
Defines functions print.RowsVerticalSection RowsVerticalSection print.CellValue CellValue RefFootnote PreDataTableLayouts PreDataRowLayout PreDataColLayout avar_noneorlast SplitVector TableTree .calc_cinfo ttable_validity ElementaryTable .enforce_valid_kids etable_validity ContentRow DataRow .tablerow LabelRow InstantiatedColumnInfo LayoutColLeaf LayoutColTree make_child_pos TreePos .chkname VarLevWBaselineSplit AnalyzeMultiVars make_ma_name strip_compound_name .uncompound .repoutlst AnalyzeColVarSplit AnalyzeVarSplit VarDynCutSplit make_static_cut_split .is_cut_lab_lst MultiVarSplit .make_multivar_names .make_suffix_vec ManualSplit RootSplit AllSplit VarLevelSplit LevelComboSplitValue SplitValue .labelkids_helper check_ok_label

Documented in AnalyzeColVarSplit AnalyzeMultiVars AnalyzeVarSplit CellValue ContentRow DataRow ElementaryTable InstantiatedColumnInfo LabelRow make_static_cut_split ManualSplit MultiVarSplit .tablerow TableTree VarDynCutSplit VarLevelSplit VarLevWBaselineSplit

## Split types -----------------------------------------------------------------
## variable: split on distinct values of a variable
## all: include all observations (root 'split')
## rawcut: cut on static values of a variable
## quantilecut: cut on quantiles of observed values for a variable
## missing: split obs based on missingness of a variable/observation. This could be used for compare to ref_group??
## multicolumn: each child analyzes a different column
## arbitrary: children are not related to each other in any systematic fashion.

## null is ok here.
check_ok_label <- function(lbl, multi_ok = FALSE) {
  if (length(lbl) == 0) {

  if (length(lbl) > 1) {
    if (multi_ok) {
      return(all(vapply(lbl, check_ok_label, TRUE)))
    stop("got a label of length > 1")

  if (grepl("([{}])", lbl)) {
    stop("Labels cannot contain { or } due to their use for indicating referential footnotes")

valid_lbl_pos <- c("default", "visible", "hidden", "topleft")
.labelkids_helper <- function(charval) {
  ret <- switch(charval,
    "default" = NA,
    "visible" = TRUE,
    "hidden" = FALSE,
    "topleft" = FALSE,
      "unrecognized charval in .labelkids_helper. ",
      "this shouldn't ever happen"

setClassUnion("SubsetDef", c("expression", "logical", "integer", "numeric"))

setClassUnion("integerOrNULL", c("NULL", "integer"))
setClassUnion("characterOrNULL", c("NULL", "character"))

## should XXX [splits, s_values, sval_labels, subset(?)] be a data.frame?
setClass("TreePos", representation(
  splits = "list",
  s_values = "list",
  sval_labels = "character",
  subset = "SubsetDef"
validity = function(object) {
  nspl <- length(object@splits)
  length(object@s_values) == nspl && length(object@sval_labels) == nspl

setClassUnion("functionOrNULL", c("NULL", "function"))
setClassUnion("listOrNULL", c("NULL", "list"))
## TODO (?) make "list" more specific, e.g FormatList, or FunctionList?
setClassUnion("FormatSpec", c("NULL", "character", "function", "list"))
setClassUnion("ExprOrNULL", c("NULL", "expression"))

setClass("ValueWrapper", representation(
  value = "ANY",
  label = "characterOrNULL",
  subset_expression = "ExprOrNULL"
contains = "VIRTUAL"
## heavier-weight than I'd like but I think we need
## this to carry around thee subsets for
## comparison-based splits

  contains = "ValueWrapper",
  representation(extra = "list")

SplitValue <- function(val, extr = list(), label = val, sub_expr = NULL) {
  if (is(val, "SplitValue")) {
    if (length(splv_extra(val)) > 0) {
      extr <- c(splv_extra(val), extr)
    splv_extra(val) <- extr
  if (!is(extr, "list")) {
    extr <- list(extr)
  if (!is(label, "character")) {
    label <- as.character(label)

  if (!is.null(sub_expr) && !is.expression(sub_expr)) {
    sub_expr <- as.expression(sub_expr)
  } ## sometimes they will be "call" objects, etc
    value = val,
    extra = extr,
    label = label,
    subset_expression = sub_expr

  contains = "SplitValue",
  representation(combolevels = "character")

## wrapped in user-facing `add_combo_facet`
LevelComboSplitValue <- function(val, extr, combolevels, label = val, sub_expr = NULL) {
    value = val,
    extra = extr,
    combolevels = combolevels,
    label = label,
    subset_expression = sub_expr

  contains = "VIRTUAL",
    payload = "ANY",
    name = "character",
    split_label = "character",
    split_format = "FormatSpec",
    split_na_str = "character",
    split_label_position = "character",
    ## NB this is the function which is applied to
    ## get the content rows for the CHILDREN of this
    ## split!!!
    content_fun = "listOrNULL", ## functionOrNULL",
    content_format = "FormatSpec",
    content_na_str = "character",
    content_var = "character",
    label_children = "logical",
    extra_args = "list",
    indent_modifier = "integer",
    content_indent_modifier = "integer",
    content_extra_args = "list",
    page_title_prefix = "character",
    child_section_div = "character",
    child_show_colcounts = "logical",
    child_colcount_format = "FormatSpec"

  contains = "Split",
  representation(split_fun = "functionOrNULL")

#' @author Gabriel Becker
#' @exportClass VarLevelSplit
#' @rdname VarLevelSplit
  contains = "CustomizableSplit",
    value_label_var = "character",
    value_order = "ANY"
#' Split on levels within a variable
#' @inheritParams lyt_args
#' @inheritParams constr_args
#' @return a `VarLevelSplit` object.
#' @export
VarLevelSplit <- function(var,
                          labels_var = NULL,
                          cfun = NULL,
                          cformat = NULL,
                          cna_str = NA_character_,
                          split_fun = NULL,
                          split_format = NULL,
                          split_na_str = NA_character_,
                          valorder = NULL,
                          split_name = var,
                          child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),
                          extra_args = list(),
                          indent_mod = 0L,
                          label_pos = c("topleft", "hidden", "visible"),
                          cindent_mod = 0L,
                          cvar = "",
                          cextra_args = list(),
                          page_prefix = NA_character_,
                          section_div = NA_character_,
                          show_colcounts = FALSE,
                          colcount_format = NULL) {
  child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels)
  if (is.null(labels_var)) {
    labels_var <- var
    payload = var,
    split_label = split_label,
    name = split_name,
    value_label_var = labels_var,
    content_fun = cfun,
    content_format = cformat,
    content_na_str = cna_str,
    split_fun = split_fun,
    split_format = split_format,
    split_na_str = split_na_str,
    value_order = NULL,
    label_children = .labelkids_helper(child_labels),
    extra_args = extra_args,
    indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),
    content_indent_modifier = as.integer(cindent_mod),
    content_var = cvar,
    split_label_position = label_pos,
    content_extra_args = cextra_args,
    page_title_prefix = page_prefix,
    child_section_div = section_div,
    child_show_colcounts = show_colcounts,
    child_colcount_format = colcount_format

setClass("AllSplit", contains = "Split")

AllSplit <- function(split_label = "",
                     cfun = NULL,
                     cformat = NULL,
                     cna_str = NA_character_,
                     split_format = NULL,
                     split_na_str = NA_character_,
                     split_name = NULL,
                     extra_args = list(),
                     indent_mod = 0L,
                     cindent_mod = 0L,
                     cvar = "",
                     cextra_args = list(),
                     show_colcounts = FALSE,
                     colcount_format = NULL,
                     ...) {
  if (is.null(split_name)) {
    if (nzchar(split_label)) {
      split_name <- split_label
    } else {
      split_name <- "all obs"
    split_label = split_label,
    content_fun = cfun,
    content_format = cformat,
    content_na_str = cna_str,
    split_format = split_format,
    split_na_str = split_na_str,
    name = split_name,
    label_children = FALSE,
    extra_args = extra_args,
    indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),
    content_indent_modifier = as.integer(cindent_mod),
    content_var = cvar,
    split_label_position = "hidden",
    content_extra_args = cextra_args,
    page_title_prefix = NA_character_,
    child_section_div = NA_character_,
    child_show_colcounts = show_colcounts,
    child_colcount_format = colcount_format

setClass("RootSplit", contains = "AllSplit")

RootSplit <- function(split_label = "", cfun = NULL, cformat = NULL, cna_str = NA_character_, cvar = "",
                      split_format = NULL, split_na_str = NA_character_, cextra_args = list(), ...) {
    split_label = split_label,
    content_fun = cfun,
    content_format = cformat,
    content_na_str = cna_str,
    split_format = split_format,
    split_na_str = split_na_str,
    name = "root",
    label_children = FALSE,
    indent_modifier = 0L,
    content_indent_modifier = 0L,
    content_var = cvar,
    split_label_position = "hidden",
    content_extra_args = cextra_args,
    child_section_div = NA_character_,
    child_show_colcounts = FALSE,
    child_colcount_format = "(N=xx)"

  contains = "AllSplit",
  representation(levels = "character")

#' Manually defined split
#' @inheritParams lyt_args
#' @inheritParams constr_args
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @param levels (`character`)\cr levels of the split (i.e. the children of the manual split).
#' @return A `ManualSplit` object.
#' @author Gabriel Becker
#' @export
ManualSplit <- function(levels, label, name = "manual",
                        extra_args = list(),
                        indent_mod = 0L,
                        cindent_mod = 0L,
                        cvar = "",
                        cextra_args = list(),
                        label_pos = "visible",
                        page_prefix = NA_character_,
                        section_div = NA_character_) {
  label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values)
  check_ok_label(label, multi_ok = TRUE)
    split_label = label,
    levels = levels,
    name = name,
    label_children = FALSE,
    extra_args = extra_args,
    indent_modifier = 0L,
    content_indent_modifier = as.integer(cindent_mod),
    content_var = cvar,
    split_format = NULL,
    split_na_str = NA_character_,
    split_label_position = label_pos,
    page_title_prefix = page_prefix,
    child_section_div = section_div,
    child_show_colcounts = FALSE,
    child_colcount_format = "(N=xx)"

## splits across which variables are being analynzed
  contains = "CustomizableSplit", ## "Split",
    var_labels = "character",
    var_names = "character"
  validity = function(object) {
    length(object@payload) >= 1 &&
      all(!is.na(object@payload)) &&
      (length(object@var_labels) == 0 || length(object@payload) == length(object@var_labels))

.make_suffix_vec <- function(n) {
      seq_len(n - 1) + 1L

.make_multivar_names <- function(vars) {
  dups <- duplicated(vars)
  if (!any(dups)) {
  dupvars <- unique(vars[dups])
  ret <- vars
  for (v in dupvars) {
    pos <- which(ret == v)
    ret[pos] <- paste0(

#' Split between two or more different variables
#' @inheritParams lyt_args
#' @inheritParams constr_args
#' @return A `MultiVarSplit` object.
#' @author Gabriel Becker
#' @export
MultiVarSplit <- function(vars,
                          split_label = "",
                          varlabels = NULL,
                          varnames = NULL,
                          cfun = NULL,
                          cformat = NULL,
                          cna_str = NA_character_,
                          split_format = NULL,
                          split_na_str = NA_character_,
                          split_name = "multivars",
                          child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),
                          extra_args = list(),
                          indent_mod = 0L,
                          cindent_mod = 0L,
                          cvar = "",
                          cextra_args = list(),
                          label_pos = "visible",
                          split_fun = NULL,
                          page_prefix = NA_character_,
                          section_div = NA_character_,
                          show_colcounts = FALSE,
                          colcount_format = NULL) {
  ## no topleft allowed
  label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values[-3])
  child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels)
  if (length(vars) == 1 && grepl(":", vars)) {
    vars <- strsplit(vars, ":")[[1]]
  if (length(varlabels) == 0) { ## covers NULL and character()
    varlabels <- vars
  vnames <- varnames %||% .make_multivar_names(vars)
  stopifnot(length(vnames) == length(vars))
    payload = vars,
    split_label = split_label,
    var_labels = varlabels,
    var_names = vnames,
    content_fun = cfun,
    content_format = cformat,
    content_na_str = cna_str,
    split_format = split_format,
    split_na_str = split_na_str,
    label_children = .labelkids_helper(child_labels),
    name = split_name,
    extra_args = extra_args,
    indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),
    content_indent_modifier = as.integer(cindent_mod),
    content_var = cvar,
    split_label_position = label_pos,
    content_extra_args = cextra_args,
    split_fun = split_fun,
    page_title_prefix = page_prefix,
    child_section_div = section_div,
    child_show_colcounts = show_colcounts,
    child_colcount_format = colcount_format

#' Splits for cutting by values of a numeric variable
#' @inheritParams lyt_args
#' @inheritParams constr_args
#' @exportClass VarStaticCutSplit
#' @rdname cutsplits
  contains = "Split",
    cuts = "numeric",
    cut_labels = "character"

.is_cut_lab_lst <- function(cuts) {
  is.list(cuts) && is.numeric(cuts[[1]]) &&
    is.character(cuts[[2]]) &&
    length(cuts[[1]]) == length(cuts[[2]])

#' Create static cut or static cumulative cut split
#' @inheritParams lyt_args
#' @inheritParams constr_args
#' @return A `VarStaticCutSplit`, `CumulativeCutSplit` object for `make_static_cut_split`, or a `VarDynCutSplit`
#'   object for [VarDynCutSplit()].
#' @rdname cutsplits
make_static_cut_split <- function(var,
                                  cutlabels = NULL,
                                  cfun = NULL,
                                  cformat = NULL,
                                  cna_str = NA_character_,
                                  split_format = NULL,
                                  split_na_str = NA_character_,
                                  split_name = var,
                                  child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),
                                  extra_args = list(),
                                  indent_mod = 0L,
                                  cindent_mod = 0L,
                                  cvar = "",
                                  cextra_args = list(),
                                  label_pos = "visible",
                                  cumulative = FALSE,
                                  page_prefix = NA_character_,
                                  section_div = NA_character_,
                                  show_colcounts = FALSE,
                                  colcount_format = NULL) {
  cls <- if (cumulative) "CumulativeCutSplit" else "VarStaticCutSplit"

  label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values)
  child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels)
  if (.is_cut_lab_lst(cuts)) {
    cutlabels <- cuts[[2]]
    cuts <- cuts[[1]]
  if (is.unsorted(cuts, strictly = TRUE)) {
    stop("invalid cuts vector. not sorted unique values.")

  if (is.null(cutlabels) && !is.null(names(cuts))) {
    cutlabels <- names(cuts)[-1]
  } ## XXX is this always right?

    payload = var,
    split_label = split_label,
    cuts = cuts,
    cut_labels = cutlabels,
    content_fun = cfun,
    content_format = cformat,
    content_na_str = cna_str,
    split_format = split_format,
    split_na_str = split_na_str,
    name = split_name,
    label_children = .labelkids_helper(child_labels),
    extra_args = extra_args,
    indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),
    content_indent_modifier = as.integer(cindent_mod),
    content_var = cvar,
    split_label_position = label_pos,
    content_extra_args = cextra_args,
    page_title_prefix = page_prefix,
    child_section_div = section_div,
    child_show_colcounts = show_colcounts,
    child_colcount_format = colcount_format

#' @exportClass CumulativeCutSplit
#' @rdname cutsplits
setClass("CumulativeCutSplit", contains = "VarStaticCutSplit")

## make_static_cut_split with cumulative=TRUE is the constructor
## for CumulativeCutSplit

## do we want this to be a CustomizableSplit instead of
## taking cut_fun?
## cut_funct must take avector and no other arguments
## and return a named vector of cut points
#' @exportClass VarDynCutSplit
#' @rdname cutsplits
  contains = "Split",
    cut_fun = "function",
    cut_label_fun = "function",
    cumulative_cuts = "logical"

#' @export
#' @rdname cutsplits
VarDynCutSplit <- function(var,
                           cutlabelfun = function(x) NULL,
                           cfun = NULL,
                           cformat = NULL,
                           cna_str = NA_character_,
                           split_format = NULL,
                           split_na_str = NA_character_,
                           split_name = var,
                           child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),
                           extra_args = list(),
                           cumulative = FALSE,
                           indent_mod = 0L,
                           cindent_mod = 0L,
                           cvar = "",
                           cextra_args = list(),
                           label_pos = "visible",
                           page_prefix = NA_character_,
                           section_div = NA_character_,
                           show_colcounts = FALSE,
                           colcount_format = NULL) {
  label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values)
  child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels)
    payload = var,
    split_label = split_label,
    cut_fun = cutfun,
    cumulative_cuts = cumulative,
    cut_label_fun = cutlabelfun,
    content_fun = cfun,
    content_format = cformat,
    content_na_str = cna_str,
    split_format = split_format,
    split_na_str = split_na_str,
    name = split_name,
    label_children = .labelkids_helper(child_labels),
    extra_args = extra_args,
    indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),
    content_indent_modifier = as.integer(cindent_mod),
    content_var = cvar,
    split_label_position = label_pos,
    content_extra_args = cextra_args,
    page_title_prefix = page_prefix,
    child_section_div = section_div,
    child_show_colcounts = show_colcounts,
    child_colcount_format = colcount_format

## NB analyze splits can't have content-related things
  contains = "Split",
    default_rowlabel = "character",
    include_NAs = "logical",
    var_label_position = "character"

  contains = "VAnalyzeSplit",
  representation(analysis_fun = "function")

  contains = "VAnalyzeSplit",
  representation(analysis_fun = "list")

#' Define a subset tabulation/analysis
#' @inheritParams lyt_args
#' @inheritParams constr_args
#' @param defrowlab (`character`)\cr default row labels, if not specified by the return value of `afun`.
#' @return An `AnalyzeVarSplit` object.
#' @author Gabriel Becker
#' @export
#' @rdname avarspl
AnalyzeVarSplit <- function(var,
                            split_label = var,
                            defrowlab = "",
                            cfun = NULL,
                            cformat = NULL,
                            split_format = NULL,
                            split_na_str = NA_character_,
                            inclNAs = FALSE,
                            split_name = var,
                            extra_args = list(),
                            indent_mod = 0L,
                            label_pos = "default",
                            cvar = "",
                            section_div = NA_character_) {
  label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, c("default", label_pos_values))
  if (!any(nzchar(defrowlab))) {
    defrowlab <- as.character(substitute(afun))
    if (length(defrowlab) > 1 || startsWith(defrowlab, "function(")) {
      defrowlab <- ""
    payload = var,
    split_label = split_label,
    content_fun = cfun,
    analysis_fun = afun,
    content_format = cformat,
    split_format = split_format,
    split_na_str = split_na_str,
    default_rowlabel = defrowlab,
    include_NAs = inclNAs,
    name = split_name,
    label_children = FALSE,
    extra_args = extra_args,
    indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),
    content_indent_modifier = 0L,
    var_label_position = label_pos,
    content_var = cvar,
    page_title_prefix = NA_character_,
    child_section_div = section_div,
    child_show_colcounts = FALSE,
    child_colcount_format = NA_character_
  ) ## no content_extra_args

#' Define a subset tabulation/analysis
#' @inheritParams lyt_args
#' @inheritParams constr_args
#' @author Gabriel Becker
#' @export
#' @rdname avarspl
AnalyzeColVarSplit <- function(afun,
                               defrowlab = "",
                               cfun = NULL,
                               cformat = NULL,
                               split_format = NULL,
                               split_na_str = NA_character_,
                               inclNAs = FALSE,
                               split_name = "",
                               extra_args = list(),
                               indent_mod = 0L,
                               label_pos = "default",
                               cvar = "",
                               section_div = NA_character_) {
  label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, c("default", label_pos_values))
    payload = NA_character_,
    split_label = "",
    content_fun = cfun,
    analysis_fun = afun,
    content_format = cformat,
    split_format = split_format,
    split_na_str = split_na_str,
    default_rowlabel = defrowlab,
    include_NAs = inclNAs,
    name = split_name,
    label_children = FALSE,
    extra_args = extra_args,
    indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),
    content_indent_modifier = 0L,
    var_label_position = label_pos,
    content_var = cvar,
    page_title_prefix = NA_character_,
    child_section_div = section_div,
    child_show_colcounts = FALSE,
    child_colcount_format = NA_character_
  ) ## no content_extra_args

  contains = "Split",
  validity = function(object) are(object@payload, "Split")

setClass("AnalyzeMultiVars", contains = "CompoundSplit")

.repoutlst <- function(x, nv) {
  if (!is.function(x) && length(x) == nv) {
  if (!is(x, "list")) {
    x <- list(x)
  rep(x, length.out = nv)

.uncompound <- function(csplit) {
  if (is(csplit, "list")) {
    return(unlist(lapply(csplit, .uncompound)))

  if (!is(csplit, "CompoundSplit")) {

  pld <- spl_payload(csplit)
  done <- all(!vapply(pld, is, TRUE, class2 = "CompoundSplit"))
  if (done) {
  } else {
    unlist(lapply(pld, .uncompound))

strip_compound_name <- function(obj) {
  nm <- obj_name(obj)
  gsub("^ma_", "", nm)

make_ma_name <- function(spl, pld = spl_payload(spl)) {
      vapply(pld, strip_compound_name, "")
    collapse = "_"

#' @param .payload (`list`)\cr used internally, not intended to be set by end users.
#' @return An `AnalyzeMultiVars` split object.
#' @export
#' @rdname avarspl
AnalyzeMultiVars <- function(var,
                             split_label = "",
                             defrowlab = "",
                             cfun = NULL,
                             cformat = NULL,
                             split_format = NULL,
                             split_na_str = NA_character_,
                             inclNAs = FALSE,
                             .payload = NULL,
                             split_name = NULL,
                             extra_args = list(),
                             indent_mod = 0L,
                             child_labels = c("default", "topleft", "visible", "hidden"),
                             child_names = var,
                             cvar = "",
                             section_div = NA_character_) {
  ## NB we used to resolve to strict TRUE/FALSE for label visibillity
  ## in this function but that was too greedy for repeated
  ## analyze calls, so that now occurs in the tabulation machinery
  ## when the table is actually being built.
  ##  show_kidlabs = .labelkids_helper(match.arg(child_labels))
  child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels)
  show_kidlabs <- child_labels
  if (is.null(.payload)) {
    nv <- length(var)
    defrowlab <- .repoutlst(defrowlab, nv)
    afun <- .repoutlst(afun, nv)
    split_label <- .repoutlst(split_label, nv)
    check_ok_label(split_label, multi_ok = TRUE)
    cfun <- .repoutlst(cfun, nv)
    cformat <- .repoutlst(cformat, nv)
    ##        split_format = .repoutlst(split_format, nv)
    inclNAs <- .repoutlst(inclNAs, nv)
    section_div_if_multivar <- if (length(var) > 1) NA_character_ else section_div
    pld <- mapply(AnalyzeVarSplit,
      var = var,
      split_name = child_names,
      split_label = split_label,
      afun = afun,
      defrowlab = defrowlab,
      cfun = cfun,
      cformat = cformat,
      ##                     split_format = split_format,
      inclNAs = inclNAs,
      MoreArgs = list(
        extra_args = extra_args,
        indent_mod = indent_mod,
        label_pos = show_kidlabs,
        split_format = split_format,
        split_na_str = split_na_str,
        section_div = section_div_if_multivar
      ), ## rvis),
  } else {
    ## we're combining existing splits here
    pld <- unlist(lapply(.payload, .uncompound))

    ## only override the childen being combined if the constructor
    ## was passed a non-default value for child_labels
    ## and the child was at NA before
    pld <- lapply(
      function(x) {
        rvis <- label_position(x) ## labelrow_visible(x)
        if (!identical(show_kidlabs, "default")) { ## is.na(show_kidlabs)) {
          if (identical(rvis, "default")) { ## ois.na(rvis))
            rvis <- show_kidlabs
        label_position(x) <- rvis
  if (length(pld) == 1) {
    ret <- pld[[1]]
  } else {
    if (is.null(split_name)) {
      split_name <- paste(c("ma", vapply(pld, obj_name, "")),
        collapse = "_"
    ret <- new("AnalyzeMultiVars",
      payload = pld,
      split_label = "",
      split_format = NULL,
      split_na_str = split_na_str,
      content_fun = NULL,
      content_format = NULL,
      ## I beleive this is superfluous now
      ## the payloads carry aroudn the real instructions
      ## XXX
      label_children = .labelkids_helper(show_kidlabs),
      split_label_position = "hidden", ## XXX is this right?
      name = split_name,
      extra_args = extra_args,
      ## modifier applied on splits in payload
      indent_modifier = 0L,
      content_indent_modifier = 0L,
      content_var = cvar,
      page_title_prefix = NA_character_,
      child_section_div = section_div

  contains = "VarLevelSplit",
    var = "character",
    ref_group_value = "character"

#' @rdname VarLevelSplit
#' @export
VarLevWBaselineSplit <- function(var,
                                 labels_var = var,
                                 split_fun = NULL,
                                 label_fstr = "%s - %s",
                                 ## not needed I Think...
                                 cfun = NULL,
                                 cformat = NULL,
                                 cna_str = NA_character_,
                                 cvar = "",
                                 split_format = NULL,
                                 split_na_str = NA_character_,
                                 valorder = NULL,
                                 split_name = var,
                                 extra_args = list(),
                                 show_colcounts = FALSE,
                                 colcount_format = NULL) {
    payload = var,
    ref_group_value = ref_group,
    ## This will occur at the row level not on the column split, for now
    ## TODO revisit this to confirm its right
    ##        comparison_func = comparison,
    #      label_format = label_fstr,
    value_label_var = labels_var,
    split_label = split_label,
    content_fun = cfun,
    content_format = cformat,
    content_na_str = cna_str,
    split_format = split_format,
    split_na_str = split_na_str,
    split_fun = split_fun,
    name = split_name,
    label_children = FALSE,
    extra_args = extra_args,
    ## this is always a column split
    indent_modifier = 0L,
    content_indent_modifier = 0L,
    content_var = cvar,
    ## so long as this is columnspace only
    page_title_prefix = NA_character_,
    child_section_div = NA_character_,
    child_show_colcounts = show_colcounts,
    child_colcount_format = colcount_format

.chkname <- function(nm) {
  if (is.null(nm)) {
    nm <- ""
  if (length(nm) != 1) {
    stop("name is not of length one")
  } else if (is.na(nm)) {
    warning("Got missing value for name, converting to characters '<NA>'")
    nm <- "<NA>"

### Tree Position Representation
### Class(es) that represent position with in a
### tree as parallel vectors of Split objects and
### values chosen at that split, plus labeling info
TreePos <- function(spls = list(),
                    svals = list(),
                    svlabels = character(),
                    sub = NULL) {
  check_ok_label(svlabels, multi_ok = TRUE)
  svals <- make_splvalue_vec(vals = svals, subset_exprs = lapply(svals, value_expr))
  if (is.null(sub)) {
    if (length(spls) > 0) {
      sub <- make_pos_subset(
        spls = spls,
        svals = svals
    } else {
      sub <- expression(TRUE)
    splits = spls, s_values = svals,
    sval_labels = svlabels,
    subset = sub

## Tree position convenience functions
make_child_pos <- function(parpos,
                           newlab = newval,
                           newextra = list()) {
  if (!is(newval, "SplitValue")) {
    nsplitval <- SplitValue(newval, extr = newextra, label = newlab)
  } else {
    nsplitval <- newval
  newpos <- TreePos(
    spls = c(pos_splits(parpos), newspl),
    svals = c(pos_splvals(parpos), nsplitval),
    svlabels = c(pos_splval_labels(parpos), newlab),
    sub = .combine_subset_exprs(
      ## this will grab the value's custom subset expression if present
      make_subset_expr(newspl, nsplitval)

## Virtual Classes for Tree Nodes and Layouts =================================
## Virtual class hiearchy for the various types of trees in use in the S4
## implementation of the TableTree machinery

## core basics
  contains = "VIRTUAL",
    level = "integer",
    name = "character" ## ,
    ## label = "character"

  contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VNodeInfo"),
  representation(children = "list")

setClass("VLeaf", contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VNodeInfo"))

## Layout trees =================================

# setClass("VLayoutNode", contains= c("VIRTUAL", "VNodeInfo"))

  contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VLeaf"),
    pos_in_tree = "TreePos",
    label = "character"

  contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VTree"),
    split = "Split",
    pos_in_tree = "TreePos",
    label = "character"

setClassUnion("VLayoutNode", c("VLayoutLeaf", "VLayoutTree"))

## LayoutAxisTree classes =================================

setClassUnion("FunctionOrNULL", c("function", "NULL"))

  contains = "VLayoutTree",
  representation(summary_func = "FunctionOrNULL"),
  validity = function(object) {
    all(sapply(object@children, function(x) is(x, "LayoutAxisTree") || is(x, "LayoutAxisLeaf")))

## this is only used for columns!!!!
  contains = "VLayoutLeaf", ## "VNodeInfo",
    func = "function",
    display_columncounts = "logical",
    columncount_format = "FormatSpec", # character",
    col_footnotes = "list",
    column_count = "integer"

  contains = "LayoutAxisTree",
    display_columncounts = "logical",
    columncount_format = "FormatSpec", # "character",
    col_footnotes = "list",
    column_count = "integer"

setClass("LayoutColLeaf", contains = "LayoutAxisLeaf")
LayoutColTree <- function(lev = 0L,
                          name = obj_name(spl),
                          label = obj_label(spl),
                          kids = list(),
                          spl = EmptyAllSplit,
                          tpos = TreePos(),
                          summary_function = NULL,
                          disp_ccounts = FALSE,
                          colcount_format = NULL,
                          footnotes = list(),
                          colcount) { ## ,
  ## sub = expression(TRUE),
  ## svar = NA_character_,
  ## slab = NA_character_) {
  if (is.null(spl)) {
      "LayoutColTree constructor got NULL for spl. ", # nocov
      "This should never happen. Please contact the maintainer."
  } # nocov
  footnotes <- make_ref_value(footnotes)
    level = lev, children = kids,
    name = .chkname(name),
    summary_func = summary_function,
    pos_in_tree = tpos,
    split = spl,
    ## subset = sub,
    ## splitvar = svar,
    label = label,
    display_columncounts = disp_ccounts,
    columncount_format = colcount_format,
    col_footnotes = footnotes,
    column_count = colcount

LayoutColLeaf <- function(lev = 0L,
                          name = label,
                          label = "",
                          tpos = TreePos(),
                          disp_ccounts = FALSE,
                          colcount_format = NULL) {
    level = lev, name = .chkname(name), label = label,
    pos_in_tree = tpos,
    column_count = colcount,
    display_columncounts = disp_ccounts,
    columncount_format = colcount_format

## Instantiated column info class ==============================================
## This is so we don't need multiple arguments
## in the recursive functions that track
## various aspects of the column layout
## once its applied to the data.

#' Instantiated column info
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @exportClass InstantiatedColumnInfo
#' @rdname cinfo
    tree_layout = "VLayoutNode", ## LayoutColTree",
    subset_exprs = "list",
    cextra_args = "list",
    counts = "integer",
    total_count = "integer",
    display_columncounts = "logical",
    columncount_format = "FormatSpec",
    columncount_na_str = "character",
    top_left = "character"

#' @param treelyt (`LayoutColTree`)\cr a `LayoutColTree` object.
#' @param csubs (`list`)\cr a list of subsetting expressions.
#' @param extras (`list`)\cr extra arguments associated with the columns.
#' @param cnts (`integer`)\cr counts.
#' @param total_cnt (`integer(1)`)\cr total observations represented across all columns.
#' @param dispcounts (`flag`)\cr whether the counts should be displayed as header info when the associated
#'   table is printed.
#' @param countformat (`string`)\cr format for the counts if they are displayed.
#' @param count_na_str (`character`)\cr string to use in place of missing values when formatting counts. Defaults
#'   to `""`.
#' @return An `InstantiateadColumnInfo` object.
#' @export
#' @rdname cinfo
InstantiatedColumnInfo <- function(treelyt = LayoutColTree(colcount = total_cnt),
                                   csubs = list(expression(TRUE)),
                                   extras = list(list()),
                                   cnts = NA_integer_,
                                   total_cnt = NA_integer_,
                                   dispcounts = FALSE,
                                   countformat = "(N=xx)",
                                   count_na_str = "",
                                   topleft = character()) {
  leaves <- collect_leaves(treelyt)
  nl <- length(leaves)
  extras <- rep(extras, length.out = nl)
  cnts <- rep(cnts, length.out = nl)
  csubs <- rep(csubs, length.out = nl)

  nleaves <- length(leaves)
  snas <- sum(is.na(cnts))
  if (length(csubs) != nleaves || length(extras) != nleaves || length(cnts) != nleaves) {
      "Mismatching number of columns indicated by: csubs [",
      length(csubs), "], ",
      "treelyt [", nl, "], extras [", length(extras),
      "] and counts [", cnts, "]."
  if (snas != 0 && snas != nleaves) {
      "Mixture of missing and non-missing column counts when ",
      "creating column info."

  if (!is.na(dispcounts)) {
    pths <- col_paths(treelyt)
    for (path in pths) {
      colcount_visible(treelyt, path) <- dispcounts
  } else { ## na leaves the children as they are and dispcols goes to whether any of them are displayed for the leaves
    dispcounts <- any(vapply(leaves, disp_ccounts, NA))

    tree_layout = treelyt,
    subset_exprs = csubs,
    cextra_args = extras,
    counts = cnts,
    total_count = total_cnt,
    display_columncounts = dispcounts,
    columncount_format = countformat,
    columncount_na_str = count_na_str,
    top_left = topleft

## TableTrees and row classes ==================================================
## XXX Rowspans as implemented dont really work
## they're aren't attached to the right data structures
## during conversions.

## FIXME: if we ever actually need row spanning
  contains = c("VNodeInfo", "VIRTUAL"),
    ## col_layout = "VLayoutNode",
    col_info = "InstantiatedColumnInfo",
    format = "FormatSpec",
    na_str = "character",
    indent_modifier = "integer",
    table_inset = "integer"

  contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VLeaf", "VTableNodeInfo"),
    leaf_value = "ANY",
    var_analyzed = "character",
    ##         var_label = "character",
    label = "character",
    row_footnotes = "list",
    trailing_section_div = "character"

## TableTree Core Non-Virtual Classes ==============
#' Row classes and constructors
#' @inheritParams constr_args
#' @inheritParams lyt_args
#' @param vis (`flag`)\cr whether the row should be visible (`LabelRow` only).
#' @return A formal object representing a table row of the constructed type.
#' @author Gabriel Becker
#' @export
#' @rdname rowclasses
LabelRow <- function(lev = 1L,
                     label = "",
                     name = label,
                     vis = !is.na(label) && nzchar(label),
                     cinfo = EmptyColInfo,
                     indent_mod = 0L,
                     table_inset = 0L,
                     trailing_section_div = NA_character_) {
    leaf_value = list(),
    level = lev,
    label = label,
    ## XXX this means that a label row and its talbe can have the same name....
    ## XXX that is bad but how bad remains to be seen
    ## XXX
    name = .chkname(name),
    col_info = cinfo,
    visible = vis,
    indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),
    table_inset = as.integer(table_inset),
    trailing_section_div = trailing_section_div

#' Row constructors and classes
#' @rdname rowclasses
#' @exportClass DataRow
  contains = "TableRow",
  representation(colspans = "integer") ## ,
  ## pos_in_tree = "TableRowPos"),
  ##      validity = function(object) {
  ## lcsp = length(object@colspans)
  ## length(lcsp ==  0) || lcsp == length(object@leaf_value)
  ## }

#' @rdname rowclasses
#' @exportClass ContentRow
  contains = "TableRow",
  representation(colspans = "integer") ## ,
  ## pos_in_tree = "TableRowPos"),
  ##      validity = function(object) {
  ## lcsp = length(object@colspans)
  ## length(lcsp ==  0) || lcsp == length(object@leaf_value)
  ## }

#' @rdname rowclasses
#' @exportClass LabelRow
  contains = "TableRow",
  representation(visible = "logical")

#' @param klass (`character`)\cr internal detail.
#' @export
#' @rdname rowclasses
.tablerow <- function(vals = list(),
                      name = "",
                      lev = 1L,
                      label = name,
                      cspan = rep(1L, length(vals)),
                      cinfo = EmptyColInfo,
                      var = NA_character_,
                      format = NULL,
                      na_str = NA_character_,
                      indent_mod = 0L,
                      footnotes = list(),
                      table_inset = 0L,
                      trailing_section_div = NA_character_) {
  if ((missing(name) || is.null(name) || is.na(name) || nchar(name) == 0) && !missing(label)) {
    name <- label
  vals <- lapply(vals, rcell)
  rlabels <- unique(unlist(lapply(vals, obj_label)))
  if ((missing(label) || is.null(label) || identical(label, "")) && sum(nzchar(rlabels)) == 1) {
    label <- rlabels[nzchar(rlabels)]
  if (missing(cspan) && !is.null(unlist(lapply(vals, cell_cspan)))) {
    cspan <- vapply(vals, cell_cspan, 0L)

  rw <- new(klass,
    leaf_value = vals,
    name = .chkname(name),
    level = lev,
    label = .chkname(label),
    colspans = cspan,
    col_info = cinfo,
    var_analyzed = var,
    ## these are set in set_format_recursive below
    format = NULL,
    na_str = NA_character_,
    indent_modifier = indent_mod,
    row_footnotes = footnotes,
    table_inset = table_inset,
    trailing_section_div = trailing_section_div
  rw <- set_format_recursive(rw, format, na_str, FALSE)

#' @param ... additional parameters passed to shared constructor (`.tablerow`).
#' @export
#' @rdname rowclasses
DataRow <- function(...) .tablerow(..., klass = "DataRow")

#' @export
#' @rdname rowclasses
ContentRow <- function(...) .tablerow(..., klass = "ContentRow")

  contains = "VIRTUAL",
    main_title = "character",
    subtitles = "character",
    main_footer = "character",
    provenance_footer = "character"

  contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VTableNodeInfo", "VTree", "VTitleFooter"),
    children = "list",
    rowspans = "data.frame",
    labelrow = "LabelRow",
    page_titles = "character",
    horizontal_sep = "character",
    header_section_div = "character",
    trailing_section_div = "character"

setClassUnion("IntegerOrNull", c("integer", "NULL"))
## covered because it's ElementaryTable's validity method but covr misses it
## nocov start
etable_validity <- function(object) {
  kids <- tree_children(object)
    function(k) {
      (is(k, "DataRow") || is(k, "ContentRow"))
  )) ###  &&
## nocov end

#' `TableTree` classes
#' @return A formal object representing a populated table.
#' @author Gabriel Becker
#' @exportClass ElementaryTable
#' @rdname tabclasses
  contains = "VTableTree",
  representation(var_analyzed = "character"),
  validity = etable_validity ## function(object) {

.enforce_valid_kids <- function(lst, colinfo) {
  ## colinfo
  if (!no_colinfo(colinfo)) {
    lst <- lapply(
      function(x) {
        if (no_colinfo(x)) {
          col_info(x) <- colinfo
        } else if (!identical(colinfo, col_info(x), ignore.environment = TRUE)) {
          ## split functions from function factories (e.g. add_combo_levels)
          ## have different environments so we can't use identical here
          ## all.equal requires the **values within the closures** to be the
          ## same but not the actual enclosing environments.
            "attempted to add child with non-matching, non-empty ",
            "column info to an existing table"

  if (are(lst, "ElementaryTable") &&
    all(sapply(lst, function(tb) {
      nrow(tb) <= 1 && identical(obj_name(tb), "")
    }))) {
    lst <- unlist(lapply(lst, function(tb) tree_children(tb)[[1]]))
  if (length(lst) == 0) {
  ## names
  realnames <- sapply(lst, obj_name)
  lstnames <- names(lst)
  if (is.null(lstnames)) {
    names(lst) <- realnames
  } else if (!identical(realnames, lstnames)) {
    names(lst) <- realnames


#' Table constructors and classes
#' @inheritParams constr_args
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @inheritParams lyt_args
#' @param rspans (`data.frame`)\cr currently stored but otherwise ignored.
#' @author Gabriel Becker
#' @export
#' @rdname tabclasses
ElementaryTable <- function(kids = list(),
                            name = "",
                            lev = 1L,
                            label = "",
                            labelrow = LabelRow(
                              lev = lev,
                              label = label,
                              vis = !isTRUE(iscontent) &&
                                !is.na(label) &&
                            rspans = data.frame(),
                            cinfo = NULL,
                            iscontent = NA,
                            var = NA_character_,
                            format = NULL,
                            na_str = NA_character_,
                            indent_mod = 0L,
                            title = "",
                            subtitles = character(),
                            main_footer = character(),
                            prov_footer = character(),
                            header_section_div = NA_character_,
                            hsep = default_hsep(),
                            trailing_section_div = NA_character_,
                            inset = 0L) {
  if (is.null(cinfo)) {
    if (length(kids) > 0) {
      cinfo <- col_info(kids[[1]])
    } else {
      cinfo <- EmptyColInfo

  if (no_colinfo(labelrow)) {
    col_info(labelrow) <- cinfo
  kids <- .enforce_valid_kids(kids, cinfo)
  tab <- new("ElementaryTable",
    children = kids,
    name = .chkname(name),
    level = lev,
    labelrow = labelrow,
    rowspans = rspans,
    col_info = cinfo,
    var_analyzed = var,
    ## XXX these are hardcoded, because they both get set during
    ## set_format_recursive anyway
    format = NULL,
    na_str = NA_character_,
    table_inset = 0L,
    indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),
    main_title = title,
    subtitles = subtitles,
    main_footer = main_footer,
    provenance_footer = prov_footer,
    horizontal_sep = hsep,
    header_section_div = header_section_div,
    trailing_section_div = trailing_section_div
  tab <- set_format_recursive(tab, format, na_str, FALSE)
  table_inset(tab) <- as.integer(inset)

ttable_validity <- function(object) {
    function(x) is(x, "VTableTree") || is(x, "TableRow")

.calc_cinfo <- function(cinfo, cont, kids) {
  if (!is.null(cinfo)) {
  } else if (!is.null(cont)) {
  } else if (length(kids) >= 1) {
  } else {

## under this model, non-leaf nodes can have a content table where rollup
## analyses live
#' @exportClass TableTree
#' @rdname tabclasses
  contains = c("VTableTree"),
    content = "ElementaryTable",
    page_title_prefix = "character"
  validity = ttable_validity

#' @export
#' @rdname tabclasses
TableTree <- function(kids = list(),
                      name = if (!is.na(var)) var else "",
                      cont = EmptyElTable,
                      lev = 1L,
                      label = name,
                      labelrow = LabelRow(
                        lev = lev,
                        label = label,
                        vis = nrow(cont) == 0 && !is.na(label) &&
                      rspans = data.frame(),
                      iscontent = NA,
                      var = NA_character_,
                      cinfo = NULL,
                      format = NULL,
                      na_str = NA_character_,
                      indent_mod = 0L,
                      title = "",
                      subtitles = character(),
                      main_footer = character(),
                      prov_footer = character(),
                      page_title = NA_character_,
                      hsep = default_hsep(),
                      header_section_div = NA_character_,
                      trailing_section_div = NA_character_,
                      inset = 0L) {
  cinfo <- .calc_cinfo(cinfo, cont, kids)

  kids <- .enforce_valid_kids(kids, cinfo)
  if (isTRUE(iscontent) && !is.null(cont) && nrow(cont) > 0) {
    stop("Got table tree with content table and content position")
  if (no_colinfo(labelrow)) {
    col_info(labelrow) <- cinfo
  if ((is.null(cont) || nrow(cont) == 0) && all(sapply(kids, is, "DataRow"))) {
    if (!is.na(page_title)) {
      stop("Got a page title prefix for an Elementary Table")
    ## constructor takes care of recursive format application
      kids = kids,
      name = .chkname(name),
      lev = lev,
      labelrow = labelrow,
      rspans = rspans,
      cinfo = cinfo,
      var = var,
      format = format,
      na_str = na_str,
      indent_mod = indent_mod,
      title = title,
      subtitles = subtitles,
      main_footer = main_footer,
      prov_footer = prov_footer,
      hsep = hsep,
      header_section_div = header_section_div,
      trailing_section_div = trailing_section_div,
      inset = inset
  } else {
    tab <- new("TableTree",
      content = cont,
      children = kids,
      name = .chkname(name),
      level = lev,
      labelrow = labelrow,
      rowspans = rspans,
      col_info = cinfo,
      format = NULL,
      na_str = na_str,
      table_inset = 0L,
      indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),
      main_title = title,
      subtitles = subtitles,
      main_footer = main_footer,
      provenance_footer = prov_footer,
      page_title_prefix = page_title,
      horizontal_sep = "-",
      header_section_div = header_section_div,
      trailing_section_div = trailing_section_div
    ) ## this is overridden below to get recursiveness
    tab <- set_format_recursive(tab, format, na_str, FALSE)

    ## these is recursive
    ## XXX combine these probably
    horizontal_sep(tab) <- hsep
    table_inset(tab) <- as.integer(inset)

### Pre-Data Layout Declaration Classes
### Notably these are NOT represented as trees
### because without data we cannot know what the
### children should be.

## Vector (ordered list) of splits.
## This is a vector (ordered list) of splits to be
## applied recursively to the data when provided.
## For convenience, if this is length 1, it can contain
## a pre-existing TableTree/ElementaryTable.
## This is used for add_existing_table in colby_constructors.R

  contains = "list",
  validity = function(object) {
    if (length(object) >= 1) {
      lst <- tail(object, 1)[[1]]
    } else {
      lst <- NULL
    all(sapply(head(object, -1), is, "Split")) &&
      (is.null(lst) || is(lst, "Split") || is(lst, "VTableNodeInfo"))

SplitVector <- function(x = NULL,
                        lst = list(...)) {
  if (!is.null(x)) {
    lst <- unlist(c(list(x), lst), recursive = FALSE)
  new("SplitVector", lst)

avar_noneorlast <- function(vec) {
  if (!is(vec, "SplitVector")) {
  if (length(vec) == 0) {
  isavar <- which(sapply(vec, is, "AnalyzeVarSplit"))
  (length(isavar) == 0) || (length(isavar) == 1 && isavar == length(vec))

  contains = "list",
  representation(root_split = "ANY"),
  validity = function(object) {
    allleafs <- unlist(object, recursive = TRUE)
    all(sapply(object, avar_noneorlast)) &&
        ## remember existing table trees can be added to layouts
        ## for now...
        function(x) is(x, "Split") || is(x, "VTableTree")

  contains = "PreDataAxisLayout",
    display_columncounts = "logical",
    columncount_format = "FormatSpec" # "character"

setClass("PreDataRowLayout", contains = "PreDataAxisLayout")

PreDataColLayout <- function(x = SplitVector(),
                             rtsp = RootSplit(),
                             lst = list(x, ...),
                             disp_colcounts = NA,
                             colcount_format = "(N=xx)") {
  ret <- new("PreDataColLayout", lst,
    display_columncounts = disp_colcounts,
    columncount_format = colcount_format
  ret@root_split <- rtsp

PreDataRowLayout <- function(x = SplitVector(),
                             root = RootSplit(),
                             lst = list(x, ...)) {
  new("PreDataRowLayout", lst, root_split = root)

  contains = "VTitleFooter",
    row_layout = "PreDataRowLayout",
    col_layout = "PreDataColLayout",
    top_left = "character",
    header_section_div = "character",
    top_level_section_div = "character",
    table_inset = "integer"

PreDataTableLayouts <- function(rlayout = PreDataRowLayout(),
                                clayout = PreDataColLayout(),
                                topleft = character(),
                                title = "",
                                subtitles = character(),
                                main_footer = character(),
                                prov_footer = character(),
                                header_section_div = NA_character_,
                                top_level_section_div = NA_character_,
                                table_inset = 0L) {
    row_layout = rlayout,
    col_layout = clayout,
    top_left = topleft,
    main_title = title,
    subtitles = subtitles,
    main_footer = main_footer,
    provenance_footer = prov_footer,
    header_section_div = header_section_div,
    top_level_section_div = top_level_section_div,
    table_inset = table_inset

## setClass("CellValue", contains = "ValueWrapper",
##          representation(format = "FormatSpec",
##                         colspan = "integerOrNULL",
##                         label = "characterOrNULL"),
##          prototype = list(label ="", colspan = NULL, format = NULL))


#' Length of a Cell value
#' @param x (`CellValue`)\cr a `CellValue` object.
#' @return Always returns `1L`.
#' @exportMethod length
  "length", "CellValue",
  function(x) 1L

setClass("RefFootnote", representation(
  value = "character",
  index = "integer",
  symbol = "character"

RefFootnote <- function(note, index = NA_integer_, symbol = NA_character_) {
  if (is(note, "RefFootnote")) {
  } else if (length(note) == 0) {
  if (length(symbol) != 1L) {
      "Referential footnote can only have a single string as its index.",
      " Got char vector of length ", length(index)
  if (!is.na(symbol) && (index == "NA" || grepl("[{}]", index))) {
      "The string 'NA' and strings containing '{' or '}' cannot be used as ",
      "referential footnote index symbols. Got string '", index, "'."

  new("RefFootnote", value = note, index = index, symbol = symbol)

#' Constructor for Cell Value
#' @inheritParams lyt_args
#' @inheritParams rcell
#' @param val (`ANY`)\cr value in the cell exactly as it should be passed to a formatter or returned when extracted.
#' @return An object representing the value within a single cell within a populated table. The underlying structure
#'   of this object is an implementation detail and should not be relied upon beyond calling accessors for the class.
#' @export

## Class definition
## [[1]] list: cell value
## format : format for cell
## colspan: column span info for cell
## label: row label to be used for parent row
## indent_mod: indent modifier to be used for parent row
CellValue <- function(val, format = NULL, colspan = 1L, label = NULL,
                      indent_mod = NULL, footnotes = NULL,
                      align = NULL, format_na_str = NULL) {
  if (is.null(colspan)) {
    colspan <- 1L
  if (!is.null(colspan) && !is(colspan, "integer")) {
    colspan <- as.integer(colspan)
  ## if we're not given a label but the value has one associated with
  ## it we use that.
  ## NB: we need to be able to override a non-empty label with an empty one
  ## so we can't have "" mean "not given a label" here
  if ((is.null(label) || is.na(label)) && !is.null(obj_label(val))) {
    label <- obj_label(val)
  if (!is.list(footnotes)) {
    footnotes <- lapply(footnotes, RefFootnote)
  ret <- structure(list(val),
    format = format, colspan = colspan,
    label = label,
    indent_mod = indent_mod, footnotes = footnotes,
    align = align,
    format_na_str = format_na_str,
    class = "CellValue"

#' @method print CellValue
#' @export
print.CellValue <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(paste("rcell:", format_rcell(x), "\n"))

## too slow
# setClass("RowsVerticalSection", contains = "list",
#          representation = list(row_names = "characterOrNULL",
#                                row_labels = "characterOrNULL",
#                                row_formats = "ANY",
#                                indent_mods = "integerOrNULL"))

RowsVerticalSection <- function(values,
                                names = names(values),
                                labels = NULL,
                                indent_mods = NULL,
                                formats = NULL,
                                footnotes = NULL,
                                format_na_strs = NULL) {
  stopifnot(is(values, "list"))
  ##    innernms <- value_names(values)

  if (is.null(labels)) {
    labels <- names(values)
  if (is.null(names) && all(nzchar(labels))) {
    names <- labels
  } else if (is.null(labels) && !is.null(names)) {
    labels <- names

  if (!is.null(indent_mods)) {
    indent_mods <- as.integer(indent_mods)
  check_ok_label(labels, multi_ok = TRUE)
    class = "RowsVerticalSection", row_names = names,
    row_labels = labels, indent_mods = indent_mods,
    row_formats = formats,
    row_na_strs = format_na_strs,
    row_footnotes = lapply(
      ## cause each row needs to accept
      ## a *list* of row footnotes
      function(fns) lapply(fns, RefFootnote)

#' @method print RowsVerticalSection
#' @export
print.RowsVerticalSection <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("RowsVerticalSection (in_rows) object print method:\n-------------------",
    sep = ""
    row_name = attr(x, "row_names", exact = TRUE),
    formatted_cell = vapply(x, format_rcell, character(1)),
    indent_mod = indent_mod(x), ## vapply(x, indent_mod, numeric(1)),
    row_label = attr(x, "row_labels", exact = TRUE),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    row.names = NULL
  ), row.names = TRUE)

#### Empty default objects to avoid repeated calls
## EmptyColInfo <- InstantiatedColumnInfo()
## EmptyElTable <- ElementaryTable()
## EmptyRootSplit <- RootSplit()
## EmptyAllSplit <- AllSplit()
Roche/rtables documentation built on Oct. 13, 2024, 12:18 p.m.