle-methods
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @seealso [fhir_crack()],[fhir_cast()], [fhir_build_resource()], [fhir_post()]
name = "fhir_build_bundle",
def = function(table,
bundle_type = "transaction",
verbose = 1) {
#' @rdname fhir_build_bundle-methods
#' @aliases fhir_build_bundle,data.frame-method
f = "fhir_build_bundle",
signature = c("table" = "data.frame"),
definition = function(table,
bundle_type = "transaction",
verbose = 1) {
#build entries
s <-
build_entries(table = table,
brackets = brackets,
resource_type = resource_type)
#Wrap in Bundle
s <-
" <type value='",
#turn into fhir_bundle_xml
max_ <- nrow(table)
bundle <- xml2::read_xml(s)
if (0 < verbose) {
message("Created a ",
" Bundle with ",
" resource",
#' @rdname fhir_build_bundle-methods
#' @aliases fhir_build_bundle,list-method
f = "fhir_build_bundle",
signature = c("table" = "list"),
definition = function(table,
bundle_type = "transaction",
verbose = 1) {
#preliminary checks
if (!all(sapply(table, is.data.frame))) {
"All elements of the list provided to cast_table must be data.frames/data.tables."
if (length(names(table)) != length(table)) {
"You have to provide a **named** list, where the names correspond to the resource type represented in the table."
#build entries
s <- ""
X = seq_len(length(table)),
FUN = function(i) {
#i <- 1
single_table <- table[[i]]
resource_type <- fhir_resource_type(names(table)[i])
#build entries
s <<-
brackets = brackets,
resource_type = resource_type
#wrap in Bundle
s <-
" <type value='",
#turn into fhir_bundle_xml
bundle <- xml2::read_xml(s)
if (0 < verbose) {
message("Created a ",
" Bundle with ",
Reduce(sum, lapply(table, nrow)),
" resources.")
#' POST to a FHIR server
#' This function is a convenience wrapper around [httr::POST()].
#' @details
#' [fhir_post()] accepts four classes for the body:
#' 1) A [fhir_resource-class] as created by [fhir_build_resource()]. This is used when just a single resource should be POSTed to the server.
#' In this case `url` must contain the base url plus the resource type, e.g. http://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4/Patient.
#' 2) A [fhir_bundle_xml-class] representing a transaction or batch bundle as created by [fhir_build_bundle()].
#' 3) A [fhir_body-class] as created by [fhir_body()]. This is the most flexible approach, because within the [fhir_body-class] object you can represent
#' any kind of `content` as a string and set the `type` accordingly. See examples.
#' For examples of how to create the different body types see the respective help pages. For an example of the entire workflow around creating
#' and POSTing resources, see the package vignette on recreating resources.
#' @param url An object of class [fhir_url-class] or a character vector of length one containing the url to POST to.
#' @param body An object of class [fhir_resource-class], [fhir_bundle_xml-class] or [fhir_body-class].
#' See details for how to generate them.
#' @param username A character vector of length one containing the username for basic authentication.
#' @param password A character vector of length one containing the password for basic authentication.
#' @param token A character vector of length one or object of class [httr::Token-class], for bearer token authentication (e.g. OAuth2). See [fhir_authenticate()]
#' for how to create this.
#' @param add_headers A named character vector of custom headers to add to the HTTP request, e.g. `c(myHeader = "somevalue")` or
#' `c(firstHeader = "value1", secondHeader = "value2")`.
#' @param verbose An integer vector of length one. If 0, nothing is printed, if > 0 success message is printed. Defaults to 1.
#' @param log_errors Either `NULL` or a character vector of length one indicating the name of a file in which to save http errors.
#' `NULL` means no error logging. When a file name is provided, the errors are saved in the specified file. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' Regardless of the value of `log_errors` the most recent http error message within the current R session is saved internally and can
#' be accessed with [fhir_recent_http_error()].
#' @include fhir_resource.R fhir_bundle_list.R fhir_body.R
#' @export
#' @rdname fhir_post-methods
#' @docType methods
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ### 1. POST transaction bundle
#' #unserialize example bundles
#' bundle <- fhir_unserialize(transaction_bundle_example)
#' #have a look at the bundle
#' cat(toString(bundle))
#' #post
#' fhir_post(url = "http://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4", body = bundle)
#' ### 2. POST single resouce
#' #unserialize example resource
#' resource <- fhir_unserialize(example_resource1)
#' #have a look at the resource
#' resource
#' #post
#' url <- fhir_url(url = "http://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4", resource = "Patient")
#' fhir_post(url = url, body = resource)
#' ### 3. POST arbitrary body
#' #define body
#' body <- fhir_body(content = "<Patient> <gender value='female'/> </Patient>", type = "xml")
#' #post
#' url <- fhir_url(url = "http://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4", resource = "Patient")
#' fhir_post(url = url, body = body)
#' }
name = "fhir_post",
def = function(url,
username = NULL,
password = NULL,
token = NULL,
add_headers = NULL,
verbose = 1,
log_errors = NULL) {
#' @rdname fhir_post-methods
#' @aliases fhir_post,fhir_resource-method
f = "fhir_post",
signature = c(body = "fhir_resource"),
definition = function(url,
username = NULL,
password = NULL,
token = NULL,
add_headers = NULL,
verbose = 1,
log_errors = NULL) {
auth <-
auth_helper(username = username,
password = password,
token = token)
response <- httr::POST(
url = url,
config = httr::add_headers(Accept = "application/fhir+xml",
Authorization = auth$token,
.headers = add_headers),
httr::content_type(type = "xml"),
body = toString(body)
#check for http errors
check_response(response = response, log_errors = log_errors)
if (response$status_code == 201 && 0 < verbose) {
message("Resource sucessfully created")
#' @rdname fhir_post-methods
#' @aliases fhir_post,fhir_bundle_xml-method
f = "fhir_post",
signature = c(body = "fhir_bundle_xml"),
definition = function(url,
username = NULL,
password = NULL,
token = NULL,
add_headers = NULL,
verbose = 1,
log_errors = NULL) {
auth <-
auth_helper(username = username,
password = password,
token = token)
response <- httr::POST(
url = url,
config = httr::add_headers(Accept = "application/fhir+xml",
Authorization = auth$token,
.headers = add_headers),
httr::content_type(type = "xml"),
body = toString(body)
#check for http errors
check_response(response = response,
log_errors = log_errors,
append = TRUE)
if (response$status_code == 200 && 0 < verbose) {
message("Bundle sucessfully POSTed")
#' @rdname fhir_post-methods
#' @aliases fhir_post,fhir_body-method
f = "fhir_post",
signature = c(body = "fhir_body"),
definition = function(url,
username = NULL,
password = NULL,
token = NULL,
add_headers = NULL,
verbose = 1,
log_errors = NULL) {
auth <-
auth_helper(username = username,
password = password,
token = token)
response <- httr::POST(
url = url,
config = httr::add_headers(Accept = "application/fhir+xml",
Authorization = auth$token,
.headers = add_headers),
httr::content_type(type = body@type),
body = body@content
#check for http errors
check_response(response = response, log_errors = log_errors)
if (response$status_code %in% c(200, 201, 202) && 0 < verbose) {
message("Body sucessfully POSTed")
#' PUT to a FHIR server
#' This function is a convenience wrapper around [httr::PUT()].
#' [fhir_put()] accepts two classes for the body:
#' 1) A [fhir_resource-class] as created by [fhir_build_resource()]. This is used when just a single resource should be PUT to the server.
#' In this case `url` must contain the base url plus the resource type and the resource id,
#' e.g. http://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4/Patient/1a2b3c.
#' 2) A [fhir_body-class] as created by [fhir_body()]. This is the most flexible approach, because within the [fhir_body-class] object you can represent
#' any kind of `content` as a string and set the `type` accordingly. See examples.
#' For examples of how to create the different body types see the respective help pages. For an example of the entire workflow around creating
#' and PUTing resources, see the package vignette on recreating resources.
#' @param url An object of class [fhir_url-class] or a character vector of length one containing the url to PUT to.
#' @param body An object of class [fhir_resource-class] or [fhir_body-class]. See details for how to generate them.
#' @param username A character vector of length one containing the username for basic authentication.
#' @param password A character vector of length one containing the password for basic authentication.
#' @param token A character vector of length one or object of class [httr::Token-class], for bearer token authentication (e.g. OAuth2). See [fhir_authenticate()]
#' for how to create this.
#' @param add_headers A named character vector of custom headers to add to the HTTP request, e.g. `c(myHeader = "somevalue")` or
#' `c(firstHeader = "value1", secondHeader = "value2")`.
#' @param verbose An integer vector of length one. If 0, nothing is printed, if > 0 success message is printed. Defaults to 1.
#' @param log_errors Either `NULL` or a character vector of length one indicating the name of a file in which to save http errors.
#' `NULL` means no error logging. When a file name is provided, the errors are saved in the specified file. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' Regardless of the value of `log_errors` the most recent http error message within the current R session is saved internally and can
#' be accessed with [fhir_recent_http_error()].
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ### 1. PUT fhir__resource object
#' #unserialize example resource
#' resource <- fhir_unserialize(example_resource2)
#' #have a look at the resource
#' resource
#' #put
#' fhir_put(url = "http://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4/Patient/1a2b3c", body = resource)
#' ### 2. PUT fhir_body object
#' #define body
#' body <- fhir_body(content = "<Patient> <id value='x1y2'/> <gender value='female'/> </Patient>",
#' type = "xml")
#' #put
#' fhir_put(url = "http://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4/Patient/x1y2", body = body)
#' }
fhir_put <- function(url,
username = NULL,
password = NULL,
token = NULL,
add_headers = NULL,
verbose = 1,
log_errors = NULL) {
auth <-
auth_helper(username = username,
password = password,
token = token)
if (is(body, "fhir_resource_xml")) {
response <- httr::PUT(
url = url,
config = httr::add_headers(Accept = "application/fhir+xml",
Authorization = auth$token,
.headers = add_headers),
httr::content_type(type = "xml"),
body = toString(body)
#check for http errors
check_response(response = response, log_errors = log_errors)
if (response$status_code == 201 && 0 < verbose) {
message("Resource sucessfully created")
if (response$status_code == 200 && 0 < verbose) {
message("Resource sucessfully updated")
} else if (is(body, "fhir_body")) {
response <- httr::PUT(
url = url,
config = httr::add_headers(Accept = "application/fhir+xml",
Authorization = auth$token,
.headers = add_headers),
httr::content_type(type = body@type),
body = body@content
#check for http errors
check_response(response = response, log_errors = log_errors)
if (response$status_code %in% c(200, 201, 202) && 0 < verbose) {
message("Body sucessfully PUT")
} else {
stop("body must be of type fhir_bundle_xml or fhir_body")
#' @param table A wide table as produced by [fhir_crack()], possibly modified (see details) or a named list
#' of wide tables, if different resource types have to be included in the same bundle. In this case the names of
#' the list elements must correspond to the resource type represented in the table!
#' @param brackets A character vector of length one. The brackets used for cracking.
#' @param resource_type A character vector of length one or [fhir_resource_type-class] object
#' indicating which resource type is represented in the table, if a single table is provided. This argument is
#' ignored when `table` is a named list of tables.
#' @return A string representing xml entries
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' #unserialize example
#' bundles <- fhir_unserialize(bundles = example_bundles1)
#' #crack fhir resources
#' table_desc_pat <- fhir_table_description(
#' resource = "Patient",
#' brackets = c("[", "]"),
#' sep = " ",
#' format = "wide"
#' )
#' df <- fhir_crack(bundles = bundles, design = table_desc_pat)
#' #add request info to table
#' request <- data.frame(
#' request.method = c("POST", "PUT"),
#' request.url = c("Patient", "Patient/id3")
#' )
#' request_df <- cbind(df, request)
#' #build bundle
#' entries <- build_entries(table = request_df,
#' brackets = table_desc_pat@brackets,
#' resource_type = "Patient")
#' #print to console
#' cat(toString(entries))
build_entries <- function(table,
resource_type) {
#add resource type to column names, increment indices accordingly
resource_names <- names(table)[!grepl("^request", names(table))]
resource_names_new <- paste0(
bra = esc(brackets[1]),
ket = esc(brackets[2])
bra = esc(brackets[1]),
ket = esc(brackets[2])
names(table)[!grepl("^request", names(table))] <-
#loop trough rows and build entries
max_ <- nrow(table)
s <- ""
for (row in seq_len(max_)) {
#row <- 1
s <- paste0(s,
table = table[row,],
brackets = brackets,
root = "entry"
tabs = " "))
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