
Defines functions .check_taxa_axis .pc_taxa_correlation .get_ord_info plotPCoA

Documented in plotPCoA

#' PCoA plot
#' @name plotPCoA
#' @details A Principal Coordinates Analysis for \code{\link{phyloseq-class}} object.
#'          To visualize similarities or dissimilarities between samples in 2D ordination.
#'          This function extends the \code{phyloseq} ordination plots to include
#'          taxa that correlate with choosen axis and plots them along with a
#'          side boxplot for comparing inter-sample variation within groups.
#' @param x \code{\link{phyloseq-class}} object.
#' @param group_var A column in \code{sample_data} to compare. This is also the
#'                  variable used to colour.
#' @param ord_method Ordination method, currently tested PCoA.
#' @param dist_method Distance method, currently tested Bray-Curtis.
#' @param seed Random seed number \code{set.seed}.
#' @param cor_method Correlation method. Default is \code{Spearman}.
#' @param padj_cutoff Cut-off for multiple testing. Default is 0.05.
#' @param padj_method Method for multiple testing. Default is fdr.
#' @param arrows Logical. If arrows for taxa with correlation to axis are to be
#'               plotted. Default is TRUE.
#' @param label_col Color of labels. Default is grey30.
#' @param plot_centroids Logical. To plot centroids or not. Default is TRUE.
#' @param add_side_box Logical. To plot side boxplots or not. Default is TRUE.
#' @param axis_plot Which axis to plot. Default is first two.
#' @param point_shape Shape of the points. Default is 21.
#' @param point_alpha Opacity of points. Default is 0.5
#' @param verbose Logical. Messages to print. Default is TRUE.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to vegan's adonis function.
#' @return a \code{ggplot2} object.
#' @examples
#' library(biomeUtils)
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(ggside)
#' ps <- FuentesIliGutData %>%
#'   microbiome::transform("compositional") %>%
#'   mutateTaxaTable(FeatureID = taxa_names(FuentesIliGutData))
#' plotPCoA(x =ps,
#'          group_var = "ILI",
#'          ord_method = "PCoA",
#'          dist_method = "bray",
#'          seed = 1253,
#'          cor_method = "spearman",
#'          verbose = TRUE,
#'          padj_cutoff = 0.05,
#'          padj_method = "fdr",
#'          arrows = TRUE,
#'          label_col = "grey30",
#'          plot_centroids = TRUE,
#'          add_side_box = TRUE,
#'          axis_plot = c(1:2),
#'          point_shape = 21,  # point_shape
#'          point_alpha = 0.5) +
#'   scale_color_manual(values = c("#3d6721", "#a86826", "#006c89")) +
#'   scale_fill_manual(values = c("#3d6721", "#a86826", "#006c89"))
#' @author Sudarshan A. Shetty
#' @references
#' Shetty SA (2021). Data visualization for microbiome analytics.
#' \url{https://github.com/microsud/biomeViz}
#' @export
plotPCoA <- function(x,
                     cor_method = "spearman",
                     padj_cutoff = 0.05,
                     padj_method = "fdr",
                     arrows = TRUE,
                     label_col = "grey30",
                     plot_centroids = TRUE,
                     add_side_box = TRUE,
                     axis_plot = c(1:2),
                     point_shape = 21,  # point_shape
                     point_alpha = 0.5,
                     verbose = TRUE,

  id.type <- FeatureID <- Axis.1 <- Axis.2 <- NULL
  ord.dat <- .get_ord_info(x,
                           verbose= verbose,

  ordplot.dat.all <- phyloseq::plot_ordination(x,
                                               justDF = TRUE,
                                               type = "split")

  # get samples ordination
  ordplot.dat.samples <- subset(ordplot.dat.all, id.type =="Samples")

  # get sample centroids
  axis.a <- colnames(ordplot.dat.samples)[1]
  axis.b <- colnames(ordplot.dat.samples)[1]

  centroids.samples <- ordplot.dat.samples %>%
    dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym(group_var)) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(centroid.axis.1 = mean(!!rlang::sym(axis.a)),
                     centroid.axis.2 = mean(!!rlang::sym(axis.b)))

  # Get axis 1 and 2 variation
  evals1 <- round(ord.dat$ordDF$values$Eigenvalues[1] / sum(ord.dat$ordDF$values$Eigenvalues) * 100, 2)
  evals2 <- round(ord.dat$ordDF$values$Eigenvalues[2] / sum(ord.dat$ordDF$values$Eigenvalues) * 100, 2)

  # Get Taxa PC correlation
  tax.pc.cor.dat <- .pc_taxa_correlation(x,
                                         ordplot.dat.samples= ordplot.dat.samples,

  ordplot.dat.taxa <- subset(ordplot.dat.all, id.type == "Taxa")

  names(tax.pc.cor.dat) <- NULL
  axis.a.tax <- as.data.frame(tax.pc.cor.dat[1])$rowname
  axis.b.tax <- as.data.frame(tax.pc.cor.dat[2])$rowname


  select_tax <- c(axis.a.tax,axis.b.tax)

  ordplot.dat.taxa <- ordplot.dat.taxa %>%
    dplyr::filter(FeatureID %in% select_tax)

  axis_a_names <- colnames(ordplot.dat.samples)[1]
  axis_b_names <- colnames(ordplot.dat.samples)[2]
  # start plot
  p <- ggplot2::ggplot(ordplot.dat.samples,
                       ggplot2::aes_string(x = axis_a_names, y = axis_b_names)) +
    ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes_string(color = group_var,
                                            fill = group_var),
                        shape= point_shape,  # point_shape
                        alpha= point_alpha)  # point_alpha


    p  <- p +
      ggside::geom_xsideboxplot(ggplot2::aes_string(y = axis_a_names,
                                                    color= group_var,
                                                    fill = group_var),
                                shape = point_shape,  # point_shape
                                alpha = point_alpha,
                                orientation = "y") +
      ggside::geom_ysideboxplot(ggplot2::aes_string(x = axis_a_names,
                                                    color = group_var,
                                                    fill = group_var),
                                shape= point_shape,  # point_shape
                                alpha = point_alpha,
                                orientation = "x") +
      ggside::scale_ysidex_continuous(guide = ggplot2::guide_axis(angle = 90),
                                      minor_breaks = NULL) +
      ggside::scale_xsidey_discrete() +


    p <- p +
                            ggplot2::aes(x=0, xend=Axis.1*4,
                                         y=0, yend=Axis.2*4),
                            colour = label_col,              # arrow_color
                            size=0.5,                        # arrow_size
                            arrow = ggplot2::arrow(length= ggplot2::unit(1, "mm"),
                                                   type="closed")) +
                                ggplot2::aes(x=Axis.1*4, y=Axis.2*4, # scale_vars
                                             label=FeatureID), # taxa_label
                                colour=label_col,     # label_color
                                size=3,               # label_size
                                max.overlaps = 100000,
                                alpha = 0.75,         # label_opacity
                                box.padding = 0.80,
                                point.padding = 0.5,

  p + ggplot2::labs(x = paste0("PCoA (", evals1, "%)"),
                    y = paste0("PCoA (", evals2, "%)"))

# Get ordination

.get_ord_info <- function(x,
                          group_var = NULL,
                          ord_method = "PCoA",
                          dist_method ="bray",
                          seed = 123,
                          verbose = verbose,

  if(is.null(group_var) || !any(sample_variables(x) %in% group_var)){
    stop("Provide a valid grouping variable")

  if (!is(x, "phyloseq")){
    stop("Ïnput x must be a phyloseq object")

  ord <- phyloseq::ordinate(x, method = ord_method, distance = dist_method)

  dist.mat <- phyloseq::distance(x, method = dist_method)

  group.levs <- microbiome::meta(x)[,group_var]

  if(is.na(seed) || is.null(seed)){
    stop("Provide a random number, see `set.seed`")
  if (verbose){
    message(paste0("Random number for permutation analysis ...\n", seed))

  permanova.res <- vegan::adonis(dist.mat~ group.levs, ...)

  return(list(ordDF = ord, permanovaRes = permanova.res))

# Taxa PC correlation

.pc_taxa_correlation <- function(x,
                                 ordplot.dat.samples= ordplot.dat.samples,
                                 cor_method = cor_method,
                                 axis_plot = axis_plot,
                                 padj_cutoff = padj_cutoff,
                                 padj_method = padj_method){

  # select axis
  pcs <- ordplot.dat.samples[,axis_plot]
  pc.cor.taxa <- NULL
  for (i in colnames(pcs)){

      correlate.pcs <- apply(microbiome::abundances(x),1,function(x)
      stats::cor.test(x, pcs[,i], method = cor_method))

    pc.corr <- sapply(correlate.pcs,"[[",4)
    pc.pval <- sapply(correlate.pcs,"[[",3)
    pc.padj <- stats::p.adjust(pc.pval, method = padj_method)

    #otu.cor.pc <- abundances(x)[which(pc.padj < alpha & abs(pc.corr) >= quantile(abs(pc.corr),0.95,na.rm = T)),]
    sig.corr <- pc.corr[which(pc.padj < padj_cutoff & abs(pc.corr) >= stats::quantile(abs(pc.corr),0.95,na.rm = T))]
    sig.p <- pc.padj[which(pc.padj < padj_cutoff & abs(pc.corr) >= stats::quantile(abs(pc.corr),0.95,na.rm = T))]

    taxa.sig.axis.1 <- tibble::tibble(rowname=names(sig.corr),
                                      corr = sig.corr,
                                      p.adj = sig.p)

    taxa.sig.axis.1$rowname <- gsub(".rho$", "",taxa.sig.axis.1$rowname)
    pc.cor.taxa[[i]] <- taxa.sig.axis.1


.check_taxa_axis <- function(axis.a.tax,axis.b.tax){
  if (length(axis.a.tax) == 0 && length(axis.b.tax) == 0){
    warning("Both of the choosen axis in `axis_plot` have no taxa satisfying criteria to plot")

  if (length(axis.a.tax) == 0){
    warning("First of the choosen axis in `axis_plot` has no taxa satisfying criteria to plot")

  if (length(axis.b.tax) == 0){
    warning("Second of the choosen axis in `axis_plot` has no taxa satisfying criteria to plot")
RIVM-IIV-Microbiome/biomeViz documentation built on July 20, 2022, 3:52 a.m.