
# findTFsInFootprints.R
printf <- function(...) print(noquote(sprintf(...)))
findTFsInFootprints <- function(tbl.fp, tbl.motifToGenes, chromosome, startLoc, endLoc, transcriptionFactors=NA)
        transcriptionFactors <- sort(unique(tbl.motifToGenes$tfs))

    stopifnot(all(c("chr", "mfpStart", "mfpEnd", "motifName") %in% colnames(tbl.fp)))

    tbl.sub <- subset(tbl.fp, chr==chromosome & mfpStart >= startLoc & mfpEnd <= endLoc)
    motifs.per.fp <- tbl.sub$motifName
    tbl.hits <- subset(tbl.motifToGenes, motif %in% motifs.per.fp)
    indicesMatched <- match(transcriptionFactors, tbl.hits$tfs)
    tbl.hitAndMatched <- subset(tbl.hits, tfs %in% transcriptionFactors)
    motifs <- unique(tbl.hitAndMatched$motif)
    tbl.sub <- subset(tbl.sub, motifName %in% motifs)

    tfs.per.motif <- lapply(motifs, function(m) subset(tbl.hitAndMatched, motif==m)$tfs)
    names(tfs.per.motif) <- motifs
    tfsPerRow <- unlist(lapply(tbl.sub$motifName, function(motifName)
        paste(intersect(transcriptionFactors, subset(tbl.motifToGenes, motif==motifName)$tfs), collapse=";")))
    tbl.augmented <- cbind(tbl.sub, tfsMatched=tfsPerRow, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)


} # findTFsInFootprints
# identify some proximal upstream snps, within
# with mef2c at hg39 chr5:88,716,241-88,906,105, coded on the minus strand, here are some proximal upstream snps
# reported by mariette
# true overlaps with mfpStart-mfpEnd: rs3814428, rs770463, rs446500
# near misses: rs10038371 rs214136 rs16876775
# fivenum(tbl$GRCh38.liftover) [1] 88640561 88740812 88828020 88921378 89001975
#   dim(subset(tbl, GRCh38.liftover > 88906105))  [1] 43 18
#   tbl.upstream <- tbl[which(tbl$GRCh38.liftover - 88906105 > 0),]   # 43 18
#   upstream.loc <- tbl.upstream$GRCh38.liftover - 88906105
# head(tbl.upstream[, c(1,3,4,5,6,17:19)], n=20)
#     Symbol CHR        SNP       BP A1 GRCh38.liftover   GRCh37 upstream
# 115  MEF2C   5 rs10085009 88241752  A        88910179 88205996     4074
# 150  MEF2C   5 rs13357047 88246411  A        88914838 88210655     8733
# 119  MEF2C   5   rs770466 88251210  C        88919637 88215454    13532
# 81   MEF2C   5   rs304132 88251350  A        88919777 88215594    13672
# 153  MEF2C   5 rs10044186 88254553  C        88922980 88218797    16875
# 26   MEF2C   5 rs10037047 88255720  G        88924147 88219964    18042
# 44   MEF2C   5  rs190982* 88259176  G        88927603 88223420    21498
# 42   MEF2C   5   rs301717 88267164  A        88935591 88231408    29486
# 30   MEF2C   5   rs301718 88267595  G        88936022 88231839    29917
# 34   MEF2C   5   rs301719 88268671  C        88937098 88232915    30993
# 40   MEF2C   5   rs301720 88269410  A        88937837 88233654    31732
# 35   MEF2C   5   rs301723 88271430  A        88939857 88235674    33752
# 36   MEF2C   5   rs301725 88272216  T        88940643 88236460    34538
# 29   MEF2C   5  rs7700950 88272698  T        88941125 88236942    35020
# 33   MEF2C   5   rs301726 88272826  T        88941253 88237070    35148
# 31   MEF2C   5   rs301727 88273286  G        88941713 88237530    35608
# 32   MEF2C   5   rs301728 88273557  T        88941984 88237801    35879
# 39   MEF2C   5   rs301729 88273797  G        88942224 88238041    36119
# 41   MEF2C   5  rs1650626 88274962  G        88943389 88239206    37284
# 37   MEF2C   5  rs1650627 88275084  G        88943511 88239328    37406
findSNPsInFootprints <- function(tbl.fp, tbl.motifToGenes,
                                 chromosome, region.startLoc, region.endLoc,
                                 snp.chromosome, snp.loc,
    tbl.fpSub <- findTFsInFootprints(tbl.fp, tbl.motifToGenes,
                                     chromosome, region.startLoc, region.endLoc,
    if(nrow(tbl.fpSub) == 0)

    gr.fp <- with(tbl.fpSub, GRanges(seqnames=chr, IRanges(start=mfpStart, end=mfpEnd)))
    gr.snp <- GRanges(seqnames=snp.chromosome, IRanges(start=snp.loc-padding, end=snp.loc+padding))
    tbl.overlaps <- as.data.frame(findOverlaps(gr.fp, gr.snp))
    snp <- rep(-1, length(gr.fp))
    snp[tbl.overlaps$queryHits] <- snp.loc[tbl.overlaps$subjectHits]

    tbl.fpSub$snp <- snp
    result <- subset(tbl.fpSub, snp != -1)
    result[, c("chr", "mfpStart", "mfpEnd", "motifStart", "motifEnd", "sequence", "motifName", "snp", "tfsMatched")]

} # findTFsInFootprints
# me2fc upstream mariette-reported snps in footprints
#    seqnames    start      end width strand motifName score seqnames.1  start.1    end.1 width.1 strand.1
# 1      chr5 88669200 88669211    12      -  MA0486.2  50.7       chr5 88669204 88669204       1        *
# 2      chr5 88669200 88669211    12      -  MA0771.1  50.1       chr5 88669204 88669204       1        *
# 3      chr5 88884580 88884599    20      -  MA0528.1  56.3       chr5 88884588 88884588       1        *
# 4      chr5 88884581 88884590    10      + KLF16_DBD  51.1       chr5 88884588 88884588       1        *
# 5      chr5 88884581 88884590    10      +  MA0079.3  60.5       chr5 88884588 88884588       1        *
# 6      chr5 88884581 88884594    14      +  MA0516.1  51.6       chr5 88884588 88884588       1        *
# 7      chr5 88884581 88884590    10      +  MA0741.1  51.1       chr5 88884588 88884588       1        *
# 8      chr5 88884581 88884590    10      +  MA0746.1  50.0       chr5 88884588 88884588       1        *
# 9      chr5 88884583 88884589     7      -    MAZ.p2  50.9       chr5 88884588 88884588       1        *
# 10     chr5 88884584 88884591     8      -  GTF2I.p2  50.2       chr5 88884588 88884588       1        *
# 11     chr5 88884585 88884593     9      +  MA0753.1  50.1       chr5 88884588 88884588       1        *
# 12     chr5 88900174 88900187    14      -  MA0505.1  53.7       chr5 88900187 88900187       1        *
prepareData <- function()
   f <- 'tfdb_1mb_GRCh38.83.bed'  # too big
   f <- 'tiny.bed'                # for testing
   f <- 'uniq_fimo_fp.bed'        # using this one

   tbl.fpAnnotated <- read.table(f, header=FALSE, sep="\t", as.is=TRUE)
   new.colnames <- c("chr", "start", "end", "score", "strand", "name", "info", "sequence", "width", "chrom", "bigStart",
                     "bigEnd", "x", "y", "z", "zz")
   colnames(tbl.fpAnnotated) <- new.colnames
   tbl.fpAnnotated$chr <- paste("chr", tbl.fpAnnotated$chr, sep="")
   save(tbl.fpAnnotated, file = "tbl.fpAnnotated.RData")

  tbl.motifToMultipleGenes <- read.table("motif_to_tf_mappings_with_tfclass_include_multiple.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE, as.is=TRUE)
  save(tbl.motifToMultipleGenes, file="tbl.motifToMultipleGenes.RData")

} # prepareData
intersectingLocs <- function(tbl.bed, chrom, locs, padding=0)
      # some simple, non-exhaustive checks on tbl.bed.  expect chrX  start.loc  end.loc for cols 1:3
   stopifnot(length(grep("chr", tbl.bed[,1])) == nrow(tbl.bed))

   gr.tbl <- GRanges(seqnames=tbl.bed[,1], IRanges(start=tbl.bed[,2], end=tbl.bed[,3]))
   gr.locs <- GRanges(seqnames=chrom, IRanges(start=locs-padding, end=locs+padding))

   overlaps <- sort(unique(subjectHits(findOverlaps(gr.tbl, gr.locs))))

} # intersectingLocs
displayADgwas <- function(igv, name)

  displayGWASTable(igv, tbl.gwas, name)

} # displayADgwas
# each of the filenames names an RData file, a serialized data frame with our standard colnames,
# chr, mfpStart, mfpEnd, motifName, name
combineBedTables <- function(filenames)
  tbl.all <- data.frame()

  for(filename in filenames){
    printf("about to load serialized data.frame from %s", filename)
    tbl.bed <- x$bed4igv
    stopifnot(all(c("chr", "mfpStart", "mfpEnd", "motifName", "name") %in% colnames (tbl.bed)))
    tbl.all <- rbind(tbl.all, tbl.bed)
    printf("now %d rows in tbl.all", nrow(tbl.all))

  gr <- GRanges(Rle(tbl.all$chr), IRanges(tbl.all$mfpStart, tbl.all$mfpEnd))
  mcols(gr) <- tbl.all[, c("motifName", "name")]
  seqinfo(gr) <- seqinfo(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene)[names(seqinfo(gr))]
  seqlevels(gr) <- seqlevels(sortSeqlevels(seqinfo(gr)))
  gr <- sort(gr)
  tbl.out <- data.frame(chr=seqnames(gr), start=start(gr), end=end(gr), mcols(gr)[, "name"])


} # combineBedTables
run.tfGrabber <- function(genes, trn, trnName, sqlite.fileName, sql.tableName)
   x <- lapply(genes, function(gene) tfGrabber.new(gene, trn, trnName=trnName, promoterDist=1e6))
   lapply(x, length)
   tbl.fp <- do.call("rbind", x)
   dim(tbl.fp) # [1] 8470   23
   db <- dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"), sqlite.fileName)
   dbWriteTable(db, sql.tableName, tbl.fp, append=TRUE)

} # run.tfGrabber
tfGrabber.new <- function(gene, inputTRN, trnName, promoterDist)
   if(!exists("tbls.fp")) {
      printf("splitting tbl.fpAnnotated into chromosome-specific tables...")
      tbls.fp <<- split(tbl.fpAnnotated, tbl.fpAnnotated$chr)

   if(!gene %in% rownames(inputTRN)){
      printf("gene '%s' not in TRN model '%s'", gene, trnName)

   loc.info <- subset(humangene, genename==gene)[, c("chrom", "start", "end")]
   if(nrow(loc.info) == 0){  # some genes are missing, eg ACBD6
      printf("no loc.info for %s, skipping", gene)

       # if there are multiple entries, take just the first.  see AATF
   loc.info <- loc.info[1,]
   #printf("--- loc.info for %s", gene)

   start <- loc.info$start - promoterDist; if(start < 1) start <- 1
   end <- start + promoterDist
   chrom <- as.character(loc.info$chrom)

   if(!grepl("^chr", chrom))
      chrom <- sprintf("chr", chrom)

   # printf("chromosome for %s: %s (%d)", gene, chrom, nchar(chrom))
   if(nchar(chrom) > 5){
      printf("unexpected chromosome name for %s: %s, skipping", gene, chrom)

   tbl.sub <- subset(tbls.fp[[chrom]], mfpStart >= start & mfpEnd <= end)
   if(nrow(tbl.sub) == 0){
      printf("no footprints found in region %s:%d-%d", chrom, start, end)

   tbl.sub <- cbind(tbl.sub, data.frame(gene=gene, trnName=trnName, promoterDist=promoterDist, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
   tbl.subTF <- merge(tbl.sub, tbl.motifToMultipleGenes, by.x="motifName", by.y="motif")
   colnames(tbl.subTF)[match("tfs", colnames(tbl.subTF))] <- "TF"
   tfs <- tbl.subTF$TF

   tfs.in.model <- intersect(tfs, colnames(inputTRN))
   tfs.with.nonzero.betas <- which(inputTRN[gene, tfs.in.model] != 0)

   if(length(tfs.with.nonzero.betas) == 0)

   tfs.in.model.non.zero <- names(tfs.with.nonzero.betas)
   tbl.subTF <- subset(tbl.subTF, TF %in% tfs.in.model.non.zero)
   beta <- as.numeric(inputTRN[gene, tbl.subTF$TF])
   tbl.subTF$beta <- beta
   name <- sprintf("%s|%s|%s|%s|%10.7f", tbl.subTF$gene, tbl.subTF$TF, tbl.subTF$trnName,
                   tbl.subTF$motifName, tbl.subTF$beta)
   tbl.subTF$name <- name

   new.order <- c("chr",           "mfpStart",      "mfpEnd",          "name",    "beta",
                  "motifName",     "motifStart",    "motifEnd",
                  "motifScore",    "motifStrand",   "id",               "pvalue",
                  "qvalue",        "sequence",      "experimentCount",  "fpStart",
                  "fpEnd",         "fpScore",       "motifFpOverlap",
                  "gene",          "trnName",       "promoterDist",
    stopifnot(sort(new.order) == sort(colnames(tbl.subTF)))
    tbl.subTF <- tbl.subTF[, new.order]
    colnames(tbl.subTF)[2:3] <- c("start", "end")


} # tfGrabber.new
tfGrabber <- function(genelist, inputTRN, trnName=NULL, promoterDist=1000000, threshold=0.01)
  if(!exists("tbls.fp")) {
     printf("splitting tbl.fpAnnotated into chromosome-specific tables...")
     tbls.fp <<- split(tbl.fpAnnotated, tbl.fpAnnotated$chr)

  if (is.null(trnName)){trnName="trn"}
     if (length(genelist) == 0){warning("Input genes not in TRN")}
     count <- 0
     for (gene in genelist){     # get single and summed TRN
        count <- count + 1
        if(!gene %in% rownames(inputTRN))
        potential.regulator.count <- length(singleTRN)
        keepCols=which(abs(singleTRN)>threshold)     # keep only TFs with absolute coefficients above threshold
        printf("--- %s %d) %8s regulators above threshold %d/%d", trnName, count, gene,  length(singleTRN), potential.regulator.count)
           # sumTRN == singleTRN in thse case of input is only one TRN
           # get motif of each TF in the sumTRN
        imotifs=subset(tbl.motifToMultipleGenes,tfs %in% names(sumTRN))
        if(startPosition < 1) startPosition <- 1
        printf("sequence length: %8.2f", (endPosition-startPosition)/1000)
        tbl.thisgene <- subset(tbls.fp[[ichr]], motifName %in% imotifs$motif &
                                                mfpStart >= startPosition & mfpEnd <= endPosition)
        #tbl.thisgene <- subset(tbl.fpAnnotated, chr==ichr & motifName %in% imotifs$motif &
        #                                        mfpStart >= startPosition & mfpEnd <= endPosition)
        tbl.thisgene <- tbl.thisgene[, c("chr", "mfpStart", "mfpEnd", "motifName")]
        tbl.thisGeneWithTFs <- merge(tbl.thisgene, tbl.motifToMultipleGenes, by.x="motifName", by.y="motif")
        tbl.thisGeneWithTFS.collapsed <- aggregate(tfs~chr+mfpStart+mfpEnd+motifName, c, data=tbl.thisGeneWithTFs)
        #x <- merge(tbl.thisgene, tbl.motifToMultipleGenes, by.x="motifName", by.y="motif")
        # xxx <- aggregate(tfs~chr+mfpStart+mfpEnd, c, data=xx)
        printf("about to loop through %d rows in tbl.thisgene", nrow(tbl.thisgene))
        if(nrow(tbl.thisgene) > 0 && nrow(imotifs) > 0){ # add regression coefficients
           for (i in 1:nrow(tbl.thisgene)){
              indices <- which(imotifs$motif==thismotif)
              itfs <- imotifs[indices,]
              info.string <- "<html>";
              gene.motif <- sprintf("%s(%s):&nbsp;%s", gene, trnName, thismotif)
              info.string <- paste(info.string, gene.motif, sep="")
              #printf("about to loop over %d motifs", nrow(itfs))
              for (j in 1:nrow(itfs)){
                 tf.info <- sprintf("<br>%s:&nbsp;%04.2f", itfs[j, "tfs"], sumTRN[itfs[j,"tfs"]])
                 info.string <- paste(info.string, tf.info, sep="")
                 } # for j
              info.string <- paste(info.string, "</html>", sep="")
              tbl.thisgene[i, "motifName"] <- thismotif
              } # for i
           } # if nrow
        } # for gene

  result <- list(TRN=allTRN,bed4igv=wholebed)


} # tfGrabber
displaySnps <- function(igv, chrom, locs, name)

   tbl.tmp <- data.frame(chr=rep(chrom, length(locs)), start=locs, end=locs, name=as.character(locs),

   displayBedTable(igv, tbl.tmp, name)

} # displaySnps
selectBestAmongDuplicates <- function(tbl)
   columns.of.interest <- c("chr", "snp", "tf_name")
   stopifnot(all(columns.of.interest %in% colnames(tbl)))

   tbl.core <- unique(tbl[, columns.of.interest])
   tbl.min <- data.frame()

   for(r in 1:nrow(tbl.core)){
      chrom <- tbl.core[r, "chr"]
      snp.loc <- tbl.core[r, "snp"]
      tf <- tbl.core[r, "tf_name"]
      tbl.sub <- subset(tbl, chr==chrom & snp==snp.loc & tf_name==tf)
      if(nrow(tbl.sub) > 1){
         deleters <- which(tbl.sub$pval != min(tbl.sub$pval))
         tbl.sub <- tbl.sub[-deleters,]
         if(nrow(tbl.sub) > 1)
            tbl.sub <- tbl.sub[1,]
        } # if duplicates found (and then eliminated)
      tbl.min <- rbind(tbl.min, tbl.sub)
      } # for r


} # selectBestAmongDuplicates
PriceLab/snpFoot documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:11 p.m.