
#' Object-oriented implementation of the Frank clock algorithm.
#' The clock_model class defines a predictive model to fit RT and reward data using data from the clock
#' task. The algorithm can fit group-level data (optimize theta over all subjects and runs), subject-level 
#' multi-run data (optimize theta over multiple runs within subject), or single-run data. 
#' At initialization, data to be fit can be passed using the \code{clock_data} parameter, and should be of class 
#' clockdata_group (for group data), clockdata_subject (for multi-run subject data), or clockdata_run (for single-run data).
#' After initializing the object, one or more parameter objects are added to the prediction equation
#' using the $add_params(...) method. Bounds on the parameters can be specified at initialization.
#' @section Fields:
#'    \describe{
#'      \item{\code{params}:}{ \code{list} of param objects used to predict RTs. Note: parameters are evaluated in order. }
#'      \item{\code{noiseWt}:}{ A numeric scalar (in milliseconds) specifying how much random uniform noise to add to predicted RTs. Default: 0 }
#'      \item{\code{SSE}:}{ Total sum of squared errors for fitted theta values. }
#'      \item{\code{AIC}:}{ Akaike Information Criterion for fitted theta values. }
#'      \item{\code{clock_data}:}{ Clock data to be fit. Should be of class clockdata_group, clockdata_subject, or clockdata_run. DO NOT ASSIGN YOURSELF. }
#'      \item{\code{use_global_avg_RT}:}{ Whether to use the global reaction time across all runs within subject as reference for scale and K. }
#'      \item{\code{global_avg_RT}:}{ Average reaction time across all runs within subject. }
#'      \item{\code{all_by}:}{ character vector that is the union of all run-level fields that define vary-by-run parameters }
#'      \item{\code{clock_fit}:}{ clock_fit object storing all information about result of algorithm fit (e.g., expected value) }
#'    }
#' @section Methods:
#'    \describe{
#'      \item{\code{add_params(...)}:}{ Method to add parameter objects to prediction equation. Should be a list of params or a single param. }
#'      \item{\code{fit(toFit=NULL, random_starts=NULL, profile=TRUE)}:}{ Fit \code{clock_data} using the list of \code{params}. Data to fit can be set at call to \code{$fit()} using the \code{toFit} parameter. }
#'      \item{\code{incremental_fit=function(toFit=NULL, plot=TRUE, njobs=1L)}:}{ Based on the \code{params} list, test model subsets building from 1:p parameters. Useful for checking AICs to verify utility of each parameter. } 
#'      \item{\code{list_params()}:}{ Returns a data.frame describing the parameters, current values, and bounds of this model. }
#'      \item{\code{params_current()}:}{ Named vector of current values for all parameters. }
#'      \item{\code{params_minimum()}:}{ Named vector of lower bounds for all parameters. }
#'      \item{\code{params_maximum()}:}{ Named vector of upper bounds for all parameters. }
#'      \item{\code{params_initial()}:}{ Named vector of initial values for all parameters. }
#'      \item{\code{params_par_scale()}:}{ Named vector of expected log parameter scale for all parameters. }
#'      \item{\code{reorder_params(neworder)}:}{ Re-orders the parameter list according to a named character vector, \code{neworder}. Useful because params evaluated in order. }
#'      \item{\code{set_data(cdata)}:}{ Sets the clock dataset to be fit. cdata should be a clockdata object. Use this method if you wish to alter the clock_data field. }
#'    }
#' @examples
#' #use example fMRI dataset distrbuted with package
#' exSubj <- clockdata_subject(subject_ID="008", dataset=clocksubject_fMRI_008jh)
#' exModel <- clock_model()
#' exModel$add_params(
#'    meanRT(max_value=4000),
#'    autocorrPrevRT(),
#'    goForGold(),
#'    go(),
#'    noGo(),
#'    meanSlowFast(),
#'    exploreBeta()
#' )
#' exModel$set_data(exSubj)
#' incrFit <- exModel$incremental_fit(njobs=6)
#' fit <- exModel$fit(random_starts=5)
#' #Design matrix matching Badre et al. 2012 Neuron model.
#' dmat <- fit$build_design_matrix(regressors=c("mean_uncertainty", "rel_uncertainty", "rpe_pos", "rpe_neg", "rt"), 
#'     event_onsets=c("clock_onset", "clock_onset", "feedback_onset", "feedback_onset", "feedback_onset"), 
#'     durations=c("rt", "rt", "feedback_duration", "feedback_duration", 0), baselineCoefOrder=2, writeTimingFiles=TRUE)
#' @importFrom methods setRefClass
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes scale_x_continuous theme_bw geom_point geom_line annotate xlab
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom iterators iter
#' @export clock_model
#' @exportClass clock_model
#' @name clock_model
#' @aliases clock_model-class
#add a reset method here to set values back to initial (clear for re-using the same alg object with a new dataset)
#actually, couldn't we just note when the dataset is updated and zero out parameters?
clock_model <- setRefClass(
        clock_data="ANY", #allow this to be dataset, subject, or run,
        fit_RT_diffs="logical", #whether to difference RTs prior to fit (e.g., Badre)
        smooth="numeric", #apply moving average smooth with window size
        all_by="character", #character vector that is the union of all run-level fields defining vary-by-run parameters
        fit_result="clock_fit", #results object for fitted data (also returned by $fit)
        carryover_value="logical" #whether to carryover expected value from one run to the next
        initialize=function(clock_data=NULL, use_global_avg_RT=TRUE, fit_RT_diffs=FALSE, smooth=0L, carryover_value=TRUE, ...) {
          cat("Initializing clock_model\n")
          params <<- list() #initialize empty list of model parameters
          noiseWt <<- 0 #do not add noise to RT prediction
          use_global_avg_RT <<- use_global_avg_RT #whether to use average RT across all blocks in fit (e.g., "go for gold" scales wrt avg_RT).
          fit_RT_diffs <<- fit_RT_diffs #whether to fit trialwise differences in RTs
          smooth <<- smooth
          carryover_value <<- carryover_value
          if (!is.null(clock_data)) { set_data(clock_data) }
          callSuper(...) #for classes inheriting from this, pass through unmatched iniitalization values
        #Compute the global reaction time, used by some parameters to scale relative differences 
        #  For subject-level data, global RT is average across all runs and trials
        #  For run-level data, global RT is average across trials.
        #  TODO: Figure out what to do in case of group data (not currently handled). 
        set_global_avg_RT=function() {
          if (use_global_avg_RT && !is.null(clock_data)) {
            if (class(clock_data) == "clockdata_subject") {
              #compute average reaction time across all runs
              global_avg_RT <<- mean(do.call("c", lapply(clock_data$runs, "[[", "RTobs")), na.rm=TRUE)
            } else if (class(clock_data) == "clockdata_run") {
              global_avg_RT <<- mean(clock_data$RTobs, na.rm=TRUE)
        #function to append elements from one list to another, warning about overwriting existing elements
        lappend=function(target, append) {
          if (!is.list(target)) stop("target is not a list.")
          if (!is.list(append)) stop("append is not a list.")
          #force names of list to match corresponding parameter names
          #this discards any list names provided by user
          #names(append) <- sapply(append, function(p) { return(p$name) })
          for (elementName in names(append)) {
            if (!is.null(target[[elementName]])) warning("Element is already present in target list: ", elementName)
            target[[elementName]] <- append[[elementName]]
        #method to add one or more parameter objects to the model. 
        add_params=function(...) {
          #accept a variable number of parameter objects
          p_objs <- as.list(match.call())[-1L] #first element of match.call is a class for refMethodDef for the clock_model object
          p_objs <- lapply(p_objs, eval) #force initialization of param objects (otherwise stays as a language expression)
          #use class names to name parameter list
          names(p_objs) <- lapply(p_objs, function(p) { class(p)[1L] })
          params <<- lappend(params, p_objs)
        #Set the dataset to be fit. Important to expose method because after setting clock_data field,
        #we need to compute the global RT and setup any vary-by-run parameters given the details of the data to be fit.
        set_data=function(cdata) {
          if (!class(cdata) %in% c("clockdata_group", "clockdata_subject", "clockdata_run")) {
            stop("data for clock_model object must be one of the following types: clockdata_group, clockdata_subject, or clockdata_run")
          clock_data <<- cdata
          #compute RT diffs, if requested
          if (fit_RT_diffs) {
            if (class(clock_data) == "clockdata_subject") {
              lapply(clock_data$runs, function(r) { r$RTobs <- c(0, diff(r$RTraw)) })
            } else if (class(clock_data) == "clockdata_run") {
              clock_data$RTobs <<- c(0, diff(clock_data$RTraw))
          } else {
            #if not fitting differences, just copy raw RTs
            if (class(clock_data) == "clockdata_subject") {
              lapply(clock_data$runs, function(r) { r$RTobs <- r$RTraw })
            } else if (class(clock_data) == "clockdata_run") {
              clock_data$RTobs <<- clock_data$RTraw
          #also allow for fitting of moving average smoothed RTs.
          if (smooth > 0L) {
            if (class(clock_data) == "clockdata_subject") {
              lapply(clock_data$runs, function(r) { r$RTobs <- runmean(r$RTobs, smooth) })
            } else if (class(clock_data) == "clockdata_run") {
              clock_data$RTobs <<- runmean(clock_data$RTobs, smooth)
        #expand parameters to accommodate per-condition variation, depending on clock_data
        #TODO: problem that if we set the data up front, then add a by, but don't call set_data
        setup_param_by=function() {
          if (inherits(clock_data, "uninitializedField")) { return(invisible(NULL)) } #do nothing
          #determine by settings for all parameters
          if (!is.null( uniq_by <- unique(unlist(lapply(params, function(p) { p$by }))) )) { 
            all_by <<- uniq_by 
          } else {
            return(invisible(NULL)) #no use of by-condition parameters
          #develop a lookup matrix of unique conditions combinations
          if (class(clock_data) == "clockdata_subject") {
            conMat <- lapply(clock_data$runs, function(r) {
                  #set by_lookup (union of all by fields) for each run object
                  #and return a list of conditions for each run to be expanded for each parameter below, as needed
                  r$by_lookup <- sapply(all_by, function(b) { r[[b]]} )
            conMat_df <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, conMat))
            for (n in 1:ncol(conMat_df)) {
              conMat_df[,n] <- paste(names(conMat_df)[n], conMat_df[,n], sep=":")
            #prior to setting up the by-condition variation, we need to clear out any previous by-condition parameters
            #otherwise, each time this function is called, we will be tacking on the by-condition parameters again!
            has_base <- unique(sapply(params, function(p) { ifelse(is.null(p$base_name), NA_character_, p$base_name) } ))
            if (!all(is.na(has_base))) { #only need to undo previous by-condition params if they exist
              params <<- lapply(params, function(p) {
                    p$name <- p$base_name #undo by-condition
                    p$init_value <- p$init_value[1L:length(p$base_name)] #only keep the original base parameters (in the case of stickyChoice, would a by-condition variation blow this up?)
                    p$cur_value <- p$cur_value[1L:length(p$base_name)]
                    p$min_value <- p$min_value[1L:length(p$base_name)]
                    p$max_value <- p$max_value[1L:length(p$base_name)]
                    p$par_scale <- p$par_scale[1L:length(p$base_name)]
                    names(p$init_value) <- names(p$cur_value) <- names(p$max_value) <- names(p$min_value) <- names(p$par_scale) <- p$name
            params <<- lapply(params, function(p) {
                  p$base_name <- p$name#[1L] #just basic parameter name without condition (used for getTheta lookup) 
                  if (!is.null(p$by)) {
                    #make sure that by is sorted alpha to correspond with getTheta
                    p$by <- sort(p$by)
                    #format parameter names into <param>/condition:value/condition:value/.../ for passing to optimizer (parse within predict)
                    #for now, leave off param name, just keep condition names
                    #when calling params_initial, etc., lapply will include param name in vector
                    #p$name <- paste(p$name, unique(apply(conMat_df[,p$by, drop=FALSE], 1, paste, collapse="/")), sep="/") #alpha sort is important so that getTheta can assume that order of theta condition string is alphabetical
                    p$name <- sapply(p$name, function(n) { paste(n, unique(apply(conMat_df[,p$by, drop=FALSE], 1, paste, collapse="/")), sep="/") }) #alpha sort is important so that getTheta can assume that order of theta condition string is alphabetical
                    #p$name <- unique(apply(conMat_df[,p$by, drop=FALSE], 1, paste, collapse="/"))
                    #I suppose using the first element as the value to replicate could backfire if an clock_model object is recycled across datasets.
                    p$init_value <- rep_len(p$init_value[1L], length(p$name))
                    p$cur_value <- rep_len(p$cur_value[1L], length(p$name))
                    p$max_value <- rep_len(p$max_value[1L], length(p$name))
                    p$min_value <- rep_len(p$min_value[1L], length(p$name))
                    p$par_scale <- rep_len(p$par_scale[1L], length(p$name))
                    names(p$init_value) <- names(p$cur_value) <- names(p$max_value) <- names(p$min_value) <- names(p$par_scale) <- p$name
        #obtain a data.frame describing the parameters, values, and bounds of this model.
        list_params=function() {
          #cat("Current parameters in algorithm\n\n")
          df <- cbind(min_value=params_minimum(),
          rownames(df) <- unlist(lapply(params, function(p) { p$name }))
          #cat(names(params), sep="\n")
        reorder_params=function(neworder) {
          #reorders the parameter collection
          #potentially useful if there are dependencies among parameters or workspace values: params are evaluated in sequential order 
          left_out <- names(params)[! names(params) %in% neworder]
          if (length(left_out) > 0L) {
            warning("reorder_params call did not include position for: ", paste(left_out, collapse=", "), ". Defaulting to end")
            neworder <- c(neworder, left_out)
          if (length(unmatched <- neworder[! neworder %in% names(params)]) > 0L) {
            stop("reorder_params unable to find parameters in clock_model: ", paste(unmatched, collapse=", "))
          params <<- params[neworder]
        #these functions get values, bounds, and scales for all parameters in the current model 
        params_current=function() {
          unlist(unname(lapply(params, function(p) { p$cur_value }))) #need to unname lapply vector to avoid appending names(params) to each element
        params_minimum=function() {
          unlist(unname(lapply(params, function(p) { p$min_value })))          					
        params_maximum=function() {
          unlist(unname(lapply(params, function(p) { p$max_value })))
        params_initial=function() {
          unlist(unname(lapply(params, function(p) { p$init_value })))
        params_par_scale=function() {
          unlist(unname(lapply(params, function(p) { p$par_scale })))
        incremental_fit=function(toFit=NULL, plot=TRUE, njobs=1L) {
          #to test whether each parameter of the model improves fit, test model adding one parameter at a time
          #N.B. Model variants are built in the order of the params list (so make sure the order is sensible)
          if (!is.null(toFit)) {
          full_params <- params
          if (njobs > 1L) {
            njobs <- min(parallel::detectCores(), njobs)
            registerDoParallel(cores=njobs) #implicit cluster registration that doesn't need to be shutdown manually
          model_results <- foreach(r=iter(1:length(full_params)), .inorder=TRUE) %dopar% {
            #just to be safe, clone the clock_fit object.
            #risk of model collisions among threads because refClasses use the same environment (not pass by value)
            m <- .self$copy()
            m$params <- full_params[1:r]
          #treat missing AIC as NA (occurs when optimization does not converge)
          AICs <- sapply(model_results, function(m) { ifelse (identical(m$AIC, numeric(0)), NA_real_, m$AIC) })
          nparams <- sapply(model_results, function(m) { ifelse (identical(m$nparams, numeric(0)), NA_real_, m$nparams) })
          pnames <- paste(unlist(lapply(full_params, function(p) { p$name })), " : ", 1:length(full_params), sep="", collapse="\n")
          df <- data.frame(AIC=AICs, nparams=nparams)
          g <- ggplot(df, aes(x=nparams, y=AIC)) + geom_point() + geom_line() + ggtitle("AIC values for increasing model complexity") +
              annotate("text", x=max(df$nparams, na.rm=TRUE), y=max(df$AIC, na.rm=TRUE), hjust=1.0, vjust=1.0, label=pnames) + theme_bw(base_size=15) +
              scale_x_continuous(breaks=1:length(full_params)) + xlab("Num params in model")
          if (plot) {
          list(incremental_fits=model_results, AICplot=g)
        fit=function(toFit=NULL, random_starts=NULL, profile=TRUE) {
          #can pass in new dataset at $fit call
          #if not passed in, use the current clock_data field
          if (!is.null(toFit)) {
          initialValues <- params_initial()
          lower <- params_minimum()
          upper <- params_maximum()
          if (inherits(clock_data, "uninitializedField")) { stop("clock dataset must be provided prior to $fit(). Set using $set_data()") }
          optimizer <- "nlminb"
          #optimizer <- "optim"
          #call predict using optimizer
          if (length(initialValues) == 1L) { method="Brent"
          } else { method="L-BFGS-B" }
          #lapply(params, function(p) { p$value_history <- numeric(0) }) #reset value history for all parameters prior to fit REFCLASS VERSION
          params <<- lapply(params, function(p) { p$value_history <- numeric(0); return(p) }) #reset value history for all parameters prior to fit S3 VERSION
          #worker sub-function to be paired with multiple random starts
          fitWorker <- function(initialValues=NULL, optimizer="nlminb") {
            #track optimization
            if (profile) { 
              prof_file <- tempfile(pattern="Rprof", tmpdir=tempdir(), fileext=".out")
            if (optimizer=="optim") {
              elapsed_time <- system.time(optResult <- optim(par=initialValues, fn=.self$predict, method=method,
                      lower=lower, upper=upper,
                      updateFields=FALSE, track_optimization_history=FALSE))
            } else if (optimizer=="nlminb") {
              #this is the most sensible, and corresponds to optim above (and is somewhat faster)
              elapsed_time <- system.time(optResult <- nlminb(start=initialValues, objective=.self$predict, 
                      lower=lower, upper=upper, scale=1/params_par_scale(), control=list(eval.max=500, iter.max=500),
                      updateFields=FALSE, track_optimization_history=FALSE)) #I think no tracking of history to avoid collisions in shared objects
            if (profile) {
              Rprof(NULL) #stop profiling
              prof <- summaryRprof(prof_file) #, lines = "both")
              unlink(prof_file) #remove profile file
            } else {
              prof <- list()
            if (optResult$convergence == 0) {
              #set SSE for fit
              if (optimizer=="nlminb") { 
                SSE <- optResult$objective
              } else if (optimizer=="optim") {
                SSE <- optResult$value
              theta <- optResult$par
            } else {
              warning("optimization failed.")
              SSE <- numeric(0)
              theta <- rep(NA_real_, length(optResult$par))
            clock_fit(total_SSE=SSE, elapsed_time=unclass(elapsed_time), opt_data=optResult, profile_data=prof)
          if (!is.null(random_starts) && is.numeric(random_starts) && random_starts > 0) {
            njobs <- min(parallel::detectCores(), random_starts+1)
            #create a set of initial values by runif simulation between parameter bounds
            initMat <- matrix(NA, nrow=random_starts, ncol=length(initialValues))
            for (r in 1:random_starts) {
              initMat[r,] <- sapply(1:length(initialValues), function(p) {
                    runif(1, lower[p], upper[p]) #uniform sample between bounds
            initMat <- rbind(initMat, initialValues) #add "good" starting values
            multFits <- foreach(r=iter(1:nrow(initMat)), .inorder=FALSE) %dopar% {
              fitWorker(initialValues=initMat[r,], optimizer="nlminb")
            #need to find the best-fitting result here
            #note that other fits are not saved at the moment
            failed <- sapply(multFits, function(m) { m$opt_data$convergence != 0 })
            if (all(failed)) {
              #try with optim...
#              multFits <- foreach(r=iter(1:random_starts), .inorder=FALSE) %dopar% {
#                fitWorker(initialValues=initMat[r,], optimizer="optim")
#              }
              #test <- bobyqa(initialValues, fn=.self$predict, lower=lower, upper=upper, updateFields=FALSE, track_optimization_history=FALSE)
              warning("All random starts failed to converge.")
              #just use first element of fits since it will get trapped below as an optimization failure.
              fit_output <- multFits[[1]]    
            } else {
              multFits <- multFits[!failed]
              fit_output <- tryCatch(multFits[[ which.min(sapply(multFits, function(m) { m$total_SSE} )) ]], error=function(e) { print(e); browser() } )
          } else {
            fit_output <- fitWorker(initialValues)
          #possibilities for parallel optimization
          #elapsed_time <- system.time(optResult <- DEoptim(fn=.self$predict, 
          #        lower=lower, upper=upper, control=list(NP=10*length(lower), itermax=500, parallelType=0)))
          #elapsed_time <- system.time(optResult <- optim_ppso_robust(objective_function=.self$predict, nslaves=6,
          #        initial_estimates=as.matrix(initialValues), parameter_bounds=cbind(lower, upper),
          #        max_number_function_calls=200, projectfile=NULL, logfile=NULL))
          #this is roughly what is suggested in the PORT documentation (1/max scaling). But it's slower than 1/magnitude above.
          #system.time(optResult <- nlminb(start=initialValues, objective=.self$predict, lower=lower, upper=upper, scale=1/upper, #scale=c(1, 100, 100, 100, 100),
          #        updateFields=FALSE, track_optimization_history=TRUE))
          #even though this is faster, I have no idea why one would use a scale of 100 for all...
          #system.time(optResult <- nlminb(start=initialValues, objective=.self$predict, lower=lower, upper=upper, scale=100L, #scale=c(1, 100, 100, 100, 100),
          #        updateFields=FALSE, track_optimization_history=TRUE))
          #system.time(optResult <- nlminb(start=initialValues, objective=.self$predict, lower=lower, upper=upper, scale=10L, #scale=c(1, 100, 100, 100, 100),
          #        updateFields=FALSE, track_optimization_history=TRUE))
          #system.time(optResult <- nlminb(start=initialValues, objective=.self$predict, lower=lower, upper=upper,
          #        updateFields=FALSE, track_optimization_history=TRUE))
          #optimx does not appear to be suited to pass through scale to nlminb...
          #elapsed_time <- system.time(optResult <- optimx(par=initialValues, fn=.self$predict, method="nlminb",
          #        lower=lower, upper=upper, 
          #        control=list(
          #            scale=1/params_par_scale(), #parameter scaling since values are quite different in magnitude 
          #            usenumDeriv=FALSE, 
          #            all.methods=FALSE
          #            ),
          #        updateFields=FALSE, track_optimization_history=TRUE))
          #time <- system.time(p <- optimx(par=initialValues, fn=.self$predict, lower=lower, upper=upper, method=method, control=list(parscale=c(1e3, 1e0, 1e-1, 1e-1))))
          #time <- system.time(p <- optimx(par=initialValues, fn=.self$predictNoLookup, lower=lower, upper=upper, method=method, updateFields=FALSE))
          if (fit_output$opt_data$convergence == 0) {
            #lapply(params, function(p) { p$cur_value <- optResult$par[p$name] }) #set current parameter values based on optimization REFCLASS
            params <<- lapply(params, function(p) { p$cur_value <- fit_output$opt_data$par[p$name]; return(p) }) #set current parameter values based on optimization S3
            #compute trialwise predictions with optimized parameters
            .self$predict(updateFields=TRUE, track_optimization_history=FALSE)
            #set SSE for fit
            if (optimizer=="nlminb") { 
              SSE <- fit_output$opt_data$objective
            } else if (optimizer=="optim") {
              SSE <- fit_output$opt_data$value
            ## create a fit object that stores parameter information, trialwise contribution of parameters to prediction,
            ## AIC, SSE
            ##at the moment, only works for subject and run fits, not group
            fit_output$populate_fit(clock_data) #add various fields to fit such as clock_onset
            fit_output$theta <- as.matrix(.self$list_params())
            nparams <- length(fit_output$opt_data$par) #number of free parameters
            fit_output$SSE <- SSE
            fit_output$AIC <- fit_output$ntrials*(log(2*pi*(SSE/fit_output$ntrials))+1) + 2*nparams
            fit_output$nparams <- nparams

          } else {
            warning("Optimization failed.")
            fit_output <- clock_fit() #empty fit object
          fit_result <<- fit_output
        predict=function(theta=params_current(), updateFields=FALSE, track_optimization_history=FALSE) {
          ##TODO: clock_model object shoud allow for some sort of symbolic specification of how
          #values from prior runs are carried forward.
          #this is an clock_model-level decision, not subject, run, parameter, etc.
          #cat("theta: ", paste(theta, collapse=", "), "\n")
          totalSSE <- 0
          #track value of parameters over the course of optimization
          if (track_optimization_history) {
            params <<- lapply(params, function(p) { p$value_history <- c(p$value_history, theta[p$name]); return(p) }) #set current parameter values based on optimization S3 version
            #lapply(params, function(p) { p$value_history <- c(p$value_history, theta[p$name]) }) #set current parameter values based on optimization REFCLASS VERSION
          if (class(clock_data)=="clockdata_group") {
            #loop over subjects and runs (group fit)
            for (s in clock_data$subjects) { #make this parallel
              for (r in s$runs) {
          } else if (class(clock_data)=="clockdata_subject") {            
            for (r in 1:length(clock_data$runs)) {
              if (r > 1L && carryover_value) {
                prior_w <- clock_data$runs[[r - 1]]$w #pass along environment from previous run
              } else { prior_w <- NULL }
              #pass forward theta (likely from optim)
              run_SSE <- fit_run(theta=theta, to_fit=clock_data$runs[[r]], prior_w=prior_w, updateFields=updateFields)
              clock_data$runs[[r]]$SSE <<- run_SSE #copy run
              totalSSE <- totalSSE + run_SSE
          } else if (class(clock_data)=="clockdata_run") {
            #pass forward theta (likely from optim)
            totalSSE <- fit_run(theta=theta, to_fit=clock_data)
        fit_run=function(to_fit=NULL, prior_w=NULL, theta=params_current(), updateFields=FALSE) {
          if (is.null(to_fit) || !class(to_fit) == "clockdata_run") { stop("fit_run requires a clockdata_run object") }
          #setup basics of workspace -- shouldn't this be in clock_model conceptually?
          #copy environment of run to local variable for looping over trials
          w <- to_fit$w
          #if using global RT average, set environment here
          #N.B. Need to set here before calling reset in each param because this is where bestRT[1] is set...
          #would be better to make this more robust
          if (use_global_avg_RT) { w$avg_RT <- global_avg_RT }
          #lapply(.self$params, function(p) { p$w <- .self$w; p$reset_workspace() }) #setup workspace variables for each parameter REFCLASS VERSION
          #For speed, theta obj + condition lookup should occur here, outside of trial loop
          params <<- lapply(.self$params, function(p) { 
                p$w <- w
                p$theta_lookup <- getTheta(p, to_fit$by_lookup) #define which element of theta is relevant for each parameter (based on $by and this run's condition)
              }) #setup workspace variables for each parameter (NEED TO UPDATE PARAMS SINCE THEY ARE PASS BY VALUE)
          #optim using Brent, or optimize fail to pass names of parameters into predict.
          #names are critical for the params to lookup properly.
          if (is.null(names(theta))) {
            warning("Unnamed theta vector passed to predict. Looking up from parameter list.")
            names(theta) <- unlist(lapply(params, function(p) { p$name }))
          #reset workspace before proceeding!
          w$RT_new  <- w$RTobs[1L] #use observed RT as predicted RT for t=1
          w$RT_last <- w$RTobs[1L]
          if ("stickyWeight" %in% names(theta)) {
            w$RT_last2 <- 0 #use a 0 starting point for t-2 RT per MF (not sure why yet). #TODO: ask about this
          } else {
            w$RT_last2 <- w$RTobs[1L]
          w$run_condition <- to_fit$run_condition
          ##TODO: Risk that we initialize some vals above (like initial V), but predict is called iteratively for optimization, so values will not be reset here if they were set in initialize
          for (t in 2:w$ntrials) {
            w$cur_trial <- t
            w$lastTrial <- t - 1
                      Rew_last <- Reward[lastTrial]
                      RT_last  <- RTobs[lastTrial]
                      if (cur_trial > 2) { RT_last2 <- RTobs[cur_trial - 2] }
                      V_last <- V[lastTrial]
                      V_new = V_last + alphaV*(Rew_last - V_last) # update critic expected value
                      V[cur_trial] <- V_new
            #refclass version
            #w$RT_new <<- sum(sapply(params, function(p) { p$getRTUpdate(theta, updateFields=updateFields) } )) + noiseWt*(runif(1,-0.5,0.5)) #add or subtract noise according to noiseWt (0 for now)
            #w$RT_new <- sum(sapply(params, function(p) { getRTUpdate(p, theta, updateFields=updateFields) } )) + noiseWt*(runif(1,-0.5,0.5)) #add or subtract noise according to noiseWt (0 for now)
            #need to pass along run condition to getRTUpdate functions
            #sapply(all_by, function(b) { to_fit[[b]]} )
            noiseContrib <- if (noiseWt > 0.0) { noiseWt*(runif(1,-0.5,0.5)) } else { 0.0 }
            w$RT_new <- sum(pred_contrib <- unlist(lapply(params, function(p) { getRTUpdate(p, theta) } ))) + noiseContrib
            if (updateFields) { #track trial-by-trial contribution of each param to RT prediction
              pnames <- names(params)
              for ( p in 1:length(pnames) ) {
                w$pred_contrib[[ pnames[p] ]][w$cur_trial] <- pred_contrib[p]
            w$RTpred[w$cur_trial] <- w$RT_new
            #TODO: incorporate this code from matlab. Affects beta dist local_RT and autocorrelation parameters 
            #if RT_last==0, RT_last = RT_last2; end; %% if last trial there
            #was no response, use trial before that for updating RT avg and autocorrelation effects (otherwise counted as 0)
            w$rpe[t-1] <- w$Rew_last - w$V_last
          SSE <- sum((w$RTobs - w$RTpred)^2) #sum of squared error: cost
          #cat("SSE: ", SSE, "\n")


#' Simple delta rule model for learning expected value across trials.
#' Just uses the observed reward history to fit a single learning rate
#' representing the extent to which the agent discounts the information
#' from the reinforcement history.
#' The goal of this model is to provide a benchmark

#' @importFrom methods setRefClass
#' @export deltavalue_model
#' @exportClass deltavalue_model
#' @name deltavalue_model
#' @aliases deltavalue_model-class
deltavalue_model <- setRefClass(
        theta="matrix", #matrix of param ests, bounds, starting values
        V="list", #list of runs, where each element is a vector of learned (expected) values per trial
        clock_data="ANY", #allow this to be dataset, subject, or run,
        fit_result="clock_fit", #not used at the moment
        initialize=function(clock_data=NULL, alphaV=0.3, betaV=NULL, carryover_value=TRUE, ...) {
          cat("Initializing delta-rule value model \n")
          alphaV <- c(min=0.0, max=1.0, init=alphaV, cur=alphaV, par_scale=1e-1)
          if (!is.null(betaV)) {
            betaV <- c(min=0.0, max=1.0, init=betaV, cur=betaV, par_scale=1e-1)
          } else {
            betaV <- numeric(0)
          theta <<- rbind(alphaV, betaV)
          carryover_value <<- carryover_value
          clock_data <<- clock_data
          callSuper(...) #initialize any additional fields.
        reset_v=function() {
          if (!is.null(clock_data)) {
            if (class(clock_data) == "clockdata_subject") {
              V <<- lapply(clock_data$runs, function(run) { rep(NA_real_, length(run$Reward))})
              #V <<- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=length(clock_data$runs), ncol=length(clock_data$runs[[1L]]$Reward)) #runs x trials
            } else if (class(clock_data) == "clockdata_run") {
              V <<- list(rep(NA_real_, length(clock_data$Reward)))
              #V <<- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=1, ncol=) #1 x trials
        fit=function(toFit=NULL) {
          if (!is.null(toFit)) { clock_data <<- toFit }
          #this is the most sensible, and corresponds to optim above (and is somewhat faster)
          elapsed_time <- system.time(optResult <- nlminb(start=theta[,"init"], objective=.self$predict,
                  lower=theta[,"min"], upper=theta[,"max"], scale=1/theta[,"par_scale"]))
          if (optResult$convergence == 0) {
            message("fit converged.")
            SSE <- optResult$objective
            theta[,"cur"] <<- optResult$par
            message("Fitted learning rate: ", paste(round(theta[,"cur"], 4), collapse=", "))
          f <- clock_fit(ev=V, SSE=SSE, theta=theta, elapsed_time=unclass(elapsed_time), opt_data=optResult)
          fit_result <<- f #copy fit to model object
        predict=function(params=theta[,"cur", drop=F], returnFit=FALSE) {
          if (is.null(names(params))) { names(params) <- rownames(theta) } #single element select loses name
          #this would be more efficient in $fit. But leads to redundant code, and fit isn't too slow anyway.
          if (class(clock_data)=="clockdata_subject") {     
            #Reward <- do.call(rbind, lapply(clock_data$runs, function(r) { r$Reward }))
            Reward <- lapply(clock_data$runs, function(r) { r$Reward })
          } else if (class(clock_data)=="clockdata_run") {
            #Reward <- matrix(clock_data$Reward, nrow=1)
            Reward <- list(clock_data$Reward)
          hasBeta <- "betaV" %in% names(params)
          for (r in 1:length(Reward)) {
            if (r > 1L && carryover_value) {
              V[[r]][1] <<- V[[r-1]][length(V[[r-1]])] #use value from last trial of prior run
            } else { V[[r]][1] <<- 0 }

            for (t in 2:length(Reward[[r]])) {
              if (hasBeta) {
                V[[r]][t] <<- V[[r]][t-1] + if (Reward[[r]][t] > 0) { params["alphaV"] } else { params["betaV"] } *(Reward[[r]][t-1] - V[[r]][t-1])  
              } else {
                V[[r]][t] <<- V[[r]][t-1] + params["alphaV"]*(Reward[[r]][t-1] - V[[r]][t-1])
          SSE <- sum(unlist(lapply(1:length(Reward), function(r) { Reward[[r]] - V[[r]] } ))^2) #   (Reward - do.call(rbind,V))^2)
          if (returnFit) {
            #return a fit object based on predicted values.
            f <- clock_fit(ev=V, SSE=SSE, theta=theta)
          } else {
            return(SSE) #usual return for optimization 

PennStateDEPENdLab/fitclock documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:29 a.m.