
Defines functions addGif generateGif writeGraphics writeGeoTiff exportGraphicSingle exportGraphicSeries getFileExt getFileName nameFile plotExport plotExportButton

Documented in addGif generateGif getFileExt getFileName nameFile writeGraphics

plotExportButton <- function(id){
  ns <- NS(id)
  actionButton(ns("export"), "Export Plot")

plotExport <- function(input,
                       predictions = function(){NULL},
                       plotFun = NULL,
                       Model = NULL,
                       mapType = reactive("Map")){
  observeEvent(input$export, {
      title = "Export Graphic",
      footer = modalButton("OK"),
      plotOutput(session$ns("plot"), height = "300px"),
      fluidRow(column(width = 4,
                        session$ns("exportType"), "Filetype",
                        choices = c(
                          "jpeg", "png", "pdf", "svg", "tiff",
                          if(!is.null(predictions())) "geo-tiff" else NULL
        column(width = 4,
                 condition = "input.exportType != 'geo-tiff'",
                 ns = session$ns,
                 numericInput(session$ns("width"), "Width (px)", value = 1280)
        column(width = 4,
                 condition = "input.exportType != 'geo-tiff'",
                 ns = session$ns,
                 numericInput(session$ns("height"), "Height (px)", value = 800)
        condition = paste0("'", modelType, "' == 'spatio-temporal-average' & ",
                           "'", mapType(), "' == 'Map' & input.exportType != 'geo-tiff'"),
        ns = session$ns,
        checkboxInput(session$ns("isTimeSeries"), "Export time series"),
          condition = "input.isTimeSeries",
          ns = session$ns,
            width = 4,
            numericInput(session$ns("minTime"), "Time begin of series", value = 0)),
            width = 4,
            numericInput(session$ns("maxTime"), "Time end of series", value = 5000)),
            width = 4,
            numericInput(session$ns("intTime"), "Time interval length", value = 1000))
            column(width = 4,
                   selectInput(session$ns("typeOfSeries"), "Type of time series",
                               choices = c(
                                 "Gif + graphic files" = "gifAndZip",
                                 "Graphic files" = "onlyZip",
                                 "Gif file" = "onlyGif"))),
            column(width = 4,
                     condition = "input.typeOfSeries != 'onlyZip'",
                     ns = session$ns,
                     numericInput(session$ns("fpsGif"), "Frames per second", value = 2, min = 1, max = 10)
            column(width = 4,
                   style = "margin-top: 1.5em;",
                     condition = "input.typeOfSeries != 'onlyZip'",
                     ns = session$ns,
                     checkboxInput(session$ns("reverseGif"), "Reverse time order")
      downloadButton(session$ns("exportExecute"), "Export"),
      easyClose = TRUE

  output$plot <- renderPlot({

  isTimeSeriesInput <- reactiveVal(FALSE)
  exportType <- reactiveVal("png")

    if (input$isTimeSeries && input$typeOfSeries == "onlyGif") exportType("gif") else exportType(input$exportType)
  }) %>%

    if (mapType() == "Map") isTimeSeriesInput(input$isTimeSeries) else isTimeSeriesInput(FALSE)

  output$exportExecute <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function(){
      nameFile(plotType = modelType, exportType = exportType(),
               isTimeSeries = isTimeSeriesInput(), typeOfSeries = input$typeOfSeries)
    content = function(file){
      if (!isTimeSeriesInput()) {
        exportGraphicSingle(exportType = exportType(),
                            file = file,
                            width = input$width,
                            height = input$height,
                            plotObj = plotObj(),
                            predictions = predictions()) %>%
          suppressWarnings() %>%
          tryCatchWithWarningsAndErrors(errorTitle = "Export of graphic faild")
      } else {
        exportGraphicSeries(exportType = exportType(),
                            file = file,
                            width = input$width,
                            height = input$height,
                            plotFun = plotFun(),
                            Model = Model(),
                            predictions = predictions(),
                            modelType = modelType,
                            minTime = input$minTime,
                            maxTime = input$maxTime,
                            intTime = input$intTime,
                            typeOfSeries = input$typeOfSeries,
                            reverseGif = input$reverseGif,
                            fpsGif = input$fpsGif) %>%
          suppressWarnings() %>%
          tryCatchWithWarningsAndErrors(errorTitle = "Export of series of graphics faild")

#' Name File
#' @param plotType (character) plot specification
#' @param exportType (character) file type of exported plot
#' @param isTimeSeries (logical) if TRUE, set file names for a series of plots
#' @param typeOfSeries one of "gifAndZip", "onlyZip", "onlyGif"
#' @param i (numeric) number of i-th plot of a series of plots
nameFile <- function(plotType, exportType, isTimeSeries, typeOfSeries, i = NULL) {
  paste0(getFileName(plotType = plotType, isTimeSeries = isTimeSeries, i = i),
         getFileExt(exportType = exportType, isTimeSeries = isTimeSeries,
                    typeOfSeries = typeOfSeries, isCollection = is.null(i)))

#' Get File Name
#' @inheritParams nameFile
getFileName <- function(plotType, isTimeSeries, i = NULL) {
  if (isTimeSeries && !is.null(i)) return(paste0(plotType, "_", i))


#' Get File Ext
#' Get file extension
#' @param isCollection (logical) TRUE if this is the container file, FALSE if this is an element file
#' @inheritParams nameFile
getFileExt <- function(exportType, isTimeSeries, typeOfSeries, isCollection = FALSE) {
  if (exportType == 'geo-tiff') exportType <- "tif"

  if (!isTimeSeries || !isCollection) return(paste0(".", exportType))

  if (typeOfSeries == "onlyGif") return(".gif") else return(".zip")

exportGraphicSeries <- function(exportType, file,
                                width, height, plotFun, Model, predictions,
                                modelType, minTime, maxTime, intTime,
                                typeOfSeries, reverseGif, fpsGif) {
  withProgress(message = "Generating series ...", value = 0, {
    times <- seq(minTime, maxTime, by = abs(intTime))
    if (reverseGif && typeOfSeries != "onlyZip") times <- rev(times)

    # create all file names to be put into a zip
    figFileNames <- sapply(times,
                           function(i) {
                             nameFile(plotType = modelType, exportType = exportType,
                                      isTimeSeries = TRUE, typeOfSeries = typeOfSeries, i = i)

    # create all file names to be put into a gif, they have always .jpeg format
    gifFileNames <- sapply(times,
                           function(i) {
                             paste0(getFileName(plotType = modelType, isTimeSeries = TRUE, i = i),

    for (i in times) {
      incProgress(1 / length(times), detail = paste("time: ", i))
      figFilename <- figFileNames[[which(times == i)]]

      if (exportType == "geo-tiff"){
        # filter for i ???
        writeGeoTiff(predictions, figFilename)
      } else {
        # save desired file type
        writeGraphics(exportType = exportType,
                      plot = plotFun(model = Model, time = i),
                      filename = figFilename,
                      width = width,
                      height = height)

        # save jpeg for .gif if desired file type is not .jpeg (else we already stored that file)
        if (typeOfSeries != "onlyZip" && exportType != "jpeg") {
          jpeg(gifFileNames[[which(times == i)]], width = width, height = height)
          plotFun(model = Model, time = i)

    if (typeOfSeries == "onlyZip") {
      # zip file to be downloaded:
      zipr(zipfile = file, files = figFileNames)
    if (typeOfSeries == "onlyGif") {
      # gif file to be downloaded:
      generateGif(gifFile = file, files = gifFileNames, exportType = exportType, fps = fpsGif)
    if (typeOfSeries == "gifAndZip") {
      generateGif(gifFile = paste0(modelType, ".gif"), files = gifFileNames, exportType = exportType, fps = fpsGif)
      # zip file to be downloaded containing the gif file:
      zipr(zipfile = file, files = c(paste0(modelType, ".gif"), figFileNames))
      unlink(paste0(modelType, ".gif"))
    # clean up all single files

exportGraphicSingle <- function(exportType, file, width, height, plotObj, predictions) {
  if (exportType == "geo-tiff"){
    writeGeoTiff(predictions, file)

  writeGraphics(exportType = exportType,
                plot = replayPlot(plotObj),
                filename = file,
                width = width,
                height = height)

writeGeoTiff <- function(XPred, file){
  if(is.null(XPred)) return()
  longLength <- length(unique((XPred$Longitude)))
  latLength <- length(unique((XPred$Latitude)))

  # is filter for time i possible?
  vals <- matrix(XPred$Est, nrow = longLength, byrow = TRUE)
  vals <- vals[nrow(vals) : 1, ]
  r <- raster(nrows = longLength,
              ncols = latLength,
              xmn = min(XPred$Longitude),
              ymn = min(XPred$Latitude),
              xmx = max(XPred$Longitude),
              ymx = max(XPred$Latitude),
              vals  = vals)
  writeRaster(r, filename = "out.tif", format="GTiff",
              options = c('TFW=YES'), overwrite = TRUE)
  file.rename("out.tif", file)

#' Write Graphics
#' @param exportType (character) file type of exported plot
#' @param plot (object) plot object
#' @inheritParams grDevices::png
writeGraphics <- function(exportType, plot, filename, width, height) {
    png = png(filename, width = width, height = height),
    jpeg = jpeg(filename, width = width, height = height),
    pdf = pdf(filename, width = width / 72, height = height / 72),
    tiff = tiff(filename, width = width, height = height),
    svg = svg(filename, width = width / 72, height = height / 72)

#' Generate GIF
#' @param gifFile The gif file to create
#' @param files a list of files, url's, or raster objects or bitmap arrays
#' @param fps frames per second
#' @inheritParams nameFile
generateGif <- function(gifFile = "animated.gif", files, exportType, fps = 1) {
  image_list <- lapply(files, image_read)

  image_list %>%
    image_join() %>%
    image_animate(fps = fps, loop = 0) %>%
    image_write(path = gifFile)

#' Add GIF
#' @param gifFile The gif file to add a slide to
#' @param file the file, url, or raster object or bitmap array to be added to gifFileSource
addGif <- function(gifFile, file) {
  #Create image object for new slide
  new_slide <- image_read(file)

  #Read an existing gif
  existing_gif <- image_read(gifFile)

  #Append new slide to existing gif
  final_gif <- c(existing_gif, new_slide)

  #Write new gif
  image_write(final_gif, path = gifFile)
Pandora-IsoMemo/iso-app documentation built on July 4, 2024, 7:07 p.m.