
Defines functions .DefaultDataGrouped DataGrouped .DefaultDataOrdinal DataOrdinal .DefaultDataDA DataDA .DefaultDataMixture DataMixture .DefaultDataParts DataParts .DefaultDataDual DataDual .DefaultData Data .DefaultDataGeneral

Documented in Data DataDA DataDual DataGrouped DataMixture DataOrdinal DataParts .DefaultData .DefaultDataDA .DefaultDataDual .DefaultDataGeneral .DefaultDataGrouped .DefaultDataMixture .DefaultDataOrdinal .DefaultDataParts

#' @include helpers.R
#' @include Data-validity.R
#' @include CrmPackClass-class.R

# GeneralData-class ----

#' `GeneralData`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`GeneralData`] is a class for general data input.
#' @slot ID (`integer`)\cr unique patient IDs.
#' @slot cohort (`integer`)\cr the cohort (non-negative sorted) indices.
#' @slot nObs (`integer`)\cr number of observations, a single value.
#' @aliases GeneralData
#' @export
.GeneralData <- setClass(
  Class = "GeneralData",
  slots = c(
    ID = "integer",
    cohort = "integer",
    nObs = "integer"
  prototype = prototype(
    ID = integer(),
    cohort = integer(),
    nObs = 0L
  contains = "CrmPackClass",
  validity = v_general_data

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname GeneralData-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDataGeneral()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDataGeneral <- function() {
  stop(paste0("Class DataGeneral cannot be instantiated directly.  Please use one of its subclasses instead."))

# Data ----

## class ----

#' `Data`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`Data`] is a class for the data input.
#' It inherits from [`GeneralData`].
#' @slot x (`numeric`)\cr the doses for the patients.
#' @slot y (`integer`)\cr the vector of toxicity events (0 or 1 integers).
#' @slot doseGrid (`numeric`)\cr the vector of all possible doses (sorted),
#'   i.e. the dose grid.
#' @slot nGrid (`integer`)\cr number of gridpoints.
#' @slot xLevel (`integer`)\cr the levels for the doses the patients have been given,
#'   w.r.t `doseGrid`.
#' @slot placebo (`logical`)\cr if `TRUE` the first dose level
#'   in the `doseGrid`is considered as PLACEBO.
#' @aliases Data
#' @export
.Data <- setClass(
  Class = "Data",
  contains = "GeneralData",
  slots = c(
    x = "numeric",
    y = "integer",
    doseGrid = "numeric",
    nGrid = "integer",
    xLevel = "integer",
    placebo = "logical"
  prototype = prototype(
    x = numeric(),
    y = integer(),
    doseGrid = numeric(),
    nGrid = 0L,
    xLevel = integer(),
    placebo = FALSE
  validity = v_data

## constructor ----

#' @rdname Data-class
#' @details The `cohort` can be missing if and only if `placebo` is equal to
#'   `FALSE`.
#' @note `ID` and `cohort` can be missing. Then a message will be issued
#'   and the variables will be filled with default IDs and best guesses cohort,
#'   i.e. a sorted (in ascending order) sequence of values from `{1, 2, ...}`.
#' @param x (`numeric`)\cr the doses for the patients.
#' @param y (`integer`)\cr the vector of toxicity events (0 or 1).
#'   You can also supply `numeric` vectors, but these will then be converted to
#'   `integer` internally.
#' @param ID (`integer`)\cr unique patient IDs.
#'   You can also supply `numeric` vectors, but these will then be converted to
#'   `integer` internally.
#' @param cohort (`integer`)\cr the cohort (non-negative sorted) indices.
#'   You can also supply `numeric` vectors, but these will then be converted to
#'   `integer` internally.
#' @param doseGrid (`numeric`)\cr all possible doses.
#' @param placebo (`flag`)\cr if `TRUE` the first dose level
#'   in the `doseGrid` is considered as placebo.
#' @param ... not used.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Data-class.R
Data <- function(x = numeric(),
                 y = integer(),
                 ID = integer(),
                 cohort = integer(),
                 doseGrid = numeric(),
                 placebo = FALSE,
                 ...) {
  assert_integerish(y, lower = 0, upper = 1, any.missing = FALSE)
  assert_integerish(ID, unique = TRUE, any.missing = FALSE)
  assert_numeric(doseGrid, any.missing = FALSE, unique = TRUE)

  doseGrid <- sort(doseGrid)
  assert_subset(x, doseGrid)

  if (length(ID) == 0 && length(x) > 0) {
    message("Used default patient IDs!")
    ID <- seq_along(x)
  } else {
    assert_integerish(ID, unique = TRUE)

  if (!placebo && length(cohort) == 0 && length(x) > 0) {
    message("Used best guess cohort indices!")
    # This is just assuming that consecutive patients
    # in the data set are in the same cohort if they
    # have the same dose. Note that this could be wrong,
    # if two subsequent cohorts are at the same dose.
    cohort <- as.integer(c(1, 1 + cumsum(diff(x) != 0)))
  } else {

    x = as.numeric(x),
    y = as.integer(y),
    ID = as.integer(ID),
    cohort = as.integer(cohort),
    doseGrid = as.numeric(doseGrid),
    nObs = length(x),
    nGrid = length(doseGrid),
    xLevel = match_within_tolerance(x, doseGrid),
    placebo = placebo

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname Data-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultData()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultData <- function() {
    doseGrid = c(1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100),
    ID = 1L:3L,
    cohort = 1L:3L,
    x = c(1, 3, 5),
    y = rep(0L, 3)

# DataDual ----

## class ----

#' `DataDual`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`DataDual`] is a class for the dual endpoint data.
#' It inherits from [`Data`] and it contains additional biomarker information.
#' @slot w (`numeric`)\cr the continuous vector of biomarker values.
#' @aliases DataDual
#' @export
.DataDual <- setClass(
  Class = "DataDual",
  slots = c(w = "numeric"),
  prototype = prototype(w = numeric()),
  contains = "Data",
  validity = v_data_dual

## constructor ----

#' @rdname DataDual-class
#' @param w (`numeric`)\cr the continuous vector of biomarker values.
#' @param ... parameters passed to [Data()].
#' @export
#' @example examples/Data-class-DataDual.R
DataDual <- function(w = numeric(),
                     ...) {
  d <- Data(...)
  .DataDual(d, w = w)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DataDual-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDataDual()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDataDual <- function() {
    x = c(0.1, 0.5, 1.5, 3, 6, 10, 10, 10),
    y = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0),
    w = rnorm(8),
    doseGrid = c(0.1, 0.5, 1.5, 3, 6, seq(from = 10, to = 80, by = 2)),
    ID = 1L:8L,
    cohort = as.integer(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6))

# DataParts ----

## class ----

#' `DataParts`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`DataParts`] is a class for the data with two study parts.
#' It inherits from [`Data`] and it contains additional information
#' on the two study parts.
#' @slot part (`integer`)\cr which part does each of the patients belong to?
#' @slot nextPart (`count`)\cr what is the part for the next cohort (1 or 2)?
#' @slot part1Ladder (`numeric`)\cr what is the escalation ladder for
#'   part 1? This shall be an ordered subset of the `doseGrid`.
#' @aliases DataParts
#' @export
.DataParts <- setClass(
  Class = "DataParts",
  slots = c(
    part = "integer",
    nextPart = "integer",
    part1Ladder = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    part = integer(),
    nextPart = 1L,
    part1Ladder = numeric()
  contains = "Data",
  validity = v_data_parts

## constructor ----

#' @rdname DataParts-class
#' @param part (`integer`)\cr which part does each of the patients belong to?
#' @param nextPart (`count`)\cr what is the part for the next cohort (1 or 2)?
#' @param part1Ladder (`numeric`)\cr what is the escalation ladder for part 1?
#'   This shall be an ordered subset of the `doseGrid`.
#' @param ... parameters passed to [Data()].
#' @export
#' @example examples/Data-class-DataParts.R
DataParts <- function(part = integer(),
                      nextPart = 1L,
                      part1Ladder = numeric(),
                      ...) {
  d <- Data(...)
    part = part,
    nextPart = nextPart,
    part1Ladder = part1Ladder

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DataParts-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDataParts()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDataParts <- function() {
    x = c(0.1, 0.5, 1.5),
    y = c(0, 0, 0),
    ID = 1:3,
    cohort = 1:3,
    doseGrid = c(0.1, 0.5, 1.5, 3, 6, seq(from = 10, to = 80, by = 2)),
    part = c(1L, 1L, 1L),
    nextPart = 1L,
    part1Ladder = c(0.1, 0.5, 1.5, 3, 6, 10)

# DataMixture ----

## class ----

#' `DataMixture`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`DataMixture`] is a class for the data with mixture sharing.
#' It inherits from [`Data`] and it contains additional information
#' on the mixture sharing.
#' @slot xshare (`numeric`)\cr the doses for the share patients.
#' @slot yshare (`integer`)\cr the vector of toxicity events (0 or 1)
#'   for the share patients.
#' @slot nObsshare (`count`)\cr number of share patients.
#' @aliases DataMixture
#' @export
.DataMixture <- setClass(
  Class = "DataMixture",
  slots = c(
    xshare = "numeric",
    yshare = "integer",
    nObsshare = "integer"
  prototype = prototype(
    xshare = numeric(),
    yshare = integer(),
    nObsshare = 0L
  contains = "Data",
  validity = v_data_mixture

## constructor ----

#' @rdname DataMixture-class
#' @param xshare (`numeric`)\cr the doses for the share patients.
#' @param yshare (`integer`)\cr the vector of toxicity events (0 or 1)
#'   for the share patients. You can also supply `numeric` vectors,
#'   but these will then be converted to `integer` internally.
#' @param ... parameters passed to [Data()].
#' @export
#' @example examples/Data-class-DataMixture.R
DataMixture <- function(xshare = numeric(),
                        yshare = integer(),
                        ...) {
  d <- Data(...)
    xshare = as.numeric(xshare),
    yshare = as.integer(yshare),
    nObsshare = length(xshare)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DataMixture-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDataMixture()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDataMixture <- function() {
    xshare = c(12, 14, 16, 18.0),
    yshare = c(0L, 1L, 1L, 1L),
    nObsshare = 4L,
    x = c(0.1, 0.5, 1.5),
    y = c(0, 0, 0),
    ID = 1L:3L,
    cohort = 1L:3L,
    doseGrid = c(0.1, 0.5, 1.5, 3, 6, seq(from = 10, to = 80, by = 2))

# DataDA ----

## class ----

#' `DataDA`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`DataDA`] is a class for the time-to-DLT augmented data.
#' It inherits from [`Data`] and it contains additional DLT free survival times.
#' @note `survival time` here refers to the time period for which the subject
#'   did not experience any DLT, and is not referring to deaths.
#' @slot u (`numeric`)\cr the continuous vector of DLT free survival times.
#' @slot t0 (`numeric`)\cr time of initial dosing for each patient.
#'   Non-negative values sorted in ascending order.
#' @slot Tmax (`number`)\cr the DLT observation period.
#' @aliases DataDA
#' @export
.DataDA <- setClass(
  Class = "DataDA",
  slots = c(
    u = "numeric",
    t0 = "numeric",
    Tmax = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    u = numeric(),
    t0 = numeric(),
    Tmax = 0 + .Machine$double.xmin
  contains = "Data",
  validity = v_data_da

## constructor ----

#' @rdname DataDA-class
#' @param u (`numeric`)\cr the continuous vector of DLT free survival times.
#' @param t0 (`numeric`)\cr time of initial dosing for each patient.
#'   Non-negative values sorted in ascending order.
#'   Default to vector of 0s of length equal to length of `u`.
#' @param Tmax (`number`)\cr the DLT observation period.
#' @param ... parameters passed to [Data()].
#' @export
#' @example examples/Data-class-DataDA.R
DataDA <- function(u = numeric(),
                   t0 = numeric(length(u)),
                   Tmax = 0 + .Machine$double.xmin,
                   ...) {
  d <- Data(...)
    u = as.numeric(u),
    t0 = as.numeric(t0),
    Tmax = as.numeric(Tmax)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DataDA-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDataDA()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDataDA <- function() {
    u = c(42, 30, 15, 5, 20, 25, 30, 60),
    t0 = c(0, 15, 30, 40, 55, 70, 75, 85),
    Tmax = 60,
    x = c(0.1, 0.5, 1.5, 3, 6, 10, 10, 10),
    y = c(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0),
    doseGrid = c(0.1, 0.5, 1.5, 3, 6, seq(from = 10, to = 80, by = 2)),
    ID = 1L:8L,
    cohort = as.integer(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6))

# DataOrdinal ----

## class ----

#' `DataOrdinal`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`DataOrdinal`] is a class for ordinal toxicity data.
#' It inherits from [`GeneralData`] and it describes toxicity responses on an
#' ordinal rather than binary scale.
#' @note This class has been implemented as a sibling of the existing `Data` class
#' (rather than as a parent or child) to minimise the risk of unintended side
#' effects on existing classes and methods.
#' The default setting for the `yCategories` slot replicates the behaviour
#' of the existing `Data` class.
#' @aliases DataOrdinal
#' @export
.DataOrdinal <- setClass(
  Class = "DataOrdinal",
  contains = "GeneralData",
  slots = c(
    x = "numeric",
    y = "integer",
    doseGrid = "numeric",
    nGrid = "integer",
    xLevel = "integer",
    yCategories = "integer",
    placebo = "logical"
  prototype = prototype(
    x = numeric(),
    y = integer(),
    doseGrid = numeric(),
    nGrid = 0L,
    xLevel = integer(),
    yCategories = c("No DLT" = 0L, "DLT" = 1L),
    placebo = FALSE
  validity = v_data_ordinal

## constructor ----

#' @rdname DataOrdinal-class
#' @param yCategories (named `integer`)\cr the names and codes for the
#' toxicity categories used in the data.  Category labels are taken from the
#' names of the vector.  The names of the vector must be unique and its values
#' must be sorted and take the values 0, 1, 2, ...
#' @inheritParams Data
#' @inherit Data details note params
#' @example examples/Data-class-DataOrdinal.R
#' @export
DataOrdinal <- function(x = numeric(),
                        y = integer(),
                        ID = integer(),
                        cohort = integer(),
                        doseGrid = numeric(),
                        placebo = FALSE,
                        yCategories = c("No DLT" = 0L, "DLT" = 1L),
                        ...) {
  assert_numeric(doseGrid, any.missing = FALSE, unique = TRUE)
    any.missing = FALSE,
    unique = TRUE,
    names = "unique",
    min.len = 2

  doseGrid <- as.numeric(sort(doseGrid))

  if (length(ID) == 0 && length(x) > 0) {
    message("Used default patient IDs!")
    ID <- seq_along(x)
  } else {
    assert_integerish(ID, unique = TRUE)

  if (!placebo && length(cohort) == 0 && length(x) > 0) {
    message("Used best guess cohort indices!")
    # This is just assuming that consecutive patients
    # in the data set are in the same cohort if they
    # have the same dose. Note that this could be wrong,
    # if two subsequent cohorts are at the same dose.
    cohort <- as.integer(c(1, 1 + cumsum(diff(x) != 0)))
  } else {

    x = as.numeric(x),
    y = as.integer(y),
    ID = as.integer(ID),
    cohort = as.integer(cohort),
    doseGrid = doseGrid,
    nObs = length(x),
    nGrid = length(doseGrid),
    xLevel = match_within_tolerance(x = x, table = doseGrid),
    placebo = placebo,
    yCategories = yCategories

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DataOrdinal-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDataOrdinal()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDataOrdinal <- function() {
    x = c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 50, 50, 60, 60, 60),
    y = as.integer(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2)),
    ID = 1L:10L,
    cohort = as.integer(c(1:4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6)),
    doseGrid = c(seq(from = 10, to = 100, by = 10)),
    yCategories = c("No tox" = 0L, "Sub-tox AE" = 1L, "DLT" = 2L),
    placebo = FALSE

# DataGrouped ----

## class ----

#' `DataGrouped`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`DataGrouped`] is a class for a two groups dose escalation data set,
#' comprised of a monotherapy (`mono`) and a combination therapy (`combo`)
#' arm. It inherits from [`Data`] and it contains the additional group information.
#' @slot group (`factor`)\cr whether `mono` or `combo` was used.
#' @aliases DataGrouped
#' @export
.DataGrouped <- setClass(
  Class = "DataGrouped",
  slots = c(
    group = "factor"
  prototype = prototype(
    group = factor(levels = c("mono", "combo"))
  contains = "Data",
  validity = v_data_grouped

#' @rdname DataGrouped-class
#' @param group (`factor` or `character`)\cr whether `mono` or `combo` was used.
#'   If `character` then will be coerced to `factor` with the correct levels
#'   internally.
#' @param ... parameters passed to [Data()].
#' @export
#' @example examples/Data-class-DataGrouped.R
DataGrouped <- function(group = character(),
                        ...) {
  d <- Data(...)
  if (!is.factor(group)) {
    assert_subset(group, choices = c("mono", "combo"))
    group <- factor(group, levels = c("mono", "combo"))
    group = group

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DataGrouped-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDataGrouped()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDataGrouped <- function() {
    group = c("mono", "mono", "combo"),
    x = c(1, 3, 5),
    y = c(0, 0, 0),
    ID = 1L:3L,
    cohort = 1L:3L,
    doseGrid = c(1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100),
    placebo = FALSE
Roche/crmPack documentation built on July 16, 2024, 2:15 a.m.