
#' @include get_RLum.R set_RLum.R length_RLum.R structure_RLum.R names_RLum.R smooth_RLum.R

#' Class `"RLum.Analysis"`
#' Object class to represent analysis data for protocol analysis, i.e. all curves,
#' spectra etc. from one measurements. Objects from this class are produced,
#' by e.g. [read_XSYG2R], [read_Daybreak2R]
#' @name RLum.Analysis-class
#' @docType class
#' @slot protocol
#' Object of class [character] describing the applied measurement protocol
#' @slot records
#' Object of class [list] containing objects of class [RLum.Data-class]
#' @note
#' The method [structure_RLum] is currently just available for objects
#' containing [RLum.Data.Curve-class].
#' @section Objects from the Class:
#' Objects can be created by calls of the form `set_RLum("RLum.Analysis", ...)`.
#' @section Class version: 0.4.16
#' @author
#' Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany)
#' @seealso [Risoe.BINfileData2RLum.Analysis],
#' [Risoe.BINfileData-class], [RLum-class]
#' @keywords classes methods
#' @examples
#' showClass("RLum.Analysis")
#' ##set empty object
#' set_RLum(class = "RLum.Analysis")
#' ###use example data
#' ##load data
#' data(ExampleData.RLum.Analysis, envir = environment())
#' ##show curves in object
#' get_RLum(IRSAR.RF.Data)
#' ##show only the first object, but by keeping the object
#' get_RLum(IRSAR.RF.Data, record.id = 1, drop = FALSE)
#' @keywords internal
#' @md
#' @export
         slots = list(
           protocol = "character",
           records = "list"
         contains = "RLum",
         prototype = list (
           protocol = NA_character_,
           records = list()

# as() -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##COERCE RLum.Analyse >> list AND list >> RLum.Analysis
#' as() - RLum-object coercion
#' for `[RLum.Analysis-class]`
#' **[RLum.Analysis-class]**
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'  **from** \tab **to**\cr
#'   `list` \tab `list`\cr
#' }
#' Given that the [list] consists of [RLum.Analysis-class] objects.
#' @md
#' @name as
setAs("list", "RLum.Analysis",
            protocol = NA_character_,
            records = from)

setAs("RLum.Analysis", "list",
        lapply(1:length(from@records), function(x){


# show() --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn RLum.Analysis
#' Show structure of `RLum.Analysis` object
#' @md
#' @export
          signature(object = "RLum.Analysis"),

            cat("\n [RLum.Analysis-class]")

            ##show slot originator, for compatibly reasons with old example data, here
            ##a check
            if(.hasSlot(object, "originator")){cat("\n\t originator:", paste0(object@originator,"()"))}

            cat("\n\t protocol:", object@protocol)
            cat("\n\t additional info elements: ", if(.hasSlot(object, "info")){length(object@info)}else{0})
            cat("\n\t number of records:", length(object@records))

            #skip this part if nothing is included in the object
            if(length(object@records) > 0){
              ##get object class types
              temp <- vapply(object@records, function(x){

              }, FUN.VALUE = vector(mode = "character", length = 1))

              ##print object class types
              lapply(1:length(table(temp)), function(x){

                ##show RLum class type
                cat("\n\t .. :", names(table(temp)[x]),":",table(temp)[x])

                ##show structure
                ##set width option ... just an implementation for the tutorial output
                if(getOption("width")<=50) temp.width <- 4 else temp.width  <- 7

                ##set line break variable
                linebreak <- FALSE
                env <- environment()

                ##create terminal output
                terminal_output <-
                  vapply(1:length(object@records),  function(i) {
                    if (names(table(temp)[x]) == is(object@records[[i]])[1]) {
                      if (i %% temp.width == 0 & i != length(object@records)) {
                        assign(x = "linebreak", value = TRUE, envir = env)

                      first <-  paste0("#", i, " ", object@records[[i]]@recordType)

                      if (i < length(object@records) &&
                          !is.null(object@records[[i]]@info[["parentID"]]) &&
                          !is.null(object@records[[i + 1]]@info[["parentID"]]) &&
                          (object@records[[i]]@info[["parentID"]] ==
                           object@records[[i+1]]@info[["parentID"]])) {
                        last <- " <> "

                      }else {
                        last <- " | "
                        if (i == length(object@records)) {
                          last <- ""

                        } else if (linebreak) {
                          last <- "\n\t .. .. : "
                          assign(x = "linebreak", value = FALSE, envir = env)





              }, FUN.VALUE = vector(mode = "character", length = 1))

                 ##print on screen, differentiate between records with many
                 ##curves or just one
                 if(any(grepl(terminal_output, pattern = "<>", fixed = TRUE))){
                   cat("\n\t .. .. : ",
                       gsub(pattern = "|", replacement = "\n\t .. .. :",
                            x = terminal_output, fixed = TRUE), sep = "")

                 } else{
                   cat("\n\t .. .. : ", terminal_output, sep = "")



              cat("\n\t >> This is an empty object, which cannot be used for further analysis! <<")

)##end show method

# set_RLum() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn RLum.Analysis
#' Construction method for [RLum.Analysis-class] objects.
#' @param class [`set_RLum`] [character] (**required**):
#' name of the `RLum` class to be created
#' @param originator [`set_RLum`] [character] (*automatic*):
#' contains the name of the calling function (the function that produces this object);
#' can be set manually.
#' @param .uid [`set_RLum`] [character] (*automatic*):
#' sets an unique ID for this object using the internal C++ function `create_UID`.
#' @param .pid [`set_RLum`] [character] (*with default*):
#' option to provide a parent id for nesting at will.
#' @param protocol [`set_RLum`] [character] (*optional*):
#' sets protocol type for analysis object. Value may be used by subsequent analysis functions.
#' @param records [`set_RLum`] [list] (**required**):
#' list of [RLum.Analysis-class] objects
#' @param info [`set_RLum`] [list] (*optional*):
#' a list containing additional info data for the object
#' **`set_RLum`**:
#' Returns an [RLum.Analysis-class] object.
#' @md
#' @export
  signature = "RLum.Analysis",
  definition = function(
    protocol = NA_character_,
    records = list(),
    info = list()) {

    ##produce empty class object
    newRLumAnalysis <- new(Class = "RLum.Analysis")

    ##allow self set to reset an RLum.Analysis object
    if(inherits(records, "RLum.Analysis")){
      #fill slots (this is much faster than the old code!)
      newRLumAnalysis@protocol <- if(missing(protocol)){records@protocol}else{protocol}
      newRLumAnalysis@originator <- originator
      newRLumAnalysis@records <- records@records
      newRLumAnalysis@info <- if(missing(info)){records@info}else{c(records@info, info)}
      newRLumAnalysis@.uid <- .uid
      newRLumAnalysis@.pid <- if(missing(.pid)){records@.uid}else{.pid}

      #fill slots (this is much faster than the old code!)
      newRLumAnalysis@protocol <- protocol
      newRLumAnalysis@originator <- originator
      newRLumAnalysis@records <- records
      newRLumAnalysis@info <- info
      newRLumAnalysis@.uid <- .uid
      newRLumAnalysis@.pid <- .pid




# get_RLum() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn RLum.Analysis
#' Accessor method for RLum.Analysis object.
#' The slots record.id, `@recordType`, `@curveType` and `@RLum.type` are optional to allow for records
#' limited by their id (list index number), their record type (e.g. `recordType = "OSL"`)
#' or object type.
#' Example: curve type (e.g. `curveType = "predefined"` or `curveType ="measured"`)
#' The selection of a specific RLum.type object superimposes the default selection.
#' Currently supported objects are: RLum.Data.Curve and RLum.Data.Spectrum
#' @param object [`get_RLum`]: [`names_RLum`], [`length_RLum`], [`structure_RLum`] (**required**):
#' an object of class [RLum.Analysis-class]
#' @param record.id [`get_RLum`]: [numeric] or [logical] (*optional*):
#' IDs of specific records. If of type `logical` the entire id range is assumed
#' and `TRUE` and `FALSE` indicates the selection.
#' @param recordType [`get_RLum`]: [character] (*optional*):
#' record type (e.g., "OSL"). Can be also a vector, for multiple matching,
#' e.g., `recordType = c("OSL", "IRSL")`
#' @param curveType [`get_RLum`]: [character] (*optional*):
#' curve type (e.g. "predefined" or "measured")
#' @param RLum.type [`get_RLum`]: [character] (*optional*):
#' RLum object type. Defaults to "RLum.Data.Curve" and "RLum.Data.Spectrum".
#' @param get.index [`get_RLum`]: [logical] (*optional*):
#' return a numeric vector with the index of each element in the RLum.Analysis object.
#' @param recursive [`get_RLum`]: [logical] (*with default*):
#' if `TRUE` (the default) and the result of the `get_RLum()` request is a single
#' object this object will be unlisted, means only the object itself and no
#' list containing exactly one object is returned. Mostly this makes things
#' easier, however, if this method is used within a loop this might be undesired.
#' @param drop [`get_RLum`]: [logical] (*with default*):
#' coerce to the next possible layer (which are `RLum.Data`-objects),
#' `drop = FALSE` keeps the original `RLum.Analysis`
#' @param info.object [`get_RLum`]: [character] (*optional*):
#' name of the wanted info element
#' @param subset [`get_RLum`]: [expression] (*optional*):
#' logical expression indicating elements or rows to keep: missing values are
#' taken as false. This argument takes precedence over all other arguments,
#' meaning they are not considered when subsetting the object.
#' @param env [`get_RLum`]: [environment] (*with default*):
#' An environment passed to [eval] as the enclosure. This argument is only
#' relevant when subsetting the object and should not be used manually.
#' @return
#' **`get_RLum`**:
#' Returns:
#' 1. [list] of [RLum.Data-class] objects or
#' 2. Single [RLum.Data-class] object, if only one object is contained and `recursive = FALSE` or
#' 3. [RLum.Analysis-class] objects for `drop = FALSE`
#' @md
#' @export
          signature = ("RLum.Analysis"),

          function(object, record.id = NULL, recordType = NULL, curveType = NULL, RLum.type = NULL,
                   protocol = "UNKNOWN", get.index = NULL, drop = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, info.object = NULL, subset = NULL, env = parent.frame(2)) {

            if (!is.null(substitute(subset))) {

              # To account for different lengths and elements in the @info slot we first
              # check all unique elements (in all records)
              info_el <- unique(unlist(lapply(object@records, function(el) names(el@info))))

              envir <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind,
                                             lapply(object@records, function(el) {
                                               val <- c(curveType = el@curveType, recordType = el@recordType, unlist(el@info))

                                               # add missing info elements and set NA
                                               if (any(!info_el %in% names(val))) {
                                                 val_new <- setNames(rep(NA, length(info_el[!info_el %in% names(val)])), info_el[!info_el %in% names(val)])
                                                 val <- c(val, val_new)


                                               # order the named char vector by its names so we don't mix up the columns
                                               val <- val[order(names(val))]
              ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

              ##select relevant rows
              sel <- tryCatch(eval(
                expr = substitute(subset),
                envir = envir,
                enclos = env
              error = function(e) {
                .throw_error("Invalid subset expression, valid terms are: ",
                             paste(names(envir), collapse = ", "), nframe = 6)

              if (!is.logical(sel)) {
                .throw_error("'subset' must contain a logical expression",
                             nframe = 2)

              if (all(is.na(sel)))
                sel <- FALSE

              if (any(sel)) {
                object@records <- object@records[sel]
              } else {
                tmp <- mapply(function(name, op) { message("  ",name, ": ", paste(unique(op),  collapse = ", ")) },
                              names(envir), envir)
                message("\n [get_RLum()] 'subset' expression produced an ",
                        "empty selection, NULL returned")


            ##if info.object is set, only the info objects are returned
            else if(!is.null(info.object)) {
              if(info.object %in% names(object@info)){

                ##check for entries
                if(length(object@info) == 0){
                  .throw_warning("This 'RLum.Analysis' object has no info ",
                                 "objects, NULL returned",
                                 nframe = 3)
                  .throw_warning("Invalid 'info.object' name, valid names are: ",
                                 paste(names(object@info), collapse = ", "),
                                 nframe = 3)

            } else {

              ##check for records
              if (length(object@records) == 0) {

                .throw_warning("This 'RLum.Analysis' object has no records, ",
                               "NULL returned", nframe = 3)

              if (is.null(record.id)) {
                record.id <- c(1:length(object@records))

              } else if (!is.numeric(record.id) &
                         !is.logical(record.id)) {
                .throw_error("'record.id' has to be of type 'numeric' or ",
                             "'logical'", nframe = 3)
              ##logical needs a slightly different treatment
              ##Why do we need this? Because a lot of standard R functions work with logical
              ##values instead of numerical indices
              if (is.logical(record.id)) {
                record.id <- c(1:length(object@records))[record.id]


              ##check if record.id exists
              if (FALSE %in% (abs(record.id) %in% (1:length(object@records)))) {
                message("[get_RLum()] Error: At least one 'record.id' ",
                        "is invalid, NULL returned")

              if (is.null(recordType)) {
                recordType <-
                  unique(vapply(object@records, function(x)
                    x@recordType, character(1)))

              } else if (!inherits(recordType, "character")){
                .throw_error("'recordType' has to be of type 'character'",
                             nframe = 3)

              if (is.null(curveType)) {
                curveType <- unique(unlist(lapply(1:length(object@records),
                                                  function(x) {

              } else if (!is(curveType, "character")) {
                .throw_error("'curveType' has to be of type 'character'",
                             nframe = 3)

              if (is.null(RLum.type)) {
                RLum.type <- c("RLum.Data.Curve", "RLum.Data.Spectrum", "RLum.Data.Image")

              } else if (!is(RLum.type, "character")) {
                .throw_error("'RLum.type' has to be of type 'character'",
                             nframe = 3)

              if (is.null(get.index)) {
                get.index <- FALSE

              } else if (!is(get.index, "logical")) {
                .throw_error("'get.index' has to be of type 'logical'",
                             nframe = 3)

              ##get originator
              if (.hasSlot(object, "originator")) {
                originator <- object@originator

              } else{
                originator <- NA_character_

              ##a pre-selection is necessary to support negative index selection
              object@records <- object@records[record.id]
              record.id <- 1:length(object@records)

              ##select curves according to the chosen parameter
              if (length(record.id) > 1) {
                temp <- lapply(record.id, function(x) {
                  if (is(object@records[[x]])[1] %in% RLum.type == TRUE) {
                    ##as input a vector is allowed
                    temp <- lapply(1:length(recordType), function(k) {
                      ##translate input to regular expression
                      recordType[k] <- glob2rx(recordType[k])
                      recordType[k] <- substr(recordType[k], start = 2, stop = nchar(recordType[k]) - 1)

                      if (grepl(recordType[k], object@records[[x]]@recordType) == TRUE &
                          object@records[[x]]@curveType %in% curveType) {
                        if (!get.index) {

                        } else{


                    ##remove empty entries and select just one to unlist
                    temp <- temp[!sapply(temp, is.null)]

                    ##if list has length 0 skip entry
                    if (length(temp) != 0) {
                    } else{
                      temp <- NULL

                ##remove empty list element
                temp <- temp[!sapply(temp, is.null)]

                ##check if the produced object is empty and show warning message
                if (length(temp) == 0)
                  .throw_warning("This request produced an empty list of records",
                                 nframe = 3)

                ##remove list for get.index
                if (get.index) {

                } else{

                  if (!drop) {
                    temp <- set_RLum(
                      class = "RLum.Analysis",
                      originator = originator,
                      records = temp,
                      protocol = object@protocol,
                      .pid = object@.pid

                  } else{
                    if (length(temp) == 1 & recursive == TRUE) {

                    } else{


              } else{
                if (get.index == FALSE) {
                  if (drop == FALSE) {
                    ##needed to keep the argument drop == TRUE
                    temp <- set_RLum(
                      class = "RLum.Analysis",
                      originator = originator,
                      records = list(object@records[[record.id]]),
                      protocol = object@protocol,
                      .pid = object@.pid

                  } else{

                } else{



# structure_RLum() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn RLum.Analysis
#' Method to show the structure of an [RLum.Analysis-class] object.
#' @param fullExtent [structure_RLum]; [logical] (*with default*):
#' extents the returned `data.frame` to its full extent, i.e. all info elements
#' are part of the return as well. The default value is `FALSE` as the data
#' frame might become rather big.
#' @return
#' **`structure_RLum`**:
#' Returns [data.frame-class] showing the structure.
#' @md
#' @export
          signature= "RLum.Analysis",
          definition = function(object, fullExtent = FALSE) {

            ##check if the object containing other elements than allowed
            if(!all(vapply(object@records, FUN = class, character(1)) == "RLum.Data.Curve"))
              .throw_error("Only 'RLum.Data.Curve' objects are allowed")

            ##get length object
            temp.object.length <- length(object@records)

            temp.id <- 1:temp.object.length

            temp.recordType <-
              vapply(object@records, function(x) {
              }, character(1))

            ##PROTOCOL STEP
            temp.protocol.step <- c(NA)
            length(temp.protocol.step) <- temp.object.length

            temp.n.channels <- vapply(object@records, function(x){length(x@data[,1])}, numeric(1))

            temp.x.min <- vapply(object@records, function(x){min(x@data[,1])}, numeric(1))

            temp.x.max <- vapply(object@records, function(x){max(x@data[,1])}, numeric(1))

            temp.y.min <- vapply(object@records, function(x){min(x@data[,2])}, numeric(1))

            temp.y.max <- vapply(object@records, function(x){max(x@data[,2])}, numeric(1))

            temp.uid <- unlist(lapply(object@records, function(x){x@.uid}))

            temp.pid <- paste(
              unlist(lapply(object@records, function(x){x@.pid})), collapse = ", ")

            temp.originator <- unlist(lapply(object@records, function(x){x@originator}))

            temp.curveType <- unlist(lapply(object@records, function(x){x@curveType}))

            ##info elements as character value
            if (fullExtent) {
              temp.info.elements <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(lapply(object@records, function(x) {
              }), fill = TRUE))

              if (nrow(temp.info.elements) == 0) {
                ## if we are here temp.info.elements 0 rows and 0 columns:
                ## to avoid crashing further down in the data.frame() call,
                ## we create a data frame with the expected number of rows
                temp.info.elements <- data.frame(info = rep(NA, temp.object.length))
            } else{
              temp.info.elements <-
                unlist(sapply(1:temp.object.length, function(x) {
                  if (length(object@records[[x]]@info) != 0) {
                    paste(names(object@records[[x]]@info), collapse = " ")
                  } else{



            ##combine output to a data.frame
                id = temp.id,
                recordType = temp.recordType,
                curveType = temp.curveType,
                protocol.step = temp.protocol.step,
                n.channels = temp.n.channels,
                x.min = temp.x.min,
                x.max = temp.x.max,
                y.min = temp.y.min,
                y.max = temp.y.max,
                originator = temp.originator,
                .uid = temp.uid,
                .pid = temp.pid,
                info = temp.info.elements,
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE


# length_RLum() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn RLum.Analysis
#' Returns the length of the object, i.e., number of stored records.
#' @return
#' **`length_RLum`**
#' Returns the number records in this object.
#' @md
#' @export


# names_RLum() --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn RLum.Analysis
#' Returns the names of the [RLum.Data-class] objects objects (same as shown with the show method)
#' @return
#' **`names_RLum`**
#' Returns the names of the record types (`recordType`) in this object.
#' @md
#' @export
            sapply(1:length(object@records), function(x){


# smooth_RLum() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn RLum.Analysis
#' Smoothing of `RLum.Data` objects contained in this `RLum.Analysis` object
#' [zoo::rollmean] or [zoo::rollmedian][zoo::rollmean]. In particular the internal
#' function `.smoothing` is used.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to underlying methods
#' @return
#' **`smooth_RLum`**
#' Same object as input, after smoothing
#' @md
#' @export
  f = "smooth_RLum",
  signature = "RLum.Analysis",
  function(object, ...) {
        object@records <- lapply(object@records, function(x){
          smooth_RLum(x, ...)


R-Lum/Luminescence documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 8 a.m.