

# 2 Constraints
# Yield modification
yblist <- list(yb1 <- c(1, 1))
# Target multiplier
targ <- 4
# Refine the step interval (divisible evenly into 1) over which to search for optimal solutions
step <- 0.25
# Pick the constraints to optimize over
cnames <- c("Ag", "C", "bd")

ot <- pareto(cnames = cnames, step = step, yblist = yblist, targ = targ)
# Plot the Pareto front
# plot(ot$table$land, ot$table$carbon, xlab = "Total Area Converted (ha)", 
#      ylab = "Total Carbon Lost (t)")
# plot(ot$table$land, ot$table$biodiversity, xlab = "Total Area Converted (ha)", 
#      ylab = "Total Carbon Lost (t)")
# plot(ot$table$carbon, ot$table$biodiversity, xlab = "Total Area Converted (ha)", 
#      ylab = "Total Carbon Lost (t)")

# Load the output tables
# setwd(full_path(proj_root("agroEcoTradeoff"), "agroEcoTradeoff"))
dnm <- full_path("external/output/batch/dt", ot$bcode)
load(paste0(dnm, "/out_tables.rda"))
load(paste0(dnm, "/parms.rda"))

# Set projection
# il <- fetch_inputs(input_key = "ZA", input = "R")
# CRSobj <- projection(il$currprod)
CRSobj <- spatial_meta(input_key = "ZA")$crs

# raster("external/data/ZA-mask.tif")
# r1 <- fread("external/data/dt/ZA-mask.csv")
# r1a <- dt_to_raster(r1, spatial_meta(input_key = "ZA")$crs)
# plot(r1a)

# Fetch Inputs using data table format
# il <- fetch_inputs(input_key = "ZA")

# View targets
target <- targets_dt(prod_targ = parms[1, il$cropnames], 
                    currprod = il$currprod, potprod = il$pp_curr)
colnames(target)[5:6]  <- c("%existing", "%newland")
knitr::kable(target[, -4])

# Load up some background data
# zam <- raster("external/ext_data/ZA-mask.tif")
# cropland <- raster("external/ext_data/ZA-crop-areas.tif")
# fblock <- raster("external/ext_data/farm-blocks.tif")

aggf <- 4
zam <- aggregate(raster("external/ext_data/ZA-mask.tif"), fact = aggf)
cropland <- aggregate(raster("external/ext_data/ZA-crop-areas.tif"), 
                      fact = aggf)
fblock <- aggregate(raster("external/ext_data/farm-blocks.tif"), fact = aggf)

dtrs <- lapply(1:5, function(x) {
  dt <- fread(full_path(dnm, paste0(names(out_list)[x], ".csv")))
  dto <- cbind(dt[, c("x", "y"), with = FALSE], 
               do.call(cbind, lapply(colnames(dt)[-c(1:2)], function(i) {
                 dt[, c(i), with = FALSE]
  dtr <- dt_to_raster(dto, CRSobj = CRSobj)

# dtrs <- lapply(dtrs, function(x) aggregate(x, fact = 4))

dt_total <- calc(dtrs[[2]], sum)
cellStats(dt_total, sum)


brks <- c(0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2)
brks2 <- c(0, seq(0.001, 0.601, 0.15))
yor <- c("transparent", brewer.pal(9, name = "YlOrRd")[5:8])
gr <-  c("transparent", brewer.pal(9, name = "Greens")[5:8])
bp <- c("grey90", brewer.pal(9, name = "Blues")[c(4, 6, 7, 9)])
ldim = c(0.4, 0.75)
sdim = c(0.03, 0.12, 0.25)
legdim = c(0.8, 0.15)
tdim = c(0.58, 0.18)

# Plot the cropland, farmblocks, and converted land under the chosen scenario

# Select the scenario based upon ranking of total area converted (1 is scenario with least area converted)
scen = ot$table$ind[1] #least area converted
conv_plot_1(r = dtrs[[1]][[1]], ldim, sdim, tdim, legdim)
conv_plot(scen = scen)

# Plotted values of the 5 scenarios, aggregated across all crops
scenRange <- 1:length(out_list)
cl <- 1.5
cx <- 2
cols <- bpy.colors(5)
par(mfrow = c(3, 2), mar = c(2, 4, 1, 2), mgp = c(2, 1, 0))
v <- sapply(scenRange, function(x) sum(out_list[[x]]$conv_area) / 1000)
plot(v, pch = 20, cex = cx, col = cols, ylab = "ha/1000", xaxt = "n", xlab = "", 
     ylim = range(v), cex.lab = cl) 
v <- sapply(scenRange, function(x) sum(out_list[[x]]$pa_loss) / 1000)
plot(v, pch = 20, cex = cx, col = cols, ylab = "ha/1000", xaxt = "n", xlab = "", 
     ylim = range(v) * c(0.9, 1.1), cex.lab = cl) 
v <- sapply(scenRange, function(x) mean(out_list[[x]][, 3], na.rm = TRUE))
plot(v, pch = 20, cex = cx, col = cols, ylab = "spp/tY", xaxt = "n", xlab = "", 
     ylim = range(v), cex.lab = cl) 
v <- sapply(scenRange, function(x) mean(out_list[[x]][, 5], na.rm = TRUE))
plot(v, pch = 20, cex = cx, col = cols, ylab = "tC/tY", xaxt = "n", xlab = "", 
     ylim = range(v), cex.lab = cl) 
# v <- sapply(scenRange, function(x) sum(out_list[[x]][, 6], na.rm = TRUE) / 1000)
# plot(v, pch = 20, cex = 4, col = cols, ylab = "C loss (tonnes / 1000)", 
#      xaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylim = range(v), cex.lab = cl)
plot(1:1000, 1:1000, pch = "", axes = FALSE, ylab = "")
points(rep(400, 5), seq(50, 950, 200), pch = 20, col = cols, cex = 4)
text(rep(440, 5), seq(50, 950, 200), 
     labels = c("Scen 1", "Scen 2", "Scen 3", "Scen 4", "Scen 5"), 
     adj = 0)
PrincetonUniversity/agroEcoTradeoff documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:12 p.m.