
Defines functions scglr

Documented in scglr

#' @title Function that fits the scglr model
#' @description Calculates the components to predict all the dependent variables.
#' @export scglr
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix model.extract coef cor
#' @param formula an object of class \code{MultivariateFormula} (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted.
#' @param data  a data frame to be modeled.
#' @param family a vector of character of the same length as the number of dependent variables:
#' "bernoulli", "binomial", "poisson" or "gaussian" is allowed.
#' @param K number of components, default is one.
#' @param size describes the number of trials for the binomial dependent variables.
#' A (number of statistical units * number of binomial dependent variables) matrix is expected.
#' @param weights weights on individuals (not available for now)
#' @param offset used for the poisson dependent variables.
#' A vector or a matrix of size: number of observations * number of Poisson dependent variables is expected.
#' @param subset an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.
#' @param na.action a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. The default is set to \code{na.omit}.
#' @param crit a list of two elements : maxit and tol, describing respectively the maximum number of iterations and
#' the tolerance convergence criterion for the Fisher scoring algorithm. Default is set to 50 and 10e-6 respectively.
#' @param method structural relevance criterion. Object of class "method.SCGLR"
#' built by  \code{\link{methodSR}} for Structural Relevance.
#' @return an object of the SCGLR class.
#' @return The function \code{summary} (i.e., \code{summary.SCGLR}) can be used to obtain or print a summary of the results.
#' @return An object of class "\code{SCGLR}" is a list containing following components:
#' @return \item{u}{matrix of size (number of regressors * number of components), contains the component-loadings,
#' i.e. the coefficients of the regressors in the linear combination giving each component.}
#' @return \item{comp}{matrix of size (number of statistical units * number of components) having the components as column vectors.}
#' @return \item{compr}{matrix of size (number of statistical units * number of components) having the standardized components as column vectors.}
#' @return \item{gamma}{list of length number of dependant variables. Each element is a matrix of coefficients, standard errors, z-values and p-values.}
#' @return \item{beta}{matrix of size (number of regressors + 1 (intercept) * number of dependent variables), contains the coefficients
#' of the regression on the original regressors X.}
#' @return \item{lin.pred}{data.frame of size (number of statistical units * number of dependent variables), the fitted linear predictor.}
#' @return \item{xFactors}{data.frame containing the nominal regressors.}
#' @return \item{xNumeric}{data.frame containing the quantitative regressors.}
#' @return \item{inertia}{matrix of size (number of components * 2), contains the percentage and cumulative percentage
#' of the overall regressors' variance, captured by each component.}
#' @return \item{logLik}{vector of length (number of dependent variables), gives the likelihood of the model of each \eqn{y_k}'s GLM on the components.}
#' @return \item{deviance.null}{vector of length (number of dependent variables), gives the deviance  of the null model of each \eqn{y_k}'s GLM on the components.}
#' @return \item{deviance.residual}{vector of length (number of dependent variables), gives the deviance  of the model of each \eqn{y_k}'s GLM on the components.}
#' @references Bry X., Trottier C., Verron T. and Mortier F. (2013) Supervised Component Generalized Linear Regression using a PLS-extension of the Fisher scoring algorithm. \emph{Journal of Multivariate Analysis}, 119, 47-60.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(SCGLR)
#' # load sample data
#' data(genus)
#' # get variable names from dataset
#' n <- names(genus)
#' ny <- n[grep("^gen",n)]    # Y <- names that begins with "gen"
#' nx <- n[-grep("^gen",n)]   # X <- remaining names
#' # remove "geology" and "surface" from nx
#' # as surface is offset and we want to use geology as additional covariate
#' nx <-nx[!nx%in%c("geology","surface")]
#' # build multivariate formula
#' # we also add "lat*lon" as computed covariate
#' form <- multivariateFormula(ny,c(nx,"I(lat*lon)"),A=c("geology"))
#' # define family
#' fam <- rep("poisson",length(ny))
#' genus.scglr <- scglr(formula=form,data = genus,family=fam, K=4,
#'  offset=genus$surface)
#' summary(genus.scglr)
#' }
scglr <-  function(formula,data,family,K=1,size=NULL,weights=NULL,offset=NULL,subset=NULL,na.action=na.omit,crit=list(),method=methodSR())
  if(!is.null(weights)) {
    warning("Individual weights are not available for now. It will be ignored.")
    formula <- multivariateFormula(formula,data=data)
  if(length(formula$X)>1) stop("SCGLR deals with only one theme of covariates")
  #todo family "toto" -> rep("toto",ny)
  cl <- match.call()
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula","data","size","offset","subset","na.action"),names(mf), 0)
  mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  form <- as.Formula(formula)
  mf$formula <- form
  if(!is.null(size))  size <- as.matrix(size)
  if(!is.null(offset)) {
    if(is.vector(offset)) {
      offset <- matrix(offset,nrow(data), sum(family=="poisson"))
    } else {
      offset <- as.matrix(offset)
  #   if(is.null(weights)){
  #     weights <- 1/nrow(data)
  #   }
  mf$size <- size
  mf$offset <- offset
  mf$subset <- subset##faut il ajouter cela
  #mf$weights <- weights
  mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
  crit <- do.call("critConvergence", crit)
  y <- as.matrix(model.part(form,data=mf,lhs=1))
  x <- model.part(form, data=mf, rhs = 1)
    AX <- model.part(form, data=mf, lhs=0, rhs = 2)
    namesAx <- names(AX)
    AX <- model.matrix(form,data=mf,rhs=2)[,-1]
    if(is.vector(AX)) {
      AX <- matrix(AX,ncol=1)
      colnames(AX) <- namesAx
    AX <- NULL
  xx <- mf[, attr(form, "XA_vars"), drop=FALSE]
  xFactors <- xx[, sapply(xx, is.factor), drop=FALSE]
  if(!ncol(xFactors)) {
    xFactors <- NULL
  # fTypes <- sapply(x,is.factor)
  # if(sum(fTypes)>0){
  #   xFactors <- x[,fTypes,drop=FALSE]
  #   colnames(xFactors) <- colnames(x[,fTypes,drop=FALSE])
  # }else{
  #   xFactors <- NULL
  # }
  xTypes <- sapply(x,is.numeric)
    xNumeric <- wtScale(x[,xTypes],1/nrow(x))
    xNumeric <- NULL
  #invsqrtm <- metric(as.data.frame(x))
  invsqrtm <- metric(x)
  #sqrtm <- solve(invsqrtm)
  x <- model.matrix(form,data=mf)[,-1]
  centerx <- apply(x,2,mean)
  nms <- colnames(x)
  xcr <- scale(x,center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
  xcr <- xcr%*%invsqrtm
  colnames(xcr) <- nms
  ### Controls of  dimension between Y and Size, weights and offsets
  ## number of columns in Y
  ncy <- ncol(y)
    stop("Number of dependent variables and family attributs are different!")
      stop("Number of trials is unknown for binomial variables! You must provide size parameter.")
        stop("Number of trials is different from number of binomial variables!")
        y[,family%in%"binomial"] <- y[,family%in%"binomial"]/size
      stop("Number of offset and poisson variables are different!")
  ###compute the K components of scglr
  size <- model.extract(mf,"size")
  offset <- model.extract(mf,"offset")
  kComponent.fit <- kComponents(X=xcr,Y=y,AX=AX,K=K,family=family,size=size,
  # browser()
  #   if(is.null(AX)){
  #     gamma.fit <- multivariateGlm.fit(Y=y,comp=kComponent.fit$F,family=family,
  #                                      start=kComponent.fit$gamma,offset=offset,size=size)
  #   }else{
  #      gamma.fit <- multivariateGlm.fit(Y=y,comp=cbind(kComponent.fit$F,AX),family=family,
  #                                       offset=offset,size=size)
  #   }
  gamma.coefs <- kComponent.fit$gamma#sapply(gamma.fit,coef)
  #kComponent.fit$F ou kComponent.fit$Fr
  pred <- multivariatePredictGlm(Xnew=cbind(1,kComponent.fit$F,AX),family=family,beta=gamma.coefs,offset=offset)
  logl <- -0.5*infoCriterion(ynew=y,pred=pred,family=family,type="likelihood",size=NULL,npar=0)
  ##Quel est le modele NULL ?
    modNull <- multivariateGlm.fit(y,comp=NULL,family=family,size=size,offset=offset)
    modNull <- multivariateGlm.fit(y,comp=AX,family=family,size=size,offset=offset)
  logl.satur <- -0.5*infoCriterion(ynew=y,pred=y,family=family,type="likelihood",size=NULL,npar=0)
  #modifier pour le cas Gaussien logl.satur non valide
  deviance.null <- 2*(logl.satur-sapply(modNull,stats::logLik))
  attr(deviance.null,"df") <- nrow(data)-1
  deviance.resid <- 2*(logl.satur-logl)
  attr(deviance.resid,"df") <- nrow(data)-nrow(kComponent.fit$gamma)
  names(deviance.null) <- names(deviance.resid) <- colnames(y)
  #   beta.coefs <- f2x(Xcr=xcr,centerx=centerx,invsqrtm=invsqrtm,gamma=gamma.coefs[1:(K+1),],
  #                     u=kComponent.fit$u,comp=kComponent.fit$F)
  beta0 <- gamma.coefs[1,] - t(centerx)%*%invsqrtm%*%kComponent.fit$u%*%gamma.coefs[2:(K+1),]
  beta <- invsqrtm%*%kComponent.fit$u%*%gamma.coefs[2:(K+1),]
  beta.coefs <- rbind(beta0,beta)
  if(is.null(AX)) {
    beta <- as.data.frame(beta.coefs)
    rownames(beta) <- c("(intercept)",colnames(xcr))
  } else if(is.vector(gamma.coefs[-c(1:(K+1)),])) {
    beta <- rbind(beta.coefs,gamma.coefs[-c(1:(K+1)),,drop=FALSE])
    #beta <- as.data.frame(rbind(beta.coefs,gamma.coefs[-c(1:(K+1)),,drop=FALSE]))
    rownames(beta) <- c("(intercept)",colnames(xcr),colnames(AX))
    beta <- as.data.frame(beta)
  } else {
    beta <- rbind(beta.coefs,as.matrix(gamma.coefs[-c(1:(K+1)),]))
    rownames(beta) <- c("(intercept)",colnames(xcr),colnames(AX))
    beta <- as.data.frame(beta)
  colnames(beta.coefs) <- colnames(y)
  inertia <- cor(as.matrix(xNumeric), kComponent.fit$Fr)
  inertia <- inertia^2
  inertia <- colMeans(inertia)
  names(inertia) <- colnames(kComponent.fit$Fr)
  out <- list(
    lin.pred= as.data.frame(cbind(1,x)%*%beta.coefs),
  class(out) <- "SCGLR"
SCnext/SCGLR documentation built on May 3, 2024, 8:06 p.m.