snpMatrix-class: A S4 class to represent a SNP-matrix

Description Slots


A S4 class to represent a SNP matrix. Storing SNP information, by using a byte-level (raw) storage scheme, jointly with genomic position and allele information.



a matrix of SNPs stored in type 'raw'. 00 is NA, 01 homozygote AA, 02 heterozygote AB, and 03 homozygote BB.


data.frame with four columns. The first col. contains the chromosomes, the second col. the positions, the third col. the first allele and the fourth the second allele.


an integer vector with exactly two non-negative values.


a list of length two; each component containing NULL or a character vector length equal the corresponding dim element.

QTCAT/qtcat documentation built on April 20, 2021, 11:20 p.m.