Defines functions SOMEC2ECSAS

Documented in SOMEC2ECSAS

# 1 - colonne InTransect
# 2 - nom Alpha en francais
# 3 - Dates manquantes	
# test SCF
SOMEC2ECSAS <- function(
	input = "SOMEC.accdb", # path to the access database
	output = "ECSASexport.csv", # name of the output file
	date = "2014-01-01", # date after which data has to be uploaded
	step = "5 min", # length of the transect bouts to be cut into
	spNA = TRUE,
	excludeCruises = NULL,
	typeSaisie = "ordi",
	inTransect = TRUE,
	saveErrors = TRUE
	errors <- list()
	errorCount <- 1
	# d = name of the QC database to connect to
	# watch_len = duration of watch blocks in minutes  
	seg_len <- function(x,names=c("LatStart","LongStart","LatEnd","LongEnd")){
		rad <- function(y){(y*pi)/180}
		r_lat_debut <- rad(x[,names[1]])
		r_long_debut <- rad(x[,names[2]])
		r_lat_fin <- rad(x[,names[3]])
		r_long_fin <- rad(x[,names[4]])
		longueur_km <- acos(sin(r_lat_debut) * sin(r_lat_fin) +
		               cos(r_lat_debut) * cos(r_lat_fin) * cos(r_long_fin-r_long_debut))*6371
 	split_transect <- function(d, step) {
 	  x2 <- d #contient tout
		g <- grep("deb|déb|fin",d[,"site"],ignore.case=TRUE)
			g <- unique(c(max(grep("ini",d[,"site"],ignore.case=TRUE)),g)) #certains transects n'ont pas de d?but, mais 2 description initiale
		x <- d[g,] #contient uniquement le debut et la fin
		step_sec <- 60 * as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(step, " "))[1])
		period <- as.POSIXct(x$date_heure,tz="GMT")

		# period is incomplete, log error and skip transect
		if (any(is.na(period))) {
		  errMessage <- "Dates do not fit"
		  # Ugly hack to modify errors globally but the simplest way 
		  errors[[errorCount]] <<- list(message = errMessage, transect = d$id_transect[1], mission = d$mission[1])
		  errorCount <<- errorCount + 1
		  print(sprintf("Error in transect %s from mission %s. %s. Transect skipped", d$id_transect[1], d$mission[1], errMessage))
		temp <- seq(min(period), max(period) + step_sec, by = step,
		            include.lowest = TRUE, right = TRUE) #attention au +step_sec
		#  temp<-c(temp,max(temp)+step_sec)               
		StartTime <- as.POSIXct(temp[-length(temp)],tz="GMT")
		EndTime <- as.POSIXct(temp[-1],tz="GMT") 
		n <- length(temp)
		val_lat <- with(x, seq(latitude[1], tail(latitude, 1), length.out = n))
		val_lon <- with(x, seq(longitude[1], tail(longitude, 1), length.out = n))
		LatStart <- val_lat[-n]
		LongStart <- val_lon[-n]
		LatEnd <- val_lat[-1]
		LongEnd <- val_lon[-1]
		res <- data.frame(StartTime,EndTime,LatStart,LongStart,LatEnd,LongEnd,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
		res[,"WatchIDOrig"] <- paste(x$mission[1],res$StartTime,sep="_") #ID temporaire pour par la suite ?tre transform?
		tmpDate <- as.POSIXct(x2$date_heure,tz="GMT")
		val <- sapply(res[,"StartTime"], function(j){
			w <- which(tmpDate <= j) # on donne la valeur precedente la plus pres
			if (any(w)) {
			} else {
		res[, "Visibility"] <- x2[, "visibilite"][val]
		res[, "SeaState"] <- x2[, "mer"][val]
		res[, "WindSpeed"] <- x2[, "vit_vent"][val]
		res[, "WindDir"] <- x2[, "dir_vent"][val]
		res[, "Swell"] <- x2[, "vagues"][val]
		res[, "PlatformActivity"] <- x2[, "act_plateforme"][val]
		res[, "PlatformSpeed"] <- x2[, "vit_plateforme"][val]
		res[, "PlatformDirection"] <- x2[, "dir_plateforme"][val]
		res[, "WatchNote"] <- x2[, "commentaire"][val]
		res[, "Start Date"] <- min(x[, "date"])
		res[, "End Date"] <- max(x[, "date"])
		res[, "PortStart"] <- NA
		res[, "PortEnd"] <- NA
		res[, "ObsLen"] <- step_sec / 60
		res[, "WatchLenKm"] <- seg_len(res)
		res[, "ID"] <- NA
		y <- obs[which(obs$id_transect == x$id_transect[1] &
		              obs$mission == x$mission[1]), ]
		if (nrow(y)) {
		  val <- sapply(substr(y[, "date_heure"], 1, 19), function(j) {
		    w1 <- which(substr(res[, "StartTime"], 1, 19) <= j)
		    w2 <- which(substr(res[, "EndTime"], 1, 19) > j)
		    int <- intersect(w1, w2)
		    if (!any(int)) {
		    } else{
		      if (length(int) > 1) {
		      } else{
		  # If observations are found but none are in transect throw and error and skip transect
		  if(!any(!is.na(val))) {
		    errMessage <- "Observations found do not match transect dates"
		    errors[[errorCount]] <<- list(message = errMessage, transect = d$id_transect[1], mission = d$mission[1])
		    errorCount <<- errorCount + 1
		    print(sprintf("Error in transect %s from mission %s. %s. Transect skipped", d$id_transect[1], d$mission[1], errMessage))

			res <- dplyr:::full_join(res2, res, type = "full", by = "WatchIDOrig")
			names(res)[names(res) == "latitude"] <- "ObsLat"
			names(res)[names(res) == "longitude"] <- "ObsLong"
			names(res)[names(res) == "heure"] <- "ObsTime"
			names(res)[names(res) == "commentaire"] <- "SightingNote"
			names(res)[names(res) == "code_espece"] <- "Alpha"
			names(res)[names(res) == "activite"] <- "FlySwim" #verfiiiffffffff
			names(res)[names(res) == "nb_individu"] <- "Count"
			names(res)[names(res) == "dis_par"] <- "Distance"
			names(res)[names(res) == "in_transect"] <- "InTransect"
			names(res)[names(res) == "commentaire"] <- "SightingNote"
			names(res)[names(res) == "code_obs"] <- "Observer"
			names(res)[names(res) == "date"] <- "Date"
			res[, "SightingIDOrig"] <- NA
		} else {
			res2 <- data.frame(WatchIDOrig=res$WatchIDOrig[1],stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
			res <- join(res2,res,type="full")
			res[, c("ObsLat","ObsLong","ObsTime","WatchNote","SightingIDOrig","Alpha","FlySwim","Count","Distance","InTransect","SightingNote","Observer","Date")]<-NA
		res[, "Alpha"]<-ifelse(is.na(res[,"Alpha"]),"RIEN",res[,"Alpha"])
		res[, "Date"]<-ifelse(is.na(res[,"Date"]),sort(as.character(res[,"Date"]))[1],as.character(res[,"Date"]))
 	cat(paste("Reading", input, "database...\n\n", collapse = " "))
 	db <- odbcConnectAccess2007(input)
 	tran <- sqlFetch(db, "transects", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
 	obs <- sqlFetch(db, "observations", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
 	mis <- sqlFetch(db, "missions", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
 	sp <- sqlFetch(db, "Code espèces", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	# Let user select data based on the Saisie field
 	if (!is.null(typeSaisie)) {
 	  mis <- mis[mis$Saisie %in% typeSaisie, ]
 	# Let user select cruises to exclude
 	if (!is.null(excludeCruises)) {
 	  mis <- mis[!mis$mission %in% excludeCruises, ]
 	# Select transects and observations in related missions
 	tran <- tran[tran$mission %in% mis$mission, ]
 	obs <- obs[obs$mission %in% mis$mission, ]
 	# Give the use the possibility not to input a date
 	if (!is.null(date)) {
	  # do it only on new 2014 2015 data (be careful GOR140228 not in new missions to add)
	  tran <- tran[substr(tran$date, 1, 10) >= date, ]
	  obs <- obs[obs$mission %in% unique(tran$mission), ]
	  mis <- mis[mis$mission %in% unique(tran$mission), ]
 	# Do not select observations not in transect
 	if (inTransect) {
 	  obs <- obs[!tolower(obs$in_transect) %in% "hors transect", ]
	tran <- tran[!(is.na(tran$latitude) | is.na(tran$longitude)), ]
	tran <- with(tran, tran[order(mission, id_transect, date, heure), ])
	obs <- obs[!(is.na(obs$latitude) | is.na(obs$longitude)), ]
	obs <- with(obs, obs[order(mission, id_transect, date, heure), ])
	# get ordered names

		l <- dlply(tran, .(mission, id_transect))
	cat(paste("Splitting", length(l), "transects\n\n", collapse = " "))
	l <- lapply(l, split_transect, step = step)
	#for(i in seq_along(l)){
	#  temp<-split_transect(l[[i]])
	ans <- do.call("rbind", l)
	ans <- with(ans, ans[order(CruiseIDOrig, StartTime, ObsTime), ])
	ans[, "WatchIDOrig"] <- as.numeric(factor(ans[, "WatchIDOrig"]))
	ans[, "SightingIDOrig"] <- 1:nrow(ans)
	ans[, "Alpha"] <- toupper(ans[, "Alpha"])
	CodeFR <- ans[, "Alpha"]
	m <- match(ans[, "Alpha"], sp$CodeFR)
	ans[,"Alpha"] <- sp$CodeAN[m]
	ans[,"Alpha"] <- ifelse(ans[,"Alpha"]%in%c("NOBI","RIEN"),"",ans[,"Alpha"])
	ans[,"Distance"] <- toupper(ans$Distance)
	ans[,"FlySwim"] <- ifelse(ans[,"FlySwim"] %in% c("EAU","Eau","Sur l'eau","eau"),"W",ans[,"FlySwim"])
	ans[,"FlySwim"] <- ifelse(ans[,"FlySwim"] %in% c("VOL","Vol","vol"),"F",ans[,"FlySwim"])
	ans[,"InTransect"] <- ifelse(ans[,"InTransect"] %in% c("En cours"),"Y",ifelse(!is.na(ans[,"InTransect"]),"N",ans[,"InTransect"]))
	ans[,"PlatformActivity"] <- ifelse(ans[,"PlatformActivity"] %in% c("EnDéplacement"),"Steaming",ans[,"PlatformActivity"])
		 cat("No matches for following Alpha codes:",paste(unique(CodeFR[is.na(ans[,"Alpha"])]),collapse=" "),"\n")
	ans <- ddply(ans,.(CruiseIDOrig,WatchIDOrig),function(k){k[rev(order(k$Alpha)),]})  # reorder to elimnate empty observations when there are already observations.
	ans <- ans[!(duplicated(ans[,c("CruiseIDOrig","StartTime")]) & ans$Alpha%in%c("")),]
	### write data
	if (!is.null(output)) {
  	options(xlsx.datetime.format="yyyy-mm-dd h:mm:ss")
  	cat("Showing first 6 lines of output data:\n\n\n")
  	cat(paste("Writing outfile", "\"", output, "\"", "to", collapse = " "))
  	write.table(ans, output, row.names = FALSE, sep=";", na="")
	if(saveErrors) {
	  write.csv2(do.call(rbind, errors), paste(c(output, "_errors.csv"), collapse = "_"), row.names = FALSE)
	ans$Distance <- ifelse(is.na(ans$Distance), "", ans$Distance)
RoyChristian/ECSASconnect documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 2:21 p.m.