
Defines functions ep.eye_msg_report

Documented in ep.eye_msg_report

#' @title Generate a report of all eyetracker messages for user review.
#' @param eye Path to .edf file to generate report for or an initialized \code{ep.eye} object.
#' @param report_path Path to report destination.
#' @param events Character which can take values "between", "within", or "all" to print either between-event, within-event messages, or both, respectively.
#' @param return_eye Logical. Whether or not to return the eye object.
#' @examples
#' #'  \dontrun{
#'    ep.eye <- ep.eye_msg_report("/proj/mnhallqlab/studies/NeuroMAP/s3_data/Neighborhood_PSU/eye/004_AZ_Neighborhood_Eye.edf", "/proj/mnhallqlab/studies/NeuroMAP/s3_data_ep_specs/message_reports", return_eye = TRUE)
#'    ep.eye_msg_report(ep.eye, "/proj/mnhallqlab/studies/NeuroMAP/s3_data_ep_specs/message_reports_004_AZ.txt")
#'  }
#' @author Nate Hall
#' @export

ep.eye_msg_report <- function(eye, report_path = NULL, events = "all", return_eye = FALSE){
  # browser()
  #for a quick look at ET message flow by event. Allows for user to quickly look for messaging conventions that can be specified in YAML config file.

  if(is.character(eye)){ # if string provided, attempt to read it.
    eye <- read_edf(eye, keep_asc=FALSE, parse_all=TRUE, samples = FALSE)[[1]] #samples = FALSE removes read-in of raw data

  stopifnot(exists("eye")) # must be input as argument or an edf must supply it. Can be read internally, supplied as the output of read_edf, or as an already initialized ep.eye object.

  #open creation of message report.
    sink(file = "eye_message_format.txt")
  } else{
    if(!dir.exists(str_extract(report_path, ".*/"))) dir.create(str_extract(report_path, ".*/"))
    sink(file = report_path)

  if("ep.eye" %in% class(eye)){
    cat("dropping msgs with '!V IMGLOAD CENTER'\n")

    if(events %in% c("all", "within")){
      for(i in unique(eye$raw$eventn)){
          y.w <- eye$raw  %>% dplyr::filter(eventn == i & et.msg != "." & !grepl("!V IMGLOAD CENTER", et.msg))
          print(na.omit(y.w), n =Inf)

    if(events %in% c("all", "between")){
      for(i in unique(eye$metadata$btw_ev_msg$eventn)){
          y.b <- eye$metadata$btw_ev_msg  %>% dplyr::filter(eventn == i & !grepl("!V IMGLOAD CENTER", text)) %>% as.data.frame() %>% data.table()
          print(na.omit(y.b), n =Inf)

    # eye$metadata$btw_ev_msg %>% as_tibble() %>% print(n = Inf)

  } else { #works from initial edf, either read in or input as arg.
    uevents <- unique(eye$msg$eventn)
    tol <- 1e-12
    uint <- uevents[sapply(uevents, function(y) min(abs(c(y%%1, y%%1-1))) < tol)] #drop non-integers: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30476671/selecting-only-integers-from-a-vector

    #print message format by recording event. Can select to also include between-trial messages if they are important (events = "all" will report within and between trial messages)
    if(events %in% c("all", "within")){
      for(i in uint){
        y.w <- eye$msg  %>% dplyr::filter(eventn == i)
        print(na.omit(y.w), n =Inf)

    if(events %in% c("all", "between")){
      unoint <- uevents[which(!uevents %in% uint)]
      for(i in unoint){
        y.b <- eye$msg  %>% dplyr::filter(eventn == i)
        print(na.omit(y.b), n =Inf)

  sink() # close report.
PennStateDEPENdLab/experiment_pipeline documentation built on Nov. 27, 2024, 4:56 a.m.