# to.FactoMineR
all <- cbind(active, sup)
sup.names <- c("Gender", "Age", "Income")
sup.ind <- which(colnames(all) %in% sup.names)
fm <- MCA(all, quali.sup = sup.ind)
to.factominer <- function(result, active, sup)
x <- list()
# eig
eig <- data.frame(result$adj.inertia[, c("Eigen", "Var")])
eig$cum <- cumsum(eig$Var)
rownames(eig) <- paste("dim", 1:nrow(eig), sep = " ")
colnames(eig) <- c("eigenvalue", "percentage of variance", "cumulative percentage of variance")
x$eig <- eig
# call
fm.call <- fm$call
call <- list()
call$X <- data.frame(active, sup)
## Diverse ubrugte funktioner
# Balancemål for mass
balance.mass <- function(object, act.dim=object$nd){
aktive <- object$analyse
coord <- object$coord[aktive, 1:act.dim]
mass <- object$mass
pm <- matrix(, nrow=act.dim, ncol=3)
for (i in 1:act.dim){
nif <- cbind(coord[,i], mass)
nif <- nif[order(nif[,1]),]
plus <- nif[which(nif[,1] >= 0), ]
minus <- nif[which(nif[,1] <= 0), ]
pmass <- sum(plus[,2])
mmass <- sum(minus[,2])
pm[i,1] <- pmass
pm[i,2] <- mmass
pm[i,3] <- pmass/mmass
colnames(pm) <- c("+ Mass", "- Mass", "+/-")
# Den her funktion viser hvor meget af dim80 inertien der forklares af variablene
varinerti <- function(object, dim=6){
modal <- object$modal
inerti <- object$inertia[1:dim]
sumine <- sum(inerti)
ctr <- round(100*object$contrib[,1:dim], digits=2)
tab <- matrix(, ncol=length(1:dim), nrow=nrow(modal))
for (i in 1:nrow(modal)){
mf <- modal[i,1]:modal[i,2]
tab[i,] <- apply(ctr[mf,], 2, sum)
##################### Test.data
# When test.data is done - remove the forced conversions to factor in soc.mca - it affects the order of the levels.
x <- active
x[, 2] <- as.character(x[, 2]) # Fail: Not a factor
x[5:6, 1:3] <- NA # Fail: NA's
levels(x[,3]) <- c(levels(x[,3]), "Empty") # Tomme levels
identifier <- 1:nrow(active)
identifier[3:4] <- 1:2 # Fail: Not unique
sup[,2] <- as.character(sup[,2]) # Fail: Not a factor
soc.mca(x, sup, identifier)
test.data <- function(x, identifier = 1:nrow(x), passive = getOption("passive", default = "Missing")){
# Factor test
not.factor <- function(x){
active.names <- colnames(x)
fact <- unlist(lapply(x, is.factor))
fact <- active.names[which(fact==FALSE)]
# Test unique identifier
unique.identifier <- function(identifier){
tab.id <- table(identifier)
mat.id <- as.matrix(tab.id[tab.id > 1])
mat.id <- data.frame("Id" = rownames(mat.id), "Duplicates" = mat.id)
rownames(mat.id) <- NULL
if (sum(tab.id > 1) == 0) mat.id <- "No duplicated identifiers"
# Test for rare modalities
# This test only makes sense if all active modalities are factors.
x <- active
n.cut = 5
share.cut = 0.05
passive = getOption("passive", default = "Missing")
too.small <- function(x, n.cut = 5, share.cut = 0.05, passive = getOption("passive", default = "Missing")){
act.ind <- indicator(x)
sub <- grepl(paste(passive, collapse="|"), colnames(act.ind))
sub.ind <- act.ind[, sub == TRUE]
act.ind <- act.ind[, sub == FALSE] # Subsetting
modal.names <- colnames(act.ind)
n <- nrow(x)
col.sum <- apply(act.ind, 2, sum)
col.per <- col.sum/n
out <- data.frame("Name" = modal.names,"N" = col.sum, "Share" = round(col.per, 2), row.names = NULL)
out[col.sum < n.cut | col.per < share.cut,]
######### Number of passive modalities per. individual
passive.categories.per.individual <- function(x, identifier, share.cut = 1/3, passive = getOption("passive", default = "Missing"))
act.ind <- indicator(x)
sub <- grepl(paste(passive, collapse="|"), colnames(act.ind))
sub.ind <- act.ind[, sub]
n.passive <- rowSums(sub.ind)
share.passive <- n.passive / ncol(x)
passive.mat <- data.frame("Id" = identifier, "Passive" = n.passive, "Share" = round(share.passive, 2))
passive.mat[share.passive > share.cut, ]
overlapping.categories <- function(x, passive = passive = getOption("passive", default = "Missing")){
ind.all <- indicator(x)
sub <- grepl(paste(passive, collapse="|"), colnames(act.ind))
ind.act <- ind.all[, -sub]
burt <- t(ind.act) %*% ind.act
View(burt / diag(burt))
# Test for "logical" correlations between modalities
# This test only makes sense if all active modalities are factors.
var.test <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=3)
colnames(var.test) <- c("X", "Y", "%")
if (length(fact)==0){
burt.abc <- burt(x)
# Subsetting
sub <- grepl(paste(passive, collapse="|"), colnames(burt.abc))
burt.abc <- burt.abc[sub==FALSE, sub==FALSE]
d <- diag(burt.abc)
bd <- round((burt.abc/d)*100) # We take the diagonal and divide the burt matrix with it.
bnames <- colnames(burt.abc)
for (i in 1:nrow(bd)){
bd1 <- which(bd[i,]>=95) # This sets the threshold
bd1 <- bd1[bd1!=i]
if (length(bd1)>=1){
varrow <- cbind(bnames[i], bnames[bd1], bd[i, bd1])
var.test <- rbind(var.test, varrow)
rownames(var.test) <- rep("", nrow(var.test))
######### Print test-results
# Factor test
# Unique identifier
# Too small categories
too.small(x.factor, n.cut = 5, share.cut = 0.05, passive = passive)
# Too many passive categories for an individual
passive.categories.per.individual(x.factor, share.cut = 1/3, passive = passive)
# Print correlation
if (nrow(var.test)>=1){
cat("\n",format("Following modalities are too strongly related: ", width=100, justify="centre"), "\n", "\n")
print(var.test, quote=FALSE, right=TRUE) # Bedre layout
if ((nrow(var.test)==0) & (length(fact)==0)) {
cat("\n",format("No modalities are too strongly related.", width=100, justify="centre"), "\n")
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