
# This is the server logic of a Shiny web application. You can run the 
# application by clicking 'Run App' above.
# Find out more about building applications with Shiny here:


# token <- readRDS("token.rds")
# # Then pass the token to each drop_ function
# drop_acc(dtoken = token)
# drop_download("data_InternalFAO_jan.RData" , path = "shiny", overwrite = TRUE)
InputData_Out[fsc_location == "Havest", "fsc_location" ] <- "Harvest"
InputData_Out[fsc_location == "Trader", "fsc_location" ] <- "Traders"
InputData_Out[fsc_location == "Farm", "fsc_location" ] <- "Producer"
InputData_Out[fsc_location == "SWS_Total", "fsc_location" ] <- "Total Supply Chain Estimate"
InputData_Out[fsc_location == "WholeSupplyChain", "fsc_location" ] <- "Total Supply Chain Estimate"

InputData_Out[tag_datacollection == "FBS/APQ", "tag_datacollection" ] <- "Food Balance Sheet/Ag. Production Questionnaire"
InputData_Out[tag_datacollection == "LitReview", "tag_datacollection" ] <- "Secondary Sources cited in Documents"
InputData_Out[tag_datacollection == "SWS", "tag_datacollection" ] <- "FAO Sources"
InputData_Out[tag_datacollection == "NationalStatsYearbook", "tag_datacollection" ] <- "National Statistics Yearbook"
InputData_Out[tag_datacollection == "NonProtected", "tag_datacollection" ] <- "FAO Sources"
InputData_Out[tag_datacollection == "NP", "tag_datacollection" ] <- "Secondary Sources cited in Documents"
InputData_Out[tag_datacollection == "", "tag_datacollection" ] <- "-"
InputData_Out[tag_datacollection == "NationalAcctSys", "tag_datacollection" ] <- "National Acctounts"
InputData_Out[tag_datacollection == "Crop-Cutting", "tag_datacollection" ] <- "Crop Cutting Field Experiment"
InputData_Out[reference == "SWS", "reference"] <- "FAO Sources"
InputData_Out[grep("WRAP",reference), "reference"] <- "WRAP, 2011"

shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
  ##### Aggregation Options ####
    if(input$aggregation == "WORLD") {
      Agg_choices <- c("All")
      updateSelectInput(session, "Agg_options",choices=Agg_choices, selected ="All")
    if(input$aggregation == "m49_code") {
      Agg_choices <- c("All")
      updateSelectInput(session, "Agg_options", choices=Agg_choices, selected ="All")
    if(!input$aggregation  %in% c("sdgregion_code", "gfli_basket","m49_code")){
      aggregationNameC = sub("code", "region", input$aggregation  )
      Agg_choices <- c("All",unique(CountryGroup[[aggregationNameC]]))
      Agg_choices <- Agg_choices[!]
      updateSelectInput(session, "Agg_options", choices=Agg_choices, selected ="All")
    if(length(grep("sdg+", input$aggregation  ))>0){
      Agg_choices <- c("All",unique(CountryGroup[["sdg_regions"]]))
      updateSelectInput(session, "Agg_options", choices=Agg_choices, selected ="All")
    if(input$aggregation == "gfli_basket") {
      Agg_choices <- c("All",unique(na.omit(gfli_basket[,gfli_basket])))
      updateSelectInput(session, "Agg_options", choices=Agg_choices, selected ="All")
    if (input$aggregation == "WORLD") {
      ctry_choices <- c("All")
      updateSelectInput(session, "Country", choices=ctry_choices, selected ="All")
    if (input$aggregation == "gfli_basket") {
      ctry_choices <-  c("All",unlist(na.omit(unique(gfli_basket[gfli_basket %in% input$Agg_options,measureditemcpc]))))
      updateSelectInput(session, "Country", choices=ctry_choices, selected ="All")
    if (!input$aggregation  %in% c("sdgregion_code", "gfli_basket")) {
      if(input$Agg_options == 'All'){
        ctry_choices <- c("All",c(unique(CountryGroup[geographicaream49 %in% Base_Prod$geographicaream49,"country",with=F])))
        updateSelectInput(session, "Country", choices=ctry_choices, selected = "All")
        aggregationNameB = sub("code", "region", input$aggregation )
        ctry_choices <- c("All",c(unique(CountryGroup[(CountryGroup[[aggregationNameB]]   %in% input$Agg_options)&(geographicaream49 %in% Base_Prod$geographicaream49),"country",with=F])))
        updateSelectInput(session, "Country", choices=ctry_choices, selected = "All")
    if (input$aggregation  %in% "sdgregion_code"){
      if(input$Agg_options == 'All'){
        ctry_choices <- c("All",c(unique(CountryGroup[geographicaream49 %in% Base_Prod$geographicaream49,"country",with=F])))
        ctry_choices <- c("All",c(unique(CountryGroup[(CountryGroup[['sdg_regions']]   %in% input$Agg_options),"country",with=F])))
      updateSelectInput(session, "Country", choices=ctry_choices, selected = "All")
    if (input$aggregation == "m49_code") {
      ctry_choices <- c("All",unlist(CountryGroup[["m49_region"]]))
      updateSelectInput(session, "Country", choices=ctry_choices, selected ="Italy")
    # else{
    #   aggregationNameB = sub("code", "region", input$aggregation )
    #   ctry_choices <- c("All",unique(CountryGroup[CountryGroup[[aggregationNameB]] ==input$Agg_options,"country",with=F]))
    #   updateSelectInput(session, "Country", choices=ctry_choices, selected ="All")
    # } 
    cpcs <- FAOCrops[measureditemcpc %in% unlist(ConvFactor1$measureditemcpc),]
    if(input$BasketItems != "All"){
      cpcs <- cpcs[measureditemcpc %in% unlist(gfli_basket[gfli_basket%in% input$BasketItems, "measureditemcpc", with=F])]
    if(input$checkbox_basket ==TRUE){
      cpcs <- cpcs[measureditemcpc %in%  unlist(crops()),]
    cpcs <- sort(unlist(cpcs[['crop']]))
    cpcs <- c("All",cpcs)
    updateSelectInput(session, "itemcpc", choices=cpcs, selected ="All")
  # observe({
  #   if (input$aggregation == "m49_code") {
  #     mod_choices <- c("SDG-Food Loss Percentage", "Model Estimates", "Input Data")
  #     updateSelectInput(session, "Model_Level", choices=mod_choices, selected ="SDG-Food Loss Percentage")
  #   }else{
  #     mod_choices <- c("SDG-Food Loss Percentage")
  #     mod_choices <- c("SDG-Food Loss Percentage", "Input Data")
  #     updateSelectInput(session, "Model_Level", choices=mod_choices, selected ="SDG-Food Loss Percentage")
  #   }
  # })
  countries <- reactive({
    if (input$aggregation == "WORLD") {
      ctry_choices <- c(unlist(CountryGroup[["m49_region"]]))
    if (input$aggregation == "gfli_basket") {
      ctry_choices <-  c(unlist(na.omit(unique(gfli_basket[gfli_basket %in% input$Agg_options,measureditemcpc]))))
    if (!input$aggregation  %in% c("sdgregion_code", "gfli_basket")) {
      if(input$Agg_options == 'All'){
        ctry_choices <- c(unique(CountryGroup[geographicaream49 %in% Base_Prod$geographicaream49,"country",with=F]))
        aggregationNameB = sub("code", "region", input$aggregation )
        ctry_choices <- c(unique(CountryGroup[(CountryGroup[[aggregationNameB]]   %in% input$Agg_options)&(geographicaream49 %in% Base_Prod$geographicaream49),"country",with=F]))
    if (input$aggregation  %in% "sdgregion_code"){
      if(input$Agg_options == 'All'){
        ctry_choices <- c(unique(CountryGroup[geographicaream49 %in% Base_Prod$geographicaream49,"country",with=F]))
        ctry_choices <- c(unique(CountryGroup[(CountryGroup[['sdg_regions']]   %in% input$Agg_options),"country",with=F]))
    if (input$aggregation == "m49_code") {
      ctry_choices <- input$Country
    # else{
    #   aggregationNameB = sub("code", "region", input$aggregation )
    #   ctry_choices <- c("All",unique(CountryGroup[CountryGroup[[aggregationNameB]] ==input$Agg_options,"country",with=F]))
    #   updateSelectInput(session, "Country", choices=ctry_choices, selected ="All")
    # } 
  crops <- reactive({
    Comm_grp <- production[geographicaream49 %in% unlist(CountryGroup[country %in% unlist(countries()),"m49_code", with=F]),'measureditemcpc',with=F]
    if(input$BasketItems != "All"){
      Comm_grp <- Comm_grp %>% filter(measureditemcpc %in% unlist(
        gfli_basket[gfli_basket%in% input$BasketItems, "measureditemcpc", with=F]))
    if(input$checkbox_basket ==TRUE){
      Comm_grp <- Comm_grp %>% filter(measureditemcpc %in% unlist(
        Basket()[(geographicaream49 %in% unlist(CountryGroup[country %in% unlist(countries()),"geographicaream49",with=F])),"measureditemcpc",with=F]))
    if(!"All"  %in% input$itemcpc){
      Comm_grp <- Comm_grp %>% filter(measureditemcpc %in%  unlist(
        FAOCrops[crop %in% unlist(input$itemcpc[input$itemcpc != "All"]), "measureditemcpc", with=F]
    # else{
    #   Comm_grp <- FAOCrops[["cpc"]]
    # }
  # #### SDG ### 
  WeightKeys <- reactive({
    if(input$WeightsChoice == "International Dollar Prices (2015)"){
      Weights_keys <- c("measureditemcpc")
    if(input$WeightsChoice == "Calories"){
      Weights_keys <- c("geographicaream49","measureditemcpc")
  basketKeys <- reactive({
    if(input$BasketChoice == "Production Value- Top 10 by country (Default SDG)"){
      basketKey <- c('geographicaream49', "measureditemcpc")
    if(input$BasketChoice == "Production Value- Top 10 by World"){
      basketKey <- ( "measureditemcpc")
    # if(input$BasketChoice == 'Top 10 Loss Commodities - by country'){
    #   basketKeys <- c('geographicaream49', "measureditemcpc")
    # }
    # if(input$BasketChoice == 'Caloric Value- Top 10 by World' & input$WeightsChoice == "calories"){
    #   basketKeys <- c('geographicaream49', "measureditemcpc")
    # }
  # #---end of  Aggregation Options ---#
  # ###### SDG data #####
  Weights <- reactive({
    if(input$WeightsChoice == "International Dollar Prices (2015)"){
      pvail <- unique(intPrice$measureditemcpc)
      intPriceSelected <-
        intPrice %>%
        select(measureditemcpc,timepointyears ,crop, value) %>%
        filter(timepointyears  == as.numeric(BaseYear[2])-1)
      intPriceSelected$itemname <- tolower(intPriceSelected$crop)
      weights <- intPriceSelected[, c("itemname","measureditemcpc","value"),with=F]
      weights <-
      weights[, weightname := input$WeightsChoice ]
    if(input$WeightsChoice == "Quantities"){
      pvail <- unique(intPrice$measureditemcpc)
      intPriceSelected <-
        intPrice %>%
        select(measureditemcpc,timepointyears ,crop, value) %>%
        filter(timepointyears  == as.numeric(BaseYear[2])-1)
      intPriceSelected$itemname <- tolower(intPriceSelected$crop)
      intPriceSelected$value <- 1
      weights <- intPriceSelected[, c("itemname","measureditemcpc","value"),with=F]
      weights <-
      weights[, weightname := input$WeightsChoice ]
    if(input$WeightsChoice == "Calories"){
      Globalkcal1 <- nutrient_table %>% filter(measuredelement == 1001 &timepointyearssp==0)
      weights <- Globalkcal1[, c("geographicaream49","measureditemcpc","value"),with=F]
      weights$value <-weights$value*1/1000
      weights <- weights[!duplicated(weights)]
      weights <-
      weights[, weightname := input$WeightsChoice ]
  Basket <- reactive({
    if(input$BasketChoice == 'Production Value- Top 10 by country (Default SDG)'){
      Top10perctry <- DataForIndex()  %>%
        filter(timepointyears == as.numeric(BaseYear[2])-1) %>%
        arrange(geographicaream49, -p0q0)
      Top10_VP <- DataForIndex()  %>%
        filter(timepointyears == as.numeric(BaseYear[2])-1) %>%
        group_by(geographicaream49) %>%
        dplyr:: summarise(All_p0q0 = sum(p0q0, na.rm = TRUE))
      basket <- Top10perctry[ ,head(.SD, 2), by= c('geographicaream49','gfli_basket')]
      basket <- basket %>% filter(!
      basket <-,Top10_VP, by =c("geographicaream49"), all.x=TRUE))
      basket[,Percent_prod := p0q0/All_p0q0]
    if(input$BasketChoice == 'Production Value- Top 10 by World'){
      Top10Global<-   DataForIndex() %>%
        filter(timepointyears == as.numeric(BaseYear[2])-1) %>%
        group_by(measureditemcpc,gfli_basket) %>%
        dplyr:: summarise(All_p0q0 = sum(p0q0, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
      Top10_VP <- DataForIndex() %>%
        filter(timepointyears == as.numeric(BaseYear[2])-1) %>%
        group_by(geographicaream49) %>%
        dplyr:: summarise(All_p0q0 = sum(p0q0, na.rm = TRUE))
      ItemsBasket <- Top10Global[ ,head(.SD, 2), by= c('gfli_basket')]
      basket <-   DataForIndex() %>% filter((timepointyears == as.numeric(BaseYear[2])-1) & (measureditemcpc %in%  unlist(ItemsBasket[!,measureditemcpc])))
      basket <-,Top10_VP, by =c("geographicaream49"), all.x=TRUE))
      basket[,Percent_prod := p0q0/All_p0q0]
    if(input$BasketChoice == 'Top 10 Loss Commodities - by country'){
      Top10perctry <- DataForIndex() %>%
        filter(timepointyears == as.numeric(BaseYear[2])-1) %>%
        arrange(geographicaream49, -value_measuredelement_5126)
      Top10_VP <- DataForIndex() %>%
        filter(timepointyears == as.numeric(BaseYear[2])-1) %>%
        group_by(geographicaream49) %>%
        dplyr:: summarise(All_p0q0 = sum(p0q0, na.rm = TRUE))
      basket <- Top10perctry[ ,head(.SD, 2), by= c('geographicaream49','gfli_basket')]
      basket[geographicaream49 == 100,]
      basket <- basket %>% filter(!
      basket <-,Top10_VP, by =c("geographicaream49"), all.x=TRUE))
      basket[,Percent_prod := p0q0/All_p0q0]
    if(input$BasketChoice == 'Caloric Value- Top 10 by World' & input$WeightsChoice == "calories"){
      Top10perctry <- DataForIndex() %>%
        filter(timepointyears == as.numeric(BaseYear[2])-1) %>%
      basket <- Top10perctry[ ,head(.SD, 2), by= c('geographicaream49','gfli_basket')]
      basket <- basket %>% filter(!
      basket <-,Top10_VP, by =c("geographicaream49"), all.x=TRUE))
      basket[,Percent_prod := p0q0/All_p0q0]
    basket[,basketname := input$BasketChoice ]
    basket <-basket[,unique(c("basketname", "country", basketKeys(), "gfli_basket", "value","weightname","p0q0",names(CountryGroup)[seq(2,length(names(CountryGroup)), by=2)][-1])),with=FALSE]
  FilterBasket <- reactive({
  DataForIndex <- reactive({
    Base_Prod1 <- join(Base_Prod,Weights(), by= WeightKeys(),type= 'left')
    Base_Prod1$p0q0 =0
    Base_Prod1[, p0q0 := qty_avey1y2*value,]
    Base_Prod1 <-Base_Prod1 %>% filter(!
    DataForIndex <- merge(Losses[,c(keys_lower,"value_measuredelement_5126"),with=F] , Base_Prod1, by =c("measureditemcpc","geographicaream49"),all.x=T)
    DataForIndex$l0ptqt =0
    DataForIndex <-  merge(DataForIndex ,gfli_basket , by = c('measureditemcpc'), all.x = T)
    DataForIndex <-  merge(DataForIndex,CountryGroup, by = c('geographicaream49'), all.x = T)
    DataForIndex <- DataForIndex[!,]
    #DataForIndexD <- duplicated(DataForIndex)
  Top10Global <- reactive({
    Top10Global<-  DataForIndex()  %>%
      filter(timepointyears == as.numeric(BaseYear[2])-1) %>%
      group_by(measureditemcpc,gfli_basket) %>%
      dplyr:: summarise(All_p0q0 = sum(p0q0, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  # FLIndex <- reactive({
  #   FLIndex <- GFLI_SDG_fun(BaseYear,keys_lower,input$aggregation,Basket(),basketKeys(),DataForIndex())
  #   #FLIndex[,c("Sum_p0qt","Sum_p0q0"):=NULL] 
  #   names(FLIndex)[names(FLIndex) == "Sum_p0qt"] <- "Sum_value_p0qt"
  #   FLIndex
  # })
  # #--- End SDG data ----#
  ##################Data setting############################
  ### ---- SDG Data Set ----- #####
  # dataR <- reactive({
  #   if((input$aggregation == "m49_code") ) {
  #     if("All" %in% input$Country ){
  #       FLIndex()[timepointyears %in% seq(input$Year[1],input$Year[2], by=1),]%>%
  #         arrange(-timepointyears)
  #     }else{ 
  #       FLIndex()%>% filter((timepointyears %in% seq(input$Year[1],input$Year[2], by=1)) &
  #                             (region_code %in% unlist(CountryGroup[country %in% unlist(countries()),"m49_code", with=F])))%>%
  #         arrange(-timepointyears)
  #     }
  #   }
  #   else if((input$aggregation != "WORLD") & (input$Agg_options != "All")){
  #     FLIndex()[(timepointyears %in% seq(input$Year[1],input$Year[2], by=1)) &
  #                 (unlist(FLIndex()[, "region_name", with=F]) %in%  unlist(input$Agg_options))
  #               ,]%>%
  #       arrange(-timepointyears)
  #   }
  #   else{
  #     FLIndex()[timepointyears %in% seq(input$Year[1],input$Year[2], by=1),]%>%
  #       arrange(-timepointyears)
  #   }
  # })
  ##### ---- Model Estimate Dataset ---- ####
  # dataR_loss <- reactive({
  #   if((input$aggregation == "m49_code") ) {
  #     if("All" %in% input$Country ){
  #       Losses_Out%>% filter((timepointyears %in% seq(input$Year[1],input$Year[2], by=1)) 
  #       )%>% arrange(geographicaream49,-timepointyears)
  #     }
  #     if((!"All" %in% input$Country)){
  #       Losses_Out%>% filter((timepointyears %in% seq(input$Year[1],input$Year[2], by=1)) &
  #                              (geographicaream49 %in% unlist(CountryGroup[country %in% unlist(countries()),"m49_code", with=F])) &
  #                              (measureditemcpc %in% crops())
  #       )%>%
  #         arrange(-timepointyears)
  #     }
  #   }
  # })
  dataR_maggs <- reactive({
    if("All" %in% input$Country ){
      M_aggregates%>% filter((timepointyears %in% seq(input$Year[1],input$Year[2], by=1)) 
      )%>% arrange(geographicaream49,-timepointyears)
    if((!"All" %in% input$Country)){
      M_aggregates%>% filter((timepointyears %in% seq(input$Year[1],input$Year[2], by=1)) &
                               (geographicaream49 %in% unlist(CountryGroup[country %in% unlist(input$Country),"m49_code", with=F])) &
                               (measureditemcpc %in% crops())
  ##### ---- Input Dataset ---- ####
  dataR_Input <- reactive({
    #if((input$aggregation == "m49_code") ) {
    IO <- InputData_Out%>% filter((timepointyears %in% seq(input$Year[1],input$Year[2], by=1)) )%>%
    if("WORLD" %in% input$aggregation){
      IO <- IO %>% filter((measureditemcpc %in% crops()))
    if(!"WORLD" %in% input$aggregation){
      IO <- IO %>% filter((geographicaream49 %in% unlist(CountryGroup[country %in% unlist(countries()),"m49_code", with=F]) ) &
                            (measureditemcpc %in% crops()))
    if((!"All" %in% input$Country)){
      IO <- IO %>% filter((geographicaream49 %in% unlist(CountryGroup[country %in% unlist(input$Country),"m49_code", with=F])) &
                            (measureditemcpc %in% crops())
    if((!"All" %in% input$BasketItems)){
      IO <- IO %>% filter( (gfli_basket %in% input$BasketItems[!input$BasketItems %in% "All"]))
    if((!"All" %in% input$Stage)){
      IO <- IO %>% filter( (fsc_location1 %in% input$Stage[!input$Stage %in% "All"]))
    if((!"All" %in% input$DataCollect)){
      IO <- IO %>% filter( (tag_datacollection %in% input$DataCollect[!input$DataCollect %in% "All"]))
  dataR_Markov <- reactive({
    #if((input$aggregation == "m49_code") ) {
    if("All" %in% input$Country ){
      IO_M <- M_aggregates%>% filter((timepointyears %in% seq(input$Year[1],input$Year[2], by=1)) 
      )%>% arrange(geographicaream49,-timepointyears)
    if((!"All" %in% input$Country)){
      IO_M <- M_aggregates%>% filter((timepointyears %in% seq(input$Year[1],input$Year[2], by=1)) &
                                       (geographicaream49 %in% unlist(CountryGroup[country %in% unlist(input$Country),"m49_code", with=F])) &
                                       (measureditemcpc %in% crops())
    if((!"All" %in% input$Stage)){
      IO_M <-   IO_M %>% filter( (fsc_location1 %in% input$Stage[!input$Stage %in% "All"]))
    if((!"All" %in% input$DataCollect)){
      IO_M <-   IO_M %>% filter( (tag_datacollection %in% input$DataCollect[!input$DataCollect %in% "All"]))
  ##### ---- Plots  ---- ####
  flags <-list(
    list(target = "I;e", value = list(marker =list(color = 'orange'))),
    list(target = "T;-", value = list(marker =list(color = 'blue'))),
    list(target = "E;f", value = list(marker =list(color = 'blue'))),
    list(target = "M;-", value = list(marker =list(color = 'red'))),    
    list(target = ";-", value = list(marker =list(color = 'blue'))),  
    list(target = ";q", value = list(marker =list(color = 'blue'))),  
    list(target = "T;p", value = list(marker =list(color = 'blue'))),  
    list(target = ";p", value = list(marker =list(color = 'blue')))  
  colorlist = c("Crimson","LightSeaGreen","SteelBlue",
                "MediumOrchid","OrangeRed","DarkGreen"	,
  l1 <- unique(InputData_Out$fsc_location1)
  l2 <- unique(InputData_Out$tag_datacollection)
  tags  <- list()
  for( nn in 1:length(l2)){
    tags[[nn]] <-   list(target = l2[nn], value = list(marker =list(color =colorlist[nn])))  
  plotly_Input = function(){
    #### Plots the SDG at different aggregations ###
    trace_names = unique(dataR()[["region_name"]])
    trace1 = dataR()[region_name %in% trace_names[1],]
    p <-plot_ly(y=trace1$FLP, x= trace1$timepointyears  , type="scatter", mode="markers+lines",name = trace_names[1] )
      for (nm in 2:length(trace_names)){
        trace2 = dataR()[region_name %in% trace_names[nm],]
        p <-p%>%  add_trace(y=trace2$FLP, x= trace2$timepointyears  , type="scatter", mode="markers+lines",name = trace_names[nm] )
  # plotly_Input2 = function(){
  #   #### Plots the loss estimates for different aggregations
  #   trace_namesa = unique(dataR_loss()[["geographicaream49"]])
  #   trace_namesb = unique(dataR_loss()[["measureditemcpc"]]) #crops()
  #   trace1 = dataR_loss() %>% filter((geographicaream49 %in% trace_namesa[1]) & (measureditemcpc %in% trace_namesb[1]))
  #   crop_name = unlist(FAOCrops[cpc ==  trace_namesb[1],"crop",with=F])
  #   ctry_name = unlist(CountryGroup[geographicaream49 == trace_namesa[1], "country",with=F ])
  #   hovertext = unlist(dataR_loss()[geographicaream49 %in% trace_namesa[1] & measureditemcpc %in% trace_namesb[1],"flagcombo",with=F])
  #   p <-plot_ly(y=trace1$value_measuredelement_5126, x= trace1$timepointyears  ,text=hovertext, showlegend = TRUE, type="scatter", mode="lines",  name = paste(ctry_name,crop_name,sep=" - "))
  #   if(input$checkboxflags){
  #     p <- p   %>% add_trace(y=trace1$value_measuredelement_5126, x= trace1$timepointyears,text=hovertext, showlegend =FALSE, type="scatter",  mode="markers", text = trace1$flagcombo,
  #                            transforms =list(
  #                              list(
  #                                type = 'groupby',
  #                                groups = trace1$flagcombo,
  #                                styles =  flags
  #                              )),
  #                            name = paste(ctry_name,crop_name,sep=" - ") )
  #   }
  #   ##### Challenges here for crop commodity combos less than 1 <>
  #   # if((length(trace_namesa)>1) ){
  #   #   ## Multiple countries ###
  #   #   for (nm in 1:length(trace_namesa)){
  #   #     for (nmt in 2:length(trace_namesb)){
  #   #       trace2 = dataR_loss() %>% filter((geographicaream49 %in% trace_namesa[nm]) & (measureditemcpc %in% trace_namesb[nmt]))
  #   #       crop_name = unlist(FAOCrops[cpc %in% trace_namesb[nmt],"crop",with=F])
  #   #       ctry_name = unlist(CountryGroup[geographicaream49 %in% trace_namesa[nm], "country",with=F ])
  #   #       hovertext =  unlist(dataR_loss()[geographicaream49 %in% trace_namesa[nm] & measureditemcpc %in% trace_namesb[nmt],"flagcombo",with=F])
  #   #       if(length(trace2)>1){
  #   #            p <-p%>%  add_trace(y=trace2$value_measuredelement_5126, x= trace2$timepointyears , showlegend = TRUE, type="scatter", mode="lines",text=hovertext,name =  paste(ctry_name,crop_name,sep=" - "))
  #   #       }else{
  #   #         p <-p
  #   #       }
  #   #       if(input$checkboxflags){
  #   #         p <- p   %>% add_trace(y=trace2$value_measuredelement_5126, x= trace2$timepointyears,text=hovertext, showlegend = FALSE, type="scatter",  mode="markers", text = trace2$flagcombo,
  #   #                                transforms =list(
  #   #                                  list(
  #   #                                    type = 'groupby',
  #   #                                    groups = trace2$flagcombo,
  #   #                                    styles =  flags
  #   #                                  )),
  #   #                                name = paste(ctry_name,crop_name,sep=" - ") )
  #   #       }
  #   #     }}
  #   # }else{
  #   #    for (nmt in 2:length(trace_namesb)){
  #   #      trace2 = dataR_loss()[geographicaream49 %in% trace_namesa[1] & measureditemcpc %in% trace_namesb[nmt],]
  #   #      crop_name = unlist(FAOCrops[cpc ==  trace_namesb[nmt],"crop",with=F])
  #   #      ctry_name = unlist(CountryGroup[geographicaream49 == trace_namesa[1], "country",with=F ])
  #   #      hovertext = unlist(dataR_loss()[geographicaream49 %in% trace_namesa[1] & measureditemcpc %in% trace_namesb[nmt],"flagcombo",with=F])
  #   # 
  #   # 
  #   #      p <-p%>%  add_trace(y=trace2$value_measuredelement_5126, x= trace2$timepointyears , showlegend = TRUE , type="scatter", mode="markers+lines",text=hovertext,name =  paste(ctry_name,crop_name,sep=" - "))
  #   #      if(input$checkboxflags){
  #   #        p <- p   %>% add_trace(y=trace2$value_measuredelement_5126, x= trace2$timepointyears,  type="scatter", showlegend = FALSE, mode="markers",
  #   #                               transforms =list(
  #   #                                 list(
  #   #                                   type = 'groupby',
  #   #                                   groups = trace2$flagcombo,
  #   #                                   styles =  flags
  #   #                                 )),
  #   #                               name = paste(ctry_name,crop_name,sep=" - ") )
  #   #      }
  #   # 
  #   #    }
  #   #  }
  #   # # if(input$checkbox_input){
  #   #   if(nrow(InputData_Out)>0){
  #   #     trace3 <-   dataR_Input()
  #   #     p <- p   %>% add_trace(y= trace3$loss_per_clean/100, x= trace3$timepointyears, type="scatter", showlegend = FALSE, mode="markers",
  #   #                            text =  ~paste('Crop: ', trace3$crop,
  #   #                                           '</br> Location: ',  trace3$fsc_location1,
  #   #                                           '</br> Method of Data Collection: ', trace3$method_datacollection,
  #   #                                           '</br> Data Tag: ', trace3$tag_datacollection,
  #   #                                           '</br> Reference: ', trace3$ reference
  #   #                            ),
  #   #                            transforms =list(
  #   #                              list(
  #   #                                type = 'groupby',
  #   #                                groups = trace3$tag_datacollection,
  #   #                                styles =   tags
  #   #                              )),
  #   #                            name = paste(ctry_name,crop_name,sep=" - ") )
  #   #     
  #   #   }
  #   # }
  #   # 
  #   p
  # }
  plotly_Input3 = function(){
    #### Plots the loss estimates for different aggregations
      trace3 <-   dataR_Input()
      p <-plot_ly(trace3 )
      p <- p   %>% add_trace(y= trace3$loss_per_clean, x= trace3$timepointyears, type="scatter", showlegend = TRUE,  mode="markers",
                             text =  ~paste('Crop: ', trace3$crop,
                                            '</br> Country: ',  trace3$country,
                                            '</br> Location: ',  trace3$fsc_location1,
                                            '</br> Method of Data Collection: ', trace3$method_datacollection,
                                            '</br> Data Tag: ', trace3$tag_datacollection,
                                            '</br> Reference: ', trace3$reference,
                                            '</br> Link: ', trace3$url
                             transforms =list(
                                 type = 'groupby',
                                 groups = trace3$tag_datacollection,
                                 styles =   tags
                             legendgroup = trace3$tag_datacollection)
    # if(input$checkboxflags){
    #   trace4 <- dataR_loss()
    #   p <- p   %>% add_trace(y= trace4$value_measuredelement_5126, x= trace4$timepointyears, type="scatter", showlegend =  T, mode="markers",
    #                          text =  ~paste('Crop: ', trace4$crop,
    #                                         '</br> Country: ',  trace4$country,
    #                                         '</br> Flag: ', trace4$flagcombo
    #                          ),              
    #                          transforms =list(
    #                            list(
    #                              type = 'groupby',
    #                              groups = trace4$flagcombo,
    #                              styles =  flags
    #                            )))
    # }
  ################  Heat Map #######################
  DataAgg2 = function(){
    if("WORLD" %in% input$aggregation){
      hm <- dataR_Input()%>% 
        group_by_(.dots = list("gfli_basket", "measureditemcpc","country")) %>%
        dplyr:: summarise(Number_Obs = n()) %>%
        arrange( gfli_basket)
    if(!"WORLD" %in% input$aggregation){
      hm <- dataR_Input() %>% 
        group_by_(.dots = list("gfli_basket",input$aggregation, "measureditemcpc","country")) %>%
        dplyr:: summarise(Number_Obs = n()) %>%
    countT <-
    countT <- merge(countT,FAOCrops[,c("measureditemcpc", "crop"),with=F], by= c("measureditemcpc"), all.x= T)
  output$plot_ly_heat  <- renderPlotly({
    trace5 <- DataAgg2()
    p <-plot_ly(trace5, y=~country, x= ~crop, z= ~Number_Obs, type="heatmap",
                text =  ~paste('</br> Crop: ', trace5$crop,
                               '</br> Country: ',  trace5$country,
                               '</br> Number of Obs: ',  trace5$Number_Obs
                hoverinfo = 'text'
      xaxis = list(
        title = "Geographic Area",
        titlefont = f,
        dtick = 1
      yaxis = list(
        title = "Commodity",
        tickformat = ".2%",
        titlefont = f
      margin = list(l =80, r = 50, t = 20, b = 100),
      annotations = list(text = lab(),
                         font = list(size = 12),
                         showarrow = FALSE,
                         xref = 'paper', x = -Amarg+.3,
                         yref = 'paper', y = Bmarg-.1),
      autosize = TRUE,
      legend = list(orientation = 'l'),
      height = 800
  ################  Box Plot #######################
  output$plot_ly_box  <- renderPlotly({
    #### Plots the loss estimates for different aggregations
      listorder <- c("Pre-Harvest","Harvest" ,"Producer","Grading","Storage","Transport","Traders","Processing","Packaging","Distribution",
                     "Wholesale","Retail","Resturants","Consumer","Export" )
      trace4 <- dataR_Input() %>% filter(fsc_location1  %in%  listorder)
      trace4 <- trace4[order(factor(trace4$fsc_location1,levels=listorder)),]
      trace4a <- trace4 %>% filter(fsc_location1  %in%  listorder[1])
      p <-plot_ly(y = trace4a$loss_per_clean, color = trace4a$fsc_location1, type = "box",
                  marker = list(color = colorlist[1]),
                  line = list(color = colorlist[1]))
      for (nm in 2:length(listorder)){
        trace5 = trace4 %>% filter(fsc_location1  %in%  listorder[nm])
        p <- p   %>% add_trace(y = trace5$loss_per_clean, color = trace5$fsc_location1, type = "box",
                               marker = list(color = colorlist[nm]),
                               line = list(color = colorlist[nm])
      p %>%layout(
        xaxis = list(
          title = "Value Chain Stage",
          titlefont = f,
          dtick = 1
        yaxis = list(
          title = "Loss %",
          tickformat = ".2%",
          titlefont = f
        margin = list(l =80, r = 50, t = 20, b = 100),
        annotations = list(text = lab(),
                           font = list(size = 12),
                           showarrow = FALSE,
                           xref = 'paper', x = Amarg,
                           yref = 'paper', y = Bmarg),
        autosize = TRUE,
        legend = list(orientation = "h",
                      xanchor = "center",  # use center of legend as anchor
                      x = 0.5),
        height = 800
  #---- end Graphs ------- ##
  lab <- reactive({
    paste("Source: FAO",
          paste("Date: ",as.character(Sys.time()),sep=""),
          paste("Aggregation: ",input$aggregation,sep=""),
          paste("Aggregation Option: ",input$Agg_options,sep=""),
          paste("Country : ",input$Country,sep=""),
          paste("Commodity Aggregation: ",input$BasketItems,sep="")
  MetaDataOut <- reactive({
    meta <-"Source: FAO",
                                paste("Date: ",as.character(Sys.time()),sep=""),
                                paste("Weight: ",input$WeightsChoice,sep=""),
                                paste("Aggregation: ",input$aggregation,sep=""),
                                paste("Aggregation Option: ",input$Agg_options,sep=""),
                                paste("Country : ",input$Country,sep=""),
                                paste("Commodity Aggregation: ",input$BasketItems,sep="")
  Amarg = .98
  Bmarg = -.3
  plotsF  <- function() {renderPlotly({
    if(input$Model_Level == "SDG-Food Loss Percentage"){
        xaxis = list(
          title = "Years",
          titlefont = f,
          range = c(seq(input$Year[1],input$Year[2], by=1)),
          dtick = 1
        yaxis = list(
          title = paste0(c(rep("&nbsp;", 20),
                           rep("&nbsp;", 20),
                           rep("\n&nbsp;", 3)),
                         collapse = ""),
          tickformat = ".2%",
          titlefont = f,
          range = c(input$min_ax, input$max_ax)
        margin = list(l =80, r = 50, t = 20, b = 100),
        annotations = list(text = lab(),
                           font = list(size = 12),
                           showarrow = FALSE,
                           xref = 'paper', x = Amarg,
                           yref = 'paper', y = Bmarg),
        autosize = TRUE,
        legend = list(orientation = 'l')
    # else if(input$Model_Level ==  "Model Estimates"){
    #   plotly_Input2()%>%layout(
    #     xaxis = list(
    #       title = "Years",
    #       titlefont = f,
    #       range = c(seq(input$Year[1],input$Year[2], by=1)),
    #       dtick = 1
    #     ),
    #     yaxis = list(
    #       title = paste0(c(rep("&nbsp;", 20),
    #                        "Percentage",
    #                        rep("&nbsp;", 20),
    #                        rep("\n&nbsp;", 3)),
    #                      collapse = ""),
    #       tickformat = ".2%",
    #       titlefont = f
    #     ),
    #     margin = list(l =80, r = 50, t = 20, b = 80),
    #     annotations = list(text = lab(),
    #                        font = list(size = 12),
    #                        showarrow = FALSE,
    #                        align='right',
    #                        xref = 'paper', x=Amarg,
    #                        yref = 'paper', y = Bmarg),
    #     autosize = TRUE,
    #     legend = list(orientation = 'l')
    #   )
    # }
    else if(input$Model_Level == "Input Data"){
        xaxis = list(
          title = "Years",
          titlefont = f,
          range = c(seq(input$Year[1],input$Year[2], by=1)),
          dtick = 1
        yaxis = list(
          title = paste0(c(rep("&nbsp;", 20),
                           rep("&nbsp;", 20),
                           rep("\n&nbsp;", 3)),
                         collapse = ""),
          #tickformat = ".2%",
          titlefont = f
        margin = list(l =80, r = 50, t = 20, b = 200),
        annotations = list(text = lab(),
                           font = list(size = 12),
                           showarrow = FALSE,
                           xref = 'paper', x = Amarg,
                           yref = 'paper', y = Bmarg),
        autosize = TRUE,
        legend = list(legend = list(x = 100, y = 0.5)),
        height = 800
      plot_ly(y=0, x=0)
  output$plot_ly  <-({
  ##########Other Tabs#################
  WeightAgg = function() {
    Wt = merge(Weights(),gfli_basket[,c("measureditemcpc" , "gfli_basket"),with=F], by = ("measureditemcpc"), all.x =T, all.y=F)
    if(input$BasketItems != 'All'){
      Wt %>% filter(gfli_basket %in% input$BasketItems)
  BasketAgg = function() {
    if((input$Country != 'All')){
      Basket()%>% filter((geographicaream49 %in% as.numeric(unlist(CountryGroup[country %in% input$Country,"geographicaream49",with=F]))))
    else if(input$BasketItems != 'All'){
      Basket()%>% filter(gfli_basket %in% input$BasketItems)
    else if((input$Country != 'All') & (input$BasketItems != 'All')){
      Basket()%>% filter((gfli_basket %in% input$BasketItems) & (geographicaream49 %in% as.numeric(unlist(CountryGroup[country %in% input$Country,"geographicaream49",with=F]))))
  IndexAgg = function(){
  DataAgg = function(){
    countT <-  dataR_maggs() %>%
      group_by_(.dots = list("measureditemcpc")) %>%
      dplyr:: summarise(Number_Obs = n())
    countT <-
  DataINOutput <- function()({
    a <- dataR_Input()
    # setnames(a, old = c("geographicaream49","isocode","country","region","measureditemcpc","crop","timepointyears","loss_per_clean","percentage_loss_of_quantity",
    #                                 "loss_quantity","loss_qualitiative","loss_monetary",
    #                                 "activity","fsc_location","periodofstorage","treatment","causeofloss","samplesize",
    #                                 "units","method_datacollection","tag_datacollection","reference","url"),
    #          new = c("geographicaream49","isocode","Country","Region","measureditemcpc","Crop","Year","loss_per_clean","Range of Quantity Loss (%)",
    #                  "Loss (quantity, tons)","Loss (Qualitative, tons)","Loss (Monetary, LCU)",
    #                  "Activity","Stage","period of storage","treatment","Causes of loss","Sample Size",
    #                  "Sampling Units","Method of Data Collection","Data Collection Tag","Reference","Url"))
    # a[ ,c("geographicaream49","Country","Region","measureditemcpc","Crop","Year","Stage","Average Quantity Loss (%)",
    #       "Loss (quantity, tons)","Loss (Qualitative, tons)","Loss (Monetary, LCU)","Causes of loss","Activity",         
    #       "period of storage","treatment","Sampling Units","Method of Data Collection","Data Collection Tag","Reference","Url"),with=FALSE]
    a[, c("geographicaream49","country","region","measureditemcpc","crop","timepointyears","loss_per_clean","percentage_loss_of_quantity",
  output$DataTab = DT::renderDataTable({
  output$WeightsOut = DT::renderDataTable({
  output$BasketsOut = DT::renderDataTable({
  output$IndexOut = DT::renderDataTable({
  output$Maggregrates = DT::renderDataTable({
  ##############Downloadables ###################
  output$Data.csv <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function(){
      paste("Data", ".csv", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      write.csv(DataINOutput(), file, row.names = FALSE, na = "")
  # output$SDG12_3_Plot.jpeg <- downloadHandler(
  #   filename = function(){paste("FAO_SDG123_Plot_", ".jpeg", sep = "")},
  #   content = function(file) {
  #     ggsave(file, plot = plotsF(),  dpi = 300, units = "mm", device =  "jpeg")
  #   }
  # )
  # output$FLP.xlsx <- downloadHandler(
  #   filename = function(){
  #     paste("FLP", ".xlsx", sep = "")
  #   },
  #   content = function(file) {
  #     # write.xlsx2(FLIndex(), file, sheetName = input$aggregation,
  #     #             col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
  #     write.xlsx2(MetaDataOut(), file, sheetName = "Meta Data",
  #                 col.names = F, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
  #   }
  # )
  ############Check Data ####################
  obsB <- observe({
    listorder <- c("Pre-Harvest","Harvest" ,"Producer","Grading","Storage","Transport","Traders","Processing","Packaging","Distribution",
                   "Wholesale","Retail","Resturants","Consumer","Export" )
    trace4 <- dataR_Input() %>% filter(fsc_location1  %in%  listorder)
    #  print(Basket()[(geographicaream49 %in% unlist(CountryGroup[country %in% unlist(countries()),"geographicaream49",with=F])),"measureditemcpc",with=F])
    # #  print(input$Agg_options)
    #   #print(FLIndex())
    #   print( countries())
    print(trace4 %>% filter(fsc_location1  %in%  listorder[2])
SWS-Methodology/faoswsLoss documentation built on Dec. 31, 2019, 12:02 p.m.