#' Plot any kind of signal track data for a single chromosome
#' @usage plotSignal(
#' data,
#' binSize = NA,
#' binCap = TRUE,
#' negData = FALSE,
#' chrom,
#' chromstart = NULL,
#' chromend = NULL,
#' assembly = "hg38",
#' linecolor = "#37a7db",
#' fill = NA,
#' ymax = 1,
#' range = NULL,
#' scale = FALSE,
#' label = NULL,
#' bg = NA,
#' baseline = TRUE,
#' baseline.color = "grey",
#' baseline.lwd = 1,
#' orientation = "h",
#' x = NULL,
#' y = NULL,
#' width = NULL,
#' height = NULL,
#' just = c("left", "top"),
#' default.units = "inches",
#' draw = TRUE,
#' params = NULL,
#' ...
#' )
#' @param data Data to be plotted as a character value specifying a
#' bigwig file path, a dataframe in BED format, or a
#' \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges} object with metadata column \code{score}.
#' Either one \code{data} argument or a list of two can be provided, where
#' the second \code{data} will be plotted below the x-axis if positive.
#' The second \code{data} can also be negative data.
#' @param binSize A numeric specifying the length of each data
#' bin in basepairs. Default value is \code{binSize = NA}.
#' @param binCap A logical value indicating whether the function will
#' limit the number of data bins to 8,000.
#' Default value is \code{binCap = TRUE}.
#' @param negData A logical value indicating whether the provided data has
#' negative scores. Default value is \code{negData = FALSE}.
#' @param chrom Chromosome of region to be plotted, as a string.
#' @param chromstart Integer start position on chromosome to be plotted.
#' @param chromend Integer end position on chromosome to be plotted.
#' @param assembly Default genome assembly as a string or a
#' \link[plotgardener]{assembly} object.
#' Default value is \code{assembly = "hg38"}.
#' @param linecolor A character value or vector of length 2 specifying the
#' line color(s) outlining the signal track(s).
#' Default value is \code{linecolor = "#37a7db"}.
#' @param fill A character value or vector of length 2 specifying
#' the fill color(s) of the signal track(s). Default value is \code{fill = NA}.
#' @param ymax A numeric specifying the fraction of the max y-value
#' to set as the height of the plot. Default value is \code{ymax = 1}.
#' @param range A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the y-range
#' of data to plot (c(min, max)).
#' @param scale A logical value indicating whether to include a data
#' scale label in the top left corner of the plot.
#' Default value is \code{scale = FALSE}.
#' @param label An optional character value to conveniently add a text label
#' to the plot. If \code{scale = TRUE}, the label will be draw in the top right
#' of the plot. Otherwise, the label will be drawn in the top left of the plot.
#' For more customizable labels, use \link[plotgardener]{plotText}.
#' Default value is \code{label = NULL}.
#' @param bg Character value indicating background color.
#' Default value is \code{bg = NA}.
#' @param baseline Logical value indicating whether to include a
#' baseline along the x-axis. Default value is \code{baseline = TRUE}.
#' @param baseline.color Baseline color.
#' Default value is \code{baseline.color = "grey"}.
#' @param baseline.lwd Baseline line width.
#' Default value is \code{baseline.lwd = 1}.
#' @param orientation A string specifying signal track orientation.
#' Default value is \code{orientation = "h"}. Options are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{"v"}: }{Vertical signal track orientation.}
#' \item{\code{"h"}: }{Horizontal signal track orientation.}
#' }
#' @param x A numeric or unit object specifying signal plot x-location.
#' @param y A numeric, unit object, or character containing a "b"
#' combined with a numeric value specifying signal plot y-location.
#' The character value will
#' place the signal plot y relative to the bottom of the most recently
#' plotted plot according to the units of the plotgardener page.
#' @param width A numeric or unit object specifying signal plot width.
#' @param height A numeric or unit object specifying signal plot height.
#' @param just Justification of signal plot relative to its (x, y) location.
#' If there are two values, the first value specifies horizontal justification
#' and the second value specifies vertical justification.
#' Possible string values are: \code{"left"}, \code{"right"},
#' \code{"centre"}, \code{"center"}, \code{"bottom"}, and \code{"top"}.
#' Default value is \code{just = c("left", "top")}.
#' @param default.units A string indicating the default units to use if
#' \code{x}, \code{y}, \code{width}, or \code{height} are only given as
#' numerics. Default value is \code{default.units = "inches"}.
#' @param draw A logical value indicating whether graphics output should be
#' produced. Default value \code{draw = TRUE}.
#' @param params An optional \link[plotgardener]{pgParams} object containing
#' relevant function parameters.
#' @param ... Additional grid graphical parameters. See \link[grid]{gpar}.
#' @return Returns a \code{signal} object containing relevant
#' genomic region, placement, and \link[grid]{grob} information.
#' @examples
#' ## Load signal data
#' library(plotgardenerData)
#' data("IMR90_ChIP_H3K27ac_signal")
#' data("GM12878_ChIP_H3K27ac_signal")
#' ## Create a page
#' pageCreate(width = 7.5, height = 2.1, default.units = "inches")
#' ## Define region
#' region <- pgParams(
#' chrom = "chr21",
#' chromstart = 28000000, chromend = 30300000,
#' assembly = "hg19",
#' range = c(0, 45)
#' )
#' ## Plot and place signal plots
#' signal1 <- plotSignal(
#' data = IMR90_ChIP_H3K27ac_signal, params = region,
#' x = 0.5, y = 0.25, width = 6.5, height = 0.65,
#' just = c("left", "top"), default.units = "inches"
#' )
#' signal2 <- plotSignal(
#' data = GM12878_ChIP_H3K27ac_signal, params = region,
#' linecolor = "#7ecdbb",
#' x = 0.5, y = 1, width = 6.5, height = 0.65,
#' just = c("left", "top"), default.units = "inches"
#' )
#' ## Plot genome label
#' plotGenomeLabel(
#' chrom = "chr21",
#' chromstart = 28000000, chromend = 30300000,
#' assembly = "hg19",
#' x = 0.5, y = 1.68, length = 6.5,
#' default.units = "inches"
#' )
#' ## Add text labels
#' plotText(
#' label = "IMR90", fonsize = 10, fontcolor = "#37a7db",
#' x = 0.5, y = 0.25, just = c("left", "top"),
#' default.units = "inches"
#' )
#' plotText(
#' label = "GM12878", fonsize = 10, fontcolor = "#7ecdbb",
#' x = 0.5, y = 1, just = c("left", "top"),
#' default.units = "inches"
#' )
#' ## Hide page guides
#' pageGuideHide()
#' @details
#' #A signal track can be placed on a plotgardener coordinate page
#' by providing plot placement parameters:
#' \preformatted{
#' plotSignal(data, chrom,
#' chromstart = NULL, chromend = NULL,
#' x, y, width, height, just = c("left", "top"),
#' default.units = "inches")
#' }
#' This function can also be used to quickly plot an unannotated
#' signal track by ignoring plot placement parameters:
#' \preformatted{
#' plotSignal(data, chrom,
#' chromstart = NULL, chromend = NULL)
#' }
#' @export
plotSignal <- function(data, binSize = NA, binCap = TRUE, negData = FALSE,
chrom, chromstart = NULL, chromend = NULL,
assembly = "hg38", linecolor = "#37a7db",
fill = NA, ymax = 1, range = NULL, scale = FALSE,
label = NULL, bg = NA, baseline = TRUE,
baseline.color = "grey", baseline.lwd = 1,
orientation = "h", x = NULL, y = NULL, width = NULL,
height = NULL, just = c("left", "top"),
default.units = "inches", draw = TRUE,
params = NULL, ...) {
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
## Define a function that catches errors for plotSignal
errorcheck_plotSignal <- function(signal, signaltrack, fill) {
dfChecks <- function(signal) {
if (!"data.frame" %in% class(signal)) {
if (!"GRanges" %in% class(signal)) {
if (!file_ext(signal) %in% c(
"bw", "bigWig",
"bigwig", "bedgraph"
)) {
stop("Invalid input. File must have a valid bigwig or ",
"bedgraph extension.", call. = FALSE)
if (is(signal, "list")) {
if (length(signal) > 2) {
stop("Invalid signal input. More than 2 signals provided.",
call. = FALSE
invisible(lapply(signal, dfChecks))
} else {
dfChecks(signal = signal)
## Genomic region
regionErrors(chromstart = signaltrack$chromstart,
chromend = signaltrack$chromend)
## Range errors
rangeErrors(range = signaltrack$range)
checkColorby(fill = fill,
colorby = FALSE)
## Define a function that reads in signal data for plotSignal
read_signal <- function(signal, signaltrack) {
signal <- read_rangeData(data = signal,
assembly = signaltrack$assembly,
chrom = signaltrack$chrom,
start = signaltrack$chromstart,
end = signaltrack$chromend)
## Check for overlapping data ranges
if (any(IRanges::overlapsAny(
drop.self = TRUE
) == TRUE)) {
stop("Data ranges cannot overlap. Please check `start` ",
"and `end` column ranges.", call. = FALSE)
## Define a function that formats/filters signal data
format_data <- function(signal, signaltrack) {
if (!any(colnames(signal) == "score")) {
stop("Cannot find associated `score` column in data.",
call. = FALSE
} else {
## Grab chrom, start, end and a "score" column
signal <- signal[c("chrom", "start", "end", "score")]
## Ensure the chromosome is a character
signal[, "chrom"] <- as.character(signal[, "chrom"])
## Filter for desired region
signal <- signal[
which(signal[, "chrom"] == signaltrack$chrom &
((signal[, "start"] > signaltrack$chromstart &
signal[, "start"] < signaltrack$chromend |
signal[, "end"] > signaltrack$chromstart &
signal[, "end"] < signaltrack$chromend))),
## Remove any duplicate rows
signal <- signal[!duplicated(signal), ]
## Remove any NaN score values
signal <- na.omit(signal)
## Define a function that checks and adjust the number/sizes of bins
check_binNum <- function(signaltrack, binCap) {
if (!is.na(signaltrack$binSize)) {
if (signaltrack$binSize %% 0.25 != 0) {
updated_binSize <- round(signaltrack$binSize / 0.25) * 0.25
signaltrack$binSize <- updated_binSize
binNum <- (signaltrack$chromend - signaltrack$chromstart) /
signaltrack$binNum <- binNum
if (!is.nan(binNum)) {
## Scale back binNum and print warning if binNum is
## greater than 8000
if (binNum > 8000 && binCap == TRUE) {
updated_binNum <- 8000
updated_binSize <- (signaltrack$chromend -
signaltrack$chromstart) / binNum
signaltrack$binNum <- updated_binNum
signaltrack$binSize <- updated_binSize
warning("Too many bins: adjusting to 8000 bins of size ",
binSize, ". To override try binCap = FALSE.",
call. = FALSE
## Scale bin size to 1 if binNum is larger than span
if (binNum > (signaltrack$chromend - signaltrack$chromstart)) {
updated_binNum <- (signaltrack$chromend -
updated_binSize <- 1
signaltrack$binNum <- updated_binNum
signaltrack$binSize <- updated_binSize
warning("Number of bins larger than plot length: ",
"adjusting to ", binNum, " bins of size 1.",
call. = FALSE
} else {
signaltrack$binSize <- NA
## Define a function that bins, links, sorts, and combines data
parseData <- function(signal, signaltrack) {
if (!is.na(signaltrack$binSize)) {
# =================================================================
# =================================================================
## Find the max signal value for each bin
binChromend <- signaltrack$binSize * signaltrack$binNum +
signaltrack$chromstart + signaltrack$binSize
binDF <- data.frame(
"start" = seq(
binChromend - signaltrack$binSize,
"end" = seq(
signaltrack$chromstart + signaltrack$binSize,
binDF$score <- rebinBigwig(signal, binDF)
## Use binned data as new signal data
newSignal <- binDF
# =================================================================
# =================================================================
linking_regions <- cbind(
"start" = newSignal[seq(1, (nrow(newSignal) - 1)), "end"],
"end" = newSignal[seq(2, nrow(newSignal)), "start"]
linking_regions <- matrix(linking_regions[which(
linking_regions[, "start"] != linking_regions[, "end"]
), ], ncol = 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("start", "end")))
if (nrow(linking_regions) > 0) {
linking_regions <- cbind(linking_regions, "score" = 0)
## Add linking regions to signaltrack
newSignal <- rbind(newSignal, linking_regions)
# =================================================================
# =================================================================
## Sort data
newSignal <- newSignal[order(newSignal[, "start"]), ]
## Convert two columns to one
newSignal <- cbind(
"x" = as.vector(t(newSignal[, c("start", "end")])),
"score" = as.vector(t(newSignal[, c("score", "score")]))
signal <- newSignal
## Define a function that adjusts the range
set_range <- function(signal1, signal2, signaltrack, split, pos = TRUE) {
if (split == TRUE) {
## posSignal
if (pos == TRUE) {
if (is.null(signaltrack$range)) {
if (nrow(signal1) >= 2){
if (max(signal2[,"score"]) > 0){
signaltrack$range[2] <- signaltrack$ymax *
max(signal2[, "score"])
} else {
signaltrack$range[2] <- 1
} else {
signaltrack$range[2] <- 1
## negSignal
if (pos == FALSE) {
if (is.na(signaltrack$range[1])) {
if (nrow(signal1) >= 2 ){
if (min(signal2[,"score"]) < 0){
signaltrack$range[1] <- signaltrack$ymax *
min(signal2[, "score"])
} else {
signaltrack$range[1] <- -1
} else {
signaltrack$range[1] <- -1
} else {
## top = TRUE
if (pos == TRUE){
if (is.null(signaltrack$range)) {
if (nrow(signal1) >= 2){
if (max(signal2[,"score"]) > 0){
signaltrack$range <- c(0, signaltrack$ymax *
max(signal2[, "score"]))
} else {
signaltrack$range <- c(0, 1)
} else {
signaltrack$range <- c(0, 1)
## top = FALSE
if (pos == FALSE){
if (is.null(signaltrack$range)) {
if (nrow(signal1) >= 2){
if (min(signal2[,"score"]) < 0){
signaltrack$range <- c(signaltrack$ymax *
min(signal2[, "score"]), 0)
} else {
signaltrack$range <- c(-1, 0)
} else {
signaltrack$range <- c(-1, 0)
## Define a function that parses out one vs. two fillcolors/linecolors
parseColors <- function(color) {
if (length(color) >= 2) {
posCol <- color[1]
negCol <- color[2]
} else {
posCol <- color
negCol <- color
return(list(posCol, negCol))
## Define a function that makes a grob for a signal (pos/neg)
sigGrob <- function(signal, fillCol, lineCol, gp) {
gp$col <- lineCol
if (!is.null(fillCol) & !is.na(fillCol)) {
if ("alpha" %in% names(gp)) {
fillCol <- makeTransparent(color = fillCol, alpha = gp$alpha)
gp$fill <- fillCol
sigGrob <- polygonGrob(
x = c(
signal[1, "x"], signal[, "x"],
signal[nrow(signal), "x"]
y = c(0, signal[, "score"], 0), gp = gp,
default.units = "native"
} else {
sigGrob <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = signal[seq(1, length(signal[, "x"]) - 1), "x"],
y0 = signal[seq(1, length(signal[, "score"]) - 1), "score"],
x1 = signal[seq(2, length(signal[, "x"])), "x"],
y1 = signal[seq(2, length(signal[, "score"])), "score"],
gp = gp, default.units = "native"
## Add grob to gtree
gTree = get("signal_grobs", envir = pgEnv),
child = sigGrob
envir = pgEnv
## Define a function that finds data that falls out of the plot's
## range and draws a tiny black line to indicate it
cutoffGrobs <- function(signal, signaltrack, side) {
grobCutoffs <- function(df, side) {
x0 <- df[1]
x1 <- df[2]
if (side == "top") {
y <- 1
} else {
y <- 0
cutoffGrob <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = x0, x1 = x1, y0 = unit(y, "npc"),
y1 = unit(y, "npc"),
gp = gpar(lwd = 1, col = "grey"),
default.units = "native"
gTree = get("signal_grobs", envir = pgEnv),
child = cutoffGrob
envir = pgEnv
if (side == "top") {
outsideData <- which(signal[, "score"] > signaltrack$range[2])
} else {
outsideData <- which(signal[, "score"] < signaltrack$range[1])
## Get index pairs of outside data
outsidePairs <- as.integer(outsideData + 1)
## Combine and order
Outsidei <- c(outsideData, outsidePairs)
Outsidei <- Outsidei[order(Outsidei)]
## Get xcoords
signal <- as.data.frame(signal)
Outside <- signal[Outsidei, 1]
## x0s are odd indeces and x1s are even
x0s <- Outside[c(TRUE, FALSE)]
x1s <- Outside[c(FALSE, TRUE)]
pairs <- data.frame("x0" = x0s, "x1" = x1s)
invisible(apply(pairs, 1, grobCutoffs, side = side))
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
sigInternal <- parseParams(
params = params,
defaultArgs = formals(eval(match.call()[[1]])),
declaredArgs = lapply(match.call()[-1], eval.parent, n = 2),
class = "sigInternal"
## Set gp
sigInternal$gp <- setGP(
gpList = gpar(),
params = sigInternal, ...
## Justification
sigInternal$just <- justConversion(just = sigInternal$just)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
signal_track <- structure(list(
chrom = sigInternal$chrom,
chromstart = sigInternal$chromstart,
chromend = sigInternal$chromend,
assembly = sigInternal$assembly,
binSize = sigInternal$binSize,
binNum = NULL, range = sigInternal$range,
ymax = sigInternal$ymax,
x = sigInternal$x, y = sigInternal$y,
width = sigInternal$width,
height = sigInternal$height,
just = sigInternal$just, grobs = NULL
class = "signal"
attr(x = signal_track, which = "plotted") <- sigInternal$draw
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
if (is.null(sigInternal$data)) stop("argument \"data\" is missing, ",
"with no default.", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(sigInternal$chrom)) stop("argument \"chrom\" is missing, ",
"with no default.", call. = FALSE)
check_placement(object = signal_track)
signal = sigInternal$data,
signaltrack = signal_track,
fill = sigInternal$fill
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
signal_track$assembly <- parseAssembly(assembly = signal_track$assembly)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
signal_track <- defaultUnits(
object = signal_track,
default.units = sigInternal$default.units
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
scaleChecks <- genomicScale(object = signal_track,
objectInternal = sigInternal,
plotType = "signal track")
signal_track <- scaleChecks[[1]]
sigInternal <- scaleChecks[[2]]
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
if (is.na(signal_track$binSize) == TRUE) {
if (!is.null(signal_track$chromstart)) {
binSize <- (signal_track$chromend - signal_track$chromstart) / 2000
signal_track$binSize <- binSize
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
signal_track <- check_binNum(
signaltrack = signal_track,
binCap = sigInternal$binCap
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
if (is(sigInternal$data, "list")) {
signal <- lapply(sigInternal$data, read_signal,
signaltrack = signal_track
signal <- lapply(signal, format_data, signaltrack = signal_track)
posSignal <- signal[[1]]
negSignal <- signal[[2]]
if (any(posSignal[, "score"] < 0)){
stop("Two signal files detected and negative scores detected ",
"in signal data. To plot negative values while specifying two ",
"files, negative scores must be supplied in the second file in",
" the list.", call. = FALSE)
if (!all(negSignal[, "score"] >= 0) & !all(negSignal[, "score"] <= 0)){
stop("Second signal file has mixed positive and negative values. ",
"Please make signal scores in second file entirely positive ",
"or entirely negative.",
.call = FALSE)
split <- TRUE
} else {
signal <- read_signal(
signal = sigInternal$data,
signaltrack = signal_track
signal <- format_data(signal = signal, signaltrack = signal_track)
if (any(signal[, "score"] < 0)) {
if (sigInternal$negData == FALSE) {
warning("Negative scores detected in signal data. To make ",
"an entirely positive signal track, ",
"please remove negative scores from data.", call. = FALSE)
if (all(signal[, "score"] <= 0)) {
top <- FALSE
negSignal <- signal[which(signal[, "score"] <= 0), ]
negSignal[, "score"] <- negSignal[, "score"] * -1
posSignal <- negSignal
split <- FALSE
} else {
posSignal <- signal[which(signal[, "score"] >= 0), ]
negSignal <- signal[which(signal[, "score"] < 0), ]
negSignal[, "score"] <- negSignal[, "score"] * -1
split <- TRUE
} else {
top <- TRUE
posSignal <- signal
split <- FALSE
if (sigInternal$negData == TRUE) {
negSignal <- data.frame()
split <- TRUE
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
if (split == TRUE) {
if (nrow(posSignal) >= 2) {
posSignal2 <- parseData(
signal = posSignal,
signaltrack = signal_track
} else {
posSignal2 <- data.frame()
signal_track <- set_range(
signal1 = posSignal, signal2 = posSignal2,
signaltrack = signal_track, split = TRUE
if (nrow(negSignal) >= 2) {
## Check if the negative signal is already negative
if (any(negSignal[,"score"] < 0)){
negSignal[,"score"] <- negSignal[,"score"] * -1
negSignal2 <- parseData(
signal = negSignal,
signaltrack = signal_track
negSignal2[, "score"] <- negSignal2[, "score"] * -1
} else {
negSignal2 <- data.frame()
signal_track <- set_range(
signal1 = negSignal, signal2 = negSignal2,
signaltrack = signal_track, split = TRUE,
pos = FALSE
if (signal_track$range[1] == 0 & signal_track$range[2] == 0) {
signal_track$range <- c(-1, 1)
} else {
if (nrow(posSignal) >= 2) {
posSignal2 <- parseData(
signal = posSignal,
signaltrack = signal_track
if (top == FALSE){
posSignal2[, "score"] <- posSignal2[,"score"] * -1
} else {
posSignal2 <- data.frame()
signal_track <- set_range(
signal1 = posSignal, signal2 = posSignal2,
signaltrack = signal_track, split = FALSE,
pos = top
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
## If placing information is provided but plot == TRUE,
## set up it's own viewport separate from bb_makepage
## Not translating into page_coordinates
if (is.null(signal_track$x) | is.null(signal_track[["y"]])) {
if (sigInternal$orientation == "h"){
vp <- viewport(
height = unit(0.25, "snpc"), width = unit(1, "snpc"),
x = unit(0.5, "npc"), y = unit(0.5, "npc"),
clip = "on",
xscale = sigInternal$xscale,
yscale = c(signal_track$range[1], signal_track$range[2]),
just = "center",
name = "signal1_h"
} else if (sigInternal$orientation == "v"){
## outside clipping viewport
vpClip <- viewport(
x = unit(0.5, "npc"),
y = unit(0.5, "npc"),
width = unit(0.25, "snpc"),
height = unit(1, "snpc"),
just = "center",
clip = "on",
xscale = c(signal_track$range[2], signal_track$range[1]),
yscale = sigInternal$xscale,
name = "signal1_vClip"
height <- convertWidth(unit(1, "npc"), unitTo = "inches")
width <- convertHeight(unit(1, "npc"), unitTo = "inches")
## Make rotated, horizontal viewport
vp <- viewport(
height = height, width = width,
x = unit(1, "npc"), y = unit(0, "npc"),
just = c("left", "bottom"),
xscale = sigInternal$xscale,
yscale = c(signal_track$range[1], signal_track$range[2]),
name = "signal1_v",
angle = 90
if (sigInternal$draw == TRUE) {
} else {
## Get viewport name
currentViewports <- current_viewports()
vp_name <- paste0(
length(grep(pattern = "signal",
x = currentViewports)) + 1
## Convert coordinates into same units as page
page_coords <- convert_page(object = signal_track)
if (sigInternal$orientation == "h"){
## Make viewport
vp <- viewport(
height = page_coords$height, width = page_coords$width,
x = page_coords$x, y = page_coords$y,
clip = "on",
xscale = sigInternal$xscale,
yscale = c(signal_track$range[1], signal_track$range[2]),
just = sigInternal$just,
name = paste0(vp_name, "_h")
addViewport(paste0(vp_name, "_h"))
} else if (sigInternal$orientation == "v"){
## outside clipping viewport
vpClip <- viewport(
x = page_coords$x,
y = page_coords$y,
width = page_coords$width,
height = page_coords$height,
just = sigInternal$just,
clip = "on",
xscale = c(signal_track$range[2], signal_track$range[1]),
yscale = sigInternal$xscale,
name = paste0(vp_name, "_vClip")
## Make rotated, horizontal viewport
vp <- viewport(
height = page_coords$width, width = page_coords$height,
x = unit(1, "npc"), y = unit(0, "npc"),
just = c("left", "bottom"),
xscale = sigInternal$xscale,
yscale = c(signal_track$range[1], signal_track$range[2]),
name = paste0(vp_name, "_v"),
angle = 90
addViewport(paste0(vp_name, "_vClip"))
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
backgroundGrob <- rectGrob(gp = gpar(
fill = sigInternal$bg,
col = NA
), name = "background")
assign("signal_grobs", gTree(vp = vp, children = gList(backgroundGrob)),
envir = pgEnv
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
if (!is.na(signal_track$binSize)) {
if (split == TRUE) {
fills <- parseColors(sigInternal$fill)
lines <- parseColors(sigInternal$linecolor)
if (nrow(posSignal) >= 2) {
signal = posSignal2, fillCol = fills[[1]],
lineCol = lines[[1]], gp = sigInternal$gp
## Find and make cutoff lines
signal = posSignal2, signaltrack = signal_track,
side = "top"
} else {
sigInternal$gp$col <- lines[[1]]
posGrob <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = 0, y0 = unit(0, "native"),
x1 = 1, y1 = unit(0, "native"),
gp = sigInternal$gp
gTree = get("signal_grobs", envir = pgEnv),
child = posGrob
envir = pgEnv
warning("Not enough top signal data to plot.", call. = FALSE)
if (nrow(negSignal) >= 2) {
signal = negSignal2, fillCol = fills[[2]],
lineCol = lines[[2]], gp = sigInternal$gp
## Find and make cutoff lines
signal = negSignal2, signaltrack = signal_track,
side = "bottom"
} else {
sigInternal$gp$col <- lines[[2]]
negGrob <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = 0, y0 = unit(0, "native"),
x1 = 1, y1 = unit(0, "native"),
gp = sigInternal$gp
gTree = get("signal_grobs", envir = pgEnv),
child = negGrob
envir = pgEnv
warning("Not enough bottom signal data to plot.",
call. = FALSE
lineGrob <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = unit(0, "npc"), x1 = unit(1, "npc"),
y0 = 0, y1 = 0,
gp = gpar(
col = sigInternal$baseline.color,
lwd = sigInternal$baseline.lwd
default.units = "native"
gTree = get("signal_grobs", envir = pgEnv),
child = lineGrob
envir = pgEnv
} else {
if (nrow(posSignal) >= 2) {
if (sigInternal$baseline == TRUE) {
baselineGrob <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = unit(0, "npc"),
x1 = unit(1, "npc"),
y0 = 0, y1 = 0,
gp = gpar(
col = sigInternal$baseline.color,
lwd = sigInternal$baseline.lwd
default.units = "native"
gTree = get("signal_grobs", envir = pgEnv),
child = baselineGrob
envir = pgEnv
signal = posSignal2, fillCol = sigInternal$fill[1],
lineCol = sigInternal$linecolor[1],
gp = sigInternal$gp
## Find and make cutoff lines
if (top == TRUE){
signal = posSignal2, signaltrack = signal_track,
side = "top"
} else {
signal = posSignal2, signaltrack = signal_track,
side = "bottom"
} else {
sigInternal$gp$col <- sigInternal$linecolor
signalGrob <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = 0, y0 = unit(0, "native"),
x1 = 1, y1 = unit(0, "native"),
gp = sigInternal$gp
gTree = get("signal_grobs", envir = pgEnv),
child = signalGrob
envir = pgEnv
warning("Not enough data within range to plot.", call. = FALSE)
# =====================================================================
# =====================================================================
## Add scale of the range of data in the top left corner
if (sigInternal$scale == TRUE) {
upperLim <- round(signal_track$range[2], digits = 4)
lowerLim <- round(signal_track$range[1], digits = 4)
scaleGrob <- textGrob(
label = paste0("[", lowerLim, " - ", upperLim, "]"),
just = c("left", "top"), x = 0, y = 1,
gp = sigInternal$gp
## Add grob to gtree
gTree = get("signal_grobs", envir = pgEnv),
child = scaleGrob
envir = pgEnv
# =====================================================================
# =====================================================================
if (!is.null(sigInternal$label)){
if (sigInternal$scale == TRUE){
labelGrob <- textGrob(
label = sigInternal$label,
just = c("right", "top"), x = 1, y = 1,
gp = sigInternal$gp
} else {
labelGrob <- textGrob(
label = sigInternal$label,
just = c("left", "top"), x = 0, y = 1,
gp = sigInternal$gp
## Add grob to gtree
gTree = get("signal_grobs", envir = pgEnv),
child = labelGrob
envir = pgEnv
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
if (sigInternal$draw == TRUE) {
if (sigInternal$orientation == "v"){
grid.draw(get("signal_grobs", envir = pgEnv))
} else if (sigInternal$orientation == "h"){
grid.draw(get("signal_grobs", envir = pgEnv))
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
signal_track$grobs <- get("signal_grobs", envir = pgEnv)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
message("signal[", vp$name, "]")
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