#' Download LD matrices from UK Biobank
#' Download pre-computed LD matrices from
#' \href{https://www.ukbiobank.ac.uk}{UK Biobank} in 3Mb windows,
#' then subset to the region that overlaps with \code{query_dat}.\cr\cr
#' LD was derived from a British, European-decent subpopulation
#' in the UK Biobank. LD was pre-computed and stored by the Alkes Price lab.
#' All data is aligned to the hg19 reference genome.
#' For further details, see the
#' \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41588-020-00735-5}{PolyFun publication}.
#' @param download_method If "python" will import compressed numpy array
#' directly into R using \pkg{reticulate}. Otherwise, will be passed to
#' \link[downloadR]{downloader} to download the full 3Mb-window LD matrix first.
#' @param local_storage Path to folder with previously download LD npz files.
#' @inheritParams get_LD
#' @family LD
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom data.table fread data.table
#' @importFrom reticulate source_python
#' @importFrom downloadR downloader
#' @importFrom echotabix liftover
#' @source
#' \code{
#' query_dat <- data.table::data.table(CHR=10,POS=c(135000001), SNP="rs1234")
#' locus_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "locus_A")
#' LD_list <- echoLD:::get_LD_UKB(
#' query_dat = query_dat,
#' locus_dir = locus_dir)
#' }
get_LD_UKB <- function(query_dat,
query_genome = "hg19",
chrom = NULL,
min_pos = NULL,
force_new_LD = FALSE,
local_storage = NULL,
download_full_ld = FALSE,
download_method = "axel",
fillNA = 0,
nThread = 1,
return_matrix = TRUE,
as_sparse = TRUE,
conda_env = "echoR_mini",
remove_tmps = TRUE,
subset_common = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE) {
messager("Using UK Biobank LD reference panel.", v = verbose)
#### Liftover ####
query_dat <- echotabix::liftover(dat = query_dat,
query_genome = query_genome,
target_genome = "hg19",
verbose = verbose)
#### Prepare query ####
chrom <- unique(query_dat$CHR)
min_pos <- min(query_dat$POS)
LD.prefixes <- UKB_find_ld_prefix(
chrom = chrom,
min_pos = min_pos
#### Create LD locus dir ####
LD_dir <- file.path(locus_dir, "LD")
dir.create(LD_dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
# RDS_path <- file.path(LD_dir, paste0(locus,".UKB_LD.RDS"))
RDS_path <- get_rds_path(
locus_dir = locus_dir,
LD_reference = "UKB"
#### Check if empty ####
if(file.exists(RDS_path) &&
file.info(RDS_path)$size<100) {
messager("Removing empty UKB_LD.RDS file.",v=verbose)
method_opts <- eval(formals(downloadR::downloader)$download_method)
#### Check if already exists ####
if (file.exists(RDS_path) & isFALSE(force_new_LD)) {
messager("Pre-existing UKB_LD.RDS file detected. Importing",
v = verbose
ld_R <- readRDS(RDS_path)
} else {
if (download_method != "python") {
if (download_full_ld |
force_new_LD |
download_method %in% method_opts) {
"Downloading full .gz/.npz UKB files",
"and saving to disk."
URL <- download_UKB_LD(
LD.prefixes = LD.prefixes,
locus_dir = locus_dir,
force_overwrite = force_new_LD,
nThread = nThread
} else {
#### Check for existing gz/npz files ####
if (!is.null(local_storage)) {
gz_file <- file.path(local_storage,
npz_file <- file.path(local_storage,
if (file.exists(gz_file) &&
file.exists(npz_file)) {
messager("Pre-existing UKB LD",
"gz/npz files detected. Importing...",
v = verbose
URL <- local_storage
} else {
URL <- paste(URL, LD.prefixes, sep="/")
messager("Importing UKB LD file",
"directly to R from:",
v = verbose
} else {
URL <- paste(URL, LD.prefixes, sep="/")
messager("Importing UKB LD file directly to R from:",v = verbose)
#### Import LD via python function ####
ld.out <- load_ld_r(URL=URL,
#### LD matrix: as matrix ####
ld_R <- ld.out[[1]]
messager("+ Full UKB LD matrix:",
paste(formatC(dim(ld_R),big.mark = ","), collapse = " x "),
v = verbose
#### SNP info: as data.table ####
ld_snps <- data.table::data.table(ld.out[[2]])
messager("+ Full UKB LD SNP data.table:",
paste(formatC(dim(ld_snps),big.mark = ","), collapse = " x "),
v = verbose
#### Remove ld.out ####
#### Add row/col names to LD matrix ####
if (is.null(row.names(ld_R))) row.names(ld_R) <- ld_snps$rsid
if (is.null(colnames(ld_R))) colnames(ld_R) <- ld_snps$rsid
#### As a last resort download UKB MAF ####
if (!"MAF" %in% colnames(query_dat)) {
query_dat<- get_MAF_UKB(
query_dat = query_dat,
nThread = nThread,
download_method = download_method,
conda_env = conda_env,
verbose = verbose
#### Save ####
LD_list <- save_LD_matrix(
LD_matrix = ld_R,
dat = query_dat,
locus_dir = locus_dir,
LD_reference = "UKB",
as_sparse = as_sparse,
subset_common = subset_common,
verbose = verbose
#### Remove temp files ####
if (isTRUE(remove_tmps)) {
#### Return ####
if (return_matrix) {
} else {
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