
Defines functions check_made_by made_by_pkgdown file_digest same_contents write_if_different find_template render_template template_path check_open_graph data_open_graph data_template render_page

Documented in data_template render_page

#' Render page with template
#' Each page is composed of four templates: "head", "header", "content", and
#' "footer". Each of these templates is rendered using the `data`, and
#' then assembled into an overall page using the "layout" template.
#' @param pkg Path to package to document.
#' @param name Name of the template (e.g. "home", "vignette", "news")
#' @param data Data for the template.
#'   This is automatically supplemented with three lists:
#'   * `site`: `title` and path to `root`.
#'   * `yaml`: the `template` key from `_pkgdown.yml`.
#'   * `package`: package metadata including `name` and`version`.
#'   See the full contents by running [data_template()].
#' @param path Location to create file; relative to destination directory.
#'   If `""` (the default), prints to standard out.
#' @param depth Depth of path relative to base directory.
#' @param quiet If `quiet`, will suppress output messages
#' @export
render_page <- function(pkg = ".", name, data, path = "", depth = NULL, quiet = FALSE) {
  pkg <- as_pkgdown(pkg)

  if (is.null(depth)) {
    depth <- length(strsplit(path, "/")[[1]]) - 1L

  data <- utils::modifyList(data, data_template(pkg, depth = depth))
  data$pkgdown <- list(
    version = utils::packageDescription("pkgdown", fields = "Version")
  data$has_favicons <- has_favicons(pkg)
  data$opengraph <- utils::modifyList(data_open_graph(pkg), data$opengraph %||% list())

  # The real location of 404.html is dynamic (#1129).
  # Relative root does not work, use the full URL if available.
  if(identical(path, "404.html") && length(pkg$meta$url)){
    data$site$root <- paste0(pkg$meta$url, "/")

  # render template components
  pieces <- c("head", "navbar", "header", "content", "docsearch", "footer")

  templates <- purrr::map_chr(pieces, find_template, name, template_path = template_path(pkg))
  components <- purrr::map(templates, render_template, data = data)
  components <- purrr::set_names(components, pieces)
  components$template <- name

  # render complete layout
  template <- find_template("layout", name, template_path = template_path(pkg))
  rendered <- render_template(template, components)
  write_if_different(pkg, rendered, path, quiet = quiet)

#' @export
#' @rdname render_page
data_template <- function(pkg = ".", depth = 0L) {
  pkg <- as_pkgdown(pkg)

  authors <- data_authors(pkg)$main %>%
    purrr::map_chr("name") %>%
    paste(collapse = ", ")

  # Force inclusion so you can reliably refer to objects inside yaml
  # in the moustache templates
  yaml <- purrr::pluck(pkg, "meta", "template", "params", .default = list())
  yaml$.present <- TRUE

  # Look for extra assets to add
  extra <- list()
  extra$css <- path_first_existing(pkg$src_path, "pkgdown", "extra.css")
  extra$js <- path_first_existing(pkg$src_path, "pkgdown", "extra.js")

    year = strftime(Sys.time(), "%Y"),
    package = list(
      name = pkg$package,
      version = as.character(pkg$version),
      authors = authors
    development = pkg$development,
    site = list(
      root = up_path(depth),
      title = pkg$meta$title %||% pkg$package
    dev = pkg$use_dev,
    extra = extra,
    navbar = data_navbar(pkg, depth = depth),
    yaml = yaml

data_open_graph <- function(pkg = ".") {
  pkg <- as_pkgdown(pkg)
  og <- pkg$meta$template$opengraph %||% list()
  og <- check_open_graph(og)
  if (is.null(og$image) && !is.null((pkg$src_path))) {
    og$image <- list(src = path_file((pkg$src_path)))
  if (!is.null(og$image) && !grepl("^http", og$image$src)) {
    site_url <- pkg$meta$url %||% "/"
    if (!grepl("/$", site_url)) {
      site_url <- paste0(site_url, "/")
    og$image$src <- gsub("^man/figures/", "reference/figures/", og$image$src)
    og$image$src <- paste0(site_url, og$image$src)

  og$twitter$creator <- og$twitter$creator %||% og$twitter$site
  og$twitter$site <- og$twitter$site %||% og$twitter$creator

check_open_graph <- function(og) {
  if (!is.list(og)) {
    abort(paste("`opengraph` must be a list, not", friendly_type(typeof(og))))
  supported_fields <- c("image", "twitter")
  unsupported_fields <- setdiff(names(og), supported_fields)
  if (length(unsupported_fields)) {
      "Unsupported `opengraph` ",
      ngettext(length(unsupported_fields), "field", "fields"), ": ",
      paste(unsupported_fields, collapse = ", ")
  if ("twitter" %in% names(og)) {
    if (is.character(og$twitter) && length(og$twitter) == 1 && grepl("^@", og$twitter)) {
        "The `opengraph: twitter` option must be a list. Did you mean this?",
        "  twitter:",
        paste("    creator:", og$twitter),
        sep = "\n"
    if (!is.list(og$twitter)) {
      abort("The `opengraph: twitter` option must be a list.")
    if (is.null(og$twitter$creator) && is.null(og$twitter$site)) {
        "The `opengraph: twitter` option must include either 'creator' or 'site'."
  if ("image" %in% names(og)) {
    if (is.character(og$image) && length(og$image) == 1) {
        "The `opengraph: image` option must be a list. Did you mean this?",
        "  image:",
        paste("    src:", og$image),
        sep = "\n"
    if (!is.list(og$image)) {
      abort("The `opengraph: image` option must be a list.")
  og[intersect(supported_fields, names(og))]

template_path <- function(pkg = ".") {
  pkg <- as_pkgdown(pkg)

  template <- pkg$meta[["template"]]

  if (!is.null(template$path)) {
    path <- path_abs(template$path, start = pkg$src_path)

    if (!file_exists(path))
      stop("Can not find template path ", src_path(path), call. = FALSE)

  } else if (!is.null(template$package)) {
    path_package_pkgdown(template$package, "templates")
  } else {

render_template <- function(path, data) {
  template <- read_file(path)
  if (length(template) == 0)

  whisker::whisker.render(template, data)

find_template <- function(type, name, ext = ".html", template_path = NULL) {
  paths <- c(
  names <- c(
    paste0(type, "-", name, ext),
    paste0(type, ext)
  all <- expand.grid(path = paths, name = names)
  locations <- path(all$path, all$name)

  Find(file_exists, locations, nomatch =
    stop("Can't find template for ", type, "-", name, ".", call. = FALSE))

write_if_different <- function(pkg, contents, path, quiet = FALSE, check = TRUE) {
  # Almost all uses are relative to destination, except for rmarkdown templates
  full_path <- path_abs(path, start = pkg$dst_path)

  if (check && !made_by_pkgdown(full_path)) {
    if (!quiet) {
      message("Skipping '", path, "': not generated by pkgdown")

  if (same_contents(full_path, contents)) {

  if (!quiet) {
    cat_line("Writing ", dst_path(path))
  write_lines(contents, path = full_path)

same_contents <- function(path, contents) {
  if (!file_exists(path))

  new_hash <- digest::digest(contents, serialize = FALSE)

  cur_contents <- paste0(read_lines(path), collapse = "\n")
  cur_hash <-  digest::digest(cur_contents, serialize = FALSE)

  identical(new_hash, cur_hash)

file_digest <- function(path) {
  if (file_exists(path)) {
    digest::digest(file = path, algo = "xxhash64")
  } else {

made_by_pkgdown <- function(path) {
  if (!file_exists(path)) return(TRUE)

  first <- paste(read_lines(path, n = 2), collapse = "\n")

check_made_by <- function(first) {
  if (length(first) == 0L) return(FALSE)
  grepl("<!-- Generated by pkgdown", first, fixed = TRUE)
Paradigm4/pkgdown documentation built on June 3, 2020, 12:30 a.m.