
Defines functions check_response error_to_file get_bundle fhir_authenticate as_fhir fhir_load fhir_save fhir_capability_statement fhir_recent_http_error fhir_current_request fhir_next_bundle_url fhir_search

Documented in as_fhir fhir_authenticate fhir_capability_statement fhir_current_request fhir_load fhir_next_bundle_url fhir_recent_http_error fhir_save fhir_search

## This file contains all functions for downloading/loading/saving resources##
## Exported functions are on top, internal functions below ##

#' Download FHIR search result
#' @description Downloads all FHIR bundles of a FHIR search request from a FHIR server by iterating through the bundles. Search via GET
#' and POST is possible, see Details.
#' @details
#' ## Request type
#' `fhir_search` allows for two types of search request:
#' 1. FHIR search via GET:
#' This is the more common approach. All information on which resources to download is contained in the URL
#' that is send to the server (`request` argument). This encompasses the base url of the server, the resource type and possible
#' search parameters to further qualify the search (see [fhir_url()]). The search via GET is the default and performed whenever
#' the argument `body` is NULL.
#'  2. FHIR search via POST:
#'  This option should only be used when the parameters make the search URL so long the server might deny it
#'  because it exceeds the allowed length. In this case the search parameters (everything that would usually follow the resource type
#'  after the `?`) can be transferred to a body of type `"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"` and send via POST. If you provide a body in
#'  `fhir_search()`, the url in `request` should only contain the base URL and the resource type.
#'  The function will automatically amend it with `_search` and perform a POST.
#' ## Authentication
#' There are several ways of authentication implemented in `fhir_search()`. If you don't need any authentication,
#' just leave the arguments described in the following at their default values of `NULL`.
#' 1. Basic Authentication: Provide the `username` and the `password` for basic authentication in the respective arguments.
#' 2. Token Authentication: Provide a token in the argument `token`, either as a character vector of length one or as as an object of class
#' [httr::Token-class]. You can use the function [fhir_authenticate()] to create this object.
#' ## Additional headers
#' Per default, the underlying HTTP requests are equipped with *Accept* and *Authorization* headers. If you need to pass additional headers,
#' e.g. cookies for authentication or other custom headers, you can add these to the request as a named character vector using the
#' `add_headers` argument.
#' ## HTML removal
#' FHIR resources can contain a considerable amount of html code (e.g. in a [narrative](https://www.hl7.org/fhir/narrative.html#xhtml) object),
#' which is often created by the server for example to provide a human-readable summary of the resource.
#' This data is usually not the aim of structured statistical analysis, so in the default setting [fhir_search()] will remove the html
#' parts immediately after download to reduce memory usage (on a hapi server typically by around 30%, see [fhir_rm_div()]).
#' The memory gain is payed with a runtime increase of 10%-20%. The html removal can be disabled by setting `rm_tag = NULL`
#' to increase speed at the cost of increased memory usage.
#' @param request An object of class [fhir_url-class] or a character vector of length one containing the full FHIR search request. It is
#' recommended to explicitly create the request via [fhir_url()] as this will do some validity checks and format the url properly.
#' Defaults to [fhir_current_request()]
#' @param body A character vector of length one or object of class `fhir_body` with type `"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"`. A body should be provided
#' when the FHIR search request is too long and might exceed the maximal allowed length of the URL when send to the server. In this case
#' a search via POST (see https://www.hl7.org/fhir/search.html#Introduction) can be used. The body should contain all the parameters that
#' follow after the `?` in the FHIR search request. When a body is provided, the required `_search` is automatically added
#' to the url in `request`. See examples and `?fhir_body`.
#' @param username A character vector of length one containing the username for basic authentication.
#' @param password A character vector of length one containing the password for basic authentication.
#' @param token A character vector of length one or object of class [httr::Token-class], for bearer token authentication (e.g. OAuth2). See [fhir_authenticate()]
#' for how to create this.
#' @param add_headers A named character vector of custom headers to add to the HTTP request, e.g. `c(myHeader = "somevalue")` or
#' `c(firstHeader = "value1", secondHeader = "value2")`.
#' @param max_bundles Maximal number of bundles to get. Defaults to Inf meaning all available bundles are downloaded.
#' @param verbose An integer vector of length one. If 0, nothing is printed, if 1, only finishing message is printed, if > 1,
#' downloading progress will be printed. Defaults to 1.
#' @param delay_between_attempts A numeric vector specifying the delay in seconds between attempts of reaching the server
#' that `fhir_search()` will make. The length of this vector determines the number of attempts that will be made when the server can't be reached
#' before stopping with an error. Defaults to `c(1,3,9,27,81)`. If you want the function to stop immediately after the first error when trying to
#' reach the server, set this argument to `1`.
#' @param log_errors Either `NULL` or a character vector of length one indicating the name of a file in which to save the http errors.
#' `NULL` means no error logging. When a file name is provided, the errors are saved in the specified file. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' Regardless of the value of `log_errors` the most recent http error message within the current R session is saved internally and can
#' be accessed with [fhir_recent_http_error()].
#' @param save_to_disc Either `NULL` or a character vector of length one indicating the name of a directory in which to save the bundles.
#' If a directory name is provided, the bundles are saved as numerated xml-files into the directory specified
#' and not returned as a bundle list in the R session. This is useful when a lot of bundles are to be downloaded and keeping them all
#' in one R session might overburden working memory. When the download is complete, the bundles can be loaded into R using [fhir_load()].
#' Defaults to `NULL`, i.e. bundles are returned as a list within the R session.
#' @param delay_between_bundles A numeric scalar specifying a time in seconds to wait between pages of the search result,
#' i.e. between downloading the current bundle and the next bundle. This can be used to avoid choking a weak server with
#' too many requests to quickly. Defaults to zero.
#' @param rm_tag Character vector of length 1 defining an xml tag of elements that will removed from the bundle automatically.
#' Defaults to `"div"`,leading to the removal of all html parts (see Details). Set to `NULL` to keep the bundles untouched.
#' See [fhir_rm_div()] and [fhir_rm_tag()] for more info.
#' @param stop_on_error Controls error handling for server requests
#' - `stop_on_error = 0`: Issues warning and retries requests as defined by `delay_between_attempts`. Returns empty bundle_list if all attempts fail
#' - `stop_on_error = 1`: Stops immediately on any error. Overrides `delay_between_attempts`, as no retries will be attempted.
#' - `stop_on_error = <vector of HTTP codes>`: Stops on specified codes (e.g. c(401, 404)), warns for others
#' @return A [fhir_bundle_list-class] when `save_to_disc = NULL` (the default),  else `NULL`.
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' - Creating a FHIR search request: [fhir_url()] and [fhir_body()] (for POST based search)
#' - OAuth2 Authentication: [fhir_authenticate()]
#' - Saving/reading bundles from disc: [fhir_save()] and [fhir_load()]
#' - Flattening the bundles: [fhir_crack()]
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecated
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #the try({}, silent = TRUE) statement is only there to catch errors when the server is down
#' #you can skip it when the server is reachable
#' try({
#' ### Search with GET
#' #create fhir search url
#' request <- fhir_url(url = "https://server.fire.ly",
#'                     resource = "Patient",
#'                     parameters = c(gender="female"))
#' #download bundles
#' bundles <- fhir_search(request, max_bundles = 5)
#' ### Search with POST (should actually be used for longer requests)
#' request <- fhir_url(url = "https://server.fire.ly",
#'                     resource = "Patient")
#' body <- fhir_body(content = list(gender = "female"))
#' bundles <- fhir_search(request = request,
#'                        body = body,
#'                        max_bundles = 5)
#'  }, silent = TRUE)
#'  }

fhir_search <- function(
	request                = fhir_current_request(),
	body                   = NULL,
	username               = NULL,
	password               = NULL,
	token                  = NULL,
	add_headers 	       = NULL,
	max_bundles            = Inf,
	verbose                = 1,
	delay_between_attempts = c(1, 3, 9, 27, 81),
	log_errors             = NULL,
	save_to_disc           = NULL,
	delay_between_bundles  = 0,
	rm_tag                 = "div",
	stop_on_error	       = 0
	) {

	if(is.null(request)) {
			"You have not provided a FHIR search request and there is no ",
			"current search request fhir_search() can fall back to. See documentation ",
			"for fhir_current_request()"

	warn_div_removal <- FALSE

	#Extract base URL
	base <- stringr::str_match(request, ".*?:\\/\\/.*?\\/")

	#preparation for POST vs. GET
	if(!is.null(body)) {
		if(grepl("\\?", request)) {#if there are any params in the URL, move them to body
			params <- stringr::str_match(request, "(?<=\\?).+")[1]
			request <- stringr::str_remove(request,"\\?.*")
			body@content <- paste(body@content, params, sep = "&")
			# stop(
			# 	"The url in argument request should only consist of base url and resource type. ",
			# 	"The one you provided has a `?` which indicates the presence of parameters. ",
			# 	"If your request just ends with a `?`, please remove it to remove this error.\n",
			# 	"If you want to perform search via GET, please set body to NULL."
			# )
		if(!grepl("_search", request)) {request <- paste(request, "_search", sep = "/")}

		#convert body to appropriate class
		if(is.character(body)) {
			body <- fhir_body(content = body, type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
		} else if(is(body, "fhir_body")) {
			if(body@type != "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") {
				stop("The (content) type of the body for a search via POST must be `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`")
		} else {
			stop("The body must be either of type character or of class fhir_body")

		#startup message
		if(0 < verbose) {
				"Initializing search via POST from FHIR base URL ",
	} else if(0 < verbose) {
			"Starting download of ",
			if(max_bundles < Inf) {max_bundles} else {"all"},
			" bundles of resource type ",
			stringr::str_extract(request, "(?<=/)([^/\\?]*)(?=\\?|$)"),
			" from FHIR base URL ",
		if(9 < max_bundles) {message("This may take a while...")}

	bundles <- list()
	addr <- fhir_url(url = request)

	#download bundles
	cnt <- 0
	repeat {
		cnt <- cnt + 1
		if(1 < verbose) {message("bundle[", cnt, "]")}

		bundle <- get_bundle(
			request = addr,
			body = body,
			username = username,
			password = password,
			token = token,
			add_headers = add_headers,
			verbose = verbose,
			delay_between_attempts = delay_between_attempts,
			log_errors = log_errors,
			rm_tag = rm_tag,
			stop_on_error = stop_on_error

		if(is.null(bundle)) {
			message("Download interrupted.")

		if(!is.null(save_to_disc)) {
			if (!dir.exists(save_to_disc)) {
				dir.create(path = save_to_disc, recursive = TRUE)
				x    = bundle,
				file = pastep(save_to_disc, cnt, ext = ".xml")
		} else {
			bundles[[length(bundles) + 1]] <- bundle
		if(cnt == max_bundles) { #stop because max_bundles is reached
			if(0 < verbose) {
				if(0 < length(bundle@next_link)) {
						"\nDownload completed. Number of downloaded bundles was limited to ",
						" bundles, this is less than the total number of bundles available."
					assign(x = "last_next_link", value = bundle@next_link, envir = fhircrackr_env)
				} else {
					message("\nDownload completed. All available bundles were downloaded.")
		} else { #finished because there are no more bundles
			assign(x = "last_next_link", value = new("fhir_url"), envir = fhircrackr_env)

		if(length(bundle@next_link) == 0) {
			if(0 < verbose) {
				message("\nDownload completed. All available bundles were downloaded.")

		if(grepl("^/", bundle@next_link)){#when next links are relative
			addr <- paste0(base,
						   stringr::str_sub(bundle@next_link, start = 2))
			addr <- bundle@next_link

		if(0 < delay_between_bundles) {

	fhircrackr_env$current_request <- request
	if(warn_div_removal){warning("In some of downloaded bundles the specified tag (default 'div') could not be removed",
								 " to save memory. Set rm_tag = NULL to get rid of this warning."
	if(is.null(save_to_disc)) {fhir_bundle_list(bundles)} else {NULL}


#' Next Bundle's URL
#' @description fhir_next_bundle_url() gives the link to the next available bundle, either of the bundle
#' you provided in the argument `bundle` or of the last call to [fhir_search()], if `bundle=NULL` (the default).
#' This function is useful when you don't have a lot of memory available or when a download of bundles was
#' interrupted for some reason. In case of small memory, you can use `fhir_next_bundle_url` together with the
#' `max_bundle` argument from [fhir_search()] to download bundles in smaller batches in a loop.
#' See details in the example.
#' @param bundle The bundle from which you wish to extract the next link. If this is `NULL` (the default), the function will
#' extract the next link from the last bundle that was downloaded in the most recent call to [fhir_search()].
#' @return A [fhir_url-class] object referencing next bundle available on the FHIR server.
#' Empty [fhir_url-class] / character vector, if no further bundle is available.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #' #the try({}, silent = TRUE) statement is only there to catch errors when the server is down
#' #you can skip it when the server is reachable
#' try({
#' # workflow for small memory environments, downloading small batches of bundles
#' # for really small memory environments consider also using the `_count` option in
#' # your FHIR search request.
#' # You can iteratively download, crack and save the bundles until all bundles are processed or the
#' # desired number of bundles is reached.
#' url <- fhir_url("https://server.fire.ly/Patient")
#' count <- 0
#' obs <- fhir_table_description(resource = "Patient")
#' design <- fhir_design(obs)
#' while(length(url)>0 && count < 5){
#' 	 bundles <- fhir_search(url, max_bundles = 2)
#' 	 tables <- fhir_crack(bundles, design)
#'   save(tables, file = paste0(tempdir(),"/table_", count, ".RData"))
#'   count <- count + 1
#'   url <- fhir_next_bundle_url()
#' }
#' #you can see the saved tables here:
#' dir(tempdir())
#' }, silent = TRUE)
fhir_next_bundle_url <- function(bundle = NULL) {

	if(!is.null(bundle)) {

		if(!is(bundle, "fhir_bundle")) {
			stop("bundle must be an object of type fhir_bundle")

		if(is(bundle, "fhir_bundle_xml")) {
		} else {
			b <- fhir_unserialize(b)

	} else {

#' Return FHIR search request used in last call to [fhir_search()] or [fhir_url()]
#' @return An object of class [fhir_url()]
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #the try({}, silent = TRUE) statement is only there to catch errors when the server is down
#' #you can skip it when the server is reachable
#' try({
#' request <- fhir_url(url = "https://server.fire.ly", resource = "Patient")
#' fhir_current_request()
#' fhir_search("https://server.fire.ly/Medication", max_bundles = 1)
#' fhir_current_request()
#' },silent = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export

fhir_current_request <- function() {

#' Return most recent http error from [fhir_search()]
#' Whenever a call to [fhir_search()] produces any http error, the error information is saved internally
#' until the next http error occurs (or the R session ends). The error information can be accessed with `fhir_recent_http_error`.
#' If you want to log that information outside of your R session, set the argument `log_errors` of [fhir_search()] .
#' @return A string containing the error message
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fhir_search("https://server.fire.ly/Medicatio", max_bundles = 1)
#' cat(fhir_recent_http_error())
#' }
#' @seealso [fhir_search()]
#' @export

fhir_recent_http_error <- function() {

#' Get capability statement
#' @description Get the capability statement of a FHIR server.
#' This function downloads a capability statement and creates three data.frames from it:
#' - `Meta` contains general information on the server
#' - `Rest` contains information on the Rest operations the server supports
#' - `Resources` contains information on the supported resource types
#' When there is more than one piece of information regarding a variable in these data.frames,
#' they are divided by the string specified in `sep`. If `brackets` is not NULL, those entries
#' will also be assigned indices so you can melt them using [fhir_melt()].
#' @param url The base URL of the FHIR server.
#' @param username A character vector of length one containing the username for basic authentication. Defaults to NULL, meaning no authentication.
#' @param password A character vector of length one containing the password for basic authentication. Defaults to NULL, meaning no authentication.
#' @param token A character vector of length one or object of class [httr::Token-class], for bearer token authentication (e.g. OAuth2). See [fhir_authenticate()]
#' for how to create this.
#' @param add_headers A named character vector of custom headers to add to the HTTP request, e.g. `c(myHeader = "somevalue")` or
#' `c(firstHeader = "value1", secondHeader = "value2")`.
#' @param sep A character vector of length one to separate pasted multiple entries
#' @param brackets A character vector of length two defining the brackets surrounding indices for multiple entries, e.g. `c( "[", "]")`. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' If `NULL`, no indices will be added to multiple entries.
#' @param log_errors Either `NULL` or a character vector of length one indicating the name of a file in which to save the http errors.
#' `NULL` means no error logging. When a file name is provided, the errors are saved in the specified file. Defaults to `NULL`
#' @param verbose `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' @return A list of data frames containing the information from the statement
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #without indices
#' cap <- fhir_capability_statement(url = "https://server.fire.ly")
#' #with indices
#' cap <- fhir_capability_statement(url = "https://server.fire.ly",
#'                                  brackets = c("[","]"),
#'                                  sep = " || ")
#' #melt searchInclude variable
#' resources <- fhir_melt(cap$Resources,
#'                        columns = "searchInclude",
#'                        brackets = c("[", "]"),
#'                        sep = " || ",
#'                        all_columns = FALSE)
#' #remove indices
#' resources <- fhir_rm_indices(resources, brackets = c("[", "]"))
#' head(resources)

fhir_capability_statement <- function(
	url = "https://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4",
	username = NULL,
	password = NULL,
	token = NULL,
	add_headers = NULL,
	brackets = NULL,
	sep = " ::: ",
	log_errors = NULL,
	verbose = deprecated()) {

		lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "2.0.0", what = "fhir_capability_statement(verbose)")

	resource <- NULL #To stop "no visible binding" NOTE in check()

	use_indices <- FALSE
	if(!is.null(brackets)) {
		bra <- brackets[1]
		ket <- brackets[2]
		use_indices <- TRUE

	auth <- auth_helper(username = username, password = password, token = token)

	response <- try(httr::GET(
		url = pastep(url, "metadata?"),
		config = httr::add_headers(
			Accept = "application/fhir+xml",
			Authorization = auth$token,
			.headers = add_headers
	), silent = TRUE)

	#check for http errors
	check_response(response = response, log_errors = log_errors)

	#extract payload
	payload <- httr::content(x = response, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
	xml <- xml2::read_xml(x = payload)
	xml <- fhir_ns_strip(xml)

	xml_meta <- xml2::xml_new_root(.value = xml, .copy = TRUE)
	xml2::xml_remove(.x = xml2::xml_find_all(x = xml_meta, xpath = "/CapabilityStatement/rest"))

	xml_rest <- xml2::xml_new_root(.value = xml, .copy = TRUE)
	xml2::xml_remove(.x = xml2::xml_find_all(x = xml_rest, xpath = "/CapabilityStatement/rest/resource"))

	#### META ####
	META <- data.table(
		node   = xml2::xml_find_all(
	(META[, path     := xml2::xml_path(node) |> busg('/CapabilityStatement/', '')|> busg('([^]])/', '\\1[1]/')] # add missing indices
		[, value    := xml2::xml_text(node)] # get value
		[, path     := path |> busg('@.*', '')] # remove attribute from path
		#[, spath    := path |> busg('^[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/','')] # remove 'Bundle/entry/resource' from paths
		[, xpath    := path |> busg('\\[[0-9]+]*/', '/') |> busg('\\/$', '')]
		[, column   := xpath |> busg('/', '.')]
	if(use_indices) {
		META <- (META[, id := path |> busg('[^0-9]+', '.') |> busg('(^\\.)|(\\.$)', '')][, paste0(bra, id, ket, value, collapse = sep), by='column'] |>
				 	 data.table::transpose(make.names = 'column'))
	} else {
		META <- (META[, paste0(value, collapse = sep), by='column'] |> data.table::transpose(make.names = 'column'))

	#### REST ####
	REST <- data.table(
		node   = xml2::xml_find_all(
	(REST[, path     := xml2::xml_path(node) |> busg('/CapabilityStatement/', '')|> busg('([^]])/', '\\1[1]/')] # add missing indices
		[, value    := xml2::xml_text(node)] # get value
		[, path     := path |> busg('@.*', '')] # remove attribute from path
		[, spath    := path |> busg('^[^/]+/','')] # remove 'rest' from paths
		[, xpath    := spath |> busg('\\[[0-9]+]*/', '/') |> busg('\\/$', '')]
		[, column   := xpath |> busg('/', '.')]
	if(use_indices) {
		REST<- (REST[, id := spath |> busg('[^0-9]+', '.') |> busg('(^\\.)|(\\.$)', '')][, paste0(bra, id, ket, value, collapse = sep), by='column'] |>
					 data.table::transpose(make.names = 'column'))
	} else {
		REST <- (REST[, paste0(value, collapse = sep), by='column'] |>  data.table::transpose(make.names = 'column'))

	#### RECOURCE ####
	RESOURCE <- data.table(
		node   = xml2::xml_find_all(
	(RESOURCE[, path     := xml2::xml_path(node) |> busg('/CapabilityStatement/', '')|> busg('([^]])/', '\\1[1]/')] # add missing indices
		[, value    := xml2::xml_text(node)] # get value
		[, path     := path |> busg('@.*', '')] # remove attribute from path
		[, path     := path |> busg('rest\\[([0-9]+)]/', '')] #remove rest[1] from path
		[, resource    := path |> busg('resource\\[([0-9]+)].*', '\\1') |> as.integer()] # enumerate resource
		[, spath    := path |> busg('^[^/]+/','')] # remove 'rest/resource' from paths
		[, xpath    := spath |> busg('\\[[0-9]+]*/', '/') |> busg('\\/$', '')]
		[, column   := xpath |> busg('/', '.')]
	if(use_indices) {
		RESOURCE<- (RESOURCE[, id := spath |> busg('[^0-9]+', '.') |> busg('(^\\.)|(\\.$)', '')][, paste0(bra, id, ket, value, collapse = sep), by=c('resource', 'column')] |>
					dcast(resource ~ column, value.var = 'V1'))[,-c('resource')]
	} else {
		RESOURCE <- (RESOURCE[, paste0(value, collapse = sep), by=c('resource', 'column')] |> dcast(resource ~ column, value.var = 'V1'))[,-c('resource')]

	list(Meta = META, Rest = REST, Resources = RESOURCE)

####Saving/Loading Bundles####

#' Save FHIR bundles as xml-files
#' @description Writes a list of FHIR bundles as numbered xml files into a directory.
#' @param bundles A list of xml objects representing the FHIR bundles.
#' @param directory A character vector of length one containing the path to the folder to store the data in.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #unserialize example bundle
#' bundles <- fhir_unserialize(medication_bundles)
#' #save all bundles to temporary directory
#' fhir_save(bundles, directory = tempdir())
#' #save only two bundles (the second and the third) to temporary directory
#' fhir_save(bundles[c(2,3)], directory = tempdir())

fhir_save <- function(bundles, directory) {

	w <- 1 + floor(log10(length(bundles)))

	if(!dir.exists(directory)) {

		dir.create(path = directory, recursive = TRUE)

	for(n in seq_len(length(bundles))) {

			x    = bundles[[n]],
			file = pastep(
				stringr::str_pad(n, width = w, pad = "0"),
				ext =  ".xml"

#' Load bundles from xml-files
#' @description Reads all bundles stored as xml files from a directory.
#' @param directory A character vector of length one containing the path to the folder were the files are stored.
#' @param indices A numeric vector of integers indicating which bundles from the specified directory should be loaded. Defaults to NULL meaning all bundles from the directory are loaded.
#' @param pattern A character vector of length one with a regex expression defining the naming pattern of the xml files
#' to be read. Defaults to the regex expression matching file names as produced by [fhir_save()].
#' @return A [fhir_bundle_list-class].
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #unserialize example bundle
#' bundles <- fhir_unserialize(medication_bundles)
#' length(bundles)
#' #save to temporary directory
#' dir <- tempdir()
#' fhir_save(bundles, directory = dir)
#' #load from temporary directory
#' loaded_bundles <- fhir_load(dir)
#' length(loaded_bundles)
#' #load only two, the second and the third bundle
#' loaded_bundles <- fhir_load(dir, indices = c(2,3))
#' length(loaded_bundles)

fhir_load <- function(directory, indices = NULL, pattern = '^[0-9]+\\.xml$') {

	if(!dir.exists(directory)) {

		warning("Cannot find the specified directory.")


	files <- grep(pattern, dir(directory), value = T)

	if(is.null(indices)) {

		indices <- seq_along(files)

	if(any(indices > length(files))){stop("Indices are greater than number of files available in the directory")}

	chosen.files <- files[indices]

	if(length(chosen.files) < 1) {

		warning("Cannot find any xml-files in the specified directory.")


		bundles = lapply(
			function(x) {
				xml2::read_xml(pastep(directory, x))

#' Coerce character vector to [fhir_bundle_list-class]
#' @description Tries to convert a character vector containing xml strings representing FHIR bundles to an object of
#' class [fhir_bundle_list-class].
#' @param x A character vector where each element is a string representing an xml FHIR bundle.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #character vector containing fhir bundles
#' bundle_strings <- c(
#' "<Bundle>
#'  <type value='searchset'/>
#'  <entry>
#'   <resource>
#'     <Patient>
#'        <id value='id1'/>
#' 	      <name>
#' 	         <given value='Marie'/>
#' 	      </name>
#'     </Patient>
#'   </resource>
#'  </entry>
#' </Bundle>",
#' "<Bundle>
#'  <type value='searchset'/>
#'  <entry>
#'   <resource>
#'     <Patient>
#'        <id value='id2'/>
#' 	      <name>
#' 	         <given value='Max'/>
#' 	      </name>
#'     </Patient>
#'   </resource>
#'  </entry>
#' </Bundle>"
#' )
#' #convert to FHIR bundle list
#' bundles <- as_fhir(bundle_strings)
as_fhir <- function(x) {

	invalid_bundles <- numeric()

	bundles = lapply(
		function(i) {
			res <- try(fhir_bundle_xml(xml2::read_xml(x[i])), silent = T)
			if(is(res, "try-error")){
				invalid_bundles <<- c(invalid_bundles, i)

	if(length(invalid_bundles) > 0){
		warning ("Skipped the following elements because they don't seem to be xml-bundles: ",
				 paste(invalid_bundles, collapse = ", "))


#' Serialize a [fhir_bundle-class], [fhir_bundle_list-class] or [fhir_resource-class]
#' @description Serializes FHIR bundles or resources to allow for saving in .rda or .RData format without losing integrity of pointers
#' i.e. it turns a [fhir_bundle_xml-class]/[fhir_resource_xml-class] object into an [fhir_bundle_serialized-class]/[fhir_resource_serialized-class] object.
#' @param bundles A [fhir_bundle-class], [fhir_bundle_list-class] or [fhir_resource-class] object.
#' @return A  [fhir_bundle_xml-class], [fhir_bundle_list-class] or [fhir_resource_xml-class]  object.
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname fhir_serialize-methods
#' @examples
#' #example bundles are serialized, unserialize like this:
#' bundles <- fhir_unserialize(medication_bundles)
#' #Serialize like this:
#' bundles_for_saving <- fhir_serialize(bundles)
#' #works also on single bundles
#' fhir_serialize(bundles[[1]])

	name = "fhir_serialize",
	def = function(bundles) {

#' @rdname fhir_serialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_serialize,fhir_bundle_xml-method
	f = "fhir_serialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_bundle_xml"),
	definition = function(bundles) {
		fhir_bundle_serialized(bundle = xml2::xml_serialize(object = bundles, connection = NULL))

#' @rdname fhir_serialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_serialize,fhir_bundle_serialized-method
	f = "fhir_serialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_bundle_serialized"),
	definition = function(bundles) {

#' @rdname fhir_serialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_serialize,fhir_bundle_list-method
	f = "fhir_serialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_bundle_list"),
	definition = function(bundles) {
		if(is(bundles[[1]], "fhir_bundle_xml")) {
					connection = NULL
		} else {

#' @rdname fhir_serialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_serialize,fhir_resource_xml-method
	f = "fhir_serialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_resource_xml"),
	definition = function(bundles) {
		fhir_resource_serialized(resource = xml2::xml_serialize(object = bundles, connection = NULL))

#' @rdname fhir_serialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_serialize,fhir_resource_serialized-method
	f = "fhir_serialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_resource_serialized"),
	definition = function(bundles) {

#' Unserialize a [fhir_bundle-class], [fhir_bundle_list-class] or [fhir_resource-class]
#' @description Unserializes FHIR resources or bundles that have been serialized to allow for saving in .rda or .RData format,
#' i.e. it turns a [fhir_bundle_serialized-class]/[fhir_resource_serialized-class] object into an [fhir_bundle_xml-class]/[fhir_resource_xml-class] object.
#' @param bundles A [fhir_bundle-class], [fhir_bundle_list-class] or [fhir_resource-class] object.
#' @return A  [fhir_bundle_serialized-class], [fhir_bundle_list-class] or [fhir_resource_serialized-class]object.
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname fhir_unserialize-methods
#' @examples
#' #unserialize bundle list
#' fhir_unserialize(patient_bundles)
#' #unserialize single bundle
#' fhir_unserialize(patient_bundles[[1]])
#' @include fhir_bundle.R fhir_bundle_list.R

	name = "fhir_unserialize",
	def = function(bundles) {
#		standardGeneric(f = "fhir_unserialize")

#' @rdname fhir_unserialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_unserialize,fhir_bundle_xml-method
	f = "fhir_unserialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_bundle_xml"),
	definition = function(bundles) {

#' @rdname fhir_unserialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_unserialize,fhir_bundle_serialized-method
	f = "fhir_unserialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_bundle_serialized"),
	definition = function(bundles) {
		b <- xml2::xml_unserialize(connection = bundles)
		fhir_bundle_xml(bundle = b)

#' @rdname fhir_unserialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_unserialize,fhir_resource_xml-method
	f = "fhir_unserialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_resource_xml"),
	definition = function(bundles) {

#' @rdname fhir_unserialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_unserialize,fhir_resource_serialized-method
	f = "fhir_unserialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_resource_serialized"),
	definition = function(bundles) {
		b <- xml2::xml_unserialize(connection = bundles)

#' @rdname fhir_unserialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_unserialize,fhir_bundle_list-method
	f = "fhir_unserialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_bundle_list"),
	definition = function(bundles) {
		if(is(bundles[[1]], "fhir_bundle_xml")){
		} else {
			fhir_bundle_list(lapply(bundles, xml2::xml_unserialize))

#' Create token for Authentication
#' @description
#' This function is a wrapper to create an [httr::Token] object for authentication with OAuth2/OpenID Connect.
#' Internally, it calls [httr::oauth_app()], [httr::oauth_endpoint()] and [httr::oauth2.0_token()] to create a token that can
#' then be used in [fhir_search].
#' @param key Consumer key, also called client ID.
#' For Keycloak this would for instance be the Keycloak client, e.g. "postman".
#' @param secret The consumer/client secret, belonging to `key`.
#' @param base_url The URL the user will be redirected to after authorization is complete.
#' This will usually be the base url of you FHIR server.
#' @param authorize The url to send the client for authorization.
#' @param access The url used to exchange unauthenticated for authenticated token.
#' This can be identical to `authorize`.
#' @param query_authorize_extra A named list holding query parameters to append to initial auth page query.
#' Could hold info about user identity and scope for keycloak like this:
#' ```
#' list(scope = "openid",
#'      grant_type = "password",
#'      username = "fhir-user",
#'      password = "fhirtest")
#' ```
#' @export

fhir_authenticate <- function(
	query_authorize_extra = list()) {

	#Initialize app
	app <- httr::oauth_app(
		appname = key,#could be any name
		key = key,
		secret = secret,
		redirect_uri = base_url
	#set endpoint
	endpoint <- httr::oauth_endpoint(access = access, authorize = authorize)
	#Create Token
	t_ <- httr::oauth2.0_token(
		endpoint = endpoint,
		app = app,
		client_credentials = TRUE,
		cache = FALSE,
		query_authorize_extra = query_authorize_extra
	if(names(t_$credentials)[1] == "error") {
			"The token could not be created.\n\n",
			"Error code: ", t_$credentials$error, "\n",
			"Error description: ", t_$credentials$error_description, "\n")



#' Download single FHIR bundle
#' @description Download a single FHIR bundle via FHIR search request and return it as a xml object.
#' @param request An object of class [fhir_search_url-class] or character vector of length one containing the full FHIR search request.
#' @param username A character vector of length one containing the username for basic authentication. Defaults to NULL, meaning no authentication.
#' @param password A character vector of length one containing the password for basic authentication. Defaults to NULL, meaning no authentication.
#' @param token The token for token based auth, either a string or a httr token object
#' @param add_headers A named character vector of custom headers to add to the HTTP request, e.g. `c(myHeader = "somevalue")` or
#' `c(firstHeader = "value1", secondHeader = "value2")`.
#' @param verbose An integer scalar. If > 1,  Downloading progress is printed. Defaults to 2.
#' @param delay_between_attempts A numeric vector specifying the delay in seconds between attempts of reaching the server
#' that `fhir_search()` will make. The length of this vector determines the number of attempts that will be made before stopping with an error.
#' Defaults to `c(1,3,9,27,81)`.
#' @param log_errors Either `NULL` or a character vector of length one indicating the name of a file in which to save the http errors.
#' `NULL` means no error logging. When a file name is provided, the errors are saved in the specified file. Defaults to `NULL`
#' @return The downloaded bundle as an [fhir_bundle_xml-class].
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #' #the try({}, silent = TRUE) statement is only there to catch errors when the server is down
#' #you can skip it when the server is reachable
#' try({
#' bundle<-fhircrackr:::get_bundle(request = "https://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4/Patient?")
#' }, silent = TRUE)
#' }

get_bundle <- function(
	body = NULL,
	username = NULL,
	password = NULL,
	token = NULL,
	add_headers = NULL,
	verbose = 2,
	delay_between_attempts = c(1,3,9,27,81),
	log_errors = NULL,
	rm_tag = "div",
	stop_on_error = 0) {

	#download response
	for(n in seq_along(delay_between_attempts)) {
		if(1 < verbose) {message("(", n, "): ", request)}

		auth <- auth_helper(username = username, password = password, token = token)

		#paging is implemented differently for Hapi/Vonk When initial request is POST
		#VonK: Next-Links have to be POSTed, Hapi: Next-Links have to be GETed
		#search via POST
		if(grepl("_search", request)) {
			if(grepl("_search\\?.+", request)){#when the next link has parameters (e.g. _count), move them to body
				params <- paste0("&",stringr::str_match(request, "(?<=\\?).+")[1])
				request <- stringr::str_remove(request,"\\?.*")
				params <- NULL
			response <- try(httr::POST(
				url = request,
				config = httr::add_headers(
					Accept = "application/fhir+xml",
					Authorization = auth$token,
					.headers = add_headers
				httr::content_type(type = body@type),
				body = paste(unique(strsplit(paste0(body@content, params), "&")[[1]]), collapse = "&") #gets rid of double params
			), silent = TRUE)

		} else {#search via GET
			response <- try(httr::GET(
				url = request,
				config = httr::add_headers(
					Accept = "application/fhir+xml",
					Authorization = auth$token,
					.headers = add_headers
			), silent = TRUE)

		#check for errors: Upgrade warning to error depending on stop_on_error
			expr = check_response(response = response, log_errors = log_errors),
			warning = function(w){
					message("Stopping because stop_on_error = 1. Set stop_on_error=0 to continue with a warning instead.")
				}else if(!is(response, "try-error") && response$status_code %in% stop_on_error){
					message("Stopping because of HTTP code ", response$status_code,
							".\nSet stop_on_error=0 to continue with a warning instead.")

		#extract payload
		payload <- try(httr::content(x = response, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8"), silent = TRUE)
		if(!inherits(payload, "try-error")) {
			xml <- try(xml2::read_xml(x = payload), silent = TRUE)
			if(!inherits(xml, "try-error")) {
				bundle <- fhir_bundle_xml(bundle = xml)
				#try to remove tag/div
					tag_removed_bundle <-try(fhir_rm_tag(x = bundle, tag = rm_tag), silent = TRUE)
					if(!inherits(tag_removed_bundle, "try-error")){
						bundle <- tag_removed_bundle
						parent <- parent.frame()
						parent$warn_div_removal <- TRUE

#'log the error message of a http response
#' @param response A http response
#' @param log_errors A character vector of length one indicating the name of a file in which to save the http errors.
#' @param append Append to existing file?
#' @noRd
error_to_file <- function(response, log_errors, append) {
	payload <- httr::content(x = response, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
	write(x = payload, file = log_errors, append = append)
#' Check http response
#' Checks the http response and issues a warning if
#' @param response A http response
#' @param log_errors Either `NULL` or a character vector of length one indicating the name of a file in which to save the http errors.
#' `NULL` means no error logging. When a file name is provided, the errors are saved in the specified file.
#' @param append Append message to existing file? Defaults to FALSE
#' @noRd
check_response <- function(response, log_errors, append = FALSE) {

	#Error in curl
	if(is(response, "try-error")){
			write(x = response, file = log_errors, append = TRUE)
		warning("The server could not be reached:\n", response, "\n")

	#http error: Any code >=400 is an error and needs to be logged
	code <- response$status_code

	if(code >= 400){
		fhircrackr_env$recent_http_error <- httr::content(x = response, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
			error_to_file(response = response, log_errors = log_errors, append = append)

	#give specific warnings for certain error types
	if(code == 400) {
		if (!is.null(log_errors)) {
				"HTTP code 400 - This can be caused by an invalid request or a server issue. ",
				"For more information see the generated error file."
		} else {
				"HTTP code 400 - This can be caused by an invalid request or a server issue. ",
				"To print more detailed error information, run fhir_recent_http_error() or set argument log_errors to a filename and rerun you request."
	if(code == 401) {
		if(!is.null(log_errors)) {
			warning("HTTP code 401 - Authentication needed. For more information see the generated error file.")
		} else {
				"HTTP code 401 - Authentication needed. To print more detailed error information,",
				"run fhir_recent_http_error() or set argument log_errors to a filename and rerun you request."
	if(code == 404) {
		if(!is.null(log_errors)) {
			warning("HTTP code 404 - Not found. Did you misspell the resource? For more information see the generated error file.")
		} else {
				"HTTP code 404 - Not found. Did you misspell the resource? To print more detailed error information, ",
				"run fhir_recent_http_error() or set argument log_errors to a filename and rerun you request."
	if(300 <= code && code < 400) {
		if(!is.null(log_errors)) {
				"Your request generated a HTTP code ",
				". For more information see the generated error file ."
		} else {
				"Your request generated a HTTP code ",
				". To print more detailed error information, run fhir_recent_http_error() or set argument log_errors to a filename and rerun you request.")
	if(400 <= code && code < 500) {
		if(!is.null(log_errors)) {
				"Your request generated a client error, HTTP code ",
				". For more information see the generated error file."
		} else {
				"Your request generated a client error, HTTP code ",
				". To print more detailed error information, run fhir_recent_http_error() or set argument log_errors to a filename and rerun you request."
	if(500 <= code && code < 600) {
		if(!is.null(log_errors)) {
				"Your request generated a server error, HTTP code ",
				". For more information see the generated error file."
		} else {
				"Your request generated a server error, HTTP code ",
				". To print more detailed error information, run fhir_recent_http_error() or set argument log_errors to a filename and rerun you request."
POLAR-fhiR/fhircrackr documentation built on Jan. 29, 2025, 3:46 a.m.