# Copyright (C) President and Fellows of Harvard College and
# Trustees of Mount Holyoke College, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this program. If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
######################### RDataTracker.R #########################
# This file contains core functions for RDataTracker / provR.
# Create DDG environment variable.
.ddg.env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
# Global variables cannot be used directly in a library. Instead,
# we need to place the variables in our own environment. These
# functions make that environment easier to use.
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
##### Getters for specific variables
#' .ddg.tool.name returns the name of the provenance collection tool.
#' @return the name of the provenance collection tool
#' @noRd
.ddg.tool.name <- function() {
#' .ddg.save.debug returns True if debugging information should be saved
#' to the file system
#' @return TRUE if saving debugging information
#' @noRd
.ddg.save.debug <- function() {
#' .ddg.initial.env returns an environment containing names bound before
#' the script was executed
#' @return an environment containing names previously bound
#' @noRd
.ddg.initial.env <- function() {
#' .ddg.annotate.on returns the names of functions that the user explicity said
#' should be annotated
#' @return the names of functions to be annotated
#' @noRd
.ddg.annotate.on <- function() {
return (.ddg.get("ddg.annotate.on"))
#' .ddg.annotate.off returns the names of functions that the user explicitly said
#' should not be annotaed
#' @return the names of functions not be annotated
#' @noRd
.ddg.annotate.off <- function() {
return (.ddg.get("ddg.annotate.off"))
#' .ddg.enable.source returns True if the commands are coming from a script file
#' @return TRUE if commands are from a script
#' @noRd
.ddg.enable.source <- function() {
return(.ddg.is.set("from.source") && .ddg.get("from.source"))
#' .ddg.set.details.omitted keeps track of whether the last loop has all iterations
#' recorded or not.
#' @param value if TRUE, it means that not all iterations are recorded
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.set.details.omitted <- function (value) {
.ddg.set ("details.omitted", value)
#' .ddg.were.details.omitted returns True if provenance is incomplete at this point
#' @return TRUE if provenance is incomplete at this point
#' @noRd
.ddg.were.details.omitted <- function () {
.ddg.get ("details.omitted")
#' .ddg.set.warning is attached as a handler when we evaluate
#' expressions. It saves the warning so that a warning
#' node can be created after the procedural node that
#' corresponds to the expression that caused the warning
#' @param w the simplewarning object created by R
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.set.warning <- function(w) {
# Only save warnings if the warn level is set to report them at all.
# This is important because we do temporarily set the warning level
# to avoid warnings that RDT might cause that are safe to ignore.
# Search for calls to the option function to see where that happens.
if (getOption("warn") >= 0) {
.ddg.set("ddg.warning", w)
#' .ddg.clear.warning clears the warning
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.clear.warning <- function() {
.ddg.set("ddg.warning", NA)
#' .ddg.get.warning returns the last saved warning
#' @return the last saved warning
#' @noRd
.ddg.get.warning <- function () {
return (.ddg.get("ddg.warning"))
#' .ddg.warning.occurred returns True if there is a currrently saved warning
#' @return true if there is currently a saved warning
#' @noRd
.ddg.warning.occurred <- function() {
return (.ddg.is.set("ddg.warning") && !is.na(.ddg.get("ddg.warning")))
#-------------------BASIC FUNCTIONS-----------------------#
#' .ddg.get.initial.env creates a table of non-ddg objects present in the
#' R environment before the script is executed. This is only used for
#' debugging.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.get.initial.env <- function() {
e <- globalenv()
e.ls <- ls(e, all.names=TRUE)
not.ddg.func <- function (name) {
return (!grepl("^ddg", name) && !grepl("^.ddg", name) && !grepl("^prov", name)
&& name != ".onLoad")
x <- Filter (not.ddg.func, e.ls)
ddg.initial.env <- data.frame(x)
colnames(ddg.initial.env) <- "ddg.name"
.ddg.set("ddg.initial.env", ddg.initial.env)
#' .ddg.init.tables creates data frames to store the initial environment,
#' procedure nodes, data nodes, edges, and function return values.
#' It also initializes selected constants and variables.
#' Tables are used throughout provenance collection and
#' optionally saved as tab-delimited files in prov.save.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.init.tables <- function() {
# Used to control debugging output. If already defined, don't
# change its value.
if (!.ddg.is.set("ddg.debug.lib")) .ddg.set("ddg.debug.lib", FALSE)
# Used to control sourcing. If already defined, don't change
# its value.
if (!.ddg.is.set("from.source")) .ddg.set("from.source", FALSE)
# Record last command from the preceding console block.
.ddg.set("ddg.last.cmd", NULL)
# Record the current command to be opened during console execution
# (used when executing a script using .ddg.source).
.ddg.set("ddg.possible.last.cmd", NULL)
# Store path of current ddg
.ddg.set("ddg.path", NULL)
# Initialize sourced scripts information
.ddg.init.sourced.scripts ()
# Save debug files on debug directory
.ddg.set("ddg.save.debug", FALSE)
# Initialize DDG Statements
.ddg.init.statements ()
# Initialize the stack corresponding to the names of start/finish nodes.
.ddg.set("ddg.start.stack", vector())
# Remember if an error node has been created during the processing
# of the last statement so we only create one.
.ddg.set ("ddg.error.node.created", FALSE)
#' .ddg.init.environ() sets up the filesystem and R environments for use.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.init.environ <- function() {
dir.create(.ddg.path(), showWarnings=FALSE)
dir.create(.ddg.path.data(), showWarnings=FALSE)
dir.create(.ddg.path.debug(), showWarnings=FALSE)
dir.create(.ddg.path.scripts(), showWarnings=FALSE)
#' .ddg.is.init is called at the beginning of all user accessible
#' functions. It verifies that a DDG has been initialized. If it
#' hasn't, it returns FALSE.
#' @return true if provenance has been initialized
#' @noRd
.ddg.is.init <- function() {
# Short circuits evaluation.
return(.ddg.is.set("ddg.initialized") && .ddg.get("ddg.initialized"))
#' .ddg.is.nonlocal.assign returns TRUE if the object passed is an
#' expression object containing a non-local assignment.
#' @param expr input expression.
#' @return TRUE if the expression is an assignment statement using the <<- operator.
#' @noRd
.ddg.is.nonlocal.assign <- function (expr)
# <<- or ->> means that the assignment is non-local
if (is.call(expr))
# This also finds uses of ->>.
if (identical(expr[[1]], as.name("<<-")))
return (TRUE)
return (FALSE)
#' .ddg.create.empty.vars.set creates an empty data frame
#' initialized to contain information about variable assignments.
#' @param var.table.size desired size of the data frame. Negative values
#' and 0 are coerced to 1.
#' @return The data frame is structured as follows: \cr
#' - the variable name.\cr
#' - the position of the statement that wrote the variable last.\cr
#' - the position of the last statement that may have assigned to a
#' variable.\cr
#' @noRd
.ddg.create.empty.vars.set <- function(var.table.size=1) {
if (var.table.size <= 0) var.table.size <- 1
vars.set <- data.frame(variable=character(var.table.size),
#'.ddg.double.vars.set doubles the size of a variable
#' assignment data frame and returns the new one.
#' @param vars.set data frame containing variable assignments.
#' @return a data frame that is twice the size as the original
#' @noRd
.ddg.double.vars.set <- function(vars.set) {
size <- nrow(vars.set)
# Create the right size data frame from input frame.
new.vars.set <- rbind(vars.set, .ddg.create.empty.vars.set(size))
#' .ddg.add.to.vars.set adds the variables set in the command
#' to the variable assignment data frame. Note that
#' var.num is a global variable! It should be intialized when
#' vars.set is first created.
#' @param vars.set variable assignment data frame.
#' @param cmd a DDGStatement object
#' @param i position of command in the list of commands
#' @return an updated vars.set data frame with the information from the command
#' @noRd
.ddg.add.to.vars.set <- function(vars.set, cmd, i) {
#print("In .ddg.add.to.vars.set")
# Find out the variable being assigned to by a simple assignment
# statement.
main.var.assigned <- cmd@vars.set
# Find all the variables that may be assigned in the statement.
vars.assigned <- cmd@vars.possibly.set
for (var in vars.assigned) {
nRow <- which(vars.set$variable == var)
# If the variable is already in the table, update its entry.
if (length(nRow) > 0) {
if (!is.null(main.var.assigned) && var == main.var.assigned) {
vars.set$last.writer[nRow] <- i
else {
vars.set$possible.last.writer[nRow] <- i
# The variable was not in the table. Add a new line for this
# variable.
else {
# Find the first empty row
empty.rows <- which(vars.set$variable == "")
if (length(empty.rows) == 0) {
vars.set <- .ddg.double.vars.set(vars.set)
empty.rows <- which(vars.set$variable == "")
var.num <- empty.rows[1]
# Set the variable.
vars.set$variable[var.num] <- var
if (!is.null(main.var.assigned) && var == main.var.assigned) {
vars.set$last.writer[var.num] <- i
else {
vars.set$possible.last.writer[var.num] <- i
#print (".ddg.add.to.vars.set: returning")
#' .ddg.find.var.assigments finds the possible variable assignments
#' for a fixed set of parsed commands.
#' @param cmds a list of DDGStatement objects
#' @return the data frame filled in with the information from all of the commands
#' @noRd
.ddg.find.var.assignments <- function(cmds) {
if (length(cmds) == 0) return (data.frame())
# Make it big so we don't run out of space.
var.table.size <- length(cmds)
vars.set <- .ddg.create.empty.vars.set(var.table.size)
# Build the table recording where variables are assigned to or may
# be assigned to.
for ( i in 1:length(cmds)) {
#print(paste("Looking for var assignments in", cmd.expr@abbrev))
vars.set <- .ddg.add.to.vars.set(vars.set, cmds[[i]], i)
return (vars.set)
#' .ddg.create.data.use.edges creates a data flow
#' edge from the node for each variable used in cmd to the
#' procedural node labeled cmd.
#' @param cmd name of procedure node.
#' @param for.caller whether the search for the variable's scope should start at the
#' current stack frame, or start with its caller
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.create.data.use.edges <- function (cmd, for.caller) {
# Find all the variables used in this command.
#print (paste(".ddg.create.data.use.edges: cmd = ", cmd@text))
vars.used <- cmd@vars.used
for (var in vars.used) {
#print(paste(".ddg.create.data.use.edges: var =", var))
# Make sure there is a node we could connect to.
scope <- .ddg.get.scope(var, for.caller)
#print(paste(".ddg.create.data.use.edges: scope =", scope))
if (.ddg.data.node.exists(var, scope)) {
# print(".ddg.create.data.use.edges found data node")
.ddg.data2proc(var, scope, cmd@abbrev)
else {
# Note: This generates lots of error nodes of limited value.
# Turn off for now.
# error.msg <- paste("Unable to find data node for ", var , " used by
# procedure node ", cmd@text, sep="")
# .ddg.insert.error.message(error.msg)
#print (".ddg.create.data.use.edges Done")
#' .ddg.create.data.set.edges creates data nodes for
#' variables being set, saves the data, and creates edges from the
#' procedure node that set the variable to the new data node. These
#' nodes and edges correspond to the variables set in the command passed in.
#' @param vars.set variable assignment data frame.
#' @param cmd the command to create edges for
#' @param env environment to use for evaluating variables set.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.create.data.set.edges <- function(vars.set, cmd, env) {
# print(paste("In .ddg.create.data.set.edges.for.cmd: cmd = ", cmd@abbrev))
vars.assigned <- cmd@vars.set
for (var in vars.assigned) {
#print(paste(".ddg.create.data.set.edges.for.cmd: var = ", var))
# Check for a new ggplot that was not assigned to a variable
if (.ddg.get ("ddg.ggplot.created")) {
if (var == "") {
# Add a data node for the plot and link it in.
# Set ddg.last.ggplot to the name of this node
.ddg.data.node("Data", ".ggplot", ggplot2::last_plot(), NULL)
.ddg.set("ddg.last.ggplot", ".ggplot")
.ddg.set ("ddg.ggplot.created", FALSE)
if (var != "") {
scope <- .ddg.get.scope(var, env=env)
.ddg.save.var(var, env, scope)
.ddg.proc2data(cmd@abbrev, var, scope)
#' .ddg.save.var
#' Creates a node for a variable
#' @param var the variable to create a node for
#' @param env the environment in which the variable lives. If NULL, it
#' finds the closest environment with that variable
#' @param scope the scope for the environment. If NULL, it looks it up.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.save.var <- function(var, env=NULL, scope=NULL) {
if (is.null(env)) {
env <- .ddg.get.env(var)
if (is.null(scope)) {
scope <- .ddg.get.scope(var, env=env)
# Special operators are defined by enclosing the name in `. However,
# the R parser drops those characters when we deparse, so when we parse
# here they are missing and we get an error about unexpected SPECIAL
# characters. The first tryCatch, puts the ` back in and parses again.
# The second tryCatch handles errors associated with evaluating the variable.
parsed <- tryCatch(parse(text=var),
error = function(e) parse(text=paste("`", var, "`", sep="")))
val <- tryCatch(eval(parsed, env),
error = function(e) {
eval (parse(text=var), parent.env(env))
tryCatch(.ddg.save.data(var, val, error=TRUE, scope=scope, env=env),
error =
.ddg.data.node("Data", var, "complex", scope);
#' .ddg.create.data.node.for.possible.writes creates a data node for
#' each variable that might have been set in something other than a
#' simple assignment. An edge is created from the last node in the
#' console block.
#' @param vars.set variable assignment data frame.
#' @param last.command last command in console block.
#' @param env the environment that the command was executed in
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.create.data.node.for.possible.writes <- function (vars.set, last.command,
env= NULL) {
#print("In .ddg.create.data.node.for.possible.writes")
environment <- if (is.environment(env)) env else .GlobalEnv
for (i in 1:nrow(vars.set)) {
# print(paste("Checking ", vars.set$variable[i]))
if (vars.set$possible.last.writer[i] > vars.set$last.writer[i]) {
value <- tryCatch(eval(parse(text=vars.set$variable[i]), environment),
error = function(e) {
#print(paste("Could not find value for", vars.set$variable[i],
# "in environment", environment))
# Only create the node and edge if we were successful in
# looking up the value.
if (!is.null(value)) {
envName <- environmentName(environment)
if (envName == "") envName <- .ddg.get.scope(vars.set$variable[i])
.ddg.data.node("Data", vars.set$variable[i], value, envName)
.ddg.proc2data(last.command@abbrev, vars.set$variable[i], envName)
#print("Done with .ddg.create.data.node.for.possible.writes")
#' .ddg.add.start.node creates a start node and its incoming control flow edge.
#' @param cmd The DDGStatement object for the command being started
#' @param node.name The label to put on the node. If node.name is not passed in,
#' the abbreviated label in cmd is used.
#' @param script.num (optional) - the number of the script that the operation is in
#' @param startLine (optional) - the line that the operation starts on
#' @param startCol (optional) - the column that the operation starts on
#' @param endLine (optional) - the line that the operation ends on
#' @param endCol (optional) - the column that the operation ends on
#' @return the label of the node created, excluding "Start"
#' @noRd
.ddg.add.start.node <- function(cmd = NULL, node.name = "",
script.num=NA, startLine=NA, startCol=NA, endLine=NA, endCol=NA) {
node.name <- .ddg.add.abstract.node ("Start", cmd, node.name,
script.num, startLine, startCol, endLine, endCol)
.ddg.push.start (node.name)
return (node.name)
#' .ddg.add.finish.node creates a finish node and its incoming control flow edge.
#' @param script.num (optional) - the number of the script that the operation is in
#' @param startLine (optional) - the line that the operation starts on
#' @param startCol (optional) - the column that the operation starts on
#' @param endLine (optional) - the line that the operation ends on
#' @param endCol (optional) - the column that the operation ends on
#' @return the label of the node created, excluding "Finish"
#' @noRd
.ddg.add.finish.node <- function(cmd = NULL,
script.num=NA, startLine=NA, startCol=NA, endLine=NA, endCol=NA) {
popped <- .ddg.pop.start ()
node.name <- .ddg.add.abstract.node ("Finish", cmd, node.name = popped,
script.num, startLine, startCol, endLine, endCol)
return (node.name)
#' .ddg.close.blocks creates finish nodes and incoming control flow edges
#' for each node on the start/finish stack.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.close.blocks <- function () {
ddg.start.stack <- .ddg.get("ddg.start.stack")
#print (paste ("start.stack =", .ddg.start.stack))
stack.length <- length(ddg.start.stack)
if (stack.length == 0) {
for (i in stack.length:1) {
.ddg.add.finish.node ()
#' .ddg.push.start pushes a node to the start/finish stack.
#' @param node.name name of node to push
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.push.start <- function (node.name) {
ddg.start.stack <- .ddg.get("ddg.start.stack")
if (length(ddg.start.stack) == 0) {
ddg.start.stack <- node.name
else {
ddg.start.stack <- c(ddg.start.stack, node.name)
.ddg.set("ddg.start.stack", ddg.start.stack)
#' .ddg.pop.start pops a node from the start/finish stack.
#' @return the top node on the start/finish stack.
#' @noRd
.ddg.pop.start <- function () {
ddg.start.stack <- .ddg.get("ddg.start.stack")
#print (paste ("Before pop, start.stack =", ddg.start.stack))
stack.length <- length(ddg.start.stack)
top <-
if (stack.length == 0) NULL
else ddg.start.stack[stack.length]
if (stack.length == 1) {
.ddg.set("ddg.start.stack", vector())
else if (stack.length > 1){
.ddg.set("ddg.start.stack", ddg.start.stack[1:(stack.length-1)])
#print (paste ("pop returning", top))
return (top)
#' .ddg.top.start returns the number of nodes on the start/finish
#' stack.
#' @return the number of nodes on the start/finish stack
#' @noRd
.ddg.top.start <- function () {
ddg.start.stack <- .ddg.get("ddg.start.stack")
stack.length <- length(ddg.start.stack)
if (stack.length == 0) {
return (NULL)
else {
return (ddg.start.stack[stack.length])
#' .ddg.add.abstract.node creates a start or finish node and its
#' incoming control flow edge.
#' @param cmd The DDGStatement object for the command being finished
#' @param node.name The label to put on the node. If node.name is not passed in,
#' the abbreviated label in cmd is used.
#' @param scriptNum (optional) - the number of the script that the operation is in
#' @param startLine (optional) - the line that the operation starts on
#' @param startCol (optional) - the column that the operation starts on
#' @param endLine (optional) - the line that the operation ends on
#' @param endCol (optional) - the column that the operation ends on
#' @return the label of the node created, excluding "Start" or "Finish"
#' @noRd
.ddg.add.abstract.node <- function(type, cmd = NULL, node.name = "",
scriptNum=NA, startLine=NA, startCol=NA, endLine=NA, endCol=NA) {
#print("In .ddg.add.abstract.node")
if (node.name == "") {
node.name <- cmd@abbrev
if (.ddg.debug.lib()) print(paste("Adding", node.name, type, "node"))
.ddg.proc.node(type, node.name, node.name, cmd = cmd,
scriptNum=scriptNum, startLine=startLine, startCol=startCol,
endLine=endLine, endCol=endCol)
#' .ddg.open.new.command.node opens a new collapsible command
#' node depending on the information stored in ddg.possible.last.cmd.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.open.new.command.node <- function() {
new.command <- .ddg.get("ddg.possible.last.cmd")
if (!is.null(new.command)) {
# Now the new command becomes the last command, and new command
# is null.
#print (paste (".ddg.open.new.command.node: saving ddg.last.cmd as", new.command))
.ddg.set("ddg.last.cmd", new.command)
.ddg.set("ddg.possible.last.cmd", NULL)
#' .ddg.close.last.command.node closes the last created collapsible
#' node stored in ddg.last.cmd properly by creating the finish node
#' and linking it in.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.close.last.command.node <- function(){
# Get last command
ddg.last.cmd <-
if (.ddg.is.set("ddg.last.cmd")) {
else {
# print (paste (".ddg.close.last.command.node: ddg.last.cmd =", ddg.last.cmd))
# Only create a finish node if a new command exists (i.e., we've
# parsed some lines of code).
if (!is.null(ddg.last.cmd)) {
# Add link from a function return node if there is one.
# No previous command.
.ddg.set("ddg.last.cmd", NULL)
#' .ddg.is.procedure.cmd returns TRUE if the command passed in
#' is a call to .ddg.procedure, .ddg.start, or .ddg.finish.
#' These will create a procedure node and therefore
#' initiate the creation of a collapsible console node.
#' @param cmd - A DDGStatement object
#' @return true if cmd is a call to .ddg.procedure, .ddg.start or .ddg.finish
#' @noRd
.ddg.is.procedure.cmd <- function(cmd) {
return(grepl("^ddg.procedure", cmd@text) || grepl("^.ddg.start", cmd@text)
|| grepl("^.ddg.finish", cmd@text))
#' .ddg.record.warning creates the warning node for the saved warning and
#' attaches it to the node that created the warning
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.record.warning <- function () {
# Get the saved warning
w <- .ddg.get.warning()
# Create a message that looks like the one R creates
callStr <-
if (is.null (w$call)) ""
else paste ("In ", utils::head (deparse(w$call)), ": ")
warningMessage <- paste (callStr, w$message)
# Create the warning node
.ddg.insert.error.message(warningMessage, "warning.msg", doWarn = FALSE)
# Clear the saved warning
#' .ddg.parse.commands takes as input a list of parsed expressions from
#' an R script and creates DDG nodes for each command. If environ is an
#' environment, it executes the commands in that environment
#' immediately before creating the respective nodes for that
#' command, and then creates the data nodes based on the information
#' available in the environment. If environ is not NULL, calls to
#' ddg.* are not executed so only the clean script is processed.
#' If annotate.inside is TRUE, .ddg.function, .ddg.eval and .ddg.return.value
#' are added to each function definition and .ddg.eval is added to control
#' statements before commands are processed. If save.debug is TRUE,
#' changes to the script are saved in the ddg/debug directory.
#' prov.annotate.on and prov.annotate.off may be used to limit the
#' functions that are annotated or not annotated, respectively.
#' If run.commands is false, the commands are not executed. This allows
#' us to build ddgs for commands run from the console as those commands
#' have already been executed.
#' @param exprs list of parsed R statements
#' @param script.name name of the script the statements came from
#' @param script.num the number of the script in the sourced scripts table
#' @param environ environment in which commands should be
#' executed.
#' @param ignore.patterns (optional) a vector of regular expressions.
#' Any commands matching these expressions will not be parsed
#' (i.e. no nodes will be created for them).
#' @param run.commands (optional) commands are executed only when environ
#' is an environment and run.commands is TRUE.
#' @param echo (optional) print each expression after parsing
#' @param print.eval (optional) print result of each evaluation.
#' @param max.deparse.length (optional) maximum number of characters
#' output for deparse of a single expression.
#' @param called.from.ddg.eval(optional) whether called from .ddg.eval
#' @param cmds list of DDG Statements that correspond to the exprs passed in. This is
#' currently only used when called from .ddg.eval. Normally, ddg.parse.commands
#' creates the DDG Statement objects.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.parse.commands <- function (exprs, script.name="", script.num=NA, environ,
ignore.patterns=c('^ddg.'), run.commands = FALSE, echo=FALSE,
print.eval=echo, max.deparse.length=150, called.from.ddg.eval=FALSE, cmds=NULL) {
return.value <- NULL
# Gather all the information that we need about the statements
if (is.null(cmds)) {
cmds <- .ddg.create.DDGStatements (exprs, script.name, script.num)
if (.ddg.save.debug()) {
.ddg.save.annotated.script(cmds, script.name)
num.cmds <- length(cmds)
# print (paste("ddg.parse.commands: ddg.func.depth =", .ddg.get("ddg.func.depth")))
inside.func <- (.ddg.get("ddg.func.depth") > 0)
if (!inside.func) {
# Attempt to close the previous collapsible command node if a ddg exists
if (.ddg.is.init()) {
# Get the last command in the new commands and check to see if
# we need to create a new ddg.last.cmd node for future reference.
ddg.last.cmd <- cmds[[num.cmds]]
# print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: setting ddg.last.cmd to", ddg.last.cmd$text))
if (ddg.last.cmd@isDdgFunc) {
ddg.last.cmd <- NULL
#print(".ddg.parse.commands: setting ddg.last.cmd to null")
# Create an operation node for each command. We can't use lapply
# here because we need to process the commands in order and
# lapply does not guarantee an order. Also decide which data nodes
# and edges to create. Only create a data node for the last
# write of a variable and only if that occurs after the last
# possible writer. Create an edge for a data use as long as the
# use happens before the first writer/possible writer or after
# the last writer/possible writer. Lastly, if run.commands is set to
# true, then execute each command immediately before attempting
# to create the DDG nodes.
# Only go through this if we have at least one command to parse.
if (num.cmds > 0) {
# Find where all the variables are assigned for non-environ
# files.
if (!run.commands) {
vars.set <- .ddg.find.var.assignments(cmds)
else {
vars.set <- .ddg.create.empty.vars.set()
# Loop over the commands as well as their string representations.
for (i in 1:length(cmds)) {
cmd <- cmds[[i]]
if (.ddg.debug.lib()) print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: Processing", cmd@abbrev))
# print("Checking whether to set last.cmd")
if (grepl("^.ddg.eval", cmd@text)) {
if (is.null(ddg.last.cmd)) {
ddg.last.cmd <- cmd
# Get environment for output data node.
d.environ <- environ
if ( .ddg.is.nonlocal.assign(cmd@parsed[[1]]) )
d.environ <- .ddg.get.env(cmd@vars.set, for.caller=TRUE)
if( identical(d.environ, "undefined") )
d.environ <- globalenv()
# Check for control & loop statements.
st.type <- .ddg.get.statement.type(cmd@parsed[[1]])
loop.statement <- st.type %in% c("for", "while", "repeat")
control.statement <- loop.statement || st.type %in% c("if", "{")
# Specifies whether or not a procedure node should be created
# for this command. Basically, if a ddg exists and the
# command is not a DDG command or a control statement, it should
# be created. Note that if control statements are annotated,
# a procedure node is created for each statement inside a control
# block, so there is no need to create additional nodes for the
# control statement itself.
create <- !cmd@isDdgFunc && .ddg.is.init() &&
(!(control.statement && .ddg.loop.annotate() && .ddg.max.loops() > 0) ||
start.finish.created <- FALSE
cur.cmd.closed <- FALSE
# If the command does not match one of the ignored patterns.
if (!any(sapply(ignore.patterns, function(pattern){grepl(pattern, cmd@text)}))) {
# If sourcing, we want to execute the command.
if (run.commands) {
# Print command.
if (echo) {
cmd.show <-
min (max.deparse.length, nchar(cmd@text))),
# If we will create a node, then before execution, set
# this command as a possible abstraction node but only
# if it's not a call that itself creates abstract nodes.
if (!cmd@isDdgFunc && cmd@text != "next") {
.ddg.set("ddg.possible.last.cmd", cmd)
.ddg.set ("ddg.cur.cmd", cmd)
.ddg.push.cmd (cmd)
else if (.ddg.is.procedure.cmd(cmd)) {
.ddg.set("ddg.possible.last.cmd", NULL)
# Capture any warnings that occur when an expression is evaluated.
# Note that we cannot just use a tryCatch here because it behaves
# slightly differently and we would lose the value that eval
# returns. withCallingHandlers returns the value.
# withCallingHandlers also re-throws the error after it is caught.
if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
print (paste (".ddg.parse.commands: Evaluating ", cmd@annotated))
result <- withCallingHandlers(
for (annot in cmd@annotated) {
#print (paste (".ddg.parse.commands: Evaluating ",
# paste(annot, collapse = " ")))
# Don't set return.value if we are calling a ddg function or we
# are executing an if-statement
if (grepl("^ddg|^.ddg|^prov", annot)
|| .ddg.get.statement.type(annot) == "if") {
eval(annot, environ, NULL)
.ddg.set ("ddg.error.node.created", FALSE)
else {
return.value <- eval(annot, environ, NULL)
#if (typeof(return.value) != "closure") {
#print (paste (".ddg.parse.commands: Done evaluating ", annot))
#print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: setting ddg.last.R.value to",
# return.value))
.ddg.set ("ddg.last.R.value", return.value)
.ddg.set ("ddg.error.node.created", FALSE)
warning = .ddg.set.warning,
error = function(e)
# Only create an error node if there has not been one created
# for the statement. Since the error is re-thrown by withCallingHandlers,
# we will see this for every recursive call to ddg.parse.commands unless
# the error gets handled, but we only want to record it the
# first time.
if (!.ddg.get("ddg.error.node.created")) {
# create procedure node for the error-causing operation
.ddg.proc.node("Operation", cmd@abbrev, cmd@abbrev,
functions.called=cmd@functions.called, cmd=cmd)
# create input edges by adding variables to set
if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: Adding", cmd@abbrev,
"information to vars.set, for an error"))
.ddg.create.data.use.edges(cmd, for.caller=FALSE)
# Create output exception node.
.ddg.data.node("Exception", "error.msg", toString(e), "ddg.library")
# Create data flow edge from procedure node to exception node.
.ddg.proc2data(cmd@abbrev, "error.msg")
.ddg.set ("ddg.error.node.created", TRUE)
if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
print (paste (".ddg.parse.commands: Done evaluating ", cmd@annotated))
if (!cmd@isDdgFunc && cmd@text != "next") {
# Need to get the stack again because it could have been
# modified during the eval call.
ddg.cur.cmd.stack <- .ddg.get("ddg.cur.cmd.stack")
stack.length <- length(ddg.cur.cmd.stack)
start.created <- ddg.cur.cmd.stack[stack.length][[1]]
# Create a finish node if a start node was created
# start.created can have one of 3 values: "TRUE", "FALSE",
# "MATCHES_CALL". Only create the finish node if TRUE.
if (start.created == "TRUE") {
start.finish.created <- TRUE
# If the number of loop iterations exceeds max.loops, add
# output data nodes containing final values to the finish node.
if (loop.statement && .ddg.were.details.omitted()) {
vars.set2 <- .ddg.add.to.vars.set(vars.set, cmd, i)
.ddg.create.data.node.for.possible.writes(vars.set2, cmd, environ)
# Remove the last command & start.created values pushed
# onto the stack
cur.cmd.closed <- (ddg.cur.cmd.stack[stack.length] == "MATCHES_CALL")
.ddg.pop.cmd ()
# Print evaluation.
if (print.eval) print(result)
# Figure out if we should create a procedure node for this
# command. We don't create it if it matches a last command
# (because that last command has now become a collapsible
# node). Matching a last command means that the last command
# is set, is not NULL, and is equal to the current command.
last.proc.node.created <-
if (.ddg.is.set ("ddg.last.proc.node.created"))
else ""
create.procedure <- create && !cur.cmd.closed &&
!start.finish.created &&
!grepl("^.ddg.source", cmd@annotated)
# We want to create a procedure node for this command.
if (create.procedure) {
# Create the procedure node.
if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: Adding operation node for",
.ddg.proc.node("Operation", cmd@abbrev, cmd@abbrev,
functions.called=cmd@functions.called, cmd=cmd)
# If a warning occurred when cmd was evaluated,
# attach a warning node
if (.ddg.warning.occurred()) {
# Store information on the last procedure node in this
# block.
last.proc.node <- cmd
# We want to create the incoming data nodes (by updating
# the vars.set).
if (run.commands) {
# Add variables to set.
vars.set <- .ddg.add.to.vars.set(vars.set, cmd, i)
if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: Adding", cmd@abbrev,
"information to vars.set"))
.ddg.create.data.use.edges(cmd, for.caller=FALSE)
if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: Adding input data nodes for",
.ddg.create.data.set.edges(vars.set, cmd, d.environ)
if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: Adding output data nodes for",
.ddg.create.file.write.nodes.and.edges ()
.ddg.create.graphics.nodes.and.edges ()
# We wanted to create it but it matched a last command node.
else if (create && run.commands) {
if (run.commands) {
# Add variables to set.
vars.set <- .ddg.add.to.vars.set(vars.set, cmd, i)
if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: Adding", cmd@abbrev,
"information to vars.set"))
.ddg.create.data.set.edges(vars.set, cmd, environ)
if (create.procedure && run.commands) {
.ddg.create.data.node.for.possible.writes(vars.set, last.proc.node, env=environ)
# Update so we don't set these again.
vars.set$possible.last.writer <- vars.set$last.writer
# Create a data node for each variable that might have been set in
# something other than a simple assignment, with an edge from the
# last node in the console block or source .
if (!run.commands) {
.ddg.create.data.node.for.possible.writes(vars.set, last.proc.node, env=environ)
#print("Done with ddg.parse.commands loop")
# Close any node left open during execution.
if (run.commands && !inside.func) .ddg.close.last.command.node()
if (.ddg.is.set("ddg.last.R.value")) return (.ddg.get ("ddg.last.R.value"))
else return ("")
#return.value <- .ddg.get ("ddg.last.R.value")
#if (typeof(return.value) != "closure") {
# print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: returning ", return.value))
#' .ddg.push.cmd pushes a command onto the command stack. The command stack
#' remembers the command about to be executed. It also puts FALSE on the stack
#' to indicate that no start node has (yet) been created for the command.
#' @param cmd The DDGStatement about to be executed
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.push.cmd <- function (cmd) {
#print(paste("Pushing onto the stack:", cmd@text))
# Remember the current statement on the stack so that we
# will be able to create a corresponding Finish node later
# if needed.
ddg.cur.cmd.stack <- .ddg.get("ddg.cur.cmd.stack")
if (length(ddg.cur.cmd.stack) == 0) {
ddg.cur.cmd.stack <- c(cmd, FALSE)
else {
ddg.cur.cmd.stack <- c(.ddg.get("ddg.cur.cmd.stack"), cmd, FALSE)
.ddg.set("ddg.cur.cmd.stack", ddg.cur.cmd.stack)
#' .ddg.pop.cmd removes the top of the command stack, along with the boolean
#' that remembers if the start / finish nodes have been created.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.pop.cmd <- function () {
ddg.cur.cmd.stack <- .ddg.get("ddg.cur.cmd.stack")
stack.length <- length(ddg.cur.cmd.stack)
if (stack.length == 2) {
.ddg.set("ddg.cur.cmd.stack", vector())
else {
.ddg.set("ddg.cur.cmd.stack", ddg.cur.cmd.stack[1:(stack.length-2)])
#' .ddg.get.top.cmd returns the last command on the stack.
#' @return the last command pushed to the stack
#' @noRd
.ddg.get.top.cmd <- function() {
ddg.cur.cmd.stack <- .ddg.get("ddg.cur.cmd.stack")
stack.length <- length(ddg.cur.cmd.stack)
return (ddg.cur.cmd.stack[stack.length-1][[1]])
#' .ddg.lookup.function.name gets the name of the calling function
#' and sets pname to that value. If pname is passed as a string,
#' pname is not changed. If pname is not a string, it is deparsed.
#' If pname is NULL when called, pname is obtained from the calling environment.
#' Note that it is important that this be a macro, not a function,
#' due to the use of the substitute function in the body. expr is
#' the macro body.
#' @param pname - name of procedure node.
#' @noRd
.ddg.lookup.function.name <- gtools::defmacro (pname,
expr =
# If pname is not provided, get from function call.
if (is.null(pname)) {
# Look up function call.
# Note: I tried to call .ddg.get.first.non.ddg.call instead
# of hardwiring the number here but it did not work. The
# call stack contains unexpected entries to eval before
# getting to the user's function.
call <- sys.call(-4)
if (typeof(call[[1]]) == "closure") {
#print(".ddg.lookup.function.name: Found a closure!")
pname <- "FUN"
else {
pname <- as.character(call[[1]])
# Convert pname to a string if necessary.
else if (!is.character(pname)) {
pname <- deparse(substitute(pname))
#' .ddg.lookup.value is used to determine what value to use when
#' creating data nodes.
#' Note that it is important that this be a macro, not a function,
#' due to the use of the substitute function in the body. expr is the macro body.
#' @param expr.to.evaluate the expression to be evaluted. This can be a string or
#' a name.
#' @param value the value that was passed in to the calling function.
#' If value already exists, nothing happens. If value is NULL,
#' the expression is evaluated to determine the value.
#' @param env the environment in which the evaluation is done.
#' @param procname the name of the calling procedure, used to produce
#' an error message if necessary. Only needed if warn is TRUE.
#' @param warn (optional) if TRUE, warns user that the expression could
#' not be evaluated if the evaluation failed
#' @noRd
.ddg.lookup.value <- gtools::defmacro(expr.to.evaluate, value, env,
procname = "", warn=FALSE,
expr =
if (is.null(value)) {
arg <- substitute(expr.to.evaluate)
if (is.character(arg)) {
tryCatch (arg <- parse(text=expr.to.evaluate),
error = function(e) {})
else expr.to.evaluate <- deparse(arg)
value <- tryCatch (
eval(arg, env),
error = function(e) {
if (warn) {
error.msg <- paste("Unable to evaluate", expr.to.evaluate,
"in call to", procname)
return ("")
#' .ddg.delete.temp deletes any temporary files created during
#' the processing of a script. These include the temporary
#' history file.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.delete.temp <- function() {
# Delete the temporary history file if we made it.
if (.ddg.is.set('ddg.history.file')) unlink(.ddg.get('ddg.history.file'))
#' .ddg.get.frame.number gets the frame number of the closest
#' non-library calling function.
#' @param calls call stack to search
#' @param for.caller (optional) if TRUE, return the frame of the caller of the
#' first non-ddg function
#' @return If for.caller is FALSE, returns the top-most non-ddg function on the
#' call stack. If for.caller is TRUE, returns the second one found. If none
#' are found, returns 0.
#' @noRd
.ddg.get.frame.number <- function(calls, for.caller=FALSE) {
script.func.found <- FALSE
nframe <- length(calls)
for (i in nframe:1) {
call <- calls[[i]][[1]]
# Guess that if we have a closure it is a user-defined function and not a ddg function
# Is this a good assumption ????
if (typeof(call) == "closure") {
if (for.caller && !script.func.found) {
script.func.found <- TRUE
else {
else {
call.func <- as.character(call)
# Ignore calls to ddg functions or to the functions that get called from
# the outermost tryCatch to ddg code.
if (!any (startsWith (call.func, c (".ddg", "ddg", "prov", "doTryCatch",
"tryCatch")))) {
if (for.caller && !script.func.found) {
script.func.found <- TRUE
else {
#' .ddg.where looks up the environment for the variable specified
#' by name. Adapted from Hadley Wickham, Advanced R programming.
#' @param name - name of variable.
#' @param env (optional) - environment in which to start looking for variable.
#' @param warning (optional) - set to TRUE if a warning should be thrown when a variable is not found.
#' @return the environment in which the name is found. Returns "undefined" if the
#' variable is not found.
#' @noRd
.ddg.where <- function( name, env = parent.frame(), warning = TRUE )
stopifnot(is.character(name), length(name) == 1)
if (identical(env, emptyenv()))
warning("Can't find ", name)
if (exists(name, env, inherits=FALSE))
.ddg.where(name, parent.env(env), warning)
#'.ddg.get.env gets the environment in which name is declared.
#' @param name variable name.
#' @param for.caller (optional) if TRUE, go up one level before searching.
#' @param calls (optional) call stack to search
#' @return the environment in which name is declated
#' @noRd
.ddg.get.env <- function(name, for.caller=FALSE, calls=NULL) {
if (is.null(calls)) calls <- sys.calls()
fnum <- .ddg.get.frame.number(calls, for.caller)
tryCatch (
if(!exists(name, sys.frame(fnum), inherits=TRUE)) return(NULL),
error = function(e) {}
env <- .ddg.where(name, sys.frame(fnum))
#' .ddg.get.scope converts from an environment object to its name. If no
#' environment is passed in, it uses the name to find the environment. One
#' of name or env must be provided.
#' @param name name of variable.
#' @param for.caller (optional) if TRUE, go up one level before searching.
#' @param calls (optional) call stack to search
#' @param env (optional) the environment to get the scope for
#' @return the scope of the variable
#' @noRd
.ddg.get.scope <- function(name="", for.caller=FALSE, calls=NULL, env=NULL) {
# Get the environment for the variable call.
if (is.null(env)) {
env <- .ddg.get.env(name, for.caller, calls)
# If no environment found, name does not exist, so scope is
# undefined.
if (is.null(env)) return ("undefined")
scope <- sub('^<environment: (.*)>$', '\\1', utils::capture.output(env)[1])
if (grepl("undefined", scope)) scope <- "undefined"
#' .ddg.markdown takes a Rmd file and extracts the R code and text through
#' the purl function in the knitr library. It then annotates the R script
#' to insert start and finish nodes based on the chunks the user already
#' created. If eval = false, then the chunk will not be added to the DDG. If
#' the user has a name for the chunk, then that name will be used, else a chunk
#' name "ddg.chunk_1" and higher numbers will be generated.
#' Important: If in a code chunk, there is an empty line followed by "#' ----"
#' or "#''", then an extra finish node will be inserted, causing an error.
#' @param r.script.path the path of the original Rmd file
#' @param output.path the path of the generated R script
#' @return the path to the original Rmd file
#' @noRd
.ddg.markdown <- function(r.script.path, output.path){
#generates R script file from markdown file
knitr::purl(r.script.path, documentation = 2L, quiet = TRUE)
#moves file to ddg directory
file.rename(from = paste(getwd(), "/",
".R", sep = ""),
to = output.path)
script <- readLines(output.path)
skip <- FALSE
name <- "ddg.chunk"
annotated <- character(0)
index <- 1
# This for loop goes through the script line by line and searches for patterns
# to insert the start and finish nodes
for(i in 1:length(script)){
#eval = false means we skip this code chunk, therefore skip = TRUE
if(regexpr("eval+(\\s*)+=+(\\s*)+FALSE", script[i]) != -1){
skip <- TRUE
annotated <- append(annotated, script[i])
else if(regexpr("## ----", script[i]) != -1){
#if no options in the line, then generate default name.
if(regexpr("## -----", script[i]) == -1){
if(regexpr("=", script[i]) == -1){
end <- regexpr("-----", script[i])
name <- substring(script[i], 8, last = end -1)
else if(regexpr(",", script[i]) != -1){
comma <- regexpr(",", script[i])
name <- substring(script[i], 8, last = comma -1)
name <- paste("ddg.chunk_", index, sep = "")
index <- index + 1
name <- paste("ddg.chunk_", index, sep = "")
index <- index + 1
name <- stringr::str_trim(name, side = "both")
annotated <- append(annotated, paste(".ddg.start(\"", name, "\")", sep = ""))
else if(nchar(script[i]) == 0 &&
(regexpr("#'", script[i + 1]) != -1 ||
i == length(script) || regexpr("## ----", script[i + 1]) != -1 )){
annotated <- append(annotated, script[i])
skip <- FALSE
annotated <- append(annotated, paste(".ddg.finish(\"", name, "\")", sep = ""))
annotated <- append(annotated, script[i])
writeLines(annotated, output.path)
#' .ddg.save.debug.files saves debug files to the debug directory.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.save.debug.files <- function()
# Save initial environment table to file.
fileout <- paste(.ddg.path.debug(), "/initial-environment.csv", sep="")
ddg.initial.env <- .ddg.initial.env()
utils::write.csv(ddg.initial.env, fileout, row.names=FALSE)
.ddg.save.debug.proc.nodes ()
.ddg.save.debug.data.nodes ()
.ddg.save.function.table ()
# save library information to file
fileout <- paste(.ddg.path.debug(), "/libraries.csv", sep="")
utils::write.csv(.ddg.installedpackages(), fileout, row.names=FALSE)
# save execution environment information to file
fileout <- paste(.ddg.path.debug(), "/environment.csv", sep="")
utils::write.csv(.ddg.exec.env(), fileout, row.names=FALSE)
.ddg.save.return.value.table ()
.ddg.save.sourced.script.table ()
if (interactive()) print(paste("Saving debug files in ", .ddg.path.debug(), sep=""))
#' .ddg.exec.env returns a dataframe of information about the current
#' execution environment
#' @return a data frame of information about the current environment.
#' @noRd
.ddg.exec.env <- function()
env <- data.frame( "architecture" = character(1),
"os" = character(1),
"language" = character(1),
"rVersion" = character(1),
"script" = character(1),
"scriptTimeStamp" = character(1),
"workingDirectory" = character(1),
"ddgDirectory" = character(1),
"ddgTimeStamp" = character(1),
"rdtVersion" = character(1),
"hashAlgorithm" = character(1),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
# architecture, language, rVersion
r.version <- R.Version()
env$architecture[1] <- r.version$arch
env$language[1] <- r.version$language
env$rVersion[1] <- r.version$version
# operating system
env$os[1] <- .Platform$OS.type
# script variables
script.path <- .ddg.r.script.path()
if(!is.null(script.path) )
env$script[1] <- script.path
env$scriptTimeStamp[1] <- .ddg.format.time( file.info(script.path)$mtime )
env$script[1] <- ""
env$scriptTimeStamp[1] <- ""
# working directory, ddg. directory
env$workingDirectory[1] <- getwd()
env$ddgDirectory[1] <- .ddg.path()
# ddg timestamp
env$ddgTimeStamp[1] <- .ddg.get("ddg.start.time")
# tool version
tool.name <- .ddg.tool.name()
env$rdtVersion[1] <- toString( utils::packageVersion(tool.name) )
# hash algorithm
env$hashAlgorithm[1] <- .ddg.get("ddg.hash.algorithm")
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