coGisticChromPlot: Co-plot version of gisticChromPlot()

View source: R/coGisticChromPlotV.R

coGisticChromPlotR Documentation

Co-plot version of gisticChromPlot()


Use two GISTIC object or/and two MAF objects to view a vertical arranged version of Gistic Chromosome plot results on the Amp or Del G-scores.


  gistic1 = NULL,
  gistic2 = NULL,
  g1Name = "",
  g2Name = "",
  type = "Amp",
  markBands = TRUE,
  labelGenes = TRUE,
  gLims = NULL,
  maf1 = NULL,
  maf2 = NULL,
  mutGenes = NULL,
  mutGenes1 = NULL,
  mutGenes2 = NULL,
  fdrCutOff = 0.05,
  symmetric = TRUE,
  color = NULL, = "hg19",
  cytobandOffset = "auto",
  txtSize = 0.8,
  cytobandTxtSize = 1,
  mutGenesTxtSize = 0.6,
  rugTickSize = 0.1



first GISTIC object


second GISTIC object


the title of the left side


the title of the right side


default 'Amp', c('Amp',"Del"), choose one to plot, only focal events are shown, 'Amp' only shows the Amplification events, and 'Del' only shows the Deletion events.


default TRUE, integer of length 1 or 2 or TRUE, mark cytoband names of the outer side of the plot


if you want to label some genes you are interested along the chromosome, set it to TRUE


Controls the G-score's axis limits. Default NULL.

maf1, maf2

if labelGenes==TRUE, you need to provide MAF object, the genes mutation info collected from the maf1 is shown on the left side, while maf2 on the right side. the genes selected are controled by the mutGenes or mutGenes1 or mutGenes1 parameter, see following.

mutGenes, mutGenes1, mutGenes2

default NULL, could be NULL, number, or character vector of gene symbols which match the corresponding MAF object's Hugo_Symbol column values. mutGenes controls both sides of the annotation, mutGenes1 controls only left side and corresponding data is extracted from to maf1, and mutGenes2 controls only right side annotation and corresponding to maf2. If 'NULL', extract the top 50 mutated genes from maf1 and maf2 seperatedly then annotate them on the left side (maf1 genes) and right side (maf2 genes). if integer, say N, only top N genes will be extracted seperately from maf1 and maf2. These two condition leads to different genes annotated on both sides. If character vector, then the genes have mutated in maf1 and maf2 will be annotated on both side of the figure which mean the two sides have the same list of genes. if mutGenes is not NULL and both mutGenes1 and mutGenes1 are NULL, then the auto set mutGenes1 = mutGenes2 = mutGenes.


default 0.05,only items with FDR < fdrCutOff will be colored as Amp or Del ( colored 'Red' or 'Blue'), others will be seen as non-significant events (colored gray)


default TRUE, If False, when the gistic1 and gistic2 have different max values of G-scores, the Chrom (0 point of x axis) will not be in the center of the whole plot, if you set symmetric==TRUE, then the one with smaller max(G-score) will be stretched larger to make the 0 of the x axis in the middle which eventually make the plot more symmetric.


NULL or a named vector. the color of the G-score lines, default NULL which will set the color c(Amp = "red", Del = "blue", neutral = 'gray70')

default "hg19", c('hg18','hg19','hg38') supported at current.


default 'auto', the width of the chromosome rects (Y axis at 0 point of X axis). by default will be 0.015 of the width of the whole x axis length.


the zoom value of most of the texts


textsize of the cytoband annotation


textsize of the mutGenes annotation


the rug line width of the cytoband annotation


bio_sun -


## Not run: 
gistic_res_folder = system.file("extdata",package = "maftools")
laml.gistic = readGistic(gistic_res_folder)
laml.gistic2 = readGistic(gistic_res_folder)

laml.maf = system.file('extdata', 'tcga_laml.maf.gz', package = 'maftools')
laml.clin = system.file('extdata', 'tcga_laml_annot.tsv', package = 'maftools')
laml = read.maf(maf = laml.maf, clinicalData = laml.clin)
laml2 = laml

# --- plot ---
gisticChromPlot2v(gistic1 = laml.gistic, gistic2 = laml.gistic2, type='Del',
                   symmetric = TRUE, g1Name = 'TCGA1',
                   g2Name = 'TCGA2', maf1 = laml, maf2 = laml2, mutGenes = 30)

## End(Not run)

PoisonAlien/maftools documentation built on Nov. 10, 2024, 6:01 p.m.