
Defines functions spiralDistances outerCumFun docall .pointDirectionInner .pointDirection directionFromEachPoint .matchedPointDirection .pointDistance distanceFromEachPoint

Documented in directionFromEachPoint distanceFromEachPoint .matchedPointDirection .pointDirection .pointDistance

#' Calculate distances and directions between many points and many grid cells
#' This is a modification of [terra::distance()] for the case of many points.
#' This version can often be faster for a single point because it does not return a `RasterLayer`.
#' This is different than [terra::distance()] because it does not take the
#' minimum distance from the set of points to all cells.
#' Rather this returns the every pair-wise point distance.
#' As a result, this can be used for doing inverse distance weightings, seed rain,
#' cumulative effects of distance-based processes etc.
#' If memory limitation is an issue, `maxDistance` will keep memory use down,
#' but with the consequences that there will be a maximum distance returned.
#' This function has the potential to use a lot of memory if there are a lot of
#' `from` and `to` points.
#' This function is cluster aware if the `raster` package is available.
#' If there is a cluster running, it will use it.
#' To start a cluster use `raster::beginCluster()`, with `N` being
#' the number of cores to use. See examples in `SpaDES.core::experiment`.
#' @param from Numeric matrix with 2 or 3 or more columns. They must include x and y,
#'             representing x and y coordinates of "from" cell. If there is a column
#'             named "id", it will be "id" from `to`, i.e,. specific pair distances.
#'             All other columns will be included in the return value of the function.
#' @param to Numeric matrix with 2  or 3 columns (or optionally more, all of which
#'           will be returned),
#'           x and y, representing x and y coordinates of "to" cells, and
#'           optional "id" which will be matched with "id" from `from`. Default is all cells.
#' @param landscape `RasterLayer`. optional. This is only used if `to` is NULL, in which case
#'                  all cells are considered `to`.
#' @param angles Logical. If `TRUE`, then the function will return angles in radians,
#'               as well as distances.
#' @param maxDistance Numeric in units of number of cells. The algorithm will build
#'                    the whole surface (from `from` to `to`), but will
#'                    remove all distances that are above this distance.
#'                    Using this will keep memory use down.
#' @param cumulativeFn A function that can be used to incrementally accumulate
#'                     values in each `to` location, as the function iterates
#'                     through each `from`. See Details.
#' @param distFn A function. This can be a function of `landscape`,
#'               `fromCell` (single integer value of a from pixel),
#'               `toCells` (integer vector value of all the to pixel indices),
#'               and `dist`.
#'               If `cumulativeFn` is supplied, this will be used to convert
#'               the distances to some other set of units that will be accumulated
#'               by the `cumulativeFn`. See Details and examples.
#' @param ... Any additional objects needed for `distFn`.
#' @inheritParams splitRaster
#' @return A sorted matrix on `id` with same number of rows as `to`,
#'         but with one extra column, `"dists"`, indicating the distance
#'         between `from` and `to`.
#' @seealso [rings()], [cir()], [terra::distance()],
#' which can all be made to do the same thing, under specific combinations of arguments.
#' But each has different primary use cases. Each is also faster under different conditions.
#' For instance, if `maxDistance` is relatively small compared to the number of cells
#' in the `landscape`, then [cir()] will likely be faster. If a minimum
#' distance from all cells in the `landscape` to any cell in `from`, then
#' `distanceFromPoints` will be fastest. This function scales best when there are
#' many `to` points or all cells are used `to = NULL` (which is default).
#' @details
#' If the user requires an id (indicating the `from` cell for each `to` cell)
#' to be returned with the function, the user must add an identifier to the
#' `from` matrix, such as `"id"`.
#' Otherwise, the function will only return the coordinates and distances.
#' `distanceFromEachPoint` calls `.pointDistance`, which is not intended to be called
#' directly by the user.
#' This function has the potential to return a very large object, as it is doing pairwise
#' distances (and optionally directions) between from and to.
#' If there are memory limitations because there are many
#' `from` and many `to` points, then `cumulativeFn` and `distFn` can be used.
#' These two functions together will be used iteratively through the `from` points. The
#' `distFn` should be a transformation of distances to be used by the
#' `cumulativeFn` function. For example, if `distFn` is `1 / (1+x)`,
#' the default, and `cumulativeFn` is ``+``, then it will do a sum of
#' inverse distance weights.
#' See examples.
#' @export
#' @importFrom terra ncell xyFromCell
#' @importFrom parallel clusterApply mclapply
#' @example inst/examples/example_distanceFromEachPoint.R
distanceFromEachPoint <- function(from, to = NULL, landscape, angles = NA_real_,
                                  maxDistance = NA_real_, cumulativeFn = NULL,
                                  distFn = function(dist) 1 / (1 + dist), cl, ...) {
  matched <- FALSE
  fromColNames <- colnames(from)
  otherFromCols <- is.na(match(fromColNames, c("x", "y", "id")))

  if ("id" %in% fromColNames) {
    ids <- unique(from[, "id"])
  if ("id" %in% colnames(to)) {
    matched <- TRUE
  if (is.null(to)) {
    to <- xyFromCell(landscape, 1:ncell(landscape))
  if (!is.null(cumulativeFn)) {
    forms <- names(formals(distFn))
    # browser()
    fromC <- "fromCell" %in% forms
    if (fromC) fromCell <- cellFromXY(landscape, from[, xycolNames])
    toC <- "toCells" %in% forms
    if (toC) toCells <- cellFromXY(landscape, to[, xycolNames])
    land <- "landscape" %in% forms
    distFnArgs <- if (land) list(landscape = landscape[]) else list()
    if (length(list(...)) > 0) distFnArgs <- append(distFnArgs, list(...))
    xDist <- "dist" %in% forms
    xDir <- "angle" %in% forms
    if (is.character(cumulativeFn)) {
      cumulativeFn <- get(cumulativeFn)

  if (!matched) {
    nrowFrom <- NROW(from)
    if (nrowFrom >= 1) {
      if (is.null(cumulativeFn)) {
        # if (any(otherFromCols) | isTRUE(angles)) {
        out <- lapply(seq_len(nrowFrom), function(k) {
          out <- .pointDistance(from = from[k, , drop = FALSE], to = to,
                                angles = angles, maxDistance = maxDistance,
                                otherFromCols = otherFromCols)
        out <- do.call(rbind, out)
        # } else {
        #   maxDistance2 <- if (is.na(maxDistance)) Inf else maxDistance
        #   browser()
        #   out <- pointDistance3(fromX = from[, "x"], toX = to[, "x"],
        #                         fromY = from[, "y"], toY = to[, "y"],
        #                         maxDistance = maxDistance2)
        # }
      } else {
        # if there is a cluster, then there are two levels of cumulative function,
        #  inside each cluster and outside, or "within and between clusters".
        #  This is the outer one.
        #  The inner one is the one defined by the user argument.
        # outerCumFun <- function(x, from, fromCell, landscape, to, angles, maxDistance, xDir,
        #                         distFnArgs, fromC, toC, xDist, cumulativeFn, distFn, evalEnv) {
        #   fromCell <- eval(fromCell, envir = evalEnv)
        #   to <- eval(to, envir = evalEnv)
        #   distFn <- eval(distFn, envir = evalEnv)
        #   fromCell <- rlang::eval_tidy(fromCell)
        #   cumVal <- rep_len(0, NROW(to))
        #   needAngles <- isTRUE(angles) && isTRUE(xDir)
        #   for (k in seq_len(nrowFrom)) {
        #     out <- .pointDistance(from = from[k, , drop = FALSE], to = to,
        #                           angles = angles, maxDistance = maxDistance,
        #                           otherFromCols = otherFromCols)
        #     if (toC)
        #       toCells <- cellFromXY(landscape, out[, xycolNames])
        #     if (k == 1) {
        #       if (fromC) distFnArgs <- append(distFnArgs, list(fromCell = fromCell[k]))
        #       if (toC) distFnArgs <- append(distFnArgs, list(toCells = toCells))
        #       if (xDist) distFnArgs <- append(distFnArgs, list(dist = out[, "dists", drop = FALSE]))
        #       if (needAngles) distFnArgs <- append(distFnArgs, list(angle = out[, "angles", drop = FALSE]))
        #     } else {
        #       if (fromC) distFnArgs[["fromCell"]] <- fromCell[k]
        #       if (toC) distFnArgs[["toCells"]] <- toCells
        #       if (xDist) distFnArgs[["dist"]] <- out[, "dists"]
        #       if (needAngles) distFnArgs[["angle"]] <- out[, "angles", drop = FALSE]
        #     }
        #     if (!is.null(distFnArgs$landscape))
        #       distFnArgs$landscape
        #     # call inner cumulative function
        #     if (isTRUE(!anyNA(maxDistance))) {
        #       distFnOut <- docall(distFn, args = distFnArgs)
        #       cumVal[out[, "keptIndex"]] <- docall(
        #         cumulativeFn, args = list(cumVal[out[, "keptIndex"]], distFnOut)
        #       )
        #     } else {
        #       cumVal <- docall(cumulativeFn, args = list(cumVal, docall(distFn, args = distFnArgs)))
        #     }
        #     # cumVal <- docall(cumulativeFn, args = list(cumVal, docall(distFn, args = distFnArgs)))
        #   }
        #   return(cumVal)
        # }

        if (missing(cl)) {
          cl <- tryCatch(raster::getCluster(), error = function(e) NULL)
          on.exit(if (!is.null(cl)) raster::returnCluster(), add = TRUE)

        outerCumFunArgs <- list(landscape = landscape, to = to, angles = angles,
                                maxDistance = maxDistance, distFnArgs = distFnArgs,
                                fromC = fromC, toC = toC, xDist = xDist, xDir = xDir,
                                cumulativeFn = cumulativeFn, distFn = distFn,
                                nrowFrom = nrowFrom, otherFromCols = otherFromCols)#, evalEnv = evalEnv)

        parFunFun <- function(x) {
          # this is a slightly tweaked version of outerCumFun, doing all calls
          docall(outerCumFun, append(list(x = x, from = fromList[[x]],
                                           if (fromC) fromCell = fromCellList[[x]]), # nolint

        if (!is.null(cl)) {
          if (is.numeric(cl)) {
            parFun <- "mclapply"
            cl <- seq(cl)
          } else {
            parFun <- "clusterApply"
          seqLen <- seq_len(min(nrowFrom, length(cl)))
          inds <- rep(seq_along(cl), length.out = nrowFrom)
          fromList <- lapply(seqLen, function(ind) {
            from[inds == ind, , drop = FALSE]

          if (fromC) fromCellList <- lapply(seqLen, function(ind) {
            fromCell[inds == ind]
          parFunArgs <- if (is.numeric(cl)) {
            list(mc.cores = max(cl), X = seqLen, FUN = parFunFun)
          } else {
            list(cl = cl, x = seqLen, fun = parFunFun)
        } else {
          parFun <- "lapply"
          fromList <- list(from)
          if (fromC) fromCellList <- list(fromCell)
          parFunArgs <- list(X = 1, FUN = parFunFun)

        # The actual call
        # cumVal <- do.call(get(parFun), args = parFunArgs, quote = TRUE)
        cumVal <- docall(get(parFun), args = parFunArgs)

        # must cumulativeFn the separate cluster results
        if (length(cumVal) >= 1) {
          cumVal <- list(Reduce(cumulativeFn, cumVal))
          # cumVal[[2]] <- docall(cumulativeFn, cumVal[1:2])
          # cumVal[[1]] <- NULL

        cumVal <- cumVal[[1]]

        out <- cbind(to, val = cumVal)

    } else {
      out <- .pointDistance(from = from, to = to, angles = angles,
                            maxDistance = maxDistance, otherFromCols = otherFromCols)
  } else {
    out <- lapply(ids, function(k) {
      .pointDistance(from = from[from[, "id"] == k, , drop = FALSE],
                     to = to[to[, "id"] == k, , drop = FALSE],
                     angles = angles, maxDistance = maxDistance,
                     otherFromCols = otherFromCols)
    out <- do.call(rbind, out)

#' Alternative point distance (and direction) calculations
#' These have been written with speed in mind.
#' @param from TODO: description needed
#' @param to TODO: description needed
#' @param angles TODO: description needed
#' @param maxDistance TODO: description needed
#' @param otherFromCols TODO: description needed
#' @aliases pointDistance
#' @export
#' @name .pointDistance
#' @rdname distances
.pointDistance <- function(from, to, angles = NA, maxDistance = NA_real_, otherFromCols = FALSE) {
  if (!is.na(maxDistance)) {
    keep3 <- which(abs(to[, "x"] - from[, "x"]) <= maxDistance)
    keep4 <- which(abs(to[keep3, "y"] - from[, "y"]) <= maxDistance)
    keep <- keep3[keep4]

    # keepOrig <- which((abs(to[, "x"] - from[, "x"]) <= maxDistance)  &
    #                 (abs(to[, "y"] - from[, "y"]) <= maxDistance))
    # if (!identical(keepOrig, keep)) browser()

    to <- to[keep, , drop = FALSE]

  dists <- cbind(to, dists = sqrt((from[, "x"] - to[, "x"])^2 + (from[, "y"] - to[, "y"])^2))
  if (isTRUE(angles)) {
    dists <- cbind(dists, angles = .pointDirectionInner(from = from, to = to))

  if (!is.na(maxDistance)) {
    keep2 <- which(dists[, "dists"] <= maxDistance)
    dists <- dists[keep2, , drop = FALSE]
  if (any(otherFromCols)) {
    colNums <- seq_len(ncol(dists))
    dists <- cbind(dists = dists, from[, otherFromCols])
    colnames(dists)[-colNums] <- colnames(from)[otherFromCols]
  if (!is.na(maxDistance)) {
    dists <- cbind(dists, keptIndex = keep[keep2])

#' Calculate matched point directions
#' Internal function
#' @aliases matchedPointDirection
#' @keywords internal
#' @name .matchedPointDirection
#' @rdname matchedPointDirection
.matchedPointDirection <- function(to, from) {
  ids <- unique(from[, "id"])
  orig <- order(to[, "id", drop = FALSE], to[, "to", drop = FALSE])
  to <- to[orig, , drop = FALSE]
  angls <- lapply(ids, function(i) {
    m1 <- to[to[, "id"] == i, xycolNames, drop = FALSE]
    m2 <- from[from[, "id"] == i, xycolNames, drop = FALSE]
    .pointDirection(m2, m1)
  do.call(rbind, angls)

#' Calculate distances and directions between many points and many grid cells
#' This is a modification of [terra::distance()] for the case
#' of many points.
#' This version can often be faster for a single point because it does not return
#' a `RasterLayer`.
#' This is different than [terra::distance()] because it does
#' not take the minimum distance from the set of points to all cells.
#' Rather this returns the every pair-wise point distance.
#' As a result, this can be used for doing inverse distance weightings, seed rain,
#' cumulative effects of distance-based processes etc.
#' If memory limitation is an issue, `maxDistance` will keep memory use down,
#' but with the consequences that there will be a maximum distance returned.
#' This function has the potential to use a lot of memory if there are a lot of
#' `from` and `to` points.
#' `directionFromEachPoint` calls `.pointDirection`, which is
#' not intended to be called directly by the user.
#' If knowing the which from cell matches with which to cell is important,
#' put a column "id" (e.g., starting cell) in the `from` matrix.
#' @param from matrix with 2 or 3 columns, x and y, representing x and y coordinates
#'             of `from` cell, and optional `id`, which will be returned,
#'             and if `id` column is in `to`, it will be matched with that.
#' @param to matrix with 2  or 3 columns (or optionally more, all of which will be returned),
#'           x and y, representing x and y coordinates of `to` cells, and
#'           optional `id` which will be matched with `id` from `from`.
#'           It makes no sense to have `id` column here with no `id` column
#'           in `from`.
#' @param landscape (optional) `RasterLayer` or `SpatRaster`.
#'                  This is only used if `to = NULL`, in which case all cells are considered `to`.
#' @return A sorted matrix on `id` with same number of rows as `to`,
#'         but with one extra column, `angles` indicating the angle in radians between from and to.
#'         For speed, this angle will be between `-pi/2` and `3*pi/2`.
#'         If the user wants this between say, `0` and `2*pi`,
#'         then `angles \%\% (2*pi)` will do the trick. See example.
#' @seealso [distanceFromEachPoint()], which will also return directions if `angles = TRUE`.
#' @examples
#' library(terra)
#' origDTThreads <- data.table::setDTthreads(2L)
#' origNcpus <- options(Ncpus = 2L)
#' N <- 2
#' dirRas <- terra::rast(terra::ext(0,40,0,40), res = 1)
#' coords <- cbind(x = round(runif(N, xmin(dirRas), xmax(dirRas))) + 0.5,
#'                 y = round(runif(N, xmin(dirRas), xmax(dirRas))) + 0.5,
#'                 id = 1:N)
#' dirs1 <- directionFromEachPoint(from = coords, landscape = dirRas)
#' # helper function for converting radians to degrees
#' deg2 <- function(radian) (radian * 180)/pi
#' dirs1[, "angles"] <- deg2(dirs1[,"angles"] %% (2*pi))
#' indices <- cellFromXY(dirRas,dirs1[, c("x", "y")])
#' minDir <- tapply(dirs1[, "angles"], indices, function(x) min(x)) # minimum angle
#' dirRas[] <- as.vector(minDir)
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   terra::plot(dirRas)
#'   start <- terra::vect(coords[, c("x", "y"), drop = FALSE])
#'   terra::plot(start, add = TRUE)
#' }
#' # clean up
#' data.table::setDTthreads(origDTThreads)
#' options(Ncpus = origNcpus)
#' @export
#' @importFrom terra ncell xyFromCell
#' @rdname directions
directionFromEachPoint <- function(from, to = NULL, landscape) {
  matched <- FALSE
  nrowFrom <- NROW(from)
  if ("id" %in% colnames(from)) {
    ids <- unique(from[, "id"])
  } else if (nrowFrom >= 1) {
    ids <- seq_len(nrowFrom)

  if ("id" %in% colnames(to)) {
    matched <- TRUE
  if (is.null(to))
    to <- xyFromCell(landscape, 1:ncell(landscape))
  if (!matched) {
    if (nrowFrom >= 1) {
      out <- lapply(seq_len(nrowFrom), function(k) {
        out <- .pointDirection(from = from[k, , drop = FALSE], to = to)
        cbind(out, id = ids[k])

      out <- do.call(rbind, out)
    } else {
      out <- .pointDirection(from = from, to = to)
  } else {
    out <- lapply(ids, function(k) {
      .pointDirection(from = from[from[, "id"] == k, , drop = FALSE],
                      to = to[to[, "id"] == k, , drop = FALSE])
    out <- do.call(rbind, out)

#' Calculate the direction from a point to a set of points
#' Internal function.
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname directions
.pointDirection <- function(from, to) {
  angls <- .pointDirectionInner(from, to)
  cbind(to, angles = angls)

.pointDirectionInner <- function(from, to) {
  rise <- to[, "y"] - from[, "y"]
  run <- to[, "x"] - from[, "x"]
  pi / 2 - atan2(rise, run) # Convert to geographic 0 = North

docall <- function(what, args, quote = FALSE, envir = parent.frame()) {
  if (quote) {
    args <- lapply(args, enquote)
  namsArgs <- names(args)
  if (is.null(namsArgs) || is.data.frame(args)) {
    argn <- args
    args <- list()
  } else {
    hasName <- namsArgs != ""
    argn <- lapply(namsArgs[hasName], as.name)
    names(argn) <- namsArgs[hasName]
    argn <- c(argn, args[namsArgs == ""])
    args <- args[hasName]
  if ("character" %in% class(what)) {
    if (is.character(what)) {
      fn <- strsplit(what, "[:]{2,3}")[[1]]
      what <- if (length(fn) == 1) {
        get(fn[[1]], envir = envir, mode = "function")
      } else {
        get(fn[[2]], envir = asNamespace(fn[[1]]), mode = "function")
    call <- as.call(c(list(what), argn))
  } else if ("function" %in% class(what)) {
    f_name <- deparse(substitute(what))
    call <- as.call(c(list(as.name(f_name)), argn))
    args[[f_name]] <- what
  } else if ("name" %in% class(what)) {
    call <- as.call(c(list(what, argn)))
  eval(call, envir = args, enclos = envir)

outerCumFun <- function(x, from, fromCell, landscape, to, angles, maxDistance, xDir, distFnArgs,
                        fromC, toC, xDist, cumulativeFn, distFn, nrowFrom, otherFromCols) {

  cumVal <- rep_len(0, NROW(to))
  needAngles <- isTRUE(angles) && isTRUE(xDir)
  nrowFrom <- NROW(from)
  for (k in seq_len(nrowFrom)) {
    out <- .pointDistance(from = from[k, , drop = FALSE], to = to,
                          angles = angles, maxDistance = maxDistance,
                          otherFromCols = otherFromCols)
    if (NROW(out) > 0) {
      if (toC)
        toCells <- cellFromXY(landscape, out[, xycolNames])
      if (k == 1) {
        if (fromC) distFnArgs <- append(distFnArgs, list(fromCell = fromCell[k]))
        if (toC) distFnArgs <- append(distFnArgs, list(toCells = toCells))
        if (xDist) distFnArgs <- append(distFnArgs, list(dist = out[, "dists", drop = FALSE]))
        if (needAngles) distFnArgs <- append(distFnArgs, list(angle = out[, "angles", drop = FALSE]))
      } else {
        if (fromC) distFnArgs[["fromCell"]] <- fromCell[k]
        if (toC) distFnArgs[["toCells"]] <- toCells
        if (xDist) distFnArgs[["dist"]] <- out[, "dists"]
        if (needAngles) distFnArgs[["angle"]] <- out[, "angles", drop = FALSE]
      if (!is.null(distFnArgs$landscape))

      # call inner cumulative function
      if (isTRUE(!anyNA(maxDistance))) {
        distFnOut <- docall(distFn, args = distFnArgs)
        if (anyNA(distFnOut)) browser()
        cumVal[out[, "keptIndex"]] <- cumulativeFn(cumVal[out[, "keptIndex"]], distFnOut)
        # cumVal[out[, "keptIndex"]] <- docall(
        #   cumulativeFn, args = list(cumVal[out[, "keptIndex"]], distFnOut)
        # )
      } else {
        cumVal <- docall(cumulativeFn, args = list(cumVal, docall(distFn, args = distFnArgs)))
      # cumVal <- docall(cumulativeFn, args = list(cumVal, docall(distFn, args = distFnArgs)))

spiralDistances <- function(pixelGroupMap, maxDis, cellSize) {
  spiral <- which(raster::focalWeight(pixelGroupMap, maxDis, type = "circle") > 0, arr.ind = TRUE) -
    ceiling(maxDis/cellSize) - 1
  spiral <- cbind(spiral, dists = sqrt( (0 - spiral[, 1]) ^ 2 + (0 - spiral[, 2]) ^ 2))
  spiral <- spiral[order(spiral[, "dists"], apply(abs(spiral), 1, sum),
                         abs(spiral[, 1]), abs(spiral[, 2])), NULL, drop = FALSE]
PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.tools documentation built on April 18, 2024, 3:21 a.m.