## This file contains all functions that didn't fit any category##
## Exported functions are on top, internal functions below ##
#environment variables
fhircrackr_env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
assign(x = "last_next_link", value = new(Class = "fhir_url"), envir = fhircrackr_env)
assign(x = "canonical_design", value = NULL, envir = fhircrackr_env)
assign(x = "current_request", value = new(Class = "fhir_url"), envir = fhircrackr_env)
assign(x = "recent_http_error", value = NULL, envir= fhircrackr_env)
#' @import data.table
#' @import methods
xml_nodeset <- utils::getFromNamespace("xml_nodeset", "xml2")
#to ensure data.table version of d[] is called, even though it is not explicitly stated in
#import section of NAMESPACE file (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/data.table/vignettes/datatable-importing.html)
.datatable.aware = TRUE
#To stop devtools::check( from warning about no visible global function definition)
#' Check if Bundle/Bundlelist is empty
#' Checks if a [fhir_bundle_xml-class] or [fhir_bundle_list-class] is empty, i.e. does not contain any resources.
#' Empty bundles are returned when a search on a FHIR server does not yield any resources,
#' such as when no resources on the server match the specified search criteria. In this case,
#' the server responds with an empty searchset bundle.
#' This function checks whether:
#' - For objects of type [fhir_bundle_xml-class], the bundle contains at least one "entry" element
#' (if not, the bundle is empty and the functions returns `TRUE`)
#' - For objects of type [fhir_bundle_list-class], the first bundle in the list contains at least one "entry" element
#' (if not, the bundle is empty and the functions returns `TRUE`)
#' @param bundles A FHIR search result as returned by [fhir_search()]
#' @return `TRUE` if the bundle/bundle list is empty, `FALSE` if it is not empty.
#' @export
#' @rdname fhir_is_empty-methods
#' @docType methods
#' @examples
#' #Load empty example bundles
#' bundles <- fhir_unserialize(example_bundles_empty)
#' bundles
#' fhir_is_empty(bundles)
#' #Load non-empty example bundles
#' bundles <- fhir_unserialize(patient_bundles)
#' bundles
#' fhir_is_empty(bundles)
name = "fhir_is_empty",
def = function(
) {
#' @rdname fhir_is_empty-methods
#' @aliases fhir_is_empty,fhir_bundle_list-method
f = "fhir_is_empty",
signature = c(bundles = "fhir_bundle_list"),
definition = function(
) {
length(xml2::xml_find_first(bundles[[1]], "entry"))==0
#' @rdname fhir_is_empty-methods
#' @aliases fhir_is_empty,fhir_bundle_xml-method
f = "fhir_is_empty",
signature = c(bundles = "fhir_bundle_xml"),
definition = function(
) {
length(xml2::xml_find_first(bundles, "entry"))==0
#' Remove a certain xml tag
#' Removes a given xml tag from xml objects represented in a [fhir_bundle_xml-class], [fhir_bundle_list-class]
#' or character vector.
#' In the example `Hello<div>Please<p>Remove Me</p></div>World!` one could for example remove the
#' tag `p`, resulting in `Hello<div>Please</div>World!`or remove the `div` tag resulting in
#' `Hello World!`.
#' @param x A [fhir_bundle_xml-class] or [fhir_bundle_list-class] object or a character vector
#' containing xml objects.
#' @param tag A character vector of length 1 containing the tag that should be removed, e.g. `"div"`.
#' @return An object of the same class as `x` where all tags matching the `tag` argument are removed.
#' @export
#' @rdname fhir_rm_tag-methods
#' @docType methods
#' @include fhir_bundle.R fhir_bundle_list.R
#' @seealso [fhir_rm_div()]
#' @examples
#' #Example 1: Remove tag from xmls in a character vector
#' string <- c("Hello<div>Please<p>Remove Me</p></div> World!",
#' "A<div><div><p>B</p></div>C</div>D")
#' fhir_rm_tag(x = string, tag = "p")
#' #Example 2: Remove div tags in a single fhir bundle
#' bundle <- fhir_unserialize(patient_bundles)[[1]]
#' #example bundle contains html parts in div tags:
#' cat(toString(bundle))
#' #remove html parts
#' bundle_cleaned <- fhir_rm_tag(x = bundle, tag = "div")
#' #have a look at the result
#' cat(toString(bundle_cleaned))
#' #Example 3: Remove div tags in a list of fhir bundles
#' bundle_list <- fhir_unserialize(patient_bundles)
#' #remove html parts
#' bundle_list_cleaned <- fhir_rm_tag(x = bundle_list, tag = "div")
#' #check out how much the size of the bundle list is reduced by removing html
#' size_with_html <- sum(sapply(bundle_list, function(x)object.size(toString(x))))
#' size_without_html <- sum(sapply(bundle_list_cleaned, function(x)object.size(toString(x))))
#' size_without_html/size_with_html
name = "fhir_rm_tag",
def = function(
) {
#' @rdname fhir_rm_tag-methods
#' @aliases fhir_rm_tag,character-method
f = "fhir_rm_tag",
signature = c(x = "character"),
definition = function(
) {
if(1 < length(x)) {
return(sapply(x, fhir_rm_tag, tag = tag, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
start <- end <- s <- type <- NULL #just to shut up CRAN check about undefined global variables
tOn <- paste0("(<", tag, ")((>)|( +[^/]*?>))")
tOff <- paste0("</", tag, ">")
tagOn <- as.data.table(stringr::str_locate_all(string = x, tOn)[[1]])
tagOff <- as.data.table(stringr::str_locate_all(string = x, tOff)[[1]])
tagOn[,(c("type", "id")) := .(1, seq_len(nrow(tagOn)))]
tagOff[,(c("type", "id")) := .(-1, seq_len(nrow(tagOff)))]
tags <- rbindlist(list(tagOn, tagOff))
data.table::setorder(tags, start)
if(0 < nrow(tags)) {
if(tags$type[1] == -1) {
stop("Tag closes before it opens.")
if(1 < tags$start[1]) {
tags <- data.table::rbindlist(list(data.table(start = 1, end = tags$start[1] - 1, type = 0, id = 1), tags))
if(tags$end[nrow(tags)] < nchar(x)) {
tags <- data.table::rbindlist(list(tags, data.table(start = tags$end[nrow(tags)] + 1, end = nchar(x), type = 0, id = 2)))
tags[,s:=sapply(seq_len(nrow(tags)),function(x) sum(type[seq_len(x)]))]
tags[,text:=substr(x, start, end), by = start]
text <- list()
for(i in seq_len(nrow(tags))) {
part <- if(tags$type[i] == 0) {
substr(x, tags$start[i], tags$end[i])
} else if(tags$type[i] == -1 && tags$s[i] == 0 && i < nrow(tags)) {
substr(x, tags$end[i] + 1, tags$start[i + 1] - 1)
if(!is.null(part)) {
if(substr(part, 1, 1) == "\n") {
part <- if(nchar(part) < 2) "" else substr(part, 2, nchar(part))
if(part != "\n" && part != ""){
text <- c(text, part)
paste0(text, collapse = "")
} else {
#' @rdname fhir_rm_tag-methods
#' @aliases fhir_rm_tag,fhir_bundle_xml-method
f = "fhir_rm_tag",
signature = c(x = "fhir_bundle_xml"),
definition = function(
) {
fhir_bundle_xml(bundle = xml2::read_xml(fhir_rm_tag(x = toString(x), tag = tag)))
#' @rdname fhir_rm_tag-methods
#' @aliases fhir_rm_tag,fhir_bundle_list-method
f = "fhir_rm_tag",
signature = c(x = "fhir_bundle_list"),
definition = function(
) {
function(bundle) {
fhir_rm_tag(x = bundle, tag = tag)
#' Remove html elements
#' This function is a convenience wrapper for [fhir_rm_tag()] that removes all `<div> </div>` elements from an xml.
#' `div` tags in FHIR resources contain html code, which is often server generated and in most cases neither relevant nor
#' usable for data analysis.
#' @param x A [fhir_bundle_xml-class] or [fhir_bundle_list-class] object or a character vector
#' containing xml objects.
#' @return An object of the same class as `x` where all tags matching the `tag` argument are removed.
#' @export
#' @include fhir_bundle.R fhir_bundle_list.R
#' @seealso [fhir_rm_tag()]
#' @examples
#' #Example 1: Remove div tags from xmls in a character vector
#' string <- c("Hallo<div>Please<p>Remove Me</p></div> World!",
#' "A<div><div><p>B</p></div>C</div>D")
#' fhir_rm_div(x = string)
#' #Example 2: Remove div tags in a single fhir bundle
#' bundle <- fhir_unserialize(patient_bundles)[[1]]
#' #example bundle contains html parts in div tags:
#' cat(toString(bundle))
#' #remove html parts
#' bundle_cleaned <- fhir_rm_div(x = bundle)
#' #have a look at the result
#' cat(toString(bundle_cleaned))
#' #Example 3: Remove div tags in a list of fhir bundles
#' bundle_list <- fhir_unserialize(patient_bundles)
#' #remove html parts
#' bundle_list_cleaned <- fhir_rm_div(x = bundle_list)
#' #check out how much the size of the bundle list is reduced by removing html
#' size_with_html <- sum(sapply(bundle_list, function(x)object.size(toString(x))))
#' size_without_html <- sum(sapply(bundle_list_cleaned, function(x)object.size(toString(x))))
#' size_without_html/size_with_html
fhir_rm_div <- function(x){
fhir_rm_tag(x, tag = "div")
#' Concatenate two paths
#' @description Concatenates two strings to a path string correctly.
#' @param path1 A a character vector of length one specifying the left hand part of the resulting path.
#' @param path2 A a character vector of length one specifying the right hand part of the resulting path.
#' @param os A a character vector of length one specifying the operating system you're operating on: windows or linux.
#' @return A a character vector of length one containing the concatenated path.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' paste_paths(path1 = "data", path2 = "patients")
#' paste_paths(path1 = "/data", path2 = "patients")
#' paste_paths(path1 = "/data/", path2 = "patients")
#' paste_paths(path1 = "/data", path2 = "/patients")
#' paste_paths(path1 = "/data/", path2 = "/patients/")
#' paste_paths(path1 = "data", path2 = "patients", os = "windows")
paste_paths <- function(path1 = "w", path2 = "d", os = "LiNuX") {
os <- tolower(substr(os, 1, 1))
if(os == "w") {
sub(pattern = "\\\\$" , replacement = "", x = path1),
sub(pattern = "^\\\\", replacement = "", x = path2)
paste0(sub(pattern = "/$" , replacement = "", x = path1), "/", sub(pattern = "^/", replacement = "", x = path2))
#' Concatenate paths
#' @description Concatenates two or more strings to a path string correctly.
#' @param ... A Set of Path Strings. Only works if list_of_paths is NULL
#' @param list_of_paths Either a vector or a list of paths strings
#' @param ext An Extension to add at the end of the path
#' @export
#' @return A Character of length one, the combined path.
#' @examples
#' pastep('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
#' pastep(list_of_paths = list(paste0('/', letters, '/'), as.character(1:13)))
#' pastep(list_of_paths = c(letters, as.character(1:13)))
#' pastep(list_of_paths = c(letters, as.character(1:13)), ext = '.txt')
#' pastep(list_of_paths = c(letters, as.character(1:13)), ext = '_dat.txt')
pastep <- function(..., list_of_paths = NULL, ext = NULL) {
paths <- if(is.null(list_of_paths)) {list(...)} else {unlist(list_of_paths)}
len <- length(paths) - 1
if(len < 0) return(NULL)
ids <- seq_len(length.out = len)
paths[ids] <- gsub('/$', '', paths[ids])
paths[ids + 1] <- gsub('^/', '', paths[ids + 1])
paste0(paste0(paths, collapse = '/'), ext)
#' gsub with different order signature for use with `|>`
#' @param x A character.
#' @param pattern A character of length one.
#' @param replacement A character of length one.
#' @return A character.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' 'ABC' |> busg('A', 'b') |> busg('B', 'c') |> busg('C', 'a')
busg <- function(x, pattern, replacement) {
gsub(pattern = pattern, replacement = replacement, x = x)
fhir_ns_strip <- function(xml) {
# cat("\nis(xml):\n")
# print(is(xml))
# (xml2::xml_ns_strip(xml))
# cat("\nis(xml2):\n")
# print(is(xml))
# return(xml)
xml_2 <- if(inherits(xml, "fhir_bundle_list")) {
function(bundle) {
xml2::read_xml(gsub(" xmlns=\"[^\"]+\"", "", toString(bundle)))
else if(inherits(xml, "fhir_bundle_xml")) {
fhir_bundle_xml(xml2::read_xml(gsub(" xmlns=\"[^\"]+\"", "", toString(xml))))
} else {
xml2::read_xml(gsub(" xmlns=\"[^\"]+\"", "", toString(xml)))
# cat("\nis(xml):\n")
# print(is(xml))
# cat("\nis(xml2):\n")
# print(is(xml_2))
##### Documentation for medication_bundles data set ######
#' Exemplary FHIR bundles
#' @description
#' These data examples can be used to explore some of the functions from the fhircrackr package
#' when direct access to a FHIR server is not possible.
#' All example data sets are [fhir_bundle_list-class]s containing [fhir_bundle_serialized-class] objects
#' representing FHIR bundles as returned by [fhir_search()]. They have to be unserialized (once per R session),
#' before you can work with them!
#' @details
#' `medication_bundles` contains 3 bundles with MedicationStatement resources representing Medications with Snomed CT code
#' 429374003 and the respective Patient resources that are linked to these MedicationStatements.
#' @examples
#' #unserialize xml objects before doing anything else with them!
#' fhir_unserialize(bundles = medication_bundles)
#' @rdname datasets_real
#' @source The data sets are generated by the following code:
#' **medication_bundles** (*Downloaded 10-05-21*)
#' ```
#' search_request <- fhir_url(url = "https://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4",
#' resource = "MedicationStatement",
#' parameters = c("code" = "http://snomed.info/ct|429374003",
#' "_include" = "MedicationStatement:subject"))
#' bundles <- fhir_search(request = search_request, max_bundles = 3)
#' medication_bundles <- fhir_serialize(bundles = bundles)
#' ```
##### Documentation for patient_bundles data set ######
#' @details
#' `patient_bundles` contains 2 bundles with Patient resources.
#' @examples
#' #unserialize xml objects before doing anything else with them!
#' fhir_unserialize(bundles = patient_bundles)
#' @aliases patient_bundles
#' @rdname datasets_real
#' @source
#' **patient_bundles** (*Downloaded 10-05-21*)
#' ```
#' bundles <- fhir_search(request="https://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4/Patient",
#' max_bundles=2,
#' verbose = 0)
#' patient_bundles <- fhir_serialize(bundles = bundles)
#' ```
##### Documentation for example_bundles1 data set ######
#' Toy example bundles for multiple entries
#' @description These data examples are bundles that contain very few, very simple resources
#' that have multiple entries and can be used for demonstration purposes. See **Source** for how the
#' xml versions look.
#' @details
#' `example_bundles1` contains 1 bundle with 2 Patient resources.
#' @examples
#' #unserialize xml objects before doing anything else with them!
#' fhir_unserialize(bundles = example_bundles1)
#' @rdname datasets_selfmade
#' @source
#' **example_bundles1**
#' <type value='searchset'/>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Patient>
#' <id value='id1'/>
#' <address>
#' <use value='home'/>
#' <city value='Amsterdam'/>
#' <type value='physical'/>
#' <country value='Netherlands'/>
#' </address>
#' <name>
#' <given value='Marie'/>
#' </name>
#' </Patient>
#' </resource>
#' </entry>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Patient>
#' <id value='id3'/>
#' <address>
#' <use value='home'/>
#' <city value='Berlin'/>
#' </address>
#' <address>
#' <type value='postal'/>
#' <country value='France'/>
#' </address>
#' <address>
#' <use value='work'/>
#' <city value='London'/>
#' <type value='postal'/>
#' <country value='England'/>
#' </address>
#' <name>
#' <given value='Frank'/>
#' </name>
#' <name>
#' <given value='Max'/>
#' </name>
#' </Patient>
#' </resource>
#' </entry>
##### Documentation for example_bundles2 data set ######
#' @details
#' `example_bundles2` contains 1 bundle with 3 Patient resources.
#' @examples
#' #unserialize xml objects before doing anything else with them!
#' fhir_unserialize(bundles = example_bundles2)
#' @rdname datasets_selfmade
#' @source
#' **example_bundles2**
#' <type value='searchset'/>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Patient>
#' <id value='id1'/>
#' <address>
#' <use value='home'/>
#' <city value='Amsterdam'/>
#' <type value='physical'/>
#' <country value='Netherlands'/>
#' </address>
#' <name>
#' <given value='Marie'/>
#' </name>
#' </Patient>
#' </resource>
#' </entry>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Patient>
#' <id value='id2'/>
#' <address>
#' <use value='home'/>
#' <city value='Rome'/>
#' <type value='physical'/>
#' <country value='Italy'/>
#' </address>
#' <address>
#' <use value='work'/>
#' <city value='Stockholm'/>
#' <type value='postal'/>
#' <country value='Sweden'/>
#' </address>
#' <name>
#' <given value='Susie'/>
#' </name>
#' </Patient>
#' </resource>
#' </entry>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Patient>
#' <id value='id3'/>
#' <address>
#' <use value='home'/>
#' <city value='Berlin'/>
#' </address>
#' <address>
#' <type value='postal'/>
#' <country value='France'/>
#' </address>
#' <address>
#' <use value='work'/>
#' <city value='London'/>
#' <type value='postal'/>
#' <country value='England'/>
#' </address>
#' <name>
#' <given value='Frank'/>
#' </name>
#' <name>
#' <given value='Max'/>
#' </name>
#' </Patient>
#' </resource>
#' </entry>
##### Documentation for example_bundles3 data set ######
#' @details
#' `example_bundles3` contains 1 bundle with 3 Patient resources and 1 Observation resource.
#' @examples
#' #unserialize xml objects before doing anything else with them!
#' fhir_unserialize(bundles = example_bundles3)
#' @rdname datasets_selfmade
#' @source
#' **example_bundles3**
#' <Bundle>
#' <type value='searchset'/>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Patient>
#' <id value='id1'/>
#' <address>
#' <use value='home'/>
#' <city value='Amsterdam'/>
#' <type value='physical'/>
#' <country value='Netherlands'/>
#' </address>
#' <name>
#' <given value='Marie'/>
#' </name>
#' </Patient>
#' </resource>
#' </entry>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Patient>
#' <id value='id2'/>
#' <address>
#' <use value='home'/>
#' <city value='Rome'/>
#' <type value='physical'/>
#' <country value='Italy'/>
#' </address>
#' <address>
#' <use value='work'/>
#' <city value='Stockholm'/>
#' <type value='postal'/>
#' <country value='Sweden'/>
#' </address>
#' <name>
#' <given value='Susie'/>
#' </name>
#' </Patient>
#' </resource>
#' </entry>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Patient>
#' <id value='id3'/>
#' <address>
#' <use value='home'/>
#' <city value='Berlin'/>
#' </address>
#' <address>
#' <type value='postal'/>
#' <country value='France'/>
#' </address>
#' <address>
#' <use value='work'/>
#' <city value='London'/>
#' <type value='postal'/>
#' <country value='England'/>
#' </address>
#' <name>
#' <given value='Frank'/>
#' </name>
#' <name>
#' <given value='Max'/>
#' </name>
#' </Patient>
#' <resource/>
#' </entry>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Observation>
#' <id value = 'obs1'/>
#' <code>
#' <coding>
#' <system value='http://loinc.org'/>
#' <code value='29463-7'/>
#' <display value='Body Weight'/>
#' </coding>
#' <coding>
#' <system value='http://snomed.info/sct'/>
#' <code value='27113001'/>
#' <display value='Body weight'/>
#' </coding>
#' </code>
#' <subject>
#' <reference value='Patient/id3'/>
#' </subject>
#' </Observation>
#' </resource>
#' </entry>
#' </Bundle>"
##### Documentation for example_bundles4 data set ######
#' @details
#' `example_bundles4` contains 1 bundle with 2 Medication resources, one of which has some `@id` xml attributes
#' @examples
#' #unserialize xml objects before doing anything else with them!
#' fhir_unserialize(bundles = example_bundles4)
#' @rdname datasets_selfmade
#' @source
#' **example_bundles4**
#' <Bundle>
#' <type value='searchset'/>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Medication>
#' <id value='1285'/>
#' <code>
#' <coding>
#' <system value='http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm'/>
#' <code value='1594660'/>
#' <display value='Alemtuzumab 10mg/ml (Lemtrada)'/>
#' </coding>
#' </code>
#' <ingredient id='1'>
#' <itemReference>
#' <reference value='Substance/5463'/>
#' </itemReference>
#' </ingredient>
#' <ingredient id='2'>
#' <itemReference>
#' <reference value='Substance/3401'/>
#' </itemReference>
#' </ingredient>
#' </Medication>
#' </resource>
#' </entry>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Medication>
#' <id value='45226'/>
#' <code>
#' <coding>
#' <system value='http://snomed.info/sct'/>
#' <code value='373994007'/>
#' <display value='Prednisone 5mg tablet (Product)'/>
#' </coding>
#' <text value='Prednisone 5mg tablet (Product)'/>
#' </code>
#' <ingredient id='1'>
#' <itemReference>
#' <reference value='Substance/6912'/>
#' </itemReference>
#' </ingredient>
#' <ingredient id='2'>
#' <itemReference>
#' <reference value='Substance/3710'/>
#' </itemReference>
#' </ingredient>
#' </Medication>
#' </resource>
#' </entry>
#' </Bundle>
##### Documentation for example_bundles5 data set ######
#' @details
#' `example_bundles5` contains 1 bundle with 2 Observation resources.
#' @examples
#' #unserialize xml objects before doing anything else with them!
#' fhir_unserialize(bundles = example_bundles5)
#' @rdname datasets_selfmade
#' @source
#' **example_bundles5**
#' <Bundle>
#' <type value='searchset'/>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Observation>
#' <id value = 'obs1'/>
#' <code>
#' <coding>
#' <system value='http://loinc.org'/>
#' <code value='29463-7'/>
#' <display value='Body Weight'/>
#' </coding>
#' <coding>
#' <system value='http://snomed.info/sct'/>
#' <code value='27113001'/>
#' <display value='Body weight'/>
#' </coding>
#' </code>
#' <subject>
#' <reference value='Patient/id3'/>
#' </subject>
#' </Observation>
#' </resource>
#' </entry>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Observation>
#' <id value = 'obs2'/>
#' <code>
#' <coding>
#' <system value='http://loinc.org'/>
#' <code value='8302-2'/>
#' <display value='Body Height'/>
#' </coding>
#' <coding>
#' <system value='http://snomed.info/sct'/>
#' <code value='50373000'/>
#' <display value='Body height measure'/>
#' </coding>
#' </code>
#' <subject>
#' <reference value='Patient/id3'/>
#' </subject>
#' </Observation>
#' </resource>
#' </entry>
#' </Bundle>"
##### Documentation for example_bundles6 data set ######
#' @details
#' `example_bundles6` contains 1 bundle with 2 Patient resources.
#' @examples
#' #unserialize xml objects before doing anything else with them!
#' fhir_unserialize(bundles = example_bundles6)
#' @rdname datasets_selfmade
#' @source
#' **example_bundles6**
#' <type value='searchset'/>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Patient>
#' <id value='id1'/>
#' <address>
#' <line value='Example Street 1'/>
#' <line value='c/o Baker'/>
#' <city value = 'London'/>
#' <use value = 'home'/>
#' </address>
#' <address>
#' <line value = 'Some firm'/>
#' <line value = 'Some Department'/>
#' <line value = 'Some Lane 1'/>
#' <city value = 'London'/>
#' <use value = 'work'/>
#' </address>
#' </Patient>
#' </resource>
#' </entry>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Patient>
#' <id value='id2'/>
#' <address>
#' <line value='Rue example 3'/>
#' <city value = 'Paris'/>
#' <use value = 'home'/>
#' </address>
#' <address>
#' <line value = 'La fabrique'/>
#' <line value = 'Avenue 33'/>
#' <city value = 'Paris'/>
#' <use value = 'work'/>
#' </address>
#' </Patient>
#' </resource>
#' </entry>
##### Documentation for example_bundles7 data set ######
#' @details
#' `example_bundles7` contains 1 bundle with 2 Patient resources.
#' @examples
#' #unserialize xml objects before doing anything else with them!
#' fhir_unserialize(bundles = example_bundles7)
#' @rdname datasets_selfmade
#' @source
#' **example_bundles7**
#' <type value='searchset'/>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Patient>
#' <id value='id1'/>
#' <name>
#' <given value='Marie'/>
#' <given value='Luise'/>
#' <family value = 'Smith'/>
#' <use value = 'official'/>
#' </name>
#' <name>
#' <given value = 'Lea'/>
#' <given value = 'Sophie'/>
#' <given value = 'Anna'/>
#' <family value = 'Baker'/>
#' <use value = 'nickname'/>
#' </name>
#' </Patient>
#' </resource>
#' </entry>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Patient>
#' <id value='id2'/>
#' <name>
#' <given value='Max'/>
#' <family value = 'Brown'/>
#' <use value = 'official'/>
#' </name>
#' <name>
#' <given value = 'Anton'/>
#' <given value = 'John'/>
#' <family value = 'Jones'/>
#' <use value = 'nickname'/>
#' </name>
#' </Patient>
#' </resource>
#' </entry>
##### Documentation for example_bundles_empty data set ######
#' @details
#' `example_bundles_empty` contains one empty bundle.
#' @examples
#' #unserialize xml objects before doing anything else with them!
#' fhir_unserialize(bundles = example_bundles_empty)
#' @rdname datasets_selfmade
#' @source
#' **example_bundles_empty**
#' ```
#' <Bundle>
#' <id value="c9edcd82-092c-4f63-8c8d-fdfd03e38d64"/>
#' <meta>
#' <versionId value="23558aa5-aeba-4145-89a3-195bb6ec5401"/>
#' <lastUpdated value="2024-11-19T13:43:34.556+00:00"/>
#' </meta>
#' <type value="searchset"/>
#' <timestamp value="2024-11-19T13:43:34.556+00:00"/>
#' <total value="0"/>
#' <link>
#' <relation value="self"/>
#' <url value="https://server.fire.ly/Patient?gender=bla&_total=accurate&_count=0&_skip=0"/>
#' </link>
#' </Bundle>
#' ```
##### Documentation for transaction_bundle_example data set ######
#' Toy examples to POST/PUT on a server
#' @description These data examples are simple examples to try out POSTing/PUTing resources
#' to a server. See **Source** for how the xml versions look.
#' @details
#' `transaction_bundle_example` contains 1 transaction bundle with 2 Patient resources.
#' @examples
#' #unserialize xml objects before doing anything else with them!
#' fhir_unserialize(bundles = transaction_bundle_example)
#' @rdname datasets_for_post
#' @source
#' **transaction_bundle_example**
#' <Bundle>
#' <type value='transaction'/>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Patient>
#' <id value='id1'/>
#' <address>
#' <use value='home'/>
#' <city value='Amsterdam'/>
#' <type value='physical'/>
#' <country value='Netherlands'/>
#' </address>
#' <name>
#' <given value='Marie'/>
#' </name>
#' </Patient>
#' </resource>
#' <request>
#' <method value='POST'/>
#' <url value='Patient'/>
#' </request>
#' </entry>
#' <entry>
#' <resource>
#' <Patient>
#' <id value='id3'/>
#' <address>
#' <use value='home'/>
#' <city value='Berlin'/>
#' </address>
#' <address>
#' <use value='work'/>
#' <city value='London'/>
#' <type value='postal'/>
#' <country value='England'/>
#' </address>
#' <address>
#' <type value='postal'/>
#' <country value='France'/>
#' </address>
#' <name>
#' <given value='Frank'/>
#' </name>
#' <name>
#' <given value='Max'/>
#' </name>
#' </Patient>
#' </resource>
#' <request>
#' <method value='POST'/>
#' <url value='Patient'/>
#' </request>
#' </entry>
#' </Bundle>
##### Documentation for example_resource1 ######
#' Toy examples to POST on a server
#' @details
#' `example_resource1` contains 1 patient resource without id for POSTing
#' @examples
#' #unserialize xml objects before doing anything else with them!
#' fhir_unserialize(example_resource1)
#' @rdname datasets_for_post
#' @source
#' **example_resource1**
#' <Patient>
#' <name>
#' <given value = 'Marie'/>
#' </name>
#' <gender value = 'female'/>
#' <birthDate value = '1970-01-01'/>
#' </Patient>
##### Documentation for example_resource2 ######
#' Toy examples to POST on a server
#' @details
#' `example_resource2` contains 1 patient resource with id for PUTing
#' @examples
#' #unserialize xml objects before doing anything else with them!
#' fhir_unserialize(example_resource2)
#' @rdname datasets_for_post
#' @source
#' **example_resource2**
#' <Patient>
#' <id value = '1a2b3c'/>
#' <name>
#' <given value = 'Marie'/>
#' </name>
#' <gender value = 'female'/>
#' <birthDate value = '1970-01-01'/>
#' </Patient>
##### Documentation for example_resource3 ######
#' Toy examples to POST on a server
#' @details
#' `example_resource3` contains 1 Medication resource with an id xml attribute
#' @examples
#' #unserialize xml objects before doing anything else with them!
#' fhir_unserialize(example_resource3)
#' @rdname datasets_for_post
#' @source
#' **example_resource3**
#' <code>
#' <coding>
#' <system value="http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm"/>
#' <code value="1594660"/>
#' <display value="Alemtuzumab 10mg/ml (Lemtrada)"/>
#' </coding>
#' </code>
#' <ingredient id="1">
#' <itemReference>
#' <reference value="Substance/5463"/>
#' </itemReference>
#' </ingredient>
#' <ingredient id="2">
#' <itemReference>
#' <reference value="Substance/3401"/>
#' </itemReference>
#' </ingredient>
#' </Medication>
`..i` <- NULL #To stop "no visible binding" NOTE in check()
convert_wide_table_to_a_compact_one <- function(wide, bra, ket, sep, rm_ids = FALSE, ncores = 1) {
ncores <- limit_ncores(ncores)
pastl <- function(l, ids, sep = ' ~ ') {
pastv <- function(v, ids, sep = ' ~ ') {
len <- length(v)
ids <- rep_len(ids, len)
flt <- !is.na(v)
paste0(ids[flt], v[flt], collapse = sep)
X = l,
FUN = pastv,
ids = ids,
sep = sep
#ncores <- limit_ncores(ncores)
names <- names(wide)
short_names <- names |> busg(paste0('^.+', ket), '')
unique_short_names <- unique(short_names)
sep <- sep
ids <- if(rm_ids) {names |> busg(paste0('(^', esc(bra), '([0-9]+\\.*)+', ket, ')(.*)'), '\\1')} else {''}
d <- parallel::mclapply(
X = lst(unique_short_names),
FUN = function(unique_short_name) {
#unique_short_name <- lst(unique_short_names)[[2]]
i <- which(unique_short_name == short_names)
pastl(l = wide[,..i,with=TRUE], ids = ids, sep = sep)
mc.cores = ncores
convert_wide_tables_to_compact_ones <- function(wide, design, rm_ids = FALSE, ncores = 1) {
ncores <- limit_ncores(ncores)
X = design,
FUN = function(d) {
wide = wide[[paste0(d@resource, 's')]],
bra = d@brackets[1],
ket = d@brackets[2],
sep = d@sep,
rm_ids = rm_ids,
ncores = ncores
#' Transform vector to named list
#' @description Transforms a vector of items to a named list. The names are created with a prefix and a suffix surrounding the items.
#' @param ... A vector that can be coerced to a character.
#' @param prefix A a character vector of length one taken as the prefix for the names of the list elements.
#' @param suffix A a character vector of length one taken as the suffix for the names of the list elements.
#' @return A named list, where the names are the content surrounded by a prefix and a suffix.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' fhircrackr:::lst(letters[1:5], prefix="--", suffix="+")
lst <- function(..., prefix = NULL, suffix = NULL) {
v <- as.list(c(...))
names(v) <- paste0(prefix, v, suffix)
#' Escape special characters
#' @param s A character vector in which the characters should be escaped.
#' @return A character vector with all special characters escaped.
#' @example esc(s = c("(",")"))
#' @noRd
esc <- function(s) {
gsub("([\\.|\\^|\\$|\\*|\\+|\\?|\\(|\\)|\\[|\\{|\\\\\\|\\|])", "\\\\\\1", s)
#' Duplicate brackets, if just one string is provided as brackets, truncate if more than two
#' @param brackets A character or NULL.
#' @return A character of length two or NULL.
#' @example fix_brackets(brackets = '|')
#' @noRd
fix_brackets <- function(brackets) {
if(is.null(brackets) || length(brackets) < 1) return(character())
if(1 == length(brackets)) return(c(brackets[1], brackets[1]))
if(2 < length(brackets)) {
warning('brackets has to be of length two, using only the first two elements.')
## determine operating system
get_os <- function() {
sysinf <- Sys.info()
if (!is.null(sysinf)) {
os <- sysinf[['sysname']]
if (os == 'Darwin') os <- "osx"
} else { ## mystery machine
os <- .Platform$OS.type
if (grepl("^darwin", R.version$os))
os <- "osx"
if (grepl("linux-gnu", R.version$os))
os <- "linux"
# get number of available cpus
get_ncores <- function(os) {
if(os %in% c("linux", "osx")) parallel::detectCores() else 1
# limit number of cpus to available ones
limit_ncores <- function(ncores) {
os <- get_os()
available_cores <- get_ncores(os)
if(is.null(ncores)) 1 else min(c(available_cores, ncores))
#' Escape characters reserved in xml
#' #' @param s A character vector in which the characters should be escaped.
#' @return A character vector of with all special characters escaped.
#' @example esc_xml(s = c("<","&"))
#' @noRd
esc_xml <- function(s) {
gsub("\"", """,
gsub("'", "'",
gsub("<", "<",
gsub(">", ">",
gsub("&", "&", s)
#' Unescape characters reserved in xml
#' @param s A character vector of with all special characters escaped.
#' @return The unescaped version
#' @example esc_xml(s = c(""","&"))
#' @noRd
desc_xml <- function(s) {
gsub(""", "\"",
gsub("'", "'",
gsub("<", "<",
gsub(">", ">",
gsub("&", "&", s)
#' Create value list
#' This function creates a list that has values as attributes.
#' Can be used to create trees that are digesteable by xml2.
#' @param .value The value for the attribute
#' @param ... other vlists
#' @return A value list
#' @noRd
vlist <- function(.value, ...) {
list <- list(...)
attr(list, "value") <- .value
#' Wrap string in frame
#' Creates a string that is wrapped in a frame for nicer printing.
#' Has to be used with `cat()`
#' @param text The string to wrap
#' @param pos Horizontal alignment within the frame
#' @param edge Single character which will be the corner of the frame
#' @param hori String making up the horizontal edge of the frame
#' @param vert String making up the vertical edge of the frame
#' @return A String ready for `cat()`
#' @examples
#' cat(frame_string(text="Some\ntest\n text", pos="right", edge="*"))
#' @noRd
frame_string <- function(
text = "\nHello !!!\n\n\nIs\nthere\n\nA N Y O N E\n\nout\nthere\n???\n ",
pos = c("left", "center", "right")[1],
edge = " ",
hori = "-",
vert = "|"
) {
strpad <- function(string, width, pos = c("left", "right"), pad) {
n_chars <- function(char, count) paste0(rep_len(char, count), collapse = "")
w <- nchar(string)
if(pos == "left") {
paste0(string, n_chars(pad, width - w))
} else if(pos == "right") {
paste0(n_chars(pad, width - w), string)
} else {
paste0(n_chars(pad, (width - w) %/% 2), string, n_chars(pad, width - w - (width - w) %/% 2))
edge <- rep_len(strsplit(edge, "")[[1]], 4)[1 : 4]
r <- ""
s <- strsplit(text, "\n")[[1]]
h <- length(s)
w <- max(sapply(s, nchar))
hbt <- paste0(edge[1], paste0(rep_len(hori, w + 2), collapse = ""), edge[2], "\n")
hbb <- paste0(edge[3], paste0(rep_len(hori, w + 2), collapse = ""), edge[4], "\n")
r <- hbt
for(s_ in s) {
r <- paste0(r, vert, " ", strpad(string = s_, width = w, pos = pos, pad = " "), " ", vert, "\n")
r <- paste0(r, hbb)
#' Prepare authentication info for fhir_search/fhir_post/fhir_put
#' @param username A string with the username for basic auth
#' @param password A string with the password for basic auth
#' @param token The token for token based auth, either a string or a httr token object
#' @noRd
auth_helper <- function(username, password, token){
#prepare token authorization
if(!is.null(token)) {
if(!is.null(username) || !is.null(password)) {
"You provided username or password as well as a token for authentication.\n",
"Ignoring username and password, trying to authorize with token."
username <- NULL
password <- NULL
if(is(token, "Token")) {
token <- token$credentials$access_token
if(1 < length(token)) {stop("token must be of length one.")}
bearerToken <- paste0("Bearer ", token)
} else {
bearerToken <- NULL
if(!is.null(username) && !is.null(password)) {
auth <- httr::authenticate(user = username, password = password)
auth <- NULL
list(basicAuth = auth, token = bearerToken)
#' Order Strings with Numbers correctly
#' @param s A character vector containing the strings to be ordered.
#' @return A character vector containing the order of the given strings.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' s <- c('[1.0]', '[10.1]', '[2.0]')
#' order(s)
#' order_strings_with_numbers_correctly(s = s)
order_strings_with_numbers_correctly <- function(s) {
sc <- as.character(s)
ss <- stringr::str_extract_all(sc, "[0-9]+")
i <- 1
max_char <- max(sapply(ss, function(x) {if(0 < length(x) && !all(is.na(x))) {max(nchar(x), na.rm = T)} else {0}}))
s_numbers <- strsplit(sc, "[^0-9]+")
s_letters <- strsplit(sc, "[0-9]+")
function(i) {
sn <- s_numbers[[i]]
sl <- s_letters[[i]]
if(length(sn) < length(sl)) {
sn <- c(sn, "")
} else if(length(sl) < length(sn)) {
sl <- c(sl, "")
sn <- ifelse(!is.na(sn) & sn != "", stringr::str_pad(sn, max_char, "left", "0"), "")
if(sn[1] != "") paste0(sl, sn, collapse = "") else paste0(sn, sl, collapse = "")
#' Sort Strings with Numbers correctly
#' @param s A character vector containing the strings to be sorted.
#' @return A character vector containing the the given strings sorted.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' s <- c('[1.0]', '[10.1]', '[2.0]')
#' sort(s)
#' sort_strings_with_numbers_correctly(s = s)
sort_strings_with_numbers_correctly <- function(s) {
sc <- as.character(s)
#' Add a 's' to a plural.
#' @param n A numeric of length one.
#' @return A character.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' n <- 0
#' cat(paste0('We have ', n, ' Rabbit', pluralS(n), '.\n'))
#' n <- n + 1
#' cat(paste0('Now we have ', n, ' Rabbit', pluralS(n), '.\n'))
#' n <- n + 1
#' cat(paste0('Finally we have ', n, ' Rabbit', pluralS(n), '.\n'))
pluralS <- function(n) {if(n==1) '' else 's'}
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