
meta <-readRDS(system.file(package="MIMOSA","data/meta.rds"))
cd4_counts <- readRDS(system.file(package="MIMOSA","data/cd4_counts.rds"))

#### bad ptids (to be removed)
del <- c(523845,525881,600929,616848,631338,631772,644891,646477,704809,719186,849938,104173,125948,132409,134551,210617,211497,217402,223868,233547,323142,330034,330272,339553)

#### case-control
orig <- readRDS(system.file(package="MIMOSA","data/PTID_map_case_control.rds"))
rPTID =  unique(orig)

#rPTID = data.frame(rPTID)
colnames(rPTID) = c("PTID", "PTID_orig")

st_d <- which(meta$PTID%in%subset(rPTID,PTID_orig%in%del)$PTID)

res <- res[-st_d]
meta <- meta[-st_d,]
cd4_counts <- cd4_counts[-st_d]

sub_negctrl_800 = which(meta$Stim =="negctrl 1" & meta$VISITNO == 800) # unstim & VISITNO

sub_stim_800= which(meta$Stim=="92TH023 Env" & meta$VISITNO == 800) # stim & VISITNO

subsub_800 = intersect(meta$PTID[sub_negctrl_800],meta$PTID[sub_stim_800])

sub_s=NULL; sub_u=NULL;
for ( i in 1:length(subsub_800)) {
   sub_s =c(sub_s,which(meta$PTID[sub_stim_800]==(subsub_800[i])))
   sub_u = c(sub_u, which(meta$PTID[sub_negctrl_800]==(subsub_800[i])))

sub_s = sub_stim_800[sub_s]; #index for the stim and unstim sample
sub_u = sub_negctrl_800[sub_u];

N_s = as.integer(cd4_counts[sub_s])
N_u = as.integer(cd4_counts[sub_u])

ys= vector(mode="list", length=length(sub_s));
yu =vector(mode="list", length=length(sub_u));
for (i in 1:length(sub_s)) {
  ys[[i]] = res[[sub_s[i]]]
  names(ys)[i] <- names(res)[sub_s[i]]
  yu[[i]] = res[[sub_u[i]]]
  names(yu)[i] <- names(res)[sub_u[i]]
placebo = meta$vaccine[sub_s]

I = length(yu);
M = dim(yu[[1]])[2]
K = 2^M;
y_u =yu; y_s = ys;
n_s = array(as.integer(0),dim=c(I,K));
n_u = array(as.integer(0),dim=c(I,K));

d = array(as.integer(0),dim=c(K,M))
for (kk in 1:(M-1)) {
  set = combs(1:M,kk);
  ll = dim(combs(1:M,kk));

  for ( lll in 1:ll[1]) {
    d[(count-1+lll),set[lll,]] = as.integer(1);

  #count = count+nChooseK(M,kk);
  count = count+choose(M,kk);
d = cbind(d,as.integer(rowSums(d))); # last column the number of 1's

for (i in 1:I) {
    count_s = 1; count_u = 1;
    yui = 1*(yu[[i]]!=0)
    ysi = 1*(ys[[i]]!=0)
    for ( kk in 1:K1) {
       if( length(yui)>0) {
       sel = apply(yui,1,function(xrow)(identical(as.numeric(xrow),as.numeric(d[kk,1:M]))))
       n_u[i,kk] = as.integer(sum(sel))
       if(n_u[i,kk]>0) {
          y_u[[i]][count_u:(count_u+n_u[i,kk]-1),] = yu[[i]][sel,]
          count_u = count_u+n_u[i,kk]
       if(length(ysi)>0) {
       sel = apply(ysi,1,function(xrow)(identical(as.numeric(xrow),as.numeric(d[kk,1:M]))))

       n_s[i,kk] = as.integer(sum(sel))
       if(n_s[i,kk]>0) {
          y_s[[i]][count_s:(count_s+n_s[i,kk]-1),] = ys[[i]][sel,]
          count_s = count_s+n_s[i,kk]
    n_s[i,K] = as.integer(N_s[i]-sum(n_s[i,1:K1]))
    n_u[i,K] = as.integer(N_u[i]-sum(n_u[i,1:K1]))

#######take off zero columns #############
nu0 = which(colSums(n_u)==0)
ns0 = which(colSums(n_s)==0)
n0 = intersect(nu0,ns0)

d = d[-n0,]
n_s = n_s[,-n0]
n_u = n_u[,-n0]

K = K-length(n0)

#### additional delete #####
#del = c(7,17,21,22,23,24,26,29,34,35,37,38,39,40,42,43,46,47);
del = which(colSums(n_s)<=12);

for ( i in 1:I) {
   cs = cumsum(n_s[i,]); cu = cumsum(n_u[i,]); posis = NULL; posiu = NULL;
   for (j in del) {
     if(n_s[i,j]>1) {
       posis = c(posis, (cs[j-1]+1):cs[j])
     } else if (n_s[i,j]==1) {
       posis = c(posis,cs[j])
     if(n_u[i,j]>1) {
       posiu = c(posiu, (cu[j-1]+1):cu[j])
     } else if (n_u[i,j] ==1) {
       posiu = c(posiu,cu[j])
   if (length(posis) >0) {y_s[[i]] = y_s[[i]][-posis,]}
   if (length(posiu) >0) {y_u[[i]] = y_u[[i]][-posiu,]}
d = d[-del,]
n_s = n_s[,-del]
n_u = n_u[,-del]

K = dim(n_s)[2]

n_s[,K] = N_s-as.integer(rowSums(n_s[,1:K1]))
n_u[,K] = N_u-as.integer(rowSums(n_u[,1:K1]))
RGLab/COMPASS documentation built on Feb. 11, 2021, 3:23 p.m.