bezier_smooth <- function(x, y, nout = 1000) {
t <- seq(0, 1, length = nout)
p <- cbind(x, y)
s <- bezier::bezier(t = t, p = p)
fit <- fit_2J3K
pop <- fit$pop
pop$B_pe <- pop$B - (pop$B / pop$pe)
pop$B_net <- pop$B_growth - pop$landings
extra_tots <- pop |>
group_by(year) |>
summarise(total_growth = sum(B_growth),
total_pe = sum(B_pe),
total_net = sum(B_net))
tot_pop <- fit$tot_pop |>
merge(extra_tots, by = "year")
smooth_tot_pop <- bezier_smooth(tot_pop$year, tot_pop$B) |>
names(smooth_tot_pop) <- c("year", "B")
split_pop <- split(pop, pop$species)
for (nm in names(split_pop)) {
if (nrow(split_pop[[nm]]) > 0) {
s <- bezier_smooth(split_pop[[nm]]$year, split_pop[[nm]]$B)
split_pop[[nm]] <- data.frame(species = nm, year = s[, 1], B = s[, 2])
} else {
split_pop[[nm]] <- NULL
smooth_pop <-, split_pop)
p <- plot_ly(colors = viridis::viridis(100)) |>
add_trace(data = smooth_tot_pop, x = ~year, y = ~B, color = I("lightgrey"),
type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', fill = 'tozeroy',
name = "Total", legendgroup = "Total",
line = list(width = 0),
showlegend = FALSE) |>
add_lines(data = tot_pop, x = ~year, y = ~K, color = I("darkgrey"),
name = "Carrying capacity", legendgroup = "Carrying capacity",
showlegend = FALSE, line = list(dash = "dot", width = 5)) |>
add_lines(data = smooth_pop, x = ~year, y = ~B,
color = ~species, legendgroup = ~species, showlegend = FALSE,
line = list(width = 5)) |>
xaxis = list(
title = "",
range = c(1996, 2020),
linewidth = 5,
showgrid = FALSE,
zeroline = TRUE,
showline = TRUE,
showticklabels = FALSE
yaxis = list(
title = "",
range = c(0, 1500),
linewidth = 5,
showgrid = FALSE,
zeroline = TRUE,
showline = TRUE,
showticklabels = FALSE
save_image(p, file = "analysis/poster/graphics/pop_trends.svg",
width = 700, height = 700)
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