
Defines functions .logFloor scheduleDisturbance asInteger .interpolateLightProb assignLightProb

Documented in asInteger assignLightProb .interpolateLightProb .logFloor scheduleDisturbance

  ".", ":=", "highProb", "highShadetol", "lightProb", "lowProb", "lowShadetol",
  "shadetolerance", "siteShade", "year"

#' Assign light probability
#' @param sufficientLight a \code{data.table} containing probability of establishment, given a
#' site's light conditions (\code{X0}-\code{X5}) for each level of a species' shade tolerance (1-5).
#' @param newCohortData  a modified version of \code{cohortData} that contains new cohorts.
#' @param interpolate Logical. Activates interpolation of probabilities of establishment between
#'   any two values of shade tolerance in the sufficient light table, allowing species shade tolerance
#'   trait values to take any decimal value between 1 and 5 (inclusively). If false, species shade tolerances
#'   can only take integer values between 1 and 5  (inclusively).
#' @return  \code{newCohortData} with a \code{lightProb} column
#' @export
assignLightProb <- function(sufficientLight, newCohortData, interpolate = TRUE) {
  ## for each line, get the survival probability from sufficientLight table note
  ## that sufficentLight is a table of survival probs for each tolerance level
  ## (row) by and shade level (column) siteShade + 2 is necessary to skip the
  ## first column
  if (interpolate) {
    ## calculate floors/ceilings of shade tolerance and corresponding probs.
    tempDT <- newCohortData[, list(shadetolerance = shadetolerance,
                                   siteShade = siteShade,
                                   lowShadetol = floor(shadetolerance),
                                   highShadetol = ceiling(shadetolerance))]
    tempDT[, `:=`(lowProb = sufficientLight[cbind(lowShadetol + 1, siteShade + 2)],
                  highProb = sufficientLight[cbind(highShadetol + 1, siteShade + 2)])]

    ## interpolate between floor/ceiling to find prob, then add to newCohortData
    tempDT[, lightProb := .interpolateLightProb(x = shadetolerance, x0 = lowShadetol, x1 = highShadetol,
                                                y0 = lowProb, y1 = highProb)]
    newCohortData[, lightProb := tempDT$lightProb]
  } else {
    ## are there any decimals in shade tolerance trait values?
    if (!all(newCohortData$shadetolerance == round(newCohortData$shadetolerance)))
      stop("Species shade tolerance values (in sim$species) have decimals,
           but interpolation of germination probabilities between
           shade tolerance categories in sim$sufficientLight is FALSE. \n
           Set interpolation to TRUE, or provide integer sim$species$shadetolerance values")

    newCohortData[, lightProb := sufficientLight[cbind(shadetolerance, siteShade + 2)]]

#' Find interpolated value of light probability
#' @param x the species shade tolerance trait value for which we want to find
#'   the interpolated probability.
#' @param x0 the \code{floor} of \code{x} corresponding to a class of shade
#'   tolerance in the \code{sufficientLight} table.
#' @param x1 the \code{ceiling} of \code{x} corresponding to a class of shade
#'   tolerance in the \code{sufficientLight} table.
#' @param y0 the probability of germination in the \code{sufficientLight} table
#'   corresponding to \code{x0}.
#' @param y1 the probability of germination in the \code{sufficientLight} table
#'   corresponding to \code{x1}.
#' @return  \code{vector} of the interpolated value

.interpolateLightProb <- function(x, x0, x1, y0, y1) {
  ## if floor and ceiling are the same and equal to x, shade tolerances (x) are integers
  ## and the probability does not need to be interpolated
  if (all((x1 - x0) == 0) & all(x == x1)) {
    y <- y0
  } else {
    y <- ((y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0)) * (x - x0) + y0
    y[is.nan(y)] <- y0[is.nan(y)]  ## as before, when shade tol. is an integer

#' Convert numeric values to rounded integers
#' Essentially a wrapper around \code{round}, rather than \code{truncate}, which is what \code{as.integer}
#' does. Internally, this is simply \code{as.integer(floor(x + 0.5))}.
#' @note Values ending in \code{.5} will be rounded up, whether positive or negative.
#' This is different than \code{round}.
#' @param x A numeric vector
#' @return An integer vector of length \code{x}, rounded to zero decimal places
#'   prior to \code{as.integer}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- seq(-2, 2, 0.25)
#' data.frame(dbl = x, int = asInteger(x))
asInteger <- function(x)
  as.integer(floor(x + 0.5))

#' Resample
#' Imports the non-exported function \code{SpaDES.tools:::resample}.
#' @importFrom utils getFromNamespace
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname resample
#' @seealso \code{\link[SpaDES.tools]{resample}}
.resample <- getFromNamespace("resample", "SpaDES.tools")

#' Test whether disturbance should be scheduled
#' @param disturbanceLayer a \code{RasterLayer} object
#' @param currentYear time of simulation
#' @return Logical indicating whether to schedule a disturbance event
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   doEvent <- scheduleDisturbance(sim$rstCurrentBurn, time(sim), disturbanceType = "Burn")
#' }
scheduleDisturbance <- function(disturbanceLayer, currentYear) {
  if (is.null(disturbanceLayer) ||
      is.null(disturbanceLayer@data@attributes$Year) ||
      disturbanceLayer@data@attributes$Year != currentYear) {
  } else {

#' Log-transformed values, with a floor (> 0)
#' Avoid \code{-Inf} problems when \code{x == 0} by setting a non-zero floor value for \code{x}.
#' This is preferred over using some \code{log(x + d)} transformation, as the choice of \code{d} is
#' arbitrary, and will affect model fit.
#' @param x     Numeric.
#' @param floor Minimum age value boundary. Default \code{0.3}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   x <- sample(0:400, 1e7, replace = TRUE)
#'   floor <- 0.3
#'   logFloor <- log(floor)
#'   microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
#'     log(pmax(floor, x)),
#'     pmax(log(floor), log(x)),
#'     {x[x < floor] <- floor; log(x)},
#'     {y <- log(x); y[is.infinite(y)] <- logFloor} ## fastest; TODO: implement? not a bottleneck
#'   )
#' }
.logFloor <- function(x, floor = 0.3) {
  log(pmax(floor, x))

## TODO: rename the function "logTrunc"? implement a ceiling?
PredictiveEcology/LandR documentation built on Jan. 24, 2021, 12:52 a.m.