
Defines functions isOrHasRaster cloudDownloadRasterBackend cloudUploadRasterBackends cloudUploadFromCache cloudDownload driveLs checkAndMakeCloudFolderID

Documented in checkAndMakeCloudFolderID cloudDownload cloudUploadFromCache

  "cacheId", "checksumsFilename", "checksumsID", "id"

#' Check for presence of `checkFolderID` (for `Cache(useCloud)`)
#' Will check for presence of a `cloudFolderID` and make a new one
#' if one not present on Google Drive, with a warning.
#' @inheritParams Cache
#' @param cloudFolderID The google folder ID where cloud caching will occur.
#' @param create Logical. If `TRUE`, then the `cloudFolderID` will be created.
#'     This should be used with caution as there are no checks for overwriting.
#'     See `googledrive::drive_mkdir`. Default `FALSE`.
#' @param overwrite Logical. Passed to `googledrive::drive_mkdir`.
#' @param team_drive Logical indicating whether to check team drives.
#' @return
#' Returns the character string of the cloud folder ID created or reported
#' @export
checkAndMakeCloudFolderID <- function(cloudFolderID = getOption("reproducible.cloudFolderID", NULL),
                                      cachePath = NULL,
                                      create = FALSE,
                                      overwrite = FALSE,
                                      verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1),
                                      team_drive = NULL) {
  .requireNamespace("googledrive", stopOnFALSE = TRUE, messageStart = "to use google drive files")

  if (!is(cloudFolderID, "dribble")) {
    isNullCFI <- is.null(cloudFolderID)
    if (isNullCFI) {
      if (is.null(cachePath)) {
        cachePath <- .checkCacheRepo(cachePath, verbose = verbose)
      cloudFolderID <- cloudFolderFromCacheRepo(cachePath)

    # This is an imperfect test for a google drive ID ... because of this, we try 2x,
    #   first with best guess, then if wrong, try the other branch of "if (isID)"
    isID <- isTRUE(32 <= nchar(cloudFolderID) && nchar(cloudFolderID) <= 33)
    if (packageVersion("googledrive") < "2.0.0") {
      args <- list(temp_drive = team_drive)
    } else {
      args <- list(shared_drive = team_drive)
    for (attempt in 1:2) {
      cfidTmp <- if (isID) googledrive::as_id(cloudFolderID) else cloudFolderID
      driveLs <- tryCatch(suppressMessages(do.call(googledrive::drive_get, append(list(cfidTmp), args))),
        error = function(e) {
          if (!is.null(e$parent)) {
            if (grepl("File not found", as.character(e$parent)) && attempt == 2) {
        silent = TRUE
      if (is(driveLs, "dribble")) {
      } else {
        isID <- !isID
    # if (attempt == 2 && !is(driveLs, "dribble")) browser()

    if (NROW(driveLs) == 0) {
      if (isTRUE(create)) {
        if (isID) {
          if (is.null(cachePath)) {
            cachePath <- .checkCacheRepo(cachePath, verbose = verbose)
          cloudFolderID <- cloudFolderFromCacheRepo(cachePath)
        newDir <- googledrive::drive_mkdir(cloudFolderID, path = NULL, overwrite = overwrite)
        cloudFolderID <- newDir
    } else {
      cloudFolderID <- driveLs
    if (isNullCFI) {
      messageCache("Setting 'reproducible.cloudFolderID' option to be cloudFolder: ",
        ifelse(!is.null(names(cloudFolderID)), cloudFolderID$name, cloudFolderID),
        verbose = verbose
    options("reproducible.cloudFolderID" = cloudFolderID)

driveLs <- function(cloudFolderID = NULL, pattern = NULL,
                    verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1),
                    team_drive = NULL) {
    stopOnFALSE = TRUE,
    messageStart = "to use google drive files"

  if (!is(cloudFolderID, "tbl")) {
    cloudFolderID <- checkAndMakeCloudFolderID(
      cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID, create = FALSE,
      team_drive = team_drive
    ) # only deals with NULL case

  messageCache("Retrieving file list in cloud folder", verbose = verbose)
  gdriveLs <- retry(quote({
      path = cloudFolderID, ## TODO: team drives needs a dribble
      pattern = paste0(collapse = "|", c(pattern))
  if (is(gdriveLs, "try-error")) {
    fnf <- grepl("File not found", gdriveLs)
    if (!fnf) {
      gdriveLs <- retry(quote({
          path = googledrive::as_id(cloudFolderID), ## TODO: team drives needs a dribble
          pattern = paste0(cloudFolderID, "|", pattern)
    } else {
      stop("cloudFolderID not found on Gdrive\n", gdriveLs)

#' Download from cloud, if necessary
#' Meant for internal use, as there are internal objects as arguments.
#' @param newFileName The character string of the local filename that the downloaded object will have
#' @param outputHash The `cacheId` of the object to upload
#' @param gdriveLs The result of `googledrive::drive_ls(googledrive::as_id(cloudFolderID), pattern = "outputHash")`
#' @inheritParams Cache
cloudDownload <- function(outputHash, newFileName, gdriveLs, cachePath, cloudFolderID,
                          drv = getDrv(getOption("reproducible.drv", NULL)),
                          conn = getOption("reproducible.conn", NULL),
                          verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose")) {
    stopOnFALSE = TRUE,
    messageStart = "to use google drive files"

  messageCache("Downloading cloud copy of ", newFileName, ", with cacheId: ", outputHash,
    verbose = verbose
  isInCloud <- grepl(outputHash, gdriveLs$name)

  outs <- list()
  for (i in 1:2) {
    localNewFilename <- file.path(tempdir2(), basename2(newFileName))
    outs <- append(outs, lapply(seq_along(isInCloud), function(ind) {
        file = googledrive::as_id(gdriveLs$id[ind]),
        path = localNewFilename[ind], # take first if there are duplicates
        overwrite = TRUE
    if (i %in% 1) {
      dtFile <- outs[[1]]$local_path # grep(CacheDBFileSingleExt(), outs$local_path, value = TRUE)
      dt <- loadFile(dtFile, format = fileExt(dtFile))
      fromDisk <- extractFromCache(dt, elem = "fromDisk") %in% "TRUE"
      if (all(!fromDisk)) break
      newFileName <- extractFromCache(dt, elem = "origFilename")
      isInCloud <- seq(newFileName)
      gdriveLs <- googledrive::drive_ls(
        path = googledrive::as_id(cloudFolderID),
        pattern = paste(collapse = "|", newFileName)
      newFileName <- newFileName[match(newFileName, gdriveLs$name)]
  outs <- rbindlist(outs)

  if (!useDBI()) {
    dtFileInCache <- CacheDBFileSingle(cachePath, cacheId = outputHash)
    suppressMessages(hardLinkOrCopy(dtFile, dtFileInCache))
  objFiles <- grep(CacheDBFileSingleExt(), outs$local_path, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
  # objFiles <- grep(paste0(".", formatCheck(cachePath, outputHash)), objFiles, value = TRUE)
  filenamesInCache <- file.path(CacheStorageDir(), basename2(objFiles))
  hardLinkOrCopy(objFiles, to = filenamesInCache)

  if (useDBI()) { # with useDBI = FALSE, the dbFile is already there.
    Map(tv = dt$tagValue, tk = dt$tagKey, function(tv, tk) {
      .addTagsRepo(outputHash, cachePath, tagKey = tk, tagValue = tv, drv = drv, conn = conn)
  inReposPoss <- searchInRepos(
    cachePaths = cachePath, drv = drv,
    outputHash = outputHash, conn = conn

#' Upload a file to cloud directly from local `cachePath`
#' Meant for internal use, as there are internal objects as arguments.
#' @param isInCloud     A logical indicating whether an `outputHash` is in the cloud already.
#' @param outputToSave  Only required if `any(rasters) == TRUE`.
#'                      This is the `Raster*` object.
#' @param rasters       A logical vector of length >= 1 indicating which elements in
#'                      `outputToSave` are `Raster*` objects.
#' @inheritParams cloudDownload
#' @keywords internal
cloudUploadFromCache <- function(isInCloud, outputHash, cachePath, cloudFolderID,
                                 outputToSave, rasters,
                                 verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose")) {
    stopOnFALSE = TRUE,
    messageStart = "to use google drive files"
  # browser(expr = exists("._cloudUploadFromCache_1"))

  if (!any(isInCloud)) {
    cacheIdFileName <- CacheStoredFile(cachePath, outputHash, "check", obj = outputToSave)
    if (useDBI()) {
      dt <- showCache(userTags = outputHash)
      td <- tempdir()
      useDBI(FALSE, verbose = -1)
      on.exit(useDBI(TRUE, verbose = -1))
      cacheDB <- CacheDBFileSingle(cachePath = td, outputHash) # put it in a temp location b/c don't want persistent
      on.exit(unlink(cacheDB), add = TRUE)
      if (!dir.exists(dirname(cacheDB))) {
        checkPath(dirname(cacheDB), create = TRUE)
        on.exit(unlink(dirname(cacheDB)), add = TRUE)
      suppress <- saveFilesInCacheFolder(obj = dt, fts = cacheDB, cacheId = outputHash, cachePath = cachePath)
      useDBI(TRUE, verbose = -1)
    } else {
      cacheDB <- CacheDBFileSingle(cachePath, outputHash)
    if (all(file.exists(cacheIdFileName))) {
      newFileName <- basename2(cacheIdFileName)

      cloudFolderID <- checkAndMakeCloudFolderID(cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID, create = TRUE)

      messageCache("Uploading new cached object -- file(s):\n", paste(newFileName, collapse = "\n"),
                   "\n ... with cacheId: ",
                   outputHash, " to cloud folder id: ", cloudFolderID$name, " or ", cloudFolderID$id,
                   verbose = verbose
      du <- Map(med = cacheIdFileName, nam = newFileName, function(med, nam) {
            media = med, path = googledrive::as_id(cloudFolderID),
            name = nam, overwrite = FALSE

      du2 <- try(retry(quote(googledrive::drive_upload(
        media = cacheDB,
        path = googledrive::as_id(cloudFolderID), name = basename2(cacheDB),
        overwrite = FALSE
      if (is(du, "try-error")) {
    } else {
      stop("File(s) to upload are not available")
  # cloudUploadRasterBackends(obj = outputToSave, cloudFolderID)

cloudUploadRasterBackends <- function(obj, cloudFolderID) {
    stopOnFALSE = TRUE,
    messageStart = "to use google drive files"

  # browser(expr = exists("._cloudUploadRasterBackends_1"))
  rasterFilename <- Filenames(obj)
  out <- NULL
  if (!is.null(unlist(rasterFilename)) && length(rasterFilename) > 0) {
    allRelevantFiles <- unique(rasterFilename)
    out <- lapply(allRelevantFiles, function(file) {
        media = file, path = cloudFolderID,
        name = basename(file), overwrite = FALSE

cloudDownloadRasterBackend <- function(output, cachePath, cloudFolderID,
                                       drv = getDrv(getOption("reproducible.drv", NULL)),
                                       conn = getOption("reproducible.conn", NULL)) {
  .requireNamespace("googledrive", stopOnFALSE = TRUE, messageStart = "to use google drive files")

  if (is(output, "Raster")) {
    rasterFilename <- Filenames(output)
    if (!is.null(unlist(rasterFilename)) && length(rasterFilename) > 0) {
      gdriveLs2 <- NULL
      cacheRepoRasterDir <- file.path(cachePath, "rasters")
      checkPath(cacheRepoRasterDir, create = TRUE)
      simpleFilenames <- unique(filePathSansExt(basename2(unlist(rasterFilename))))
        gdriveLs2 <- googledrive::drive_ls(
          path = as_id(cloudFolderID),
          pattern = paste(collapse = "|", simpleFilenames)

      if (all(simpleFilenames %in% filePathSansExt(gdriveLs2$name))) {
        filenameMismatches <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(NROW(gdriveLs2)), function(idRowNum) {
          localNewFilename <- file.path(cacheRepoRasterDir, basename2(gdriveLs2$name[idRowNum]))
          filenameMismatch <- identical(localNewFilename, rasterFilename)
            file = gdriveLs2[idRowNum, ],
            path = localNewFilename, # take first if there are duplicates
            overwrite = TRUE
        if (any(filenameMismatches)) {
          fnM <- seq_along(filenameMismatches)
          if (is(output, "RasterStack")) {
            for (i in fnM[filenameMismatches]) {
              output@layers[[i]]@file@name <- file.path(cacheRepoRasterDir, basename2(rasterFilename)[i])
          } else {
            output@filename <- file.path(cacheRepoRasterDir, basename2(rasterFilename))
      } else {
          "Raster backed files are not available in googledrive; \n",
          "will proceed with rerunning code because cloud copy is incomplete"
        output <- NULL

isOrHasRaster <- function(obj) {
  rasters <- if (is(obj, "environment")) {
    .requireNamespace("rlang", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
    if (rlang::inherits_only(obj, "environment")) {
      lapply(mget(ls(obj), envir = obj), function(x) isOrHasRaster(x))
    } else {
        mget(ls(obj), envir = obj@.xData),
        function(x) isOrHasRaster(x)
      ), error = function(x) FALSE)
  } else if (is.list(obj)) {
    lapply(obj, function(x) isOrHasRaster(x))
  } else {
    is(obj, "Raster") || is(obj, "SpatRaster")
PredictiveEcology/reproducible documentation built on June 3, 2024, 10:05 p.m.