globalVariables(c(":=", "fileSize", "fileSizeWOLinks", "size"))
#' Calculate file sizes omitting hard links
#' If two files are hardlinks, they don't actually take up extra space
#' on disk: there is only one copy of the data and two pointers to
#' the data.
#' @inheritParams utils::object.size
#' @param path The path to evaluate file sizes in. Must be a directory.
#' @param recursive Logical indicating whether to search recursively.
#' @export
#' @rdname fileSize
file.sizeWOLinks <- function(path = ".", units = "auto", recursive = FALSE) {
basePath <- path
if (recursive) {
path <- unique(dirname(dir(recursive = TRUE, path = path, full.names = TRUE)))
names(path) <- path
d <- lapply(path, function(p) {
old <- setwd(p)
a <- try(system("ls -i", intern = TRUE))
if (is(a, "try-error")) {
stop("Can't run this function because can't access 'ls' function (a unix function)")
a <- grep("/", a, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
a <- a[nzchar(a)]
a <- gsub("^ *", "", a)
b <- gsub(" .*", "", a)
e <- gsub(".* ", "", a);
d <- sum(file.size(e[!duplicated(b)]));
class(d) <- "object_size";
e <- sum(unlist(d))
class(e) <- "object_size";
largest <- format(d[[which.max(unlist(d))]], units = units)
units <- gsub(".* ", "", largest)
dPaths <- gsub(reproducible::normPath(basePath), "", reproducible::normPath(names(d)))
byDir <- paste0(dPaths,
" ", lapply(d, format, units = units))
message(paste("File size (link duplicates omitted): ", format(e, units = units)))
message(paste("File size by dir (link dups omit'd): \n ",
paste(byDir, collapse = "\n ")))
#' `file.sizeCompare` will run `file.sizeWOLinks` and
#' `file.size` to compare the two outputs. Any difference will be
#' due to hard links.
#' @export
#' @rdname fileSize
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom testthat capture_messages
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
file.sizeCompare <- function(path = ".", units = "auto", recursive = TRUE) {
basePath <- path
mess <- capture_messages({
a <- try(file.sizeWOLinks(path = path, units = units, recursive = recursive))
if (is(a, "try-error")) {
stop("Can't run this function because can't access 'ls' function (a unix function)")
old <- setwd(path)
files <- dir(path, recursive = recursive, full.names = TRUE)
d <- file.size(files)
dPaths <- gsub(reproducible::normPath(basePath), "", reproducible::normPath(files))
dPaths <- dirname(dPaths)
dt <- data.table(path = dPaths, files, size = d)
dt1 <- dt[, list(fileSize = sum(size)), by = "dPaths"]
dt1[, fileSizeWOLinks := unlist(a)]
dt1[, diff := fileSize - fileSizeWOLinks]
message(paste0(capture.output(dt1), collapse = "\n"))
e <- sum(unlist(d))
class(e) <- "object_size";
f <- sum(unlist(a))
class(f) <- "object_size"
message(paste("File size (normal): ", format(e, units = units)))
message(paste("File size (link duplicates omitted): ", format(f, units = units)))
message(paste("Difference (disk space saved): ", format(e - f, units = units)))
invisible(list(file.size = e, file.sizeWOLinks = a))
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