## Prep data
region_data <- function(divisions) {
sub_setdet <- Rstrap::setdet %>%
filter(NAFOdiv %in% divisions)
## Treat winter as spring survey for 3Ps as is done in the assessment
## Gear change roughly corresponds to change in survey timing
sub_setdet$season[!$season) &
sub_setdet$NAFOdiv == "3P" &
sub_setdet$season == "winter"] <- "spring"
## Tidy up common name
sp_names <- unique(na.omit(sub_setdet[, c("spec", "")]))
x <- sp_names$
x <- gsub(",", ", ", x)
x <- sub("(^.*),\\s(.*$)","\\2 \\1", x)
x <- tolower(x)
x <- tools::toTitleCase(x)
x <- gsub(" \\(Ns\\)| \\(Common)| \\(Marlin|\\(Monkfish\\)|\\(Marinus\\)|\\(Round\\) ", "", x)
x[x == "Turbot"] <- "Greenland Halibut"
x[x == "Halibut (Atlantic)"] <- "Atlantic Halibut"
x[x == " Deep Water Redfish"] <- "Redfish spp."
x[x == "Offshore Sand Launce"] <- "Sand Lance"
x[x == "Lanternfishes"] <- "Lanternfish"
x[x == "Common Angler"] <- "Monkfish"
x[x == "Scyphozoan (Jellyfish)"] <- "Jellyfish"
x[x == "Cephalopod Rossi.(B.a.sq"] <- "Rossi spp."
x[x == "Octopus Octo."] <- "Octopus spp."
names(x) <- sp_names$spec
common_name <- x
## Aggregate Redfish, Wolffish, and Skate species
## because these species are not differentiated in the landings
redfish_spp <- common_name[grep("Redfish", common_name)]
redfish <- "Redfish spp."
names(redfish) <- 794.999
wolf_spp <- common_name[grep("Wolffish", common_name)]
wolf <- "Wolffish spp."
names(wolf) <- 700.999
skate_spp <- common_name[grep("Skate", common_name)]
skate <- "Skate spp."
names(skate) <- 90.999
common_name <- common_name[!common_name %in% c(redfish_spp, wolf_spp, skate_spp)]
common_name <- c(common_name, redfish, wolf, skate)
## Replace species specific codes in setdet with redfish, wolffish, and skate spp. "codes"
sub_setdet$spec[sub_setdet$spec %in% as.numeric(names(redfish_spp))] <- as.numeric(names(redfish))
sub_setdet$spec[sub_setdet$spec %in% as.numeric(names(wolf_spp))] <- as.numeric(names(wolf))
sub_setdet$spec[sub_setdet$spec %in% as.numeric(names(skate_spp))] <- as.numeric(names(skate))
sub_setdet$ <- common_name[as.character(sub_setdet$spec)]
## Under one_strat
## If more than 5 years of data are present for a survey, and if the species is found in more than
## 10% of surveyed strata, identify strata covered across more than 80% of the time series and
## utilize years where > 80% of the biomass were likely covered.
## Note: index converted to kt
one_strat <- function(setdet, season, series, NAFOdiv, species, species_name, region) {
## Identify years with data across all divisions
ind <- setdet$which.survey == "multispecies" & setdet$rec == 5 &
setdet$NAFOdiv %in% NAFOdiv & setdet$data.series %in% series & setdet$season == season
year_div_table <- table(setdet$survey.year[ind], setdet$NAFOdiv[ind])
year_ind <- rowSums(year_div_table > 0) == length(NAFOdiv)
years <- as.numeric(names(year_ind[year_ind]))
if (length(years) >= 5) {
## First run analysis using all available data
all_strat <- = setdet, program = "strat2",
data.series = series, species = species,
survey.year = years,
season = season, NAFOdiv = NAFOdiv,
export = NULL, plot.results = FALSE)
all_setdet <- all_strat$$set.details
all_means <- all_strat$strat2$biomass$details
if (mean(all_means$totals == 0) > 0.9) {
warning(paste0("Index was not calculated because ", species_name, " was rarely encountered in ", region, " during the ", season, " ", series, " survey (present in less than 10% of surveyed strata)"))
tab <- NULL
} else {
## Calculate percent biomass in each strata using grand totals
## Bump up totals by percent of years the strata were covered
## Limit to strata present in more than 80% of the series (i.e. core strata)
strat_percents <- all_means %>%
group_by(strat) %>%
summarise(n = n(), percent_years = n() / length(years),
strat_total = sum(totals) / percent_years) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(percent_years > 0.8) %>%
mutate(grand_total = sum(strat_total), mean_percent = strat_total / grand_total)
keep_strat <- strat_percents$strat
## Identify years where more than 20% of the biomass was likely to be missing because
## of poor coverage
coverage <- table(all_setdet$strat, all_setdet$survey.year) == 0
coverage <- coverage[rownames(coverage) %in% as.character(keep_strat), ]
percents <- replicate(ncol(coverage), matrix(strat_percents$mean_percent, ncol = 1), simplify = TRUE)
coverage <- coverage * percents
percent_missing <- colSums(coverage)
drop_years <- percent_missing > 0.2
keep_years <- as.numeric(names(percent_missing)[!drop_years])
sub_strat <- = setdet, program = "strat2",
data.series = series, species = species,
survey.year = keep_years, strat = keep_strat,
season = season, NAFOdiv = NAFOdiv,
export = NULL, plot.results = FALSE)
survey_area <- sub_strat$strat2$biomass$details %>%
group_by(survey.year) %>%
summarise(total_area = sum(strat.area)) %>%
pull(total_area) %>%
tab <- sub_strat$strat2$biomass$summary[, c("survey.year", "var", "mean", "total")]
tab <- data.frame(species = species_name, region = region, gear = series,
season = Hmisc::capitalize(season),
year = tab$survey.year, index = tab$total / 1000000,
cv = sqrt(tab$var) / tab$mean, survey_area = survey_area)
} else {
warning(paste0("There were insufficient survey data to produce the following index: ", species_name, " - ", region, " - ", season, " - ", series))
tab <- NULL
stack_strat <- function(setdet, NAFOdiv, species, species_name, region) {
spring_yankee <- one_strat(setdet, "spring", "Yankee", NAFOdiv, species, species_name, region)
spring_engel <- one_strat(setdet, "spring", "Engel", NAFOdiv, species, species_name, region)
spring_campelen <- one_strat(setdet, "spring", "Campelen", NAFOdiv, species, species_name, region)
fall_yankee <- one_strat(setdet, "fall", "Yankee", NAFOdiv, species, species_name, region)
fall_engel <- one_strat(setdet, "fall", "Engel", NAFOdiv, species, species_name, region)
fall_campelen <- one_strat(setdet, "fall", "Campelen", NAFOdiv, species, species_name, region)
dat <- rbind(spring_yankee, spring_engel, spring_campelen, fall_yankee, fall_engel, fall_campelen)
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