
comparegof_anonymous <- function(realdata, trollsim, speciescol, dbhcol,path,nameplot){

  # Names handling and checks -----------------------------------------------

  #Check indexation and variables consistency accross duplicated code.
  # replace hist by plot(densiuty)

  if(!speciescol %in% names(realdata) & !speciescol %in% names(trollsim))
    stop("Species column names are wrong or not the same among datasets")
  if(!dbhcol %in% names(realdata) & !dbhcol %in% names(trollsim))
    stop("Diameters column names are wrong or not the same among datasets")

  realdata[,which(names(realdata) == speciescol)] <- "species"
  trollsim[,which(names(trollsim) == speciescol)] <- "species"

  realdata[,which(names(realdata) == dbhcol)] <- "dbh"
  trollsim[,which(names(trollsim) == dbhcol)] <- "dbh"

  # Real dataset abundances and frequencies table ---------------------------

  ab <- tapply(as.vector(realdata$species),as.vector(realdata$species),length)#length or nrow ?
  data_ab <- as.data.frame.array(ab)
  data_ab$sp = rownames(ab) ; rm(ab)
  data_ab$ab <- as.numeric(data_ab$ab)
  rownames(data_ab) <- NULL
  colnames(data_ab)[1] <- 'n'
  data_ab$freq <- data_ab$n/sum(data_ab$n)
  data_ab <- data_ab %>% arrange(freq)

  # Matrix conception : distances of multinomial draws from real data -------

  distances = matrix(NA, nrow = 10000, ncol = 2)
  distances = as.data.frame(distances)
  names(distances) = c("dist","chid") # We will use a homemade distance and the khi2 distance

  # Resampling loop ---------------------------------------------------------

  for(i in 1:10000){

    # Obtain distributions from random draws according to the probabilities
    draw <- sample(x = data_ab$species, size = nrow(trollsim), replace = FALSE, prob = data_ab$freq)
    # Calculate abundances and frequencies
    ab <- tapply(as.vector(draw),as.vector(draw),length)#length or nrow ?
    draw_ab <- as.data.frame.array(ab)
    draw_ab$sp = rownames(ab) ; rm(ab)
    draw_ab$ab <- as.numeric(draw_ab$ab)
    rownames(draw_ab) <- NULL
    colnames(draw_ab)[1] <- 'n'
    draw_ab$freq <- draw_ab$n/sum(draw_ab$n)

    ord_draw_ab = draw_ab %>% arrange(freq)

    if(nrow(data_ab) > nrow(ord_draw_ab)){
      rbind(ord_draw_ab, matrix(rep(c(0,0,0), nrow(data_ab)-nrow(ord_draw_ab)), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE))

    # distemp =
    # chi <-
    distances$dist[i] <- sqrt(sum((data_ab$freq - ord_draw_ab$freq)^2)/length(data_ab$freg))
    distances$chid[i] <- (sum((ord_draw_ab$freq-data_ab$freq)^2)/data_ab$freq)


  # Trollsim : same procedure -----------------------------------------------

  ab <- tapply(as.vector(trollsim$species),as.vector(trollsim$species),length)#length or nrow ?
  trollsim_ab <- as.data.frame.array(ab)
  trollsim_ab$sp = rownames(ab) ; rm(ab)
  trollsim_ab$ab <- as.numeric(trollsim_ab$ab)
  rownames(trollsim_ab) <- NULL
  colnames(trollsim_ab)[1] <- 'n'
  trollsim_ab$freq <- trollsim_ab$n/sum(trollsim_ab$n)

  ord_trollsim_ab = trollsim_ab %>% arrange(freq)

  if(nrow(data_ab) > nrow(ord_draw_ab)){
    rbind(ord_trollsim_ab, matrix(rep(c(0,0,0), nrow(data_ab)-nrow(ord_trollsim_ab)), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE))


  distroll = sqrt(sum((data_ab$freq - ord_troll_ab$freq)^2)/length(data_ab$freg))
  chitroll <- (sum((ord_troll_ab$freq-data_ab$freq)^2)/data_ab$freq)

  # Graphical diagnostics ---------------------------------------------------

  jpeg(file.path(path, paste0("plot_density_dist",nameplot, ".jpg")))
  hist(density(distances$dist)); abline(v = distroll)
  distances$dist = sort(distances$dist, decreasing = F); distances$chid = sort(distances$chid, decreasing = F)

  jpeg(file.path(path, paste0("plot_density_chi",nameplot, ".jpg")))
  hist(density(distances$chid)); abline(v = chitroll)

  # Approximated pval of quantile computation -------------------------------

  distances$dist = sort(distances$dist, decreasing = F); distances$chid = sort(distances$chid, decreasing = F)

  for(i in 1:nrow(distances)){
      cat("iteration ", i, "the approximated p-value is ", (i-0.5)/nrow(dist), "\n")
      if(0.1<(i/nrow(distances))& (i/nrow(distances))<0.9) cat("distributions are not significantly different \n")
      else cat("distributions are significantly different")


  for(i in 1:nrow(distances)){
      cat("iteration ", i, "the approximated p-value is ", (i-0.5)/nrow(dist), "\n")
      if(0.1<(i/nrow(distances))&(i/nrow(distances))<0.9) cat("distributions are not significantly different \n")
      else cat("distributions are significantly different")

  print("Distance matrix is returned with trollsim distances in the last line")
  return(rbind(distances, c(distroll,chitroll)))

Riodinino/TROLLmsc documentation built on May 14, 2019, 3:08 a.m.