
Defines functions get.val.type get.preexisting get.func.lib get.func.proc get.proc.data get.data.proc get.proc.proc get.func.nodes get.error.nodes get.stdout.nodes get.data.nodes get.proc.nodes get.scripts get.args get.tool.info get.libs get.environment prov.parse parse.elapsed.time parse.scripts parse.libs parse.envi parse.args parse.agents parse.general parse.from.identifier

Documented in get.args get.data.nodes get.data.proc get.environment get.error.nodes get.func.lib get.func.nodes get.func.proc get.libs get.preexisting get.proc.data get.proc.nodes get.proc.proc get.scripts get.stdout.nodes get.tool.info get.val.type prov.parse

# Copyright (C) President and Fellows of Harvard College and 
# Trustees of Mount Holyoke College, 2018, 2019, 2020.

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
#   License along with this program.  If not, see
#   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Created by Orenna Brand & Joe Wonsil, summer 2018
# Updated by Barbara Lerner, fall 2018

#' Collection of information gathered from parsing a PROV file
#' This is the class that stores provenance information.  It is created by 
#' prov.parse.  Rather than access the slots directly, it is better to use
#' the access functions the package provides.
#' @slot proc.nodes the procedure nodes
#' @slot data.nodes the data nodes
#' @slot func.nodes the function nodes
#' @slot proc.proc.edges control flow edges
#' @slot proc.data.edges output data edges
#' @slot data.proc.edges input data edges
#' @slot func.proc.edges function use edges
#' @slot func.lib.edges function library edges
#' @slot agents tool that created the provenance
#' @slot args arguments passed when provenance was created
#' @slot envi environmental information
#' @slot libs libraries
#' @slot scripts scripts executed 
#' @seealso The parse function, which creates the ProvInfo object, \code{\link{prov.parse}}
#' @seealso The access functions, including \code{\link{get.environment}}
#' @import methods
#' @exportClass ProvInfo
ProvInfo <- methods::setClass("ProvInfo",
    slots = list(
        proc.nodes = "data.frame", 
        data.nodes = "data.frame", 
        func.nodes = "data.frame", 
        proc.proc.edges = "data.frame", 
        proc.data.edges = "data.frame", 
        data.proc.edges = "data.frame", 
        func.proc.edges = "data.frame", 
        func.lib.edges = "data.frame", 
        agents = "data.frame", 
        args = "list",
        envi = "data.frame", 
        libs = "data.frame", 
        scripts = "data.frame")

# This is called when a new ProvInfo object is created.  It initializes all of the slots.
methods::setMethod ("initialize",
    function(.Object, prov){
      # Removing 'rdt:' prefix for legibility of data.
      if (length(prov) == 0) warning ("Provenance is empty")
      prov <- gsub("rdt:", "", prov)
      prov <- gsub("prov:", "", prov)
      # Converting to an R-useable data structure.
      prov.data <- jsonlite::fromJSON(prov)
      # Creating the master list by unlisting the nodes/edges.
      master.list <- unlist(prov.data, recursive = F)
      # This removes the appended prefixes created by unlisting.
      # This leaves the nodes with their original names.
      names(master.list) <- gsub("^.*\\.", "", names(master.list))
      # These nodes cannot be parsed with the generalized function.
      # Therefore they are done separately and appended later.
      .Object@agents <- parse.agents(master.list)
      .Object@args <- parse.args(master.list)
      .Object@envi <- parse.envi(master.list)
      .Object@libs <- parse.libs(master.list)
      .Object@scripts <- parse.scripts(master.list)
      # This list represents the characters codes for the different
      # possible objects.
      obj.chars <- c("p", "d", "f", "pp", "pd", "dp", "fp", "m")
      # Utilizes char codes to produce the list of data frames.
      prov.df <- lapply(obj.chars, parse.from.identifier, m.list = master.list)
      .Object@proc.nodes <- prov.df[[1]]
      .Object@data.nodes <- .add.snapshot.paths(prov.df[[2]], .Object@envi)
      .Object@func.nodes <- prov.df[[3]]
      .Object@proc.proc.edges <- prov.df[[4]]
      .Object@proc.data.edges <- prov.df[[5]]
      .Object@data.proc.edges <- prov.df[[6]]
      .Object@func.proc.edges <- prov.df[[7]]
      .Object@func.lib.edges <- prov.df[[8]]
      # Check the type of the elapsedTime column.
      # Convert to a column of doubles if it is a column of strings.
      if(length(.Object@proc.nodes) > 0) {
        elapsedTime <- .Object@proc.nodes["elapsedTime"][ , 1]
        if(typeof(elapsedTime) == "character") {
          elapsedTime <- parse.elapsed.time(elapsedTime)
          .Object@proc.nodes["elapsedTime"] <- elapsedTime
      # Complete
      return (.Object)
#' Changes the value of snapshot nodes to include a full path to the snapshot.
#' @param data.nodes the data frame containing all data nodes
#' @param env the data frame containing environment information
#' @return the modified data nodes data frame
#' @noRd
.add.snapshot.paths <- function (data.nodes, env) {
  if (any(data.nodes$type %in% c("Snapshot", "StandardOutputSnapshot"))) {
    prov.dir <- env[env$label == "provDirectory", ]$value
    data.nodes[data.nodes$type %in% c("Snapshot", "StandardOutputSnapshot"), ]$value <- paste (prov.dir, data.nodes[data.nodes$type %in% c("Snapshot", "StandardOutputSnapshot"), ]$value, sep="/")
  return (data.nodes)

# Generalized parser - parses the nodes with the requested node identifier
parse.from.identifier <- function(requested, m.list) {
	# Constructs pattern to match to using the grep function.
  grep.arg <- paste("^", requested, "[[:digit:]]", sep = "")
  # Using the pattern to pull out only the requested
  # nodes/edges from the master list.
  # This list had data stored in rows not columns
  nodes <- m.list[grep(grep.arg, names(m.list))]
  # Calls helper function to convert nodes to a data frame

# Generalized parser - parses the given nodes into a data frame
parse.general <- function(nodes) {
  # case: nothing to parse
  if (length(nodes) == 0) return(data.frame())
  # The num of columns are stored in each row in the list
  # Pull out how many columns so we can index through each
  # row and receive the columns
  col.length <- 1:length(nodes[[1]])
  # Use index nums to pull out each column so they are
  # no longer stored as rows but columns
  col.list <- lapply(col.length, function(x) {
    return(mapply(`[`, nodes, x))
  # To each column, replace the string "NA" with
  # an actual R value of NA, the extract the column 
  # as a vector to coerce into one type
  node.vec <- lapply(col.length, function(x) {
    col <- mapply(`[`, nodes, x)
    col[col=="NA"] <- NA
    return(mapply(`[`, col, 1))
  # Convert the data frame, we do not have factors
  # in data so keep them as strings
  nodes.df <- data.frame(node.vec, stringsAsFactors = F)
  colnames(nodes.df) <- names(nodes[[1]])
  nodes.df <- cbind.data.frame(names(nodes), nodes.df, stringsAsFactors = F)
  names(nodes.df)[names(nodes.df) == "names(nodes)"] <- "id"
  rownames(nodes.df) <- NULL

# Agent parser
parse.agents <- function(m.list) {
	# Extract nodes from master list
  nodes <- m.list[grep("^a[[:digit:]]", names(m.list))]
  # Remove entries regarding arguments, if any
  nodes <- lapply(nodes, function(x) {
              indices <- grep("args", names(x))
              if(identical(indices, integer(0)))
  # Parse into data frame and return

# Parser for argumnents.
# Should I assume there to be only 1 set of this?
# The general parser and the parsing of the agent node doesn't assume that though
# Extracts the arguments in each agent into a named list, where:
# 1. Each element is the value of an argument, converted into its 
# corresponding type listed in the property args.types.
# 2. The name of each element is the name of the argument.
# The name of each list is the agent number.
parse.args <- function(m.list) {
  # Extract nodes from master list
  nodes <- m.list[grep("^a[[:digit:]]", names(m.list))]
  # If no agent nodes, return empty list
  if(length(nodes) == 0)
  # For each agent, extract entries regarding arguments, if any.
  # Replace with NULL if there are none.
  # Unfortunately, the NULL will be in its own list.
  # This results in each list having the 3 lists of argument information,
  # or 1 list of NULL.
  nodes <- lapply(nodes, function(x) {
              indices <- grep("args", names(x))
              if(identical(indices, integer(0)))
  # Then, for each agent (loop through indices of main list),
  # figure out which indices of the main list do not have a list of NULL.
  nodes.indices <- 1:length(nodes)
  nodes.indices <- lapply(nodes.indices, function(i)
  nodes.indices <- unlist(nodes.indices, recursive = TRUE, use.names = FALSE)
  # If null, that means there are no agents have arguments. Return empty list.
  # Extract nodes with arguments.
  nodes <- nodes[nodes.indices]
  # For each agent, convert to a named list such that
  # each element is the value of an argument converted back to its original type,
  # the name of each element is the name of the argument
  # This results in a list of named lists.
  args <- lapply(nodes, function(node) {
    # Extract the argument values and types for easy reference
    vals <- node[[grep("values", names(node))]]
    types <- node[[grep("types", names(node))]]
    # Obtain the indices. 
    # This is so that we could use the lapply function instead of a loop.
    indices <- c(1:length(vals))
    # The alternative to using a loop.
    # For each index, i, convert the argument value into its original argument type.
    # Types supported: logical, integer, numeric
    # Anything else remains as a string.
    vals <- lapply(indices, function(i) {
      if(types[i] == "logical")
      else if(types[i] == "integer")
      else if(types[i] == "numeric")
    # Before returning, name each argument value with its corresponding argument name
    names(vals) <- node[[grep("names", names(node))]]
  }) # end type conversion for each agent

# Environment parser
parse.envi <- function(m.list) {
  env <- m.list$environment
  # Remove nested lists which are parsed in a different
  # function
  env <- env[-which(names(env) == "sourcedScripts")]
  env <- env[-which(names(env) == "sourcedScriptTimeStamps")]
  if ("sourcedScriptHashes" %in% names(env)) {
    env <- env[-which(names(env) == "sourcedScriptHashes")]
  # Swap rows and columns for clarity and apply name the column
  environment <- t(as.data.frame(env))
  environment <- data.frame(environment, stringsAsFactors = F)
  colnames(environment) <- c("value")
  environment <- cbind.data.frame(rownames(environment), environment, stringsAsFactors = F)
  names(environment)[names(environment) == "rownames(environment)"] <- "label"
  rownames(environment) <- NULL

# Libraries parser
parse.libs <- function(m.list) {
  # Use the general function, however it will 
  # add unneeded columns
  libraries <- parse.from.identifier("l", m.list)
  # Pull out columns of info wanted.  The "whereLoaded" column was
  # added with rdtLite 1.4
  columns <- colnames(libraries)
  if ("whereLoaded" %in% columns) {
  	libraries <- libraries[,c("id", "name", "version", "whereLoaded")]
  else {
    libraries <- libraries[,c("id", "name", "version")]
    libraries$whereLoaded <- "unknown"

# Source scripts parser
parse.scripts <- function(m.list) {
  # The source scripts are nested in the environment object
  env <- m.list$environment
  # Put the main script in the table
  scripts.df <- 
    if ("scriptHash" %in% names(env)) 
      data.frame (script = env$script[1], 
                  timestamp = env$scriptTimeStamp[1],
                  hash = env$scriptHash[1], stringsAsFactors = F)
      data.frame (script = env$script[1], 
                  timestamp = env$scriptTimeStamp[1],
                  hash = "", stringsAsFactors = F)
  # Grab the sourced script names
  scripts <- env$`sourcedScripts`
  if (length(scripts) > 0 && scripts[1] != "") {
    # Append the sourced scripts
    scripts.df <- 
      if ("sourcedScriptHashes" %in% names(env)) 
        rbind (scripts.df, cbind(script = scripts, 
                                 timestamp = env$`sourcedScriptTimeStamps`, 
                                 hash = env$`sourcedScriptHashes`))
        rbind (scripts.df, cbind(script = scripts, 
                                 timestamp = env$`sourcedScriptTimeStamps`, 
                                 hash = rep("", length(scripts))))

# Parse a vector of elapsedTime values from strings to a vector of doubles.
# elapsedTime strings can have ',' and/or '.' for digit grouping and/or as a decimal separator.
# elapsedTime values will always have at least a decimal separator.
parse.elapsed.time <- function(vector) {
	vector <- sapply(
		function(str) {
			# Try to parse the string normally as a double.
			# If and when it fails, a warning will be thrown and NA will be returned.
			val <- suppressWarnings(as.double(str))
			# If parsing fails, manipulate the string into a format where it will parse.
			# e.g. When ',' and/or '.' are used to group digits or as a decimal separator
			if(is.na(val[1])) {
				# split string into array where ',' or '.' occurs
				# there will always be at least a decimal separator
				regex <- '(,|\\.)'
				parts <- strsplit(str, regex)[[1]]
				# as the last part is always the part after the decimal separator,
				# add a '.' before it before combining the parts back into a single string
				parts[length(parts)] <- paste('.', parts[length(parts)], sep='')
				str <- paste(parts, collapse='')
				val <- as.double(str)

#' Provenance parser
#' The prov.parse function parses the provenance collected by rdt or rdtLite.  This 
#' provenance can be stored in a prov.json file or passed to prov.parse as a string.  
#' The provParseR package also defines
#' a number of functions that extract and return information from the parsed
#' provenance.
#' @param prov.input A path to a json file that has been created by rdt
#'   or rdtLite or a string that is in prov.json format.
#' @param isFile A logical value that indicates whether the provenance information 
#'   is stored in a file (isFile=T) or in a string (isFile=F).
#' @return A ProvInfo object that can be passed to the access functions provided
#'   by the provParseR package.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' prov <- prov.parse(system.file ("testdata", "prov.json", package="provParseR", mustWork=TRUE))
#' @seealso The access functions, including \code{\link{get.environment}}
prov.parse <- function(prov.input, isFile = T) {

  # If the input is a string does not need to be read from the file system
  if (isFile) {
    prov <- readLines(prov.input)
  } else {
    prov <- prov.input
  return (methods::new (Class = "ProvInfo", prov))

## ==Simple wrapper functions for calling data frames==##

#' Provenance access functions
#' These functions extract information from a ProvInfo object created by the prov.parse function 
#' and return this information as a data frame.
#' @param prov a ProvInfo object created by calling \code{\link{prov.parse}}.
#' @param only.files If true, the output of get.input.files contains just files.  If false,
#'    it contains both files and URLs.
#' @param var.name a string containing the name of a variable used in the script the
#'  provenance is for
#' @examples
#' prov <- prov.parse(system.file ("testdata", "prov.json", package="provParseR", mustWork=TRUE))
#' get.proc.nodes(prov)
#' get.input.files(prov)
#' get.urls(prov)
#' get.output.files(prov)
#' get.variables.set(prov)
#' get.variables.used(prov)
#' get.variable.named(prov, "z")
#' get.data.nodes(prov)
#' get.error.nodes(prov)
#' get.func.nodes(prov)
#' get.proc.proc(prov)
#' get.data.proc(prov)
#' get.proc.data(prov)
#' get.func.proc(prov)
#' get.func.lib(prov)
#' get.libs(prov)
#' get.scripts(prov)
#' get.environment(prov)
#' get.val.type(prov, "d1")
#' get.tool.info(prov)
#' get.args(prov)
#' get.stdout.nodes(prov)
#' @return All access functions return NULL if there is no parsed provenance.  If parsed provenance
#'   exists, but there is no provenance for the type of information requested, such as no input 
#'   files, an empty data frame is returned.
#' @seealso \code{\link{prov.parse}}

#' @return get.environment returns a data frame containing information about how the provenance was collected.
#'    The data frame has 2 columns:  label and value.  The labels are: 
#'    \itemize{
#'    \item {name} {- whose value will always be "environment"}
#'    \item {architecture}
#'    \item {operatingSystem}
#'    \item {language}
#'    \item {langVersion}
#'    \item {script} {- the absolute path to the script executed}
#'    \item {scriptTimeStamp} {- when the script was last modified}
#'    \item {workingDirectory}
#'    \item {provDirectory} {- where the provenance is stored}
#'    \item {provTimeStamp} {- when the provenance was collected}
#'    \item {hashAlgorithm}
#'    }
#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.environment <- function(prov) {
  return(if (!is.null(prov)) {
  } else {

#' @return get.libs returns a data frame describing the libraries used by the 
#'   script.  It contains 3 columns:  id, name, and version.
#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.libs <- function(prov) {
  return(if (!is.null(prov)) {
  } else {

#' @return get.tool.info returns a data frame describing the tool that 
#'   collected the provenance.  It contains 3 columns:  tool.name, tool.version
#'   and json.version.  
#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.tool.info <- function(prov) {
  return(if (!is.null(prov)) {
            prov@agents[c("tool.name", "tool.version", "json.version")]
          } else {

#' @return get.args returns a named list describing the arguments that were passed
#'    to prov.run or prov.init when the provenance was collected.
#'    Each element is the value of an argument in its original type, 
#'    each element name is the name of the arguemnt the value corresponds to.
#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.args <- function(prov) {
  if(is.null(prov)) {
  else {
    # removes the 'a' identifier from the id of the agent each list corresponds to
    args <- prov@args
    names(args) <- grep("[[:digit:]]", names(args))

#' @return get.scripts returns a data frame identifying all the scripts executed.  The main script
#'    will be first, followed by all sourced scripts.  The data frame contains 
#'    2 columns:  name and timestamp (when the script was last modified).  
#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.scripts <- function(prov) {
  return(if (!is.null(prov)) {
  } else {

#' @return get.saved.scripts returns a data frame identifying the location of saved copies
#'    of all the scripts executed.  The main script
#'    will be first, followed by all sourced scripts.  The data frame contains 
#'    2 columns:  name and timestamp (when the script was last modified).  
#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.saved.scripts <- function (prov) {
  scripts <- get.scripts(prov)
  env <- get.environment(prov)
  prov.dir <- env[env$label == "provDirectory", ]$value
  script.names <- paste0(prov.dir, "/scripts/", basename(scripts$script))
  script.timestamps <- unname(scripts$timestamp)
  return(data.frame(script = script.names, timestamp = script.timestamps, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

#' @return get.proc.nodes returns a data frame identifying all the procedural nodes executed.  
#'    These are represented in PROV-JSON as activities and include nodes
#'    corresponding to lines of code, start or finish nodes that surround
#'    blocks of code, and nodes to represent the binding of function arguments
#'    to parameters.  The data frame contains 
#'    8 columns:  
#'    \itemize{
#'      \item{id} {- a unique id}
#'      \item{name} {- a description of what the node represents.  Often this is a line of code from
#'        the script, perhaps shortened}
#'      \item{type} {- one of Operation, Binding, Start, Finish, or Incomplete}
#'      \item{elapsedTime} {- when this executed relative to the start of the script}
#'      \item {scriptNum} {- a number identifing the script it comes from, with script 1 being the main
#'        script}
#'      \item {startLine} {- the line in the script this corresponds to, which may be NA, and the following
#'        other position infofmation}
#'      \item {startCol}
#'      \item {endLine}
#'      \item {endCol}
#'    }
#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.proc.nodes <- function(prov) {
  if (!is.null(prov)) {
    proc.nodes <- prov@proc.nodes
    if (ncol(proc.nodes) == 0) {
      #   id      name      type elapsedTime scriptNum startLine startCol endLine endCol
      # 1 p1 Issue10.R     Start       0.441        NA        NA       NA      NA     NA
      proc.nodes <- data.frame (id=character(), name=character(), type=character(), 
          elapsedTime=character(), scriptNum=integer(), startLine=integer(), 
          startCol=integer(), endLine=integer(), endCol=integer(), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    return (proc.nodes)
  } else {
    return (NULL)

#' @return get.data.nodes returns a data frame with an entry for each data node
#'   in the provenance.  The data frame contains the following columns:
#'   \itemize{
#'      \item {id} {- a unique id}
#' 			\item {name} {- the descriptive name for the node, which is generally a variable name, file name, or URL}
#' 			\item {value} {- either a text value (possible shortened) or the name of a file where the value is stored}
#' 			\item {valType} {- a description of the value's type, including its container (such as list, vector, etc.), 
#'         dimensions and member types (such as character, numeric, etc.)}
#' 			\item {type} {- the type of the node, one of Data, Snapshot, File, URL, Exception, Device, 
#'         StandardOutput, or StandardOutputSnapshot}
#' 			\item {scope} {- a hex number identifying the scope.  This is only used for node's with type Data or Snapshot}
#' 			\item {fromEnv} {- a logical value.  If true, it means the variable had a value before the script began execution}
#' 			\item {hash} {- the hash value for File nodes}
#' 			\item {timestamp} {- the time at which the node was created}
#' 			\item {location} {- for file nodes, the absolute path to the file}
#'   }
#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.data.nodes <- function(prov) {
  if (!is.null(prov)) {
    data.nodes <- prov@data.nodes
    if (ncol (data.nodes) == 0) {
      #   id  name   value    valType                                                 type   scope
      # 1 d1   y       5  {"container":"vector", "dimension":[1], "type":["numeric"]} Data R_GlobalEnv
      # fromEnv      hash    timestamp   location
      #  FALSE
      data.nodes <- data.frame (id=character(), name=character(), value=character(), valType=character(),
          type=character(), scope=character(), fromEnv=logical(), hash=character(), timestamp=character(), 
          location=character(), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    return (data.nodes)
  } else {
    return (NULL)

#' @return get.stdout.nodes returns a data frame with an entry for each standard output node
#'   in the provenance.  The data frame contains the following columns:
#'   \itemize{
#'      \item {id} {- a unique id}
#' 			\item {value} {- either a text value (possible shortened) or the name of a file where the value is stored}
#' 			\item {timestamp} {- the time at which the node was created}
#'   }
#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.stdout.nodes <- function(prov) {
  data.nodes <- get.data.nodes(prov)
  stdout.nodes <- data.nodes[data.nodes$type %in% c("StandardOutput","StandardOutputSnapshot"),]
  stdout.table <- subset (stdout.nodes, select=c("id", "value", "timestamp"))
  return (stdout.table)
#' @return get.error.nodes returns a data frame with an entry for each error node
#'   in the provenance.  The data frame contains the following columns:
#'   \itemize{
#'      \item {id} {- a unique id}
#' 			\item {value} {- either a text value (possible shortened) or the name of a file where the value is stored}
#' 			\item {timestamp} {- the time at which the node was created}
#'   }
#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.error.nodes <- function(prov) {
  data.nodes <- get.data.nodes(prov)
  error.nodes <- data.nodes[data.nodes$type=="Exception",]
  error.table <- subset (error.nodes, select=c("id", "value", "timestamp"))
  return (error.table)

#' @return get.func.nodes returns a data frame containing information about the functions
#'   used from other libraries within the script.  The data frame has 2 columns:  id 
#'   (a unique id) and name (the name of the function called).  
#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.func.nodes <- function(prov) {
  if (!is.null(prov)) {
    func.nodes <- prov@func.nodes
    if (ncol(func.nodes) == 0) {
      #   id    name
      # 1 f1 str_to_upper
      func.nodes <- data.frame(id=character(), name=character(), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  } else {
    return (NULL)

#' @return get.proc.proc returns a data frame containing information about the edges
#'   that go between two procedural nodes.  These edges indicate a control-flow relationship
#'   between the two activities.  The data frame has 3 columns:  id 
#'   (a unique id), informant (the tail of the edge), and informed (the head of the edge).  
#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.proc.proc <- function(prov) {
  if (!is.null(prov)) {
    proc.proc.edges <- prov@proc.proc.edges
    if (ncol(proc.proc.edges) == 0) {
        #     id  informant informed
        # 1   pp1    p1       p2
      proc.proc.edges <- data.frame (id=character(), informant=character(), 
          informed=character(), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    return (proc.proc.edges)
  } else {
    return (NULL)

#' @return get.data.proc returns a data frame containing information about the edges
#'   that go from data nodes to procedural nodes.  These edges indicate an input relationship
#'   where the data is used by the activity.  The data frame has 3 columns:  id 
#'   (a unique id), entity (the input data), and activity (the procedural node that uses the
#'   data).  
#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.data.proc <- function(prov) {
  if (!is.null(prov)) {
    data.proc.edges <- prov@data.proc.edges
    if (ncol (data.proc.edges) == 0) {
      #     id    entity  activity
      # 1   dp1     d1       p7
      data.proc.edges <- data.frame (id=character(), entity=character(), 
          activity=character(), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    return (data.proc.edges)
  } else {
    return (NULL)

#' @return get.proc.data returns a data frame containing information about the edges
#'   that go from procedural nodes to data nodes.  These edges indicate an output relationship
#'   where the data is produed by the activity.  The data frame has 3 columns:  id 
#'   (a unique id), entity (the output data), and activity (the procedural node that produces the
#'   data).  
#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.proc.data <- function(prov) {
  if (!is.null(prov)) {
    proc.data.edges <- prov@proc.data.edges
    if (ncol(proc.data.edges) == 0) {
      #     id  activity entity
      # 1   pd1   p6       d1
      proc.data.edges <- data.frame (id=character(), activity=character(), 
          entity=character(), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    return (proc.data.edges)
  } else {
    return (NULL)

#' @return get.proc.func returns a data frame containing information about where externally-defined
#'   functions are used in the script.  The data frame has 3 columns:  func_id (the id of the
#'   function node), activity (the procedural node 
#'   that calls the function) and function (the function's name).  
#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.func.proc <- function(prov) {
  if (is.null (prov)) return (NULL)
  else {
    func.proc.edges <- prov@func.proc.edges
    if (nrow (func.proc.edges) == 0) return (data.frame("func_id"=vector(), "function"=vector(), "activity"=vector()))
    func.nodes <- get.func.nodes (prov)
    func.proc.df <- merge (func.proc.edges, func.nodes, by.x = "entity", by.y = "id")
    colnames(func.proc.df)[1] <- "func_id"
    colnames(func.proc.df)[4] <- "function"
    return (func.proc.df[c("func_id", "function", "activity")])

#' @return get.func.lib returns a data frame containing information about what
#'   libraries externally-defined
#'   functions come from.  The data frame has 3 columns:  func_id (the id of the
#'   function node), library (a library node)
#'   and function (the name of a function).  
#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.func.lib <- function(prov) {
  if (is.null (prov)) return (NULL)
  else {
    func.lib.edges <- prov@func.lib.edges
    if (nrow (func.lib.edges) == 0) return (data.frame("func_id"=vector(), "library"=vector(), "function"=vector()))
    func.nodes <- get.func.nodes (prov)
    func.lib.df <- merge (func.lib.edges, func.nodes, by.x = "entity", by.y = "id")
    colnames(func.lib.df)[1] <- "func_id"
    colnames(func.lib.df)[3] <- "library"
    colnames(func.lib.df)[4] <- "function"
    return (func.lib.df[c("func_id", "function", "library")])

get.libs.needed <- function (prov, proc_ids) {
    func.proc.edges <- prov@func.proc.edges
    if (nrow (func.proc.edges) == 0) return (vector())
    func.nodes <- get.func.nodes (prov)
    print (func.nodes)
    matching <- func.nodes[func.nodes$activity %in% proc_ids, ]
    print (matching)
    return (matching)

#' @rdname access
#' @return get.input.files returns a data frame containing a subset of the data nodes that correspond to files that are 
#'   read by the script.  If only.files is False, the data frame contains information about both input files and URLs.
#' @export
get.input.files <- function (prov, only.files=FALSE) {
  data.nodes <- get.data.nodes(prov)
  if (is.null (data.nodes)) return (NULL)
  if (only.files) {
    file.nodes <- data.nodes[data.nodes$type == "File", ]
  else {
    file.nodes <- data.nodes[data.nodes$type %in% c("File","URL"), ]
  if (nrow (file.nodes) == 0) {
    return (file.nodes)
  input.data <- get.data.proc(prov)$entity
  input.files <- file.nodes[file.nodes$id %in% input.data, ]
  return (input.files)

#' @rdname access
#' @return get.urls returns a data frame containing a subset of the data nodes that correspond to urls used 
#'   in the script.  
#' @export
get.urls <- function (prov) {
  data.nodes <- get.data.nodes(prov)
  if (is.null (data.nodes)) return (NULL)
  url.nodes <- data.nodes[data.nodes$type == "URL", ]
  return (url.nodes)

#' @rdname access
#' @return get.output.files returns a data frame containing a subset of the data nodes that correspond to files that are 
#'   written by the script.  
#' @export
get.output.files <- function (prov) {
  data.nodes <- get.data.nodes(prov)
  if (is.null (data.nodes)) return (NULL)
  file.nodes <- data.nodes[data.nodes$type == "File", ]
  if (nrow (file.nodes) == 0) {
    return (file.nodes)
  output.data <- get.proc.data(prov)$entity
  output.files <- file.nodes[file.nodes$id %in% output.data, ]
  return (output.files)

#' @rdname access
#' @return get.preexisting returns a data frame containing variables in the global environment 
#' that are used but not set by a script or a console session.
#' @export
get.preexisting <- function(prov) {
  data.nodes <- get.data.nodes(prov)
  if (is.null (data.nodes)) return (NULL)

  vars <- data.nodes[data.nodes$fromEnv == TRUE, "name"]
  vars <- as.data.frame(vars, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(vars) <- "name"

#' @rdname access
#' @return get.variables.set returns a data frame containing a subset of the data nodes that correspond to variables
#'   assigned to in the script.  
#' @export
get.variables.set <- function (prov) {
  data.nodes <- get.data.nodes(prov)
  if (is.null (data.nodes)) return (NULL)
  data.nodes <- data.nodes[data.nodes$type %in% c ("Data", "Snapshot"), ]
  if (nrow (data.nodes) == 0) {
    return (data.nodes)
  output.data <- get.proc.data(prov)$entity
  variables.set <- data.nodes[data.nodes$id %in% output.data, ]
  return (variables.set)

#' @rdname access
#' @return get.variables.used returns a data frame containing a subset of the data nodes that correspond to variables
#'   whose values are used in the script.  
#' @export
get.variables.used <- function (prov) {
  data.nodes <- get.data.nodes(prov)
  if (is.null (data.nodes)) return (NULL)
  data.nodes <- data.nodes[data.nodes$type %in% c ("Data", "Snapshot"), ]
  if (nrow (data.nodes) == 0) {
    return (data.nodes)
  input.data <- get.data.proc(prov)$entity
  variables.used <- data.nodes[data.nodes$id %in% input.data, ]
  return (variables.used)

#' @rdname access
#' @return get.variable.named returns a data frame containing a subset of the data nodes that correspond to variables
#'   with the specified name.  
#' @export
get.variable.named <- function (prov, var.name) {
  data.nodes <- get.data.nodes(prov)
  if (is.null (data.nodes)) return (NULL)
  variable.nodes <- data.nodes[data.nodes$type %in% c ("Data", "Snapshot"), ]
  variable.nodes <- variable.nodes[variable.nodes$name == var.name, ]
  return (variable.nodes)

#' get.val.type parses the valTypes of each data node in the given provenance,
#'	or the valType of the specified node, and returns it in a data frame.
#' @param node.id A vector of node id.
#' @return A data frame containing the valType of the specified data node, 
#'	or the valTypes of all data nodes if no data node is specified. Return NULL
#'	if there are no data nodes or if the specified data node is not found.
#'  If not NULL, the data frame will contain 4 columns in the following order:
#'   \itemize{
#'      \item {id} {- The data node id.}
#'      \item {container} {- The type for the data's container, such as list, vector, etc. 
#'         NA in cases such as environment and function where the original valType is not a json object.}
#'      \item {dimension} {- The size of the data, represented as a string list when there are 2 or more dimensions.
#'         NA in cases such as environment and function where the original valType is not a json object.}
#'      \item {type} {- The type(s) contained within the container, represented as a string list in containers such as 
#'         data frames when there are multiple types. NA in cases like lists where the type of each element can be complex.}
#'   }
#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.val.type <- function(prov, node.id = NULL) {
	data.nodes <- get.data.nodes(prov)[ , c("id", "valType")]
	# extract row for specified node, if applicable
	if(! is.null(node.id))
		data.nodes <- data.nodes[data.nodes$id %in% node.id, ]
	# node not found, return null.
	if(nrow(data.nodes) == 0)
	# use sapply to parse val.type into a matrix with 3 columns
	# since it's a matrix, can query each column or just put into df!!
	parsed.val.type <- sapply(data.nodes[ , "valType"], function(val.type) {
		# a string vector to store the parsed valType
		# keep all terms as strings in order for sapply to be able to convert
		# the resulting list of character vectors into a matrix
		# container, dim, type
		arr = vector(mode = "character", length = 3L)
		# there are 2 types of valType:
		# a json object as a string, or
		# a simple string
		if(grepl("^\\{(.+)\\}$", val.type)) {
			# Type is string parsed from entity valType
			val.type <- jsonlite::fromJSON(val.type)
			arr[1] <- val.type$container
			# format dimension and type into a list
			# so that we can put it in a single element of a data frame
			arr[2] <- paste(val.type$dimension, collapse = ",")
			# type could be null (e.g. list)
				arr[3] <- NA
				arr[3] <- paste(val.type$type, collapse= ", ")
		} else {
			arr[1] <- NA
			arr[2] <- NA
			arr[3] <- val.type
	# form result data frame and return
	result <- data.frame("id" = data.nodes[ , "id"],
						 "container" = parsed.val.type[1, ],
						 "dimension" = parsed.val.type[2, ],
						 "type" = parsed.val.type[3, ],
						 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## ==== ##
ProvTools/provParseR documentation built on Aug. 17, 2022, 10:09 p.m.